
The Ghost Of Me

by bluecatcinema

Chapter 5: Already Over

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The Ghost Of Me

Chapter Five: Already Over

Fletcher had just undergone a huge change in emotions regarding Black. Moments before, he had nothing but hate and suspicion for him. But now, after hearing the truth, he actually felt sympathy for him.

"So you were telling the truth before." He mused. "You didn't wipe out Reinadh to kill the Changelings. You did it to save Equestria."

"Ya damn right I did." Black nodded. "But at what cost?"

"Poor Rookie..." Caboose sniffed, "You think something like this would only happen in a war movie... or a music video."

"Can I assume that Black has earned your trust yet?" Elite asked.

"I really can't say for sure, yet, Director." Fletcher admitted. "But I think I'm getting there."

"He had me at 'hello'." Caboose whimpered.

"...I never said 'hello'." Black deadpanned.

"Oh... well, I think I can trust him. Just so long as he doesn't doesn't try to snatch my hay fries at lunch." Caboose smiled.

"Good." Elite nodded. "Now, what do you say all of us take a trip?"

"A trip? Where?" Fletcher asked.

"Why to our base, of course." Elite declared, "I believe the time has come for you to meet the ponies you will be working with."

"Now hold on, we hadn't exactly agreed to join yet." Fletcher frowned.

"Don't worry, you will." Elite smiled.

"So, you guys up for the trip?" Black asked.

"...Yes, we are." Fletcher nodded, "I must admit, I would like to meet these comrades you spoke of."

"Excellent." Elite nodded, as he made his way to the door. "There's a carriage just outside, waiting to bring us back to HQ."

Elite opened the door, with Titan still standing guard outside.

"It's alright, Titan." He declared. "Our new friends have agreed to come with us. So let's head for home."

"Ruff!" Titan barked happily.

"If you'll follow me, gentlemen." Elite told Fletcher and Caboose.

"Of course, sir." Fletcher nodded.

"Once more, into the breach..." Caboose smirked.

Soon, the group made their way through the halls of the castle towards a back door. Black donned his cloak before even leaving the room.

"Interesting fashion statement." Fletcher noted.

"Well, since I'm supposed to be dead, I need to keep a low profile." Black pointed out.

"So, Black... how exactly did you and big boy get in here?" Caboose asked, casting a glance at Titan. "I doubt anypony would miss a dead warlord and a Diamond Dog running around here."

"We have our methods." Black shrugged. "Titan has a tendency to disappear at times... like right now."

"Right now? What do you-" Caboose turned to Titan, only to find him gone. "...How does he do that?"

"It's a secret to everypony." Elite declared. "And not even his best trick. You should see him fetch..."

"Speaking of secrets, who else knows about Taskforce Omega?" Fletcher asked.

"Oh, a few influential ponies." Elite noted. "Princess Celestia knows a bit about us..."

"Celestia?!" Caboose gaped. "But Black-"

"isn't something she's aware of." Elite declared.

"Well, that would make sense." Fletcher frowned. "After what happened with Shade, I can understand how that news might upset her."

"Don't we all?" Black joked.

"So you guys are like Stallions In Black? From Area 51?" Caboose asked.

"No. But I have been there once." Elite shrugged. "And I will tell you, they greatly exaggerate all the stuff that goes on in there."

"So no snazzy suits?" Caboose asked.

"Depends on the mission." Black shrugged.

"As long as we're serving Equestria, I doubt what we're wearing will matter much." Fletcher declared.

"Try and say that you're going undercover at a clown college..." Black joked.

Soon, they were outside, where indeed, a black, non-descript carriage was waiting for them, with suited ponies as the pullers.

"I love riding in style." Caboose grinned.

"Style is the only way we ride, period." Black smirked.

"All aboard." Elite opened the door

Titan was already in the carriage, panting happily.

"Okay, how'd he beat us here?" Fletcher frowned.

"Just another one of his tricks." Black chuckled.

"How'd he learn those tricks, anyway?" Caboose asked. "Was there a Diamond Dog whisperer involved?"

"Wouldn't put it past him." Black shrugged, as they got inside the carriage.

"Home please, boys." Elite told the stallions pulling the carriage.

"Yes, sir." One of the stallion nodded.

The carriage left the castle grounds, and departed from Canterlot.

"So... are we heading to that base in Saddle Arabia?" Caboose asked. 'You guys must get a lot of flight miles flying back between there and Equestria."

"Oh, no. That base merely served as a mobile command center. We set it up when there were word of Forefathers' activities going on around there, but not long after the Reinadh attack, we returned back to our home base, here in Equestria." Elite explained.

"And how far is it to this headquarters?" Fletcher questioned.

"Oh, quite a ways away still." Elite admitted. "It's over in a remote mountain region. But it is close to the RDL HQ in Quanticolt."

"Wait, is the RDL aware of Taskforce Omega's existence?" Fletcher questioned.

"Of course it is. After all, I'm the director of both." Elite declared. "But only those with a high enough level of clearance knows for sure what goes on in the Taskforce. And trust me, the information me and the others tell you are information we don't give away freely."

"Of course, you can trust us." Fletcher nodded.

"Yeah. I mean, we only lied to you once." Caboose smirked.

The carriage went silent, as Fletcher's eye twitched at the mention of the lie they told earlier about Shade.

"Yes, you did." Elite admitted. "But you had a good reason to do it, and things worked out in the end. No harm, no foul."

"That's as maybe." Fletcher grit his teeth. "But I'd prefer not to dwell on it..."

"How about we pass the time by listening to more of Black's life story?" Caboose suggested.

"You really wanna know?" Black frowned. "'Cause it'll only get worse..."

"I think both of us should know what happened next." Fletcher declared. "Especially if we're going to be working together."

Many years ago...

Even with Rookie's death, we still had a mission to do. We worked endlessly to take out every remaining Forefather agents and infected changelings. By some miracle, we were able to do just that before the day was out. Soon, the streets of Reinadh was red with blood, and this 'Project: Infestation' would no longer come to be... but it didn't change the fact that with our lie... a life was lost.

The battle was over. The entire population of Reinadh had been wiped out, pony and Changeling alike. But victory was cold comfort for White and Black, for Rookie's death was more of a loss than they could stand.

Rookie's body had been put on a stretcher, was to be placed into another carriage, so he could be given a proper burial.

Before the stretcher was taken in, White rose from the seat of a nearby carriage where the others were sitting, waiting to go, as the young Pegasus looked at his fallen comrade's body.

"I'm so sorry, Rookie." He sniffed. "I promised you you'd make it through this, but I couldn't keep that promise. And now, all those dreams of yours will never come to pass..." He looked upon Rookie's locket, which lay on his chest. He gingerly removed the locket, "I will make sure that your parents get this, and know that you died a hero... and that is a promise I won't break... I swear..."

White picked up the locket, and looped the chain around his neck.

"Wherever you are now, I hope you're at peace." He whispered.

White sat back down with the others as their carriage finally set out. White was seated next to Black, while Nora, Avalanche, and Nevec sat across from them. They all noticed the locket, but said nothing, silently aware of White's intentions.

"What a day..." Avalanche said flatly, one hoof on Nora's.

"Worst day ever..." Nora sniffed, leaning against Avalanche.

"We won, though." Nevec said quietly. "Thanks to us, those terrorists never got the chance to hurt anypony."

"Yeah, I guess..." Black sighed.

"Not much of a consolation prize, if you ask me." White shook his head.

"Rookie wasn't the only one who died out there." Avalanche admitted. "But losing him hurts so much..."

"But at least he didn't die in vain." Nora smiled weakly, as Avalanche stroked her mane to comfort her. "All those vile ponies and Changelings who wanted to launch unprovoked attacks all got what was coming to them."

Black grit his teeth. The lie he told to his fellow soldiers felt far less necessary, knowing that it had cost Rookie his life.

"Changelings working together with those ponies... that only proves that they are cold-blooded." Avalanche snarled. "Back where I'm from, if we even see one of them, they'll be hanging before a 'how you do'."

Black put his hooves together, knowing full well that the Changelings were innocent. Just like Rookie.

"Yeah, that things are just plain vile." Nora spat. "Shape-shifting scum..."

