
Nordryd's Blog

by Nordryd

Chapter 46: Argh

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Well, the next fluff series oneshot will be about Sonata Dusk. I've made a lot of posts about it on Fimfiction, but I've forgot to post on here. It's harder to post on here because of how ffn is coded. But I'm having trouble with inspiration again.

I'm sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind. My Java professor hasn't been happy with us lately, and my classes are only getting harder. I've got the 8 queens problem and the dining philosopher problem to code in Java as practice stuff, and I should probably work on that. Not to mention two exams next Tuesday. I'll work on it in bite-sized pieces... hopefully.

I might get the story done. I'm not sure. I'm working on it.

I've got a really great idea for it... I think. It's just the execution I'm having trouble with. I want this to be really good.

We'll see.

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