
TLPL: The Legend of Everfree

by MaggiesHeartLove

Chapter 2: Old stories, new chapter

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Old stories, new chapter

Sunset Shimmer tapped her lower lip with the end of her pencil, her eyes shifting up and down, her mind digging deep for any missing details. Her ears perked upwards and immediately wrote down what she remembered. Hard to believe it was already two and a half years since Kuvira's attack on Republic City. The place was back to its original glory (thanks to some magical assistance from the Elements of Harmony themselves), and a new spirit portal rested beautifully in the center of the spirit wilds. The vines grew around it, making it look like a beautiful tower with vines wrapped around it. The lights was a bit much for the city folk, so the spirits were kind enough to at least dim it a tiny bit, but the rest of the golden light still stood upwards to the sky in all its beauty. A long pathway for humans to crossover into the spirit world was open twenty four seven, with an arch-like opening around the portal for easy access. It was truly humans and spirits coexisting at its best. But, that wasn't the only blessing in the recent year.

Korra and Mako were now the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl. Te very first natural born human alicorn. Granted, she didn't show immediate signs of powerful magic only two days after her birth like Flurry Heart did, but after several months, she was now showing the signs. And, needless to say, it was a full time job to the parents to make sure she didn't accidentally blow anything up.

As if that wasn't enough, Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry were now happily married…and expecting a child of their own!

Even Bolin and Asami were blessed with a child. A beautiful boy named Hiro, named in honor of Asami's deceased father. Hiro was born a few months after Iris. Asami couldn't be happier, not only did she and Bolin have a family of their own, but it would be getting bigger. Yes, she was pregnant…again. This time, it would be a girl. Many were rather surprised, but still showed their joy and support for the two.

As for everybody else, life went as it always did. The airbenders continued spreading harmony and peace throughout the world, many of the scouts having assassinated the earth kingdom when Kuvira was still in charge. While Korra was missing, her memories being altered by a magical potion, airbenders, both human and pony, traveled everywhere to help earth kingdom citizens in need. Some even stayed for more than a few days. For this reason, many of Team Avatar couldn't interact with all of their airbender friends. Even Kai, who had become one of their most airbenders and well on his way to becoming a master, was with the scouts, primarily with Daw, Moon Dancer and Starlight Glimmer, helping the poor victims of Kuvira's reign of terror, while at the same time searching for the missing Avatar. When Kuvira came to attack the city, they all returned as quickly as they possibly could, preparing themselves for the battle of a lifetime while also helping citizens evacuate the city. It was because of this, added with her new responsibilities at Future Industries, that Sunset had little to get to spend with an old friend of hers.

The bell of the door rang and a familiar voice caught the anthro unicorn's attention.

"Hey, Sunny!"

"Starry eyes!" Sunset rose from her seat, happily greeting her old friend, Starlight Glimmer.

Starlight, much like Sunset Shimmer, was a unicorn gifted with incredible magical talent that did not go unnoticed by Twilight and Korra. However, she once used said talent to rip an entire village of ponies of their cutie marks with a twisted ideology of equality and friendship. While not the same motives as Sunset Shimmer had, which was power and superiority, they both felt great remorse for their past actions and were only redeemed thanks to the Magic of Friendship.

They first met when Starlight, out of curiosity, fell into the mirror and met Sunset Shimmer just as she was stepping out of school. The two became acquainted and related to one another almost immediately. The two talked for hours on end, become fast friends. While not exactly identical in past actions, they could definitely relate to having done something you're not particularly proud of, and wanting to learn more about magic. Sunset Shimmer introduced her to her human counterpart friends, who welcomed her with open arms. Starlight spent a lot of time there, getting to know everyone. While they now had more time to spend together, Starlight Glimmer did eventually marry her childhood best friend, Sunburst, so she was off for a while afterwards. Now that she had returned month prior, the two could spend time together like the old days.

"I'm so glad you made it!" Sunset said happily while offering her friend her seat opposite hers. They agreed to meet for lunch at Narrok's Noodles, the best eatery in the city in their opinion.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it." Starlight said, "I can't remember the last time where we could just sit down and talk like we used to."

"I know what you mean. It's almost two years since that while Siren Kuvira attack, and with rebuilding the Earth Kingdom. It feels like it only happened a few months ago."

"Yeah. Funny how the scars of war still feel so fresh after a while."

"How's Sunburst doing, by the way?"

"He's fine. Had some patrolling to do today and he won't be back until eight tonight, so I've got the whole day planned."

"Great!" Sunset beamed, until Starlight noticed the book on the table and gave a knowing smirk. Sunset blushed and placed it back into her bag. "I got bored while waiting for you."

"How far have you gotten?" Starlight asked, genuinely invested in her friend's personal project.

"At this point, I'm halfway through the third book. It's a little hard to keep track of so many details when you weren't there through all of them."

"It's a pretty tall order." Starlight said, "Not that I don't think you can do it, but it may take some time for you to document everything that's happened since the Mane Six first came to the city."

Sunset looked out the window, seeing ponies, spirits and humans happily smiling and chatting. To think, what felt like a long time ago, this city was once torn between benders and non benders, and now three completely different races and species were coexisting peacefully. The city had completely changed physically, that even if Avatar Aang had witnessed it now, he would be beaming with great joy. He was always a man who believed strongly in friendship and diversity, and this city was a beacon of it. In fact, in many places, the city was dubbed "Harmony City."

