
Loveliest of Trees (Has Been Transferred & Revised)

by Nordryd

Chapter 12: Every Rose Has Its Thorn

Previous Chapter Next Chapter

Update: Before we start! I found an online pony creator, and I made a picture of Coppermane! Now you can actually see what he looks like, or at least how I interpret him to look. To see it, go to my profile!

Hey people! Well, my first semester of freshman year in college is ovar! My Calc2 final melted my brain, but I managed to pull myself together to finish this. Yay! Now, it's winter break! That means more time for goofing around. That includes writing! So hopefully I'll be posting more frequently until January when second semester starts, where I can already promise you the postings will be much less frequent, because it's gonna get crazy. Also, I went back to Ch.1 of this story, and rewrote some parts to hopefully improve it a bit. Feel free to go check out some of those changes! Thanks to the reviewers of the last chapter: Elizabeth Fire Ice Heart, Starshine89, Fluttershy 2059123, bluecatcinema, MMM, and Webbowriter (PM). Also, shout-out to bluecatcinema for helping me out by giving me a second opinion on this chapter's content. Now, without further ado, let's get this show on the road! I don't own any of the MLP FiM characters, but I DO own Coppermane and the plot. Enjoy!

Loveliest of Trees

Ch.12: Every Rose Has Its Thorn

Time: 3:00 AM, Sunday, Coppermane's House, Days Until Formal: 6

Fluttershy woke up, and for a moment, was completely confused. She wasn't in her bed. She was on…a couch? She looked around, and stopped when she felt something beside her rising and falling softly. She looked to see…Coppermane…sleeping soundly. Oh yeah, she had fallen asleep.

I guess he must've fallen asleep too.

Not that Fluttershy minded in the least. She looked around and saw that the candle had gone out, and his phone was no longer playing music. It was still storming outside, but she felt so safe with her boyfriend holding her. She looked towards the opposite side of the couch to see Angel sleeping soundly on Coppermane's legs. She sighed in admiration at how cute he looked. She almost forgot that Coppermane had asked her to bring him over. Though, as irresistibly cute as Angel was, he had competition now.

Fluttershy looked up at Coppermane, and smiled at how adorable he looked. She snuggled up closer, such that her face was right next to his, so she could get a better look at him. She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She couldn't believe that he let her sleep next to him. She figured that he would've woken her up in the middle of the night to take her home, but instead, he let her sleep next to him! She didn't know why, but this felt more comfortable than any bed she's ever slept in. Being next to him with his arms around her provided all the warmth she needed.

Fluttershy put her hand on his chest, feeling his body steadily rise and fall, lying her head on his shoulder. She started rubbing his chest, and he stirred slightly, putting his own hand over hers, and snuggling up closer to her. When he relaxed, she saw that he was smiling. She couldn't help but giggle. He was so cute; she could barely stand it! She gave him another kiss on the cheek, and relaxed on his shoulder. She couldn't help but think about last night. They shared their first dance together! It was so magical, and Fluttershy had never felt closer to her boyfriend.

There was no other guy like him. No other guy as sweet, gentle, caring, kind, or affectionate as him. He made her feel so special and important. He made her feel beautiful. He made her happy. Happier than she's ever been in her entire life. She thought about what he told her yesterday as they danced. All about how he couldn't stop thinking about her after they met…exactly like she did. Fluttershy remembered being unable to sleep that same night, staring at the moon wondering if he was thinking about her. And truth be told…he was! He was just the sweetest, kindest, most amazing guy in the world. And he was all hers. That thought alone made Fluttershy happier than even the cutest animal could.

Fluttershy felt her eyelids becoming heavier again. Before she went back to sleep, she lifted her head to look at him from above. She sighed in adoration at how peaceful he looked. She took his hand in hers, interlacing their fingers. His hand felt cold, but she didn't mind. She gave his hand a light squeeze, smiling down at him as he slept.

"I love you," she said softly, her stomach filling with butterflies. She lowered her head to give him one more kiss on the forehead. Fluttershy snuggled back up with her boyfriend, still holding his hand, allowing the pitter-patter of the rain and the steady rise and fall of his warm body lull her back to sleep.

