
Equestria Girls: Disney Change

by The Cat Charmer

Chapter 8: The Final Rescues

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Pinkie Pie and Spike are on a hot air balloon as they are in their way to Arendelle. "What do you think of Arendelle, Spike?" Pinkie asked. "It's so beautiful, and there's a lot of snow too." Spike replied. "Snow?! That can't be right, it's not even winter yet. Uh oh." said Pinkie. "What's wrong?" Spike asked. "I think something is scaring Elsa. I'm calling Mickey, just in case something happened to her." said Pinkie as she grabs her phone to call Mickey.

"Hello?" Mickey asked. "Hi Mickey, its Pinkie Pie. Did something happen to Elsa? Her kingdom is covered with snow again." said Pinkie. "Oh my gosh, thank goodness you've called. Hans escaped and has kidnapped Elsa." said Mickey. "WHAT?! How did he escape? No offense, but your security is not that great." Pinkie asked. "We don't know how. But, I know they're in Arendelle somewhere since you see snow everywhere. I have a feeling Kristoff is there too. Find them both." said Mickey. "We will. Bye." said Pinkie as she hung up the phone.

"Well, what did he say?" Spike asked. "He said Hans escaped and kidnapped Elsa. That's probably why Arendelle is like this." Pinkie replied. "We should get something warm to wear, I'm freezing." said Spike. "Right." said Pinkie as she dug into a basket full of clothes and brought out two jackets, hats, and a pair of boots. Spike puts on a red jacket, a yellow hat, and black boots. Pinkie puts on a blue jacket, a purple hat, and pink boots. "All set." said Spike.

"Alright, let's head to Elsa's ice castle." said Pinkie as she drives the hot air balloon towards the ice palace to save Elsa.


When they got there, there was a pile of snow nearby and it was shaking.

"Hey, what's that?" Spike asked. "I don't know, let's find out." said Pinkie as she and the little dragoon began digging and pulled out the figure. That figure was Kristoff, freezing solid. Pinkie and Spike gasped out loud and shouted, "Kristoff!" Then, they hear loud mooing. It was Sven, glad that his friend is being rescued. "Hi Sven!" said Pinkie. Sven nuzzled them in greetment and cuddles Kristoff to keep him warm. "You have to take him somewhere that's really warm. I know, Wandering Oakens Trading Posta and Sauna." said Pinkie."But, what about Elsa? I have a feeling she and Hans are in there." Spike asked. "You're right. I'll save Elsa, you take Kristoff and keep him warm." said Pinkie. "On it. Come on, Sven." said Spike as he and Sven leaves with Kristoff.

After they left, Pinkie walks towards the castle and opens the door without knocking. When she got in, she hears nothing but screaming coming from the snow queen. "I'm coming, Elsa!" she shouted as she ran upstairs to follow the sound. She finally found Elsa, only to find her tied up and weeping. "Elsa!" Pinkie shouted as she went towards her and untied her. "Pinkie? What are you doing here? You'll freeze." Elsa asked.

"Don't worry. We'll fix Arendelle and everything will be fine. We just saved Kristoff from freezing to death." said Pinkie. "You did? Thank you. It's my fault that's he's like this." said Elsa. "No, it's not. Hans is making you do it because of his smile." said Pinkie. Suddenly, Hans showed up in the room and tried to kill them both. Luckily, they got out of the way. "You stupid pink freak! You always ruin everything!" he shouted. "Leave her alone!" Elsa pleaded.

"Wanna battle, Hans?" Pinkie asked as she brought out her lollipop. "Not yet, I want to kill Elsa first. Sound like a deal?" Hans asked as he went towards the snow queen and grabs her. "NO!" Pinkie shouted as she whacks Hans away from Elsa, knocking him unconscious. "Oh, thank you Pinkie." said Elsa as she hugs her pink friend. "Your welcome. Now, let's go to Kristoff. I'm sure he's warmed up by now." said Pinkie as she and Elsa leave the castle to meet up with Spike.

When they got there, Kristoff is completely warmed up with Spike and Sven by company. "Pinkie Pie. Thank you so much for saving my life, I would've been frozen to death." he said as he hugs her. "Thanks to me. I told him about what happened to Anna and where she is." said Spike. "Perfect, let's go and save Anna." said Pinkie. "That would be wonderful, but I have to fix Arendelle since I accidentally froze it again." said Elsa. "I don't blame you, Hans forced you to do it. What is it with villains forcing you guys to do something wrong?" said Spike.