"I know." Sunset said, smiling happily, "But it's not just their story. It's ours too. I mean, we both started out as sadistic unicorns who wanted power-" she pointed to herself, "-or a twisted idea of friendship. No offense."

"I haven't been offended by that in years." Starlight pointed out with a casual shrug. "Besides, let's not forget who was the one who helped saved Equestria that one time when Korra and the others were captured." the unicorn said while proudly inspecting her nails.

Sunset rolled her eyes, "Yeah, sure. But don't forget who saved her world from tearing apart when my world's Twilight became a power hungry she-demon."

Starlight rose her hand up in surrender, "Okay, let's both agree we've had out hero moments here and there. But, just a reminder, I was appointed one of the Air Nation's top airbender troops, with my own team, I might add."

Sunset arched an eyebrow, "Your ego is showing again."

"Sorry." Starlight said with a giggle but also sincerity, "I'm just really happy. Even as a filly, I never dreamed I could live this kind of life. I have such wonderful friends, an amazing career, and now my best friend is my husband."

"I understand. Face it, nothing turned out the way we originally planned."

"And it turned out to be the best thing ever." not long after the words left Starlight's mouth, did the waiter arrive and asked the girls for their orders.

"I'll have the pasta salad special with ice tea, please." Starlight said.

"And I'll have the honey oats with a side of fire flakes, also with ice tea." Sunset said. The waiter nodded and walked off to get their meals.

"So, what else is new?" Starlight asked, "Besides being Vice President of Future Industries and helping Asami and Bolin with the baby."

"Well, I've been looking up some old spells from Twilight's library, and found an ancient spell that can allow you to look into a person's mind and feel what they're feeling."

"Awesome! Does it work?" Starlight asked.

To answer her question, Sunset touched her friend's hand, and in a flash her eyes suddenly glowed white, similar to how the Mane Seven's eyes glow whenever they unite the Elements of Harmony. Starlight watched patiently as Sunset just sat there, her eyes glowing with her hand still on top of hers. After a few seconds, Sunset removed her hand, her eyes reverting back to normal.

"I'm almost afraid to ask but, what did you see?"

"Nothing I didn't already know." Sunset said with a shrug, which made Starlight sigh in relief…. "Starlight Drippy." Sunset snickered, making Starlight blush in embarrassment.

"Hey! I was five and it was allergy season! Besides, it wasn't funny when Sunburst said it, it's not funny when you say it."

Sunset stopped restraining herself and just bursted out laughing, "Sorry! I'll stop, I'll stop!"

Starlight rolled her eyes, only to notice her bad suddenly vibrating. "Uh, Sunset?"

The red/yellow haired unicorn saw Starlight point to her bag, and noticed that the side of it was glowing and vibrating like a cell phone on silent. Curious, Sunset rummaged into the bag and pulled out a familiar book.

"Isn't that the enchanted journal?" Starlight asked.

"Yeah. I guess I must have packed it with the others books by mistake."

"Well, open it!" Starlight said eagerly, "It could be important."

"I doubt it." Sunset replied as she opened the book, "Ever since we graduated Canterlot High there hasn't been any magical happening in the last three years." her green cyan eyes read the words on the page, which had magically appeared. Only for her once calm expression to shift into one of concern and, if possible, even fear.

"Sunset? What's wrong?"

The yellow unicorn looked up at her friend, her eyes shimmering. "Looks like I spoke too soon."


MaggiesHeartLove presents

Based on the characters by Lauren Faust, Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino.

*guitar strumming*

Will you be lost by time or be part of history?

Will your story be told or remain a mystery?

Will they sing your song, telling all that you have done?

Time to make your choice, only you can be the one

Oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!


Oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!

Hey! Hey! Hey!


The Little Pony Legend:

The Legend of Everfree


Will you do something great with the time that you have here?

Will you make your mark, will you conquer what you fear?

And when you go back home, everybody there will see

You were part of the Legend of Everfree!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!


Oh, oh-oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!


Tarra Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer


Will you find your greatest glory?

Will you be a falling star?


Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash and Applejack

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

Tabitha St. German as Rarity


Here to learn what nature teaches

Here to learn more who you are


Vincent Tong as Flash Sentry

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Enid Raye Adams as Gloriosa Daisy

Brian Doe as Timber Spruce


Will you be lost by time or be part of history?

Will your story be told or remain a mystery?

And when you go back home, everybody there will see

You were part of the Legend of Everfree!


And Zelda Williams as Kuvira


Oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!


Oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!



For the rescind, yes I heard about the season finale, and this chapter may receive a few edits depending on how the finale goes. I won't give any ideas on how it will change anything, but be sure that this chapter may or may not be changed depending on the finale itself. Fingers crossed it doesn't completely alter my AU universe. I hope this once chapter, however, does explain better why Starlight was hardly present during book 4 (aside from the real world reasons, being that I wrote it long before Starlight even made her debut).

Anyway, I'm very excited for this story and for what is to come. I'm hoping to get as many chapters done as soon as possible. I'm still amazed I was able to make this into an Aftermath story rather than a prequel like I original planned. I'm very excited for the twists and surprises to come and hope you stick around for more.

God bless, *kiss, kiss*

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