"I realise this may be a case of the pot calling the kettle black, but I find them incessantly creepy." Nevec scowled. "How could those ponies stand to live with them?"

"Okay, that's enough." White said sternly. "No species-bashing on my watch."

"But they killed Rookie!" Avalanche snarled.

"And blaming them constantly isn't going to do a thing!" White snarled... as he then let out a exasperated sigh. "Look, we all had a bad day today, but it would do us good to focus on the positives..."

"Like what?" Nora challenged. "That there's a little more legroom on the way back?"

"Or that the barracks will be a little less crowded?" Avalanche growled.

"We should just be grateful that nopony else lost their lives." White sighed. "Those guys didn't put up much of a fight. They went eas-" Suddenly, White stopped mid-sentence, his face suddenly frigid with shock.

"White? White, what is it?" Black asked, not liking the look on his face.

"You suddenly went pale. And coming from me, that's saying something." Nevec admitted.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Avalanche noted.

"What's up, White?" Nora asked.

"When we were storming Reinadh... did you see what they were fighting us with?" White suddenly questioned.

"Um... weapons?" Nevec asked.

"Yeah, but what kind?" White urged.

"Well, going by the ones I fought, they seemed to have been fighting with crossbows... and not the best kind. You know, ones you can easily pick up at your local armory." Avalanche frowned.

"They also seem to been fighting with whatever they could find. Shovels, rakes, if it's a blunt object, they were using it." Nora mused.

"Doesn't that strike any of you as odd?" White asked, "I mean, they were guarding weapon depots, probably filled with loads of far better weapons then what they were using. Why didn't they use those?"

"Well, maybe they didn't get the chance. We did catch them by surprise." Nora mused.

"But still, you'd think they'd expect some kind of an attack." Avalanche noted. "They should have had security, or early warning systems..."

"And the Changelings didn't fight nearly as fiercely as you'd expect." Nevec added. "It was almost like they barely even wanted to fight... Not typical terrorist behavior, is it?"

At once, everypony turned to face Black, who nearly shrank under their gazes.

"Black... you're the one who told General Turret that there was caches of weapons here. You are why we were here in the first place... what's going on?"

"I... I don't know what you're talking about." Black said nervously.

"You lead the attack." Avalanche pointed out. "You'd have to know."

"Well..." Black muttered.

"Come on, Black." Nora urged. "You can tell us."

"There's nothing to tell." Black insisted.

"For some reason, I don't believe you." Nevec looked at him in a creepy way. "You look a little... unnerved."

"Because you're staring at me, weirdo." Black growled.

"Black, please." White pleaded. "I know there's something you're not telling us. As your brother, I need you to tell me."

"ALRIGHT!" Black snapped, "I ADMIT IT! I LIED!"

The carriage went silent.

"You... you lied?" White gaped.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Avalanche frowned.

"I mean..." Black sighed. "The truth is, there never was any weapon depots there. It was a lie..."

"No... no... Black, tell me you're not serious." White shook his head, "Tell me that this is some horrible joke..."

"White..." Black turned to White.

"Tell me Rookie didn't die for nothing..." White's voice was quivering.

"White, please..." Black urged.

"Tell me!" White demanded.

Black simply lowered his head, unable to do just that.

"...No... oh Faust, no..." White whispered.

"This isn't happening..." Nora shook her head.

"You..." Avalanche seethed.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna be sick..." Nevec moaned.

"Guys, please, I can explain..." Black murmured.

"Explain?!" White repeated, as he then roared, "We just murdered an entire village full of innocent ponies, because of the lead you gave us! Because of you, Rookie is..."

"I know it looks bad, but that village wasn't what it seems..." Black urged.

"And that's supposed to make us feel better?" Avalanche snarled. "How would you even know?"

"It was something I found out when I was out on one of my mission." Black declared, "I discovered something very disturbing about Reinadh, and I had to act!"

"And what is this disturbing thing, huh?" Nora challenged.

"The Changelings... they were infected..." Black stuttered.

"You thought they were vermin?" Nevec frowned. "I don't like Changelings anymore than the next guy, their flanks being skinny and filled with holes and all, but they didn't deserve to be exterminated, let alone by us!"

"No, it's not..." Black groaned. "Look, I did what I had to do. I didn't lie about the threat that village posed. It just wasn't the threat I led you to believe."

"And how are we to believe that, huh?" White growled, "They were innocent ponies who had families and friends, and so were the changelings, and you had us slaughter them all... they didn't even stand a chance..."

"I know..." Black nodded. "But it was for the greater good. Rookie wasn't supposed to die."

"But he did!" Avalanche snarled, moments from lunging at him. "And it's all your fault!"

"Easy, Avalanche." White held him back. "That won't help anything."

"It'd sure feel good, though." Nora glared at Black.

"And I'm strongly tempted to ignore my hippocratic oath if something of Black's broke in the scuffle." Nevec snarled.

"Like I said before, that won't bring Rookie back." White declared, letting go of Avalanche, who had calmed down.

"Look, I'm sorry things turned out this way. But all we can do now is keep this between us." Black urged.

"Oh, and what's to stop us form going to the General about this?" Avalanche challenged.

"And getting your lying flank court-marshalled?" Nora added.

"For Rookie." Black said flatly.

"What?" Nevec frowned.

"Think about what it'll mean for Rookie's memory if anypony finds out he died on a mission to exterminate non-combatants." Black urged. "Do you really want him to be labelled that way? Not as a soldier, but as a monster? If you expose me, you'll tarnish Rookie's memory... and it could lead to far worse things."

"Is that a veiled threat?" Nora growled.

"No, it's a fact." Black declared. "Like it or not, Reinadh's blood is on all our hooves. Exposing me will not only ruin Rookie's memories, but it could destroy all of our livelihoods."

"So you're blackmailing us?" White growled, "Your own brother and your comrades... of all the awful things... how could you be this... just what are you?"

"Please, I know you all hate me right now." Black admitted, their gazes boring into his skin, "But it's best for everypony this way. It's a lie that serves the common good. Do you want Rookie's family to see him as a war hero who gave his life to protect his homeland, or as a coward who killed defenceless civillians?"

White mulled it over. His sense of truth and duty conflicting with his guilt over being unable to prevent Rookie from dying in the first place. He then glanced at Rookie's locket, the guilt of his death quickly overpowering whatever sense of justice he had within him...

"...Okay, you win." He sighed.

"White, you can't be serious!" Avalanche gaped.

"What other choices do we have, Avalanche?" White glared, "I hate that this happened to us, but I already failed Rookie once by letting him die, and I won't spit in his grave by having his name sullied. His family doesn't deserve that!"

"He has a point." Nevec added, "And it's not just Rookie. All of our names could be tarnished by this fiasco. Not that I care, though..."

"I could live with that." Nora shrugged. "But not with the same thing happening to Rookie's name..."

"So, we are agreed then." Black nodded, "We take this to our grave. Got it?"

The others remained silent, with White and Avalanche staring in anger, Nora with disgust, and Nevec with uncertainty.

"I said... got it?" Black urged.

"...Well, it seems we have no choice." Avalanche sighed in frustration.

"I can't believe this is happening." Nora growled.

"Alas, it is." Nevec pointed out.

"We'll do it." White nodded. "For Rookie."

"For Rookie." The others chorused.

"Good to hear that." Black nodded, "Trust me, it will be best for all of us to just move on." Black turned to White. "Right, bro?"

"Don't kid yourself, Black." White growled.

"...White..." Black cringed under his glare.

"I never knew you to be a perfect pony, Black..." White glared. "But I didn't believe you would be this kind of stallion... you can act like this didn't happen, that we can just forget... but I will never forget what you did..."

"What I did I did to help protect Equestria." Black rebutted, "I'm sorry that Rookie had to die, but that village had to go down. By doing so, we saved countless lives!"

"At the cost of a hundred?" White shot back.

"I'm not saying it's right." Black declared. "I'm not even saying it's just. It's what had to be done."

"Well, it's not why I enlisted." White glared at him. "And I'm sure it's not why you enlisted. What's happened to you, Black? Does it having something to do with those assignments of yours? Were there even 'assignments' to begin with?"