Time: 8:00 AM, Sunday, Coppermane's House

Fluttershy woke up to a wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen. The kitchen and the living room area were in the same room, separated by the counters and flooring, so if someone was cooking, anyone in the living room would be well aware. Fluttershy slowly sat up, stretched her arms and legs out a bit, and took a look around. She noticed that Coppermane was no longer next to her. Angel was instead. Fluttershy sat upright on the couch and Angel hopped in her lap, nuzzling her. Fluttershy smiled, let out a mighty yawn, and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Once her vision came into focus, she scanned the area, wondering where Coppermane was. She heard sound of pan scraping and sizzling coming from the kitchen, so she looked there first. Sure enough, there he was in his cute black graphic t-shirt. Was he cooking? Fluttershy stared for a few seconds before Coppermane looked in her direction, presumably to see if she was awake. As soon as they locked eyes, Fluttershy darted her gaze away, and heard snickers from Coppermane.

"Good morning, Fluttershy," Coppermane said, returning his attention to what was in the pan.

Fluttershy blushed. "Good morning, Coppermane," she said, picking Angel up in her arms and walking over to the table. The table was already set, and had a bowl filled with fruit, another filled with rolls, along with some glasses of orange juice. Was Coppermane doing what she thought he was doing?

"Sleep well?" Coppermane asked as placed some scrambled eggs onto a plate, placing said plate on a warmer.

Fluttershy blushed. The best sleep I've ever had.

"Mmmhmm!" Fluttershy said. "Um…I'm sorry for falling asleep," she said apologetically, "I…I didn't mean to."

"Oh, you have nothing to be sorry about," Coppermane said, walking over to Fluttershy. He sat down in the chair next to her. "You can spend the night anytime you want," he said, placing his hand on her knee, smiling at her.

Fluttershy blushed. "Aww…thanks Coppermane," she said with a smile.

Angel moved closer to Coppermane's hand and nuzzled it, making the couple smile.

"Hey Angel. Sleep well, bud?" Coppermane asked rhetorically as Angel continued to nuzzle his hand. Fluttershy smiled at watching Coppermane pet Angel. It was so incredibly cute!

"He really likes you," Fluttershy said, smiling.

Coppermane chuckled, "Yeah, I guess he does," he said as he continued to pet him. "I…um…I made some food for us. You hungry?"

Fluttershy smiled. He made breakfast? "Oh, Coppermane, you didn't have to do that," she said.

Coppermane blushed, "Well…I did anyways. I had an opportunity to cook for my girlfriend, so…I took it," he said, offering Fluttershy a smile.

Fluttershy smiled and blushed majorly. "You're so sweet. You know that, right?"

Coppermane blushed even more. "I mean…I try," he humbly said, rubbing his back nervously.

Fluttershy reached her hand forward and placed it on Coppermane's knee. "Well, you're very good at it," she said sweetly. Coppermane smiled and leaned forward and gave her a kiss.

"Thanks," Coppermane said, smiling. "You wanna eat now?"

Fluttershy's stomach suddenly rumbled, making Angel stir, and making Coppermane chuckle. Fluttershy blushed. "I…I think I'd like that."

Coppermane chuckled, and got up to bring the warmers over to the table. He placed a bowl filled with scrambled eggs on the table, and a plate with waffles stacked on it, and some maple syrup. Fluttershy was starving, and wasted no time in digging in. She took her first bite…and was impressed. Her boyfriend could cook!

"Coppermane, this is really good!" Fluttershy said, "I didn't know you could cook."

Copper's heart soared when he heard that. "Glad you like it," he said with a smile. "I mean…I've lived by myself for the better part of…well…forever, so I had to teach myself."

Fluttershy smiled back. "Well, all that time alone wasn't a total loss, right?"

Coppermane offered a smile. "Yeah…I guess it wasn't. But now that I have you, I can put it to good use. This won't be the last time I cook for you, I can promise you that," he said with a smirk.

Fluttershy giggled. "I can't wait."

The couple continued eating breakfast together, talking and laughing with each other. Coppermane was so happy that Fluttershy liked his cooking. He had to cook dinner for her in the future. After they ate, Fluttershy helped Coppermane with the dishes, and the couple went back to the couch to sit together as they were last night, with Fluttershy sitting in Coppermane's lap as he held her, spending a few more minutes together before he took her home.

"So what are you planning on doing today?" Coppermane asked.

"Oh, I was going to spend the day at the animal shelter," Fluttershy said. "I haven't been there in a while. I miss all the animals."

Coppermane chuckled. "I bet they miss you too," he said, taking Fluttershy's hand, making her smile.

