
Nordryd's Blog

by Nordryd

Chapter 29: I apologize for the lack of new content

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I deleted the last blog. Don't ask why.

I want to apologize for the lack of content lately. This semester has been harsh, and it's only going to get worse. My classes are so hard.

ADD R3 R2 R1

0001 011 010 000 001


A implies B is equivalent to not(A) OR B

Understand any of that? Don't worry. I honestly don't either. I don't even know if that hex code is correct. I need to write 0 - 15 down in binary and put it above my desk so I can look at his constantly and be reminded of what their binary forms are.

And now that I'm in the a cappella group, I'm gonna have even less time on my hands.

I still can't believe I got in! I'm so happy!

I do think I have an idea for Sunset's oneshot now. I think I'll be fine. I had an idea that was a bit cliche, but people said I should just go for it. So be it! It shall be done! Eventually...

Either way, new content will be a while. I'll do my best to give you guys more stories, but my free time is disappearing before my eyes. My professors are taking my free time and shitting on it. I do like writing code though, and I do like singing in choir. It's not all bad.

I'll do my best, but new content will take a while. I apologize. Thanks for your continued support!

Next Chapter: CopperShy LoE and Sunset's fluff 1shot Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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