"Don't talk like that." Black scowled. "What I do is not of your business, but I assure you what I do is to keep Equestria safe, just like all of you."

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. See how far that gets you." White glared coldly, as he turns away in disgust.

"White..." Black began... but he couldn't bring himself to say anymore. He turned to the others, who all wouldn't bother to face him.

Black let out a sigh as he lowered his head.

'Keep it together.' Black told himself. 'You knew this would happen. It's for the best. Remember, better he hate me, and live, then love me and die...'

The next day, Rookie's funeral was a quiet, somber affair. Rookie's mother wept over her son's casket.

"My brave, sweet boy..." She sniffled. "I can't believe he's gone..."

"I know, dear." Her husband comforted her. "But at least he died defending our homeland. He died a hero."

"Yes, a hero..." White sighed, as he approached them. "Your son was a true friend. A warm, funny soul. But you already knew that."

"You must be White Knight Paladin." Rookie's mother declared. "Rookie wrote to us about you and your brother."

"He had nothing but good things to say about both of you." Rookie's father smiled. "I'm sure you're sure as incredible as he told us you were. Our boy always was an excellent judge of character."

"And nopony would know that better than his parents." White smiled half-heartedly.

Black, standing within earshot, looked away, ashamed.

"Here." White held up the locket. "This belonged to Rookie. I think it should go to his family."

"I'm afraid we can't accept that, Mr Paladin." Rookie's mother declared.

"But it's Rookie's." White protested.

"We know." Rookie's father nodded. "We got it for him for his 18th birthday."

"So you should have it." White urged.

"I think Rookie would have wanted you to have it." Rookie's mother smiled. "He thought so highly of you. I'm sure he'd be honored."

"Well, if you insist..." White put on the locket hesitantly.

"Thank you so much for being our boy's friend." Rookie dad smiled.

"You're welcome." White smiled humbly. "I'm just sorry I couldn't help him..."

"Now, that's enough of that." Rookie's mother declared. "Our boy was never one to hold a grudge, and neither are we. I'm sure wherever he is now, he's thinking of you in the best possible way."

'I can't take this any more...' Black thought.

Overwhelmed by guilt, Black slipped away.

After the funeral, Black stepped into Taskforce Omega's headquarters, and slouched over to the round table.

"Hey, Black." Armory said tentatively.

"Hey, Armory." Black muttered.

"Are you... okay?" Shadow Slinker asked.

"No, I'm not." Black sighed.

"You have our condolences regarding Private Blue." Micro Manager declared.

"Thanks..." Black bowed his head.

Titan whined in sympathy, placing a hand on Black's shoulder.

"You too, big guy." Black smiled half-heartedly.

"I'm sorry, Black." Elite sighed. "Rookie was a good soldier and comrade."

"Yes... and he's dead because of us." Black sighed.

"I know." Elite nodded sadly. "But sometimes, sacrifices must be made. We all knew the risks and it can't be helped."

"Yeah..." Black murmured. "How long you say I have to keep this whole Reinadh thing under wraps?"

"Twelve months." Elite declared firmly. "Once that time comes, you will come forward, fraught with guilt over your actions. It shouldn't hurt your reputation as much, maybe they'll take it easy on you. Once they get you into prison, we'll bust you out, and we can continue as normal."

"Easy for you to say. I only murdered Reinadh three days ago, and already the ones I once called my friends despises me and White..." Black lowered his head on the table.

"Black..." Elite sighed. "I know it's tough, but you can pull through, I know it."

"...Elite, I've been thinking." Armory said tentatively. "I know mum's the word when it comes to our organization... but would it really be such a bad idea for Black to tell White the truth? I mean, White got to hate Black for what's happened."

"He does." Black frowned. "I'm not gonna sugarcoat and say that we had the best of relationships, but now..." His voice became a mere whisper, "He's like father all over again..."

"Armory, we can't afford to protect White every waking hour of the day." Elite groaned. "And neither can Black. The Forefathers will undoubtedly use that to their advantages."

"So why not let him in on the secret?" Armory insisted. "White is just as capable of doing everything Black can do, and he can handle himself. We can let him into the team, where Black and us can have his back. It's got to be better than letting Black be despised by his own brother!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible." Elite declared. "The less ponies who know about this Taskforce, the better. Even then, White just doesn't possess the right 'qualities' that Black does."

"Even if White did, I wouldn't allow it." Black scowled. "I am only doing this to keep him away from the Forefathers. I know my brother. If he knew the truth, he'd want to be involved. He always was the righteous sort. He'd want to help me take on the Forefathers. His life will never be safe. White doesn't deserve that, and I will be damned if I let another pony I care about die because of me. I thank you for having my back, Armory, but we have to keep it as it is. It's better this way, no matter how much it hurts."

"Okay, Black." Armory nodded sadly. "If that's what you want..."

"It's not." Black sighed. "But it's the way things have to be..."

Six months later...

Life went on in the RDL. For his role in the attack on Reinadh, Black had been promoted to Squad Leader. However, this did little for him in the eyes of his comrades. Avalanche, Nora and Nevec had all distanced themselves from him, not so much as inviting him out for a drink. White was even worse; Some days, White didn't speak even a word to Black.

The worst part of it all was the locket that belonged to Rookie. Ever since the funeral, White had donned it as his own, and had never taken it off since. White said it was a way of keeping Rookie with them in spirit, but Black could feel that it was White's way of punishing him, to make him feel the torment of getting Rookie killed... and it was working.

Black had once humored the thought of getting rid of the locket, but he knew that wouldn't make a difference. All semblances of a friendship he had with his comrades were good and gone... and soon, he would lose his brother.

Every day since Reinadh, it took every ounce of Black's will to not just break and tell White everything, just so he could have his brother's love back, and things could go back to normal. However, in the end, he reminded himself that he had to do it, so that the Forefathers wouldn't threaten White just so they could get to him.

Fortunately, as a coping mechanism for both the guilt of Rookie's death and his brother's anger, he had Taskforce Omega. Black simply threw himself deeper into his work, exerting all the negative emotions that boiled within him with each passing day. It was only a matter of time before he would give his confession and once he was in prison and Elite and the others broke him out, he could rest easily, knowing his brother was safe.

In the end, that was all he could ask for.

One evening, Black returned to the barracks, flecks of blood still on his hooves. Earlier he was charged with taking down some of the Forefathers' couriers and smugglers that had been running about since Reinadh. Black managed to take some of them in, but others refused to come quietly, and Black had to get his hooves dirty.

Black made his way over to the sleeping quarters, he overheard arguing.

"You gotta let it go, White." The voice of Avalanche urged.

"How can you say that, Avalanche?" White's voice snarled. "Rookie is dead because of him!"

"Oh, White, no..." Black groaned.

"We have to tell General Turret the truth." White urged. "All of us."

"What good will it do, though?" Nora asked. "It won't bring Rookie back."

"Or the village." Avalanche added. "All it will do is tarnish Rookie's memory."

"But still-!" White started.

"Maybe we should just forget about this and move on." Nora sighed.

"Forget?" White snarled. "How can you say that?"

"Look, Black was right. It isn't just his life and Rookie's legacy that's on the line. It's ours too." Avalanche sighed. "We want to help, but we have our own futures to think about." He then placed his hoof on Nora. "Me and Nora are going to start a life together once we're done here. Tell me how we can do that if we're dishonorably discharged, huh?"

"I'm talking about the greater good here." White shot back. "But I can't do this alone. I need you guys."

"Sorry, White." Avalanche sighed. "We just can't do it."

"It's not worth it." Nora added.

"Fine." White snarled. "I just hope you can live with yourselves."

White departed from their company, making his way to his bunk. He caught a glimpse of Black as he did.

Black let out a harrowing sigh as he made his way to a sink, hoping to wash off the blood before White-


'Buck.' Black groaned. He turned around, to see White glaring at him.

"Black... why is there blood on your hooves?" White frowned.

"It's nothing, White." Black shook his head. "Me and these guys got into it, so I had to set them straight."

"So what? You murdered them?" White growled.

"Oh Faust, I am not getting into this again with you!" Black moaned in frustration.