"What about you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm spending the day with Flash," Coppermane said. "Gonna meet up with him at the mall."

"Oh? What for?" Fluttershy asked.

"He said he needed help with getting something for Twilight. I'm not sure why he needs me, but y'know, whatever. I'm happy to help," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled, "Well, I hope you two have fun."

"Hope you do too," Coppermane said, giving Fluttershy a peck and squeezing her hand.

Fluttershy's eyes wandered up to Coppermane's hair, and she noticed how wonderfully it lustered in the incandescent light. It wasn't too long, and it wasn't too short. It was just right. It was lightly parted to his right, and sort of sticking up on the left. It was a little weird, sure, but Fluttershy loved it. She reached up and started brushing it. His hair was so soft. As soon as she touched his hair, she felt Coppermane relax his grip on her, and heard him let out a contented sigh, making her smile.

"Coppermane, I love your hair," Fluttershy said, continuing to brush.

"Hehe, thanks," Coppermane said, blushing, and loving how she was brushing his hair. Her fingers were so delicate and gentle.

Fluttershy smiled. "How do you get it to look like this?"

"What do you mean? The color?" Coppermane asked.

"Mmmhmm," Fluttershy said, "It looks like…well…copper."

Coppermane laughed. "What a coincidence." Fluttershy laughed too, continuing to run her fingers through his soft hair. "Um…I don't really do anything except part it."

"You don't use dye?" Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane smiled. "Nope. This is my natural hair color."

Fluttershy's eyes went wide. This is how his hair looked naturally?

"Wow…" Fluttershy said, still brushing his hair.

Coppermane smiled and blushed. He didn't think his hair color would be that impressive, but apparently it was. He wanted to return the favor. He lifted his own hand and started to brush Fluttershy's hair. As soon as he touched it, she let out a contented sigh, and pulled her hand back. Her entire body relaxed in bliss, making Coppermane chuckle.

"You have beautiful hair too," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy blushed profusely and softly giggled. "Aww…thanks." She loved it when he played with her hair. He was so gentle and loving…

Coppermane brushed her hair for a couple minutes before he pulled away, and took her hand in his, interlacing fingers. The couple spent the next few minutes just staring into each other's eyes, with Fluttershy still sitting in Coppermane's lap, holding hands.

Fluttershy loved staring into his eyes. They were so warm and brown, like chocolate, and she couldn't stop smiling as she looked into them. She loved sitting in his lap. It felt like he was actually holding her, and it made her feel so close to him. He let go of her hand, and brought it up brush her hair out of her face, making Fluttershy shudder in pleasure. Her heart melted every time he caressed her face. He kept his hand there, cupping her face, and giving her a smile that made her heart dance. He was just the cutest guy ever. Then, Fluttershy felt her eyes close as he leaned forward and kissed her tenderly, making her melt in his arms. His lips were so soft and warm, and she felt his hand gently brushing her hair. There was no better feeling in the world.

Coppermane felt Fluttershy's entire body relax as soon as their lips met. He would never get enough of her sweet lips. Nothing felt better than kissing his beautiful Fluttershy. She matched every one of his movements perfectly, seamlessly molding her lips onto his. It felt amazing. After a while, the couple pulled away, and Coppermane was met with Fluttershy's lovely, blushing face. He took her hand again, seamlessly interlacing fingers, and sighed in admiration, making her blush. She was just so beautiful in every way. He offered her a smile, making her look away and blush profusely. Coppermane chuckled. She was adorable when she acted shy. She looked back up at him, and offered him a warm smile. Now it was Coppermane's turn to do the same thing, turning his head away and blushing. He couldn't deny that he was quite timid as well. That was something else he loved about Fluttershy: she was just as shy as him.

Fluttershy giggled at him when he looked away. His shyness was absolutely adorable! She squeezed his hand.

"Coppermane…" Fluttershy said.


"Um…last Friday…when we were at Pinkie Pie's house…" Fluttershy trailed off.

"What about last Friday?" Coppermane asked.

"Did you…um…did you come into our room in the middle of the night?" Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane's face flushed bright red, and involuntarily tightened his grip on Fluttershy. He bit his lip. "Um…m-maybe?" he said nervously, hoping that she wouldn't be mad or creeped out. But, quite on the contrary, she just started giggling. "What's so funny?" he asked, confused.

Fluttershy squeezed his hand, "Oh, you're just too cute, Coppermane," she said, making Coppermane blush, and relax his grip on her a little. Fluttershy smiled at him. "Applejack told me you came in. I was just wondering."