"I don't know, but let's head to the Disney Castle." said Kristoff as he hops onto Sven along with Pinkie and Spike and are off to the castle.


Applejack and Fluttershy are riding horses though the forest.

"See anything, Fluttershy?" Applejack asked. "No, not yet." Fluttershy replied. "Well, keep looking. There's got to be a prince around here somewhere." said Applejack as the horses immediately stopped. "What's the matter?" Fluttershy asked. "I think something is spooking the horses. Wait a minute." said Applejack.

They realized that they are at the Evil Queen's castle. "A castle? Does that mean a prince is in there?" Fluttershy asked. "I think so. Let's go in just to take a look." said Applejack as she and Fluttershy break into the castle with their lightsabers. Once inside, it was very grim and dark like it belongs to a villain. "This does not look like a nice castle." said Fluttershy. "I agree. Let's keep looking." said Applejack as they wander through the dungeons to look for clues.

"Applejack, come here. I think I found something." said Fluttershy as she spots a figure being tied up and gagged. "What is it?" Applejack asked as she lights up her lightsaber to see who it is. It was Snow White's prince. "It's Snow White's prince. We've found him." said Applejack. The Prince muffled through the cloth as the girls untied him. "Thank you girls. You have no idea what I've been going through just to find Snow White. Have we met before?" The Prince asked. "We have, but we didn't get to know each other. I'm Applejack and this is Fluttershy." said Applejack. "Nice to meet you girls. We've got to get out of here before the queen comes back." said The Prince. "Oh dear." Fluttershy muttered.

Suddenly, the Evil Queen showed up, shocked to find the Prince escaping with the girls. "Stop right there, you!" she shouted. "Oh no, it's her." said Fluttershy. "Leave us alone!" The Prince shouted. "Never! You're leaving just to save Snow White, and that's not going to happen." said Evile Queen. "Wanna bet?" Applejack shouted as she brought out her rope and tied her up. Then, she slammed her front and back until she's knocked out.

"Puny Queen." she muttered as she, The Prince, and Fluttershy leave the castle for good.


Twilight and Rarity are on their way to the castle where Aurora and Phillip lives.

"Oh, I remember this place. That means we'll find Prince Phillip here." said Rarity. "That's great, Rarity. I hope he isn't in hostage by Maleficent." said Twilight. "I don't think she touched this place, she's probably too busy planning to kill all of us." said Rarity. "Well, that's why we're here to find him." said Twilight.

When they arrived at the castle, everyone was in deep sleep. "Huh, maybe she did hit this place." said Twilight as they wandered through the castle to find the prince. "Twilight, I think we'll find him up there." said Rarity as she points up in the tower. "I think you're right." said Twilight as she and her friend went upstairs.

They finally found Phillip in deep sleep on Aurora's bed. "Oh dear. How are we going to save him?" Rarity asked in worrisome. Twilight thought for a moment and said, "We could use the magic of friendship." "The magic of friendship? But, I thought it only worked on Sunset Shimmer." said Rarity. "I thought so, to. But, maybe it could work on anyone from curses or spells." Twilight replied. "I hope it works." said Rarity as she and her friend pressed their hands on Phillip and glowed.

Once the glowing stopped, Prince Phillip began to wake up. "Hello, Prince Phillip." said Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle. Rarity. I thought I was going to sleep forever. But, you saved me. Thank you." said Phillip. "Your welcome, dear. Now, let's get out of here. Shall we?" Rarity asked. "Wait, we have to wake up everyone else to." said Twilight. "Oh, right. Totally forgot about that." said Rarity.

Twilight takes a deep breath and shouted with her wand, "BIBBITY BOBBITY BOO!" Then suddenly, everyone wakes up from the spell. "Now, we can leave." said Rarity. "Indeed we shall. Bibbity Bobbity Boo!" said Twilight as she teleports her and her friends.


Once they arrived, everyone else arrived the same time they did.

"Great job, girls. You saved the rest of the princes." said Mickey. "Thanks, Mickey. It wasn't that hard." said Spike. "Welcome back, guys. How was the mission?" Sunset asked. "Freezing." said Pinkie. "Spooky." said Applejack. "Terrifying." said Fluttershy. "Exhausting." said Rarity. "Not that bad. Didn't run into a villain." said Twilight. "That's great. But, aren't you missing someone?" Sunset asked.

"Wait. Where's Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked in worrisome.

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