"No, Black, we are!" White snarled. "Why were you listening in on mine and the others' conversation?"

"Look, I just got back and I overheard you arguing." Black frowned. "And by the by, you should listen to Avalanche, and just let it go."

"Why? So you can get away with murdering all those ponies?" White challenged.

"For the last time, it had to be done!" Black scowled, "Why must you dwell in the past?!"

"I did not sign up for the RDL to become a murderer!" White snarled.

"This is war, White!" Black glared, "To become a soldier and not kill is like becoming a cook that doesn't cook!"

"But we killed only when necessary to protect others!" White snapped. "Now, I can't even look at myself in the mirror after what I did because of you!"

"Maybe that's because you're just too soft." Black growled. "Like always."

"And you were always a brute." White snarled.

"If that's what you call 'being tough'." Black smirked.

"Not everypony thought that way." White retorted. "Back home, lots of ponies you were just some jerk. But I always defended you around others."

"I don't recall asking you to." Black retorted.

"Because you were always so full of yourself." White sneered. "So sure you were the toughest stallion around, that you were the best. But you're not the best. You're a monster, and you hide your twisted deeds from the world. At the end of the day, you're just a coward!"

In a flash, Black turned and grabbed White by the throat and slammed him into a wall. White's blood froze as he saw the fury in Black's eyes.

"You listen, White, and you listen good." Black seethed. "I can care less about how you feel about this whole Reinadh thing, but I'm only going to warn you once. Move on. Nothing you can say or do will ever bring Rookie back or undo anything. And if you don't keep your damn mouth shut about this... we're going to have problems."

With that, he released his grip, as White dropped to the ground, coughing.

"Glad we had this chat..." Black growled, as he made to leave...

"Black...please..." White whispered.

The older stallion stopped in his tracks.

"Black, I'm worried about you..." White admitted, his voice quivering. "Whatever it is you're doing, these 'assignments'... they're changing you. It's like the brother I used to know is disappearing and being replaced by this... this thing I don't even recognize... The Black I know wouldn't do any of this..."

White's words cut through to Black's very soul. He knew White had a point, but he couldn't back down, not if he didn't want the Forefathers to harm him...

"Ponies change, brother..." He declared. "But like I said before, I'm still doing this to protect Equestria. And sometimes, protection requires going to extremes..."

"But what is the point if you become as bad as the monsters you kill?" White rebutted.

"White, the point is keeping Equestria safe." Black said stubbornly. "Keeping our friends and loved ones safe. I'd do anything to make that happen."

"Even at the cost of your own soul?" White whispered.

"...Yes." Black nodded sadly. "It has to be this way, White. In time, you will understand... now if you'll excuse me..."

Black walked away, leaving a woeful White behind, his face taut with anguish...

'I'm sorry, Black, but I can't do this anymore...' He thought. 'I can't just sit by and watch you become this thing... I already lost Rookie... and I won't lose you...'

Black sat on his bed, distraught over the argument he had with White.

'Dammit, Black... why did you have to do that?' Black groaned. 'Threatening your own brother? Why must this be so hard? Why can't White just please...'

Black sighed, as he put on his headphones, as he began listening to the mixtape Rookie gave him.

You never go

You're always there

Under my skin

I cannot run away

Fading slowly...

'I'm sorry, Rookie...' He thought, as he drifted into a fitful sleep.

The next morning, as Black was preparing to depart. General Turret entered the barracks, flanked by two MPs (the Military Police).

"Black Knight, you got a moment?" General Turret asked.

"Um... sure, what is it?" Black Knight asked, "I was about to go on my special assignment,"

"Look, Mr. Paladin, there's no way I can sugar coat this but..." Turret sighed, as he gestured to the MPs. "We have a warrant for your arrest."

Black's blood froze.

"Arrest?!" Black gaped, "W-what for?"

"Well, a member of your squad came forward, and told us everything." Turret frowned. "Told us that 'lead' about Reinadh having weapons was a lie, and that you instigated a unfounded attack on Reinadh."

"What?!" Black gaped, as he turned to see Avalanche, Nora, and Nevec who came to see the commotion. Judging by their expressions, they were just as surprised. "How did you-"

"It was me..."

Black gaped as White stepped forward. It seemed like he was crying recently.

"...White?" Black whispered. "...You told them?"

"I'm sorry, Black. I really am." White sniffed. "But I couldn't do it anymore."

"No... White, how could you do this?!" Black growled, the outrage of his betrayal overriding any common sense or sense of understanding he had. "I'm your brother!"

"I had no choice..." White shook his head.

"What about Rookie, huh?!" Black snarled. "You're practically spitting on his grave!"

"I know..." White shook his head. "But I would just be doing the same by keeping quiet. Rookie wouldn't allow any of this if he was alive."

"But... but we're brothers! You were supposed to have my back!" Black yelled. "You mother-"

He was moments from lunging before Turret held up a hoof.

"Look, Black, the reason you're not in cuffs already is because I assured White that I would bring you in quietly." Turret glared. "Don't make me a liar."

Black was at a loss of what to do. This was not part of the plan. But he couldn't do anything about it. Not without Elite's say-so. He had to follow the plan, even with such drastic shift in the situation. Reluctantly, he got a hold on his anger.

"Fine..." Black whispered. "Take me away..."

"Thank you." Turret nodded. "Boys..."

The MPs flanked Black as Black gave one last glare at his brother.

"I won't forget this, brother." Black glared, "Never..."

With that said, the MPs escorted Black out.

"W-what's going to happen to him, General?" White murmured.

"We will bring him back to Equestria to be tried." Turret declared. "But don't you worry. We will make sure that you and your squadron don't suffer for his sins."

"But what will become of Black?" White insisted.

"That... I can't really say, White." Turret sighed. "However, I will need you and the others to come with me to Equestria for the trial."

"Yes, sir." White nodded.

"You can count on us." Avalanche declared.

"All of us." Nora added.

"Excellent." Turret nodded. "You're all good soldiers. Unlike Black... And thanks to all of you, justice will be done." He saluted them. "As you were."

Turret departed the barracks, and White sat down on his bed, distraught.

"White, are you... okay?" Avalanche asked.

"No." White muttered. "No, I'm not. I just had my own brother arrested."

"You did the right thing." Nora told him. "Something we were all afraid to do."

"And you were right." Nevec added. "Rookie would be proud of you right now..."

"I know he would..." White sighed, stroking the locket. "But am I?"

"Only you can answer that question." Nevec put a hoof on his shoulder.

"Not very reassuring right now." White muttered.

Back at HQ, Elite was waiting at the table for Black's arrival... but he couldn't help but notice how late Black was.

"It's been a hour..." Elite glanced at the clock. "Where the hell is he?"

Suddenly, the door opened.

"It's about damn-" Elite began... only to see Armory. "Oh."

"Nice to see you too." Armory joked.

"Sorry, Armory." Elite apologised. "Black's late today."

"He is?" Armory frowned. "That's not like him."

"No, it isn't." Elite nodded. "I'm hoping it's nothing, though..."

"Guys, we got a problem." Shadow frowned. "Black has been arrested."

"WHAT?!" Everypony yelled at once.

"What do you mean arrested?" Elite demanded. "We still have at least two months!"

"It was Black's brother." Shadow declared. "He must have come forward."

"Dammit, I knew this would happen!" Armory growled. "White must be beside himself with guilt because of all this!"

"This will certainly derail our plans regarding Black." Micro Manager pointed out.

"Hrrf." Titan nodded.

"Just typical, isn't it?" Shadow asked. "You think you have things all figured out, then something happens to mess it all up..."

"It doesn't matter now. Looks like we have to resort to plan B." Elite grunted. "Armory, tell everypony to pack up the HQ. We're moving back to Equestria!"

In a matter of days, a war crime trial was put together. Black was sent back to Equestria, to be tried in his homeland. He sat in the defendant's chair within the courtroom of the Canterlot castle.

'Okay... this is a little more than I was expecting...' Black cringed, more than a little freaked out.

As he glanced amongst the crowd, he could see White and his comrades amongst the attendance. None of them could look at him, as they turned their faces away, unable to look at their comrade. He also noticed greyish-blue Pegasus stallion in a suit sat next to White and the others, throwing an odd grin at him.