"Did she…um…t-tell you anything else?" Coppermane asked nervously.

Fluttershy blushed profusely, remembering what Applejack told her. "She told me that you…well…came in to…watch me sleep."

Coppermane's face went bright red again. "Oh…sh-she told you that?" Fluttershy nodded, making him bite his lip. "S-Sorry…"

Fluttershy giggled, "You have nothing to be sorry about," she said, "I think it's sweet."

Coppermane was shocked again. "Y-You do?"

"Mmmhmm!" Fluttershy said. She brought her hand up to touch his face, and looked at him endearingly, "It's so comforting to know you're always looking out for me."

Coppermane couldn't help but feel flattered. This girl was just the sweetest thing in the world. And she didn't mention his list, so Applejack kept her promise. That was a relief.

He lifted his hand to touch hers. "I'm here to keep you safe, Fluttershy. I'll always be there for you."

Fluttershy gave a heart-melting smile, and leaned forward to give Coppermane a kiss, making his heart melt even more. She gently pulled away, and relaxed her head on Coppermane's shoulder. She felt him pull her closer in his arms, and felt him relax too. He kissed her on the forehead, making her heart dance in bliss.

I love you, Coppermane.

Coppermane felt Fluttershy relax in his arms. She was so warm, delicate, and beautiful. So sweet, kind, and loving. She looked absolutely adorable when she cuddled with him, and he loved holding her. He felt so close to her. The more time they spent together, the more amazing she got. He gave Fluttershy a squeeze, and she nuzzled him in response, making Coppermane smile.

I love you, Fluttershy.

And for the next hour or two, the couple sat on the couch cuddling, enjoying each other's company and warmth.

Time: 3:00 PM, Sunday, Canterlot Mall

Before Coppermane took off to the mall, Fluttershy had asked Coppermane to drive her to the animal shelter. She could've easily walked there herself, but she wanted to spend more time with her boyfriend. Coppermane gladly did so, since he wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend as well. After he dropped her off, he drove off to the mall to meet up with Flash Sentry.

Coppermane was still wondering why Flash would want his help as opposed to…well…anyone else. He claimed that he needs help with picking something out for Twilight, but compared to the rest of the gang, Coppermane seemed the least qualified to help him out with something like this. Sure, he had a girlfriend now, but even so, he had no idea what a girl would want. In fact, when they were here before, and Coppermane bought the necklace for Fluttershy, it was Flash who helped him pick it out. Either way, he was looking forward to spending some time with Flash. Maybe they could get further in House of the Dead this time. Whether they play that game or not, they were definitely going to visit the arcade.

They had been there for quite a while, and right now, Flash Sentry and Coppermane were in the food court getting a bite to eat. As they talked and ate, there was another a group roaming the mall. One that Coppermane would not be fond of. And they had a guest with them.

Approaching the food court, was Hoops and Score, along with Trixie of all people.

"So you want me, the Great and Powerful Trixie, to go up to Coppermane and kiss him?" Trixie asked the jocks.

"Exactly," Hoops said.

"And we'll take incriminating photos," Score said, holding his phone towards her.

"You know Coppermane, right?" Hoops asked.

"Yes, I do," Trixie said, "The Great and Powerful Trixie has her physics class with him. I will admit, he is kind of cute, but I must ask, what is your motivation for this?"

"We need to show that loser his place," Hoops said, "He's dating someone totally out of his league, and that can't happen."

Trixie was surprised to hear this, and decided to get serious, using her normal voice now.

"Wait…you want to use me to ruin Coppermane's relationship?" Trixie asked. "What's in it for me?"

The jocks were ready for her to be unwilling. Score spoke up with a smirk, "We'll give you fifty bucks, and…we won't reveal how your magic tricks work."

Trixie was appalled at the last statement. "You wouldn't dare!"

Hoops looked confused. He leaned over to Score and whispered in his ear, "Dude, everyone knows how her tricks work."

Score whispered back, "Yeah, but she doesn't know that."

Hoops shrugged and looked back at Trixie with a stern face. "Either kiss him, or we reveal your secrets, and you miss out of fifty bucks. Your move, Miss 'Great and Powerful'."

Trixie was conflicted. She really didn't want her secrets to be exposed, and have her reputation ruined. She couldn't believe that these jerks were blackmailing her, but she didn't really know what else she could do.