'Creepy...' Black shuddered. 'Now, where are the other? Elite? Armory? Come on guys, don't make me do this alone...'

Elite quietly entered the courtroom. He took a seat near the back, and gave Black a subtle nod.

'Finally.' Black smiled. 'Good to have at least one pony on my side.'

Finally, Celestia herself had taken her place in the judge seat. As she did, Black couldn't help but notice the coldness in her eyes. He could tell that she had heard of his 'crimes' and had already pin him guilty.

'So much for our kind, benevolent ruler.' Black thought. 'Those eyes of hers look like they could freeze a pony faster than Windigos.'

Once everypony was in place, Celestia spoke.

"Ladies and gentlestallions, we are gathered here today to discover whether or not Black Knight Paladin was responsible for an unprovoked attack on Reinadh." Celestia declared.

The entire court room glared at Black. Black bowed his head, not just in shame, but over the fact that White had caused this to happen to him.

'I knew this would happen sooner or later.' He thought. 'I just didn't think White would be the one to bring it down on me... I must had pushed him too far that night... that was stupid...'

"Does the defendant have any legal counsel?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, he does!"

All eyes turned to the doors, as none other than Armory came in... though only Black could recognize him. As Armory was dressed up in a brown suit, big square-rimmed glasses that made his eyes look huge, and for some reason, a bucktooth.

"And you are?" Celestia asked.

"H-h-hans S-schwarzenhoff." Armory stuttered. "I-I'm the counsel for the defendant."

"I see." Celestia mused. "Very well then. Take your position."

Armory sat down beside Black.

"Armory?!" Black whispered, "When did you become a lawyer?!"

"A-armory?" Armory murmured, "W-who's Armory? I'm H-hans. T-this Armory fellow does sound pretty c-cool." He gave a wink.

Black caught on... only to frown.

"Aw, geez... as if I didn't have enough problems already." Black murmured.

"Now, to begin-" Celestia started.

"Y-your highness, may the court grant us a s-short recess?" Armory suddenly asked. "I-I need to speak with my client in private!"

"Seriously? We hadn't even started yet!" Turret said in exasperation.

"I-it's very important!" Armory insisted.

"Oh, very well." Celestia sighed. "Five minute recess, everypony."

"T-Thank you, your majesty!" Armory smiled.

As Black and Armory made their way to the rear of the courthouse, he could still feel the glares of everypony on his back. He passed by White and the others. Not one of them returned his gaze, White in particular doing his best to ignore him completely. The greyish-blue Pegasus stallion watched him shrewdly.

"I wonder what they'll be talking about..." The stallion whispered.

Moments later, Elite also left the room.

At the said spot, Black and Armory entered a room... where Shadow and Micro Manager were waiting for them.

"Shadow, Micro? You're here too?" Black gaped.

"Oh yes. We all came as soon as we heard." Micro Manager declared.

"Well, not that I am not grateful, but why is Armory dressed like a Germane dork?" Black gestured to Armory. "I thought the point of all this was for me to take a dive."

"That is correct."

Black turned to see none other than Elite coming in, soon followed by Titan, who had somehow appeared right behind him.

"Titan, make sure nopony disturbs us." Elite told Titan.

The DIamond Dog gave a small chuff as he went back outside, shutting the door behind him.

"Black, how are you feeling?" Elite asked.

"Honestly, not so good." Black growled, as he sighed. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I pushed White too far and now he's gone and turned me in."

"If it's anypony's fault, it's ours." Elite shook his head. "It seems your brother had a greater sense of duty and justice than we thought. We should have accounted for how willing White would have been to play along with such a lie."

"I still can't believe he betrayed me like that." Black sighed. "I always thought he'd have my back, no matter what. I did a few rotten things when we were kids, but he never told on me. Guess now, things are different..."

"I'm sorry things turned out like this, Black." Elite told him. "Truly, I am."

"So... what do I do now?" Black asked, resigning himself.

"Well, thanks to your brother, we now have to move up our plans. Starting with this trial." Elite declared. "How good are your acting skills?"

"Um, what does acting got to do with all this?" Black glared.

"A lot actually." Elite nodded. "The Forefathers will no doubt be watching closely. We have to ensure that you take this dive the right way, so that they believe that you can care less about Equestria more than they do. It will protect your brother and all of your friends."

"Yeah, we gotta make this look good." Armory nodded.

"Um, question, how do any of you know how to act?" Black asked.

"Well, let's say that we have a friend who is quite an actor." Micro Manager smirked. "In fact, you already met him."

"I did?" Black gasped. "Who was he?"

"There's no time for that. We already wasted enough of the recess." Shadow frowned. "Titan can only buy us about another three minues, so listen closely. You need to folow these words exactly..."

When the recess ended, everypony returned to the courtroom. Turret, acting as a prosecutor, stepped forward.

"Your highness, members of the jury." He declared. "I am here today because Black Knight Paladin commited an agrievious atrocity. He knowingly deceived both myself and our regiment into attacking Reinadh, a peaceful little town, under the claim that it was populated by terrorists and filled with weapon stockpiles. He lied both to a superior officer and to his fellow soldiers, causing the loss of countless innocent lives. Such callous disregard for proper military procedure, if not life, cannot go unpunished."

The crowd muttered angrily.

"I call my first witness." Turret announced. "White Knight Paladin."

White took the stand.

"Mr Paladin, as the defendant's brother, I daresay you know him better than anypony." Turret declared.

"I used to think that." White said solemnly. "But now, I'm not so sure."

"Did Black indeed inform you and the rest of the troops that there were weapons depots in that little village?" Turret asked.

"Yes, he did." White nodded. "But hours later, I realized that something wasn't right. Those we fought were using standard crossbows and everyday objects they could find lying around town. It wasn't till after we confronted Black that he confess to everything. That what he said was a lie, and that those ponies and Changelings we killed... were innocent. Every last one of them."

Ponies murmured about the mention of Changelings.

"Look, I know all of you can care less about the Changelings." White sighed. "But like it or not, they were innocent... and because of Black... they're all dead."

"Yet you waited six months to come forward." Turret frowned. "Why did you wait all this time?"

"Because Black made us all swear to secrecy." White declared. "We had lost a comrade during this attack, and I fear that if I came forward, I would not only destroy his reputation, but all of ours. After all, Reinadh's blood was on all our hooves... but I realized only a few days before that I could not live with the guilt any longer. That is when I came to you."

Black gave a deep frown.

"You made the right decision, White." Turret declared. "But did Black ever tell you of the real reason he had you all attack the village?"

"Only the Changelings were an 'infection' that needed to be 'dealt with'." White felt his hooves clench. "I know most Changelings are hostile towards ponies, but the ones in Reinadh were content to live their lives amongst their neighbors. They even died alongside them, in defense of their home. What more proof do you need that their deaths were unjust?"

"Thank you, Mr Paladin." Celestia nodded. "Now, would the defendant kindly take the stand?"

Black stepped up, sharing a glare with White as they passed each other, as White faced away, unable to look at him.

"So, Black, is what White saying true?" Turret asked. "Did you have the Changelings attacked simply because they existed?"

Unwilling to compromise the Taskforce, Black went into his prepared speech.

"That town was a powderkeg, waiting to go off." He growled. "Those Changelings would have spelt doom for us all, if I didn't do what I did."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Turret asked.

"What do you think it means?" Black frowned.

"I think we are all entitled to the truth, Mr. Paladin." Celestia declared. "Myself, especially."

"You can't handle the truth!" Black yelled, catching everypony off guyard. "We live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by stallions with crossbows. Who's gonna do it? You? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You, sitting on your cozy throne, have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that Rookie's death, while tragic, saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about in your royal court, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a mare who rises and sleeps in a manner above the common ponies who live under the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said 'thank you', and went back to your gilded throne. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!"

The room went silent. Everypony had shocked looks on their faces... with the exception of the blue pegasus, who gave a raised brow.

"That was a lovely little speech, Mr Paladin." Turret declared. "But I'm afraid all the principled rants in the world can't overrule the loss of innocent lives. The attack you instigated wiped out a whole village."

"Yeah, but half of them were Changelings." Black shrugged. "And the other half weren't fit to call themselves ponies..."

The crowd muttered angrily.

"Order, please!" Celestia stamped her hoof. "Black, I am most disturbed by your callousness."

"I'm sorry, but I'm just telling it as it is." Black frowned. "It's not my fault if nopony can't take it." He cast a glare at White.

"Well, I'm sorry too, Black." White stood up. "But I am only doing this for your own good. I refuse to sit by and see my only brother become this thing..."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, White." Turret frowned. "It can't be helped that some ponies have lost sight of what it means to be a soldier. Some ponies are just scumbags."

"O-objection!" Armory yelled.

"Overruled." Celestia said flatly.

The rest of the trial was an open-and-shut case. The fact that Black had no leads to back his side of the story (at least, those he could share) meant he had no way of defending himself (which of course, was the whole point).

"We, the jury, find the defendant... guilty of all charges." The forestallion declared.

"Black Knight Paladin, you have been found guilty of dereliction of duty, attacking innocents without cause, and perverting teh course of justice." Celestia declared. "You are hereby stripped of your status as an RDL soldier, and are sentenced to serve thirty years in Alfalfatraz maximum security prison."

'No surprise there...' Black thought, as he was led out of the courtroom.

His fellow soldiers looked away in shame... except White... who was clearly distraught.

"Thirty years? I... I didn't want him to..." White murmured.

"There, now." The suited stallion whispered. "You did what had to be done. Blood may be thicker than water, but right and wrong are thicker than blood."

"Um... thanks?" White said awkwardly.

Black then passed Elite, who only gave him a small nod of approval.

The court began to empty out. As Celestia departed, White followed after her. Avalanche and the others also left, as did the jury. Before long, Elite was the only one left.

Elite let out a sigh as he stood before the empty judge seat.

"Faust, please give Black the strength to power through this." Elite prayed. "The boy really needs it."

Elite's communicator started beeping. He held it up and switched it on.

"Yes?" He asked.

"We're just about ready to start with the second phase of the plan, sir." Armory's voice declared.

"Good." Elite answered. "I'll be right here."

As Elite put away his communicator, he glanced at the chair Black had sat in.

'Hope you're ready for what comes next, Black.' He thought. 'I know I've already asked much of you...'

Suddenly, the sound of hoof clapping echo through the courtroom. Elite nearly leapt in shock at the sound, as he turned to face the pony... who was none other than the same blueish-gray Pegasus from before. And furthermore, Elite recognized him.

"...You..." Elite's face contorted into a fierce glare.

"Hello, Director." The stallion smirked, "It has been a while."

"What is it that you want, Mr. Dysley?" Elite glared.

"Oh, nothing at all, Elite." Mr. Dysley smirked. "I was only in the neighborhood when I was heard of the case of the soldier gone rogue, Black Knight. Truly a tragic tale."

"Well..." Elite wasn't sure where he was going with this, "It truly was. Black could had a good future..."

"True... true..." Mr. Dysley nodded, "At least we got a very satisfying performance out of this."

"...Performance?" Elite glared, "What do you mean?"

"Your boy Black." Mr. Dysley smirked. "Really impressive acting."

"I don't what you're talking about." Elite growled. "Black is a traitor to the RDL. He's-"

"Not fooling anypony." Mr. Dysley sneered. "Do you really expect me, let alone the entirety of the Forefathers, to buy that Black Knight, a introvert soldier with no priors, simply destroyed a village of 'innocent' ponies and bugs just like that? That lawyer wasn't Heinrich in some dumb disguise? Some of us, like Obadiah, may be fools, but we are not idiots."

"Why are you here, Dysley?" Elite snarled. "To breathe all that hot air you are full of?"

"Hmph, insult me all you want, Elite." Mr. Dysley scoffed. "It doesn't change the fact that Obadiah told us all we needed to know about Black, and how he is affliated with your Taskforce. It must have eaten you alive to have such a pitiful lackey take all the blame for taking out those two's little 'ant farm', hoping that we would think that Black doesn't care about that brother of his..."

"You leave White Knight out of this, Dysley, or I swear to Faust..." Elite growled.

"You'll what?" Mr. Dysley challenged. "You and your Taskforce haven't been able to touch me for years. I could flick your nose and be on my merry way and you can't stop me. And thanks to you, nothing stands between us and poor little White."

"You rat bast-" Elite cursed.

"Language." Mr. Dysley cut him off. "Now if you would excuse me, I have to get home. The Forefathers will be curious to know how you had tried so hard to fool them." He turned and gave a wave, "Ciao, Director."

Elite glared as the stallion walked away.

"Oh, and one more thing, nice touch with the 'Few Good Ponies' quote." Mr. Dysley sneered. "Love myself a good movie."

With that, Mr. Dysley gave a chuckle as he left the room, leaving a fuming Elite.

'This calls for more drastic action.' Elite thought.

Elite rushed over to the other side of the castle, where Black was being brought into the prison carriage. Turret supervising.

"Hold on a second!" He declared. "I have something I need to say to the former soldier."

"...Of course, Director." Turret nodded. "Just make it quick. This scum's new cell shouldn't be kept waiting."

Elite approached Black.

"Elite?" Black frowned. "What are you-"

"I am so disappointed in you, Black." Elite declared loudly. "For one of my own soldiers to fall so far, so fast..." He grabbed Black by the shoulders (secretly placing a patch the same color as Black's coat onto his side). "You have disgraced us all! Take him away! Get him out of my sight!"

"With pleasure." Turret nodded. "Get him in the carriage, boys!"

'Nice acting, Elite.' Black though, as he forced inside. 'And I see you gave me a little farewell gift...'

Elite and Turret watched as the carriage departed.

"Such a pity." Turret sighed. "Such a promising soldier... well, I'm heading back into the castle. Care to join me, sir?"

"Not just yet, General." Elite sighed. "I need to take a moment."

"Of course." Turret nodded, heading back into the castle.

Meanwhile, Black peeled off the patch, discovering a skeleton key for his hoofcuffs.

"Ah, Elite." He smiled. "You always know just what to get me..."

After unlocking the cuffs, Black the key to open the carriage door, and jumped out.

"Hey!" One of the Guard stallions yelled. "The prisoner has escaped! Stop him!"

"Finally." Black smiled, as the Guards charged. "A little stress relief."

Black kicked one Guard down, then knocked out the other with a right cross.

"Heh, lightweights." He smirked.

"Very well done." Elite smiled as he and Armory approached.

"So, guess that's it, huh?" Black asked. "I go into hiding, a fugitive, never to be seen again?"

"Not quite." Elite frowned, "We have another problem. As it turns out, one of the Forefathers' elite was at the trial today. Mr. Dysley."

"Oh crap, that was him?!" Armory groaned, "I knew he looked familiar."

"Wait, you know a Forefather agent, and he is still roaming free?!" Black glared.

"Look, it's complicated, Black." Elite sighed. "The point is, he and the Forefathers aren't buying it. We will have to step up our game if we are to convince them."

"Like how?" Black asked.

"There is one surefire way." Elite declared, "Attempt an assassination of Princess Celetia."

"...Are you out of your bucking mind?!" Black gaped. "That's insane!"

"Exactly." Armory nodded. "Something like that will convince everypony you're a traitor to Equestria, even the Forefathers."

"Okay, but... where do I even begin?" Black asked.

"Well, it'll all go something like this..." Elite started.

A short while later, Black stuck into the back of the castle. As he did so, he glanced at an oddly light blue crystal on his chest.

The plan was simple: fight his way through hordes of guards, make an attempt on Celestia's life, fail on purpose after a long hard fight, and then, following a signal in morse code from Black's communicator, Armory would warp him out of there, thus forever sealing his name in infamy and keep White safe from the Forefathers once and for all.

'Alright, one failed assassination attempt, coming up.' He thought. 'Ugh, prison isn't looking too bad right now...'

As Black rounded a corner, he ran into some Guards.

"The fugitive is here!" The Captain roared. "Inside the castle!"

"I'm here for the Princess." Black snarled. "Nopony sends me to jail! I'm taking her down! Get out of my way, and you won't be hurt!"