"Make it one hundred dollars in advance, and you have a deal," Trixie said. She thought about it, and Coppermane was kind of cute.

Hoops sighed, obviously not thrilled. "Alright, but only when you're about to do it, okay?"

Suddenly, as if on cue, the group came upon the food court, and lo and behold, there Coppermane was, along with someone else whom they recognized at Flash Sentry.

"He's here," Score said, his eyes wide. Hoops looked where Score was looking, and went wide-eyed as well.

"We could do this before the formal!" Hoops said with an evil smile on his face. They looked at Trixie, who looked rather displeased.

"Give me the money first, or it doesn't happen," Trixie said. The jocks were reluctant, but they needed this to happen, so they coughed up one hundred dollars between the two of them, and gave it to her, making her displeased look fade…slightly. Now, it was just a matter a time before he was alone. Until then, they wait.

"So basically, I'm going to walk up to Twilight, give this necklace to her, and…well…ask her to the formal," Flash Sentry said, examining the amethyst necklace he bought for Twilight. "I just hope she says yes."

Coppermane chuckled, "What makes you think she won't?"

"I don't know," Flash Sentry said, "She'll probably say yes, but I'm still skeptical, y'know?"

"I understand," Coppermane said. "How have things been going between you two?"

"Oh they've been great!" Flash Sentry said. "We've hung out together practically every single day since we got together, spent the entire day yesterday at my house, and…she's just awesome. She's a little weird sometimes, but I think it's really cute," Flash said with a smile. "I just hope she can stay for longer than she usually does."

"Is she from out of town?" Coppermane asked.

Flash bit his lip. Twilight had explained to him why she came and went all the time. He thought she lived out of town too. He was sort of correct, if by out of town, you mean hopping between parallel universes through magical portals. Also, throw in the fact that Twilight's world, Equestria, is filled with magic and ponies. She told him all about how her friends here have pony counterparts back in Equestria. She even brought him over to the portal to show him, and he was beside himself with disbelief. And he found out that in her world…she's a princess! He was basically dating royalty! Nobody could've called that! All things considered, it was pretty heavy and difficult information, and he didn't know if he could accurately explain it to Coppermane or not. He would probably miss about ninety-percent of the key details. Probably even the most skilled theoretical physicist wouldn't be able to explain this anomaly. Flash decided that he would maintain the illusion that she's from out of town, just to make things simpler. Much simpler.

"Yeah, she's from…Trottingham," Flash Sentry said, trying to sound convincing. Thankfully, it looked like Coppermane believed him.

"Oh, okay. How long does she usually stay?" Coppermane asked.

"Well, the longest she's stayed is for about a week," Flash said, "We're going on three now. This is the longest she's ever been here."

"Well, hopefully she's here for a while," Coppermane said. "She's nice to have around."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Flash Sentry said, making Coppermane chuckle.

"Well, I'm really happy for you two," Coppermane said. "You're really good together."

"Thanks man," Flash Sentry said. "Well, how about you? How are things with Fluttershy?"

Coppermane immediately smiled upon hearing Fluttershy's name, his thoughts being flooded with images of his beautiful girlfriend.

"Ah…Fluttershy…" Coppermane said with a dumb smile on his face, "Where do I even start?"

Flash Sentry started to laugh at Copper's face. "I take it things are going alright?"

"Better than alright," Coppermane said. "She's nothing short of amazing. I've been having so much fun with her. Already, she's done so much for me. I mean, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have had that amazing birthday party, I wouldn't have met you guys, and…wow. Just…wow, Flash."

Flash Sentry just continued to chuckle at how smitten his friend was. And he wasn't done…

"I still can't believe that she's actually mine now. I can't even describe in words how grateful I am. I mean, she's smart, cute, sweet, kind, caring, loving, and…so pretty. Like, the most beautiful girl in the world. I just adore her, y'know? It's funny, she actually slept over last night."

Flash Sentry's eyes went wide when he said that last part. "Wait, she slept over?"

Copper realized what he just said…and what it might've implied. "Oh, no no no, we didn't do anything like that," he said, his face bright red, "We were just lying on the couch together, and she fell asleep in my arms, nothing more. Still…it was great. Falling asleep with her in my arms felt amazing. I cooked breakfast for her this morning too. It just kind of happened, but I didn't mind at all. I could go on, but I don't want to bore you. Long story short, Fluttershy's the most amazing girl in the world, and she's all mine. That thought alone just makes me happy beyond belief. Fluttershy's just so…wow…" he said with a big, dumb smile on his face.