"Not a chance!" One Guard yelled.

Black charged the Guards, punching one and flipping the other.

"Sound the alarm!" Another yelled. "We have an assassination attempt on our hooves!"

"Go ahead." Black smirked. "Let her know I'm coming."

Black fought his way through several Guards, nearing the throne room. As he made another turn, he encountered Turret.

"Far enough, traitor." Turret spat.

"Oh, come on, General, I don't have time for this!" Black snarled.

"I suggest you make time!" Turret tackled Black.

"About face, General!" Black used the force of Turret's dive to swing around, and into a wall.

"You know the penalty for assaulting a superior officer, don't you?" Turret snarled.

"Newsflash: I was courtmarshalled." Black sneered. "You're not my superior any more. Like you ever were..."

"Watch your mouth, punk." Turret spat. "You have no idea who I am."

"Sure I do: Another obstacle in my way." Black snarled. "Prepare to be knocked down."

"Not today!" Turret threw a punch.

Black dodged, then retaliated with a kick, which Turret caught, using it to flip him over.

"You're no soldier after all." Turret spat. "Just a thug..."

"Wanna bet?" Black sweeped at Turret's legs, tripping him. He then made an elbow on his stomach.

"Ugh!" Turret groaned. "Why, you-!"

Turrent rammed into Black as they stood up. The two grappled, Black breaking it with a headbutt. More blows were thrown. Turret's experiance gave him an edge against Black, but Black was more ruthless

"I really don't have time for this!" Black charged at Turret.

In the blink of an eye, Turret evaded the charge and grabbed Black from behind, wrapping his hooves around his neck. Black struggled against his opponant's grip, as Turret tried to choke him into unconsciousness.

"Time's up." Turret smirked.

"Not... yet!" Black grabbed a vase and smashed it on Turret's head, knocking him out. "Nighty-night, General..."

Black continued his dash. Soon, the throne room was in sight.

"Alright. The throne room. Remember. Get in, get your ass kicked, and get out. Simple." Black coached himself, "Nothing's gonna stand in my-"

Suddenly, coming out from behind a pillar was none other than White Knight.

"White?!" Black stopped in his tracks. "No... what are you doing here?!"

White seemed despondent, as he glanced at Black, nothing but sorrow in his eyes.

"I was... I was with Celestia. I was talking to her." White murmured. "I was trying to get her to reduce your sentence. You murdered a village... but I didn't want you to go away for thirty years..."

"White..." Black whispered, before he snarled, "Then you should had thought of that before turning me in!"

"I was trying to save you..." White quivered, "You were becoming a monster... I had to do something... but... it seems I was too late..."

"White... please..." Black urged, "I have to-"

Suddenly, White pulled out a crossbow, aiming it right at him.

"Whoa, whoa, White, what are you doing?" Black gasped.

"My duty, Black." White's sorrowful expression soon turning to anger. "They said that you are here to assassinate Celestia... and the only way you are ever going to do that is over my dead body."

"No, no, White, you can't be serious." Black glared. "Just step aside."

"What's the matter? You were willing to murder an entire village, killing your own brother shouldn't be too hard!" White challenged.

"I did what I had to do." Black growled. "That village was a powder keg waiting to go off. It needed to be eliminated."

"Again with the rationalisations." White sneered. "No matter how you slice it, slaughter is slaughter. And as you brother, I refuse to stand aside and let you take another life. You want the Princess? You're going to have to go through me first!"

Black was faced with his greatest struggle yet. Despite his betrayal, the fought of fighting his brother was almost too terrible to consider. But he knew he had no choice, that fighting White now would assure his safety in the future...

"...Well then." Black glares viciously at White, "I guess I have no choice."

"You've always had a choice, Black." White said sadly. "And your choices lead you here. But it's not too late to make the right call."

"But I already have." Black retorted. "What I'm about to do is the right call. In fact, it's the only call for me."

"Black, listen to yourself!" White yelled. "This is madness!"

"Then call me mad!" Black tackled White, knocking the crossbow out of his hooves. Without his weapon, White resorted to hoof-to-hoof combat.

"I hate that it had to come to this, Black." White said angrily. "It pains me to stand against somepony so close to me!"

"Shut up!" Black roared. "You made the decision to stand against me! And now you've gotta pay for it!"

Black struck White hard in the side of his head, bringing him down. He then kicked him in the stomach for good measure.

"Stay down." Black growled. "I won't warn you again. There are bigger plans at play, and Celestia stands in the way of that. She must die."

"No..." He stood up.

"What did you just say?" I sneered.

"I won't let you do this." He groaned. "Whatever you may think, it isn't right."

"Celestia is holding the whole of Equestria back." Black snarled, going into the lines he had rehearsed with Elite. "This country will achieve true greatness only when she's gone."

"No, it will fall into chaos." White countered.

"Chaos... or liberation?" Black smirked.

"It doesn't matter." White retorted. "I won't let this happen."

"You always were weak." Black spat. "I didn't think you were blind too."

"You're the one who's blinded." White shot back. "By your own petty hatred!"

White lunged at me, but was knocked back by a kick to the neck.

"I warned you, and you ignored me." Black tutted. "What were you trying to prove, anyway? You never could take me, runt. I was the one who taught you everything. You'll never beat me."

"I will today!" White rose up again.

Undaunted, Black kicked him in the face, sending him skidding across the floor.

"Face it." Black snarled. "You've lost. I don't want to have to hurt you anymore than I have to do right now."

"...You already have." White sighed.

"Then I guess what happens next won't be such a weight on my conscience." Black shrugged.

Black punched White repeatedly, each blow hurting him almost as much as his brother. Despite everything, Black still loved him, but he had a job to do, and he couldn't hold back. He kicked White hard, knocking him against a wall.

"That's it." Black growled. "Time to end this..." In his head, he added 'Before I hurt you any further...'

"You don't have to this..." White groaned, struggling to get up.

"Actually, I do." Black replied. 'I really do. For you, bro...'

Suddenly, White spotted his crossbow nearby, a moment before Black did.

'No...' Black thought.

Black lunged at White, trying to stop him from grabbing the weapon. But White was nearer, and faster. He picked up the crossbow, and fired. The bolt struck Black right in the eye.

"ARRRGGGGHHHH!" Black roared in agony and shock. 'You motherbucker! You pigeon-backed birdbrain! You shot me in the bucking eye! Dammit, dammit dammit! Buck, buck, buck! This hurts so buckin' much!" Black was blinded by pain, never intending to lose an eye for the charade. "You...!"

White rushed forward, tackling him. Disorientated, Black unknowingly stumbled back towards one of the stained glass windows.

"Wait, stop!" White yelped.

Black smashed through the glass, falling down the cliff on which Canterlot was situated.

"NOOOOO!" White screamed.

"AHHHHH!" Black screamed back.

As Black fell, he imputted the code into his communicator, and desperately waited for Armory to come and activate the crystal so he could get him out of this before he get killed.

'Come on, Armory!' He thought. 'Any time now!'

Unfortunately, there was a slight problem. Elite and Armory stood on the outskirts of the Canterlot, ready to receive and depart as quickly as possible.

"What's the delay?" Elite asked, as Armory attempted to activate the crystal. "Shouldn't Black be here by now?!"

"I don't know!" Armory yelled in horror. "I accounted for everything: Conflicting radio waves, the thickness of the castle walls, magic interference, altitude- OH BUCK!"

"What?!" Elite gasped.

"I didn't account for range!" Armory realized, "Black must be out of range. And if he's out of range..."

"Oh no..." Elite gulped.

As Black fell, the thought ocurred that something had gone wrong.

"WHAT THE BUUUUUCK!" He screamed, as he collided against the jutting outcrops and tree branches.

Finally, there was a thud, and darkness enveloped him.

Days later, word got out about Black's supposed demise, as the team gathered around Armory to read the article.

"Oh, Black..." Armory sniffed, as he read the newspaper. "It's my fault. My stupid invention... Now he's dead..."

"No. No, he's not." Elite said firmly, "I know Black. He wouldn't go down, just like that!"

"Elite, there's no way Black could had survived that!" Micro Manager frowned. "For Faust's sake, he got shot in the eye. The chances of survival are practically non-existant."

"I've seen bigger odds defied before!" Elite glared. "If Black is still alive, we will find him. Mark my words."

"We'd better." Shadow frowned. "I'd hate to think what would happen if the Forefathers somehow stumbled upon him."

"Not if we get there first." Elite told him. "And we will..."

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, at a cafe, Mr. Dysley was reading the same newspaper.

"'Attempted assassination leads to a final end for Black Knight Paladin'." Mr. Dysley read, as he set it down. "Hmm, pity."

Suddenly, there was shuddering in Mr. Dysley's suit jacket, as he pulled a magic mirror. With a tap of a orb at the base of the mirror, he held it up to his ear.

"Mr. Dysley speaking." Mr. Dysley declared. "...Oh, hello, Senator. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The pony in the mirror spoke for a bit.

"Oh, that is a shame. Well, you will be pleased to hear that Black Knight won't be bothering you again..." Mr. Dysley smiled. "...I'm not kidding. Read the papers? They bought my bluff."

The pony spoke some more.

"It was rather simple, really. All I had to do was feign interest in Black's little brother. It forced their hooves, pushed them to do something drastic. They got sloppy, and now Black is dead." Mr. Dysley smirked.

The pony spoke again, apparantly pleased with how things turned out.

"Thank you, sir." Mr. Dysley said proudly. "Always glad to serve."

The voice signed off. Dysley put the mirror back in his jacket, smirking all the while.

"I smell a promotion..." He grinned triumphantly.

Meanwhile, over at the remains of Reinadh, Harlhooves and Gridlock were surveying the damage... well, Harlhooves was. Gridlock however...

"RARRRGH!" Gridlock roared as he bucked down a wall of a nearby house.

"Grenade, get a hold of yourself." Harlhooves sighed. "Wrecking stuff isn't going to change anything."

"Oh, shut up!" Gridlock snarled. "It's unbelievable! Un-bucking-believable! We were so close to achieving world domination with Project: Infestation! Everything was perfect... until that Black Knight came in and ruined everything!" He let out another roar as he punched another wall.

"I know you are disappointed, Gridlock." Harlhooves sighed. "But look on the bright side. According to Mr. Dysley, Black is dead. He won't meddle with us again..."

"Oh, don't be naive, Harlhooves." Gridlock growled. "Ponies like Black and the Taskforce are cockroaches. No matter how much you stomp on them, or drop a damn nuke, they always survive, and they always get in your way."

"Such colorful terminology..." Harlhooves rolled his eyes.

"Look,I don't care if Black is dead. I need to see his body for myself if I am to have any peace of mind!" Gridlock snapped.

"Let it go, Gridlock!" Harlhooves sighed in frustration. "Black is no longer relevant. We can't afford to waste time looking for a pony who might or might not be dead."

"Maybe you can't..."

"Huh?" Harlhooves and Gridlock gasped as they turn towards the direction of the voice.

There, they saw a Earth Pony stallion leaning against the wall of a nearby house. The stallion had a dirty beige coat, a brown mane (with a bald spot), dark green eyes behind small glasses, and a Cutie Mark of a hunting knife. He was currently sharpening a thin and long blade attached to his hoof.

"You... what the buck are you doing here?!" Gridlock snarled.

"Indeed, who gave you the authorization to come here?" Harlhooves glared.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think I need permission to go wherever I please." The stallion scoffed. "I was just minding my business when I overhear your problem with this 'Black' feller."

"If we had a problem, I don't see how it's any of your business." Gridlock glared.

"No offense, but we don't like to associate ourselves with ponies of your division." Harlhooves frowned.

"Peh, typical Ouroboros." The stallion shrugged, "Thinking you're all tough and stuff. To think I was going to help you."

"Help us? What could you possibly do for us?" Gridlock challenged.

The stallion held up his sharp blade. "Oh you know... 'waste time'."

The Present...

"Yikes." Caboose gulped. "That can't have been fun."

"It wasn't." Black scowled.

"I suppose even the best-laid plans can go wrong." Fletcher admitted.

The carriage finally came to a stop.

"Ah. here we are at last." Elite smiled. "If you'll follow me, gentlestallions..."

They all departed from the carriage, finding themselves facing a mountainside.

"This is your base?" Caboose frowned. "Seems kinda... rocky to me."

"Appearances can be deceiving." Elite smirked.

Elite walked to the stone wall... and passed right through.

"The mountain ate him!" Caboose yelped.

"Actually, it's an illusion." Black grinned. "The base is on the other side."

"Ingenious." Fletcher admitted.

The rest of them followed in Elite's hoofsteps. On the other side was a large, technologically advanced base, far more impressive than the base in Saddle Arabia. There was a wall full of computers, an impressive set of weapons on the far wall, and an archway leading to an outside training area, filled with the same kind of obstacle courses Fletcher and Caboose had run through during the trials to become General of the RDL.

"Amazing..." Fletcher gaped.

"Cool..." Caboose whispered.

"Thank you, we try." Elite smiled. "Now, I'd like you both to meet somepony."

Armory, now a graying, middle-aged stallion with a slightly wider gut, and a limp in his back legs, came to greet them.

"So, these are our new recruits?" He looked upon Fletcher and Caboose.

"Yep." Black nodded. "Watch out for this Fletcher guy. He's a bit of a stiff."

Fletcher narrowed his eyes.

"Nice to meet you both." Armory smiled. "I'm Heinrich Armory."

"The 'Heinrich Armory', huh?" Caboose chuckled. "Black told us a little about you."

"Really?" Armory smiled. "All good, I hope?"

"More or less." Fletcher shrugged. "But like Black itself, it was open to personal interpretation."

"Speaking of which, it's time I told you a little more about the Forefathers." Elite declared. "You'll need to know just who it is you'll be fighting before we send you out there."

"That makes for a nice change..." Black snorted.

"Starting with their symbol." Elite continued. "Armory, if you would..."

"Of course." Armory held up a medallion with the Forefathers' insignia, the two 'F's back to back. "Over the years, we've kinda been building up quite a collection..."

"That symbol..." Caboose frowned. "Hey, my brothers found that same thing on the hoof of-"

"Striker Killsquad." Elite said in unison with Caboose.

"Wha- you knew Striker Killsquad?!" Caboose gaped.

"Of course. Ex-commissioner of the Bitalian police force." Elite declared. "We got intel a while back that Killsquad had been recruited by the Forefathers following his near-fatal experience in Bitaly... something about a gas leak in a warehouse?"

"Wait, he was working for those guys?!" Caboose spluttered.

"I'm afraid so." Elite nodded. "We made it a point to keep an eye on him after that..."

"But... why didn't you guys ever do anything about him?" Caboose demanded angrily. "He threatened my family, temporarily killed my brother..."

"Temporarily?" Armory frowned.

"It's a long story." Fletcher told him.

"... Not to mention, blew up Fletcher! And you guys didn't do a thing to stop any of it!" Caboose yelled. "I thought you were supposed to stop that kind of thing, but you were nowhere around! Why?!"

"Calm yourself, Caboose." Elite declared. "You must understand, when it comes to wars such as these, you have to pick your battles. Killsquad's primary focus was revenge on your family. Members of organised crime sects from all over the world were in Killsquad's service. Most of which we had a run in with in the past. If even one of them managed to escape and tell others about us, our whole operation would have been compromised."

"...Yeah, that's got just enough big words to sound it'd make sense," Caboose admitted. "I'm still mad though..."

"I'm not exactly behind that way of thinking myself." Fletcher nodded. "But the logic seems sound."

"And at least now, you're on the side of those who are gonna bring the Forefathers down." Black grinned. "But it won't be an easy fight. Trust me. Even after getting them off my back, I still had a lot of trouble with those bozos..."

"Yes, the Forefathers are a formidable opponent." Elite noted. "Which is why it's imperative that we have more stallions like you to asssist us in the fight against them."

"More, you say?" Fletcher asked.

"Oh, yes." Elite nodded. "You two are just the beginning..."

To Be Continued...

(My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and all associated characters are the property of Hasbro."Already Over" is the property of The Red.)

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