Flash Sentry couldn't help but laugh at how smitten Coppermane looked. He was just staring off into space with a glazed look in his eyes and a big smile on his face.

Coppermane heard Flash laughing, and snapped out of his trance. "What's so funny?"

"You had the funniest look on your face," Flash said, making Coppermane blush. "You're really in love, aren't you?"

Coppermane just smiled again. Maybe it was only a week and a half into their relationship, but he couldn't deny that his feelings for Fluttershy were deepening. The more time he spent with her, the more and more he fell in love with her. He looked up at Flash, who was raising an eyebrow.

"Flash…you have no idea…" Coppermane said.

Flash chuckled. "Well, I'm glad to hear everything's going so well. Have you asked her to the formal yet?"

Coppermane had a confused look on his face. "The what, now?"

Flash raised an eyebrow. "The formal? The Fall Formal? Y'know, the CHS Fall Formal? The dance coming this Saturday? Have you asked Fluttershy, yet?"

Coppermane was confused for a moment, but then it hit him like a rock. He never attended any of the dances at his old school because he could vividly imagine himself all by his lonesome on the dance floor, surrounded by people with their respective dates. The image in his head alone was enough to make him feel embarrassed. But now…he had a girlfriend. He had someone he could take! He could take Fluttershy! This sudden wave of happiness was immediately followed by a much bigger wave of self-loathing. His face showed his emotions accordingly, going from a big, wide-eyed smile, to a more somber expression. He leaned his forehead on his hand.

"I am such a jerk," Coppermane said.

"Huh?" Flash asked, confused as to why he was suddenly so upset.

Coppermane lifted his head. "I completely forgot about the formal. I didn't realize that I actually have someone I can take now. Do…do you think she's waiting for me to ask?" Flash nodded his head, making Coppermane sigh in remorse, and bury his face in his hands. "Well…that's another strike for me, I guess."

"Hey, no worries," Flash said, trying to be reassuring. "You still have this week, right?"

Coppermane put his hands down, and looked at Flash Sentry. "Yeah, you're right. But…how am I going to do it? I want it to be special, but…I'm not sure how to do it."

"Well, it's not like she's gonna say no, right?" Flash said.

"I guess…" Coppermane said, still looking skeptical. "It's just…she's special. I'm still new to all this. I don't know where to start, or even the faintest idea of what to do."

Flash laughed. "That's exactly why I invited you here today, my friend."

Coppermane was confused. "Huh?"

"I wanted to make sure you were going to the formal, and that you taking Fluttershy. Now that I know where you stand, I'm going to help you," Flash said with a smirk.

Coppermane was wide-eyed. Now it made sense why Flash wanted to meet up with him versus anyone else.

"Well, thanks, Flash," Coppermane said. "Where do we start?"

Flash got up out of his seat, taking his tray with him. "Let's throw our trash away, then we'll walk around and discuss it. I got your back, bro. There's nothing to worry about."

Coppermane smiled, and got up too. "Alright then. Let's get to it."

And with that, they proceeded to the trash cans with their trays. Little did they know…they were being watched…

Hoops, Score, and Trixie sat at a table with a good view of the trash receptacles, watching Coppermane and Flash Sentry, waiting for the right moment to strike. They were trying their hardest to remain incognito, and it was making them a bit impatient.

"This is stupid, Score. Let's just wait until tomorrow at school. This is taking too long," Hoops said.

"Just a few more minutes. He has to throw his trash away at some point," Score said.

Then, as if on cue, Coppermane and Flash Sentry walked over to the trash receptacles, making Score's face light up.

"Told ya," Score said.

"Yeah, but Flash is with him. We need him alone," Hoops said.

Then, they heard Flash say something.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom while we're here," Flash said.

"Sounds good," Coppermane said. "I'll wait here."

And with that, Flash Sentry walked down the hallway to the restrooms, leaving Coppermane all alone, leaning on the wall, pulling his phone out. He didn't seem to notice them at all. Perfect…

Hoops looked back at Score. "He's all alone. Let's make sure it stays that way."

Score looked over at Trixie. "Alright, Miss Great and Powerful, you're up."

Trixie was still unsure about doing this, but her hands were pretty much tied at this point. They already threatened to reveal her secrets, and they already paid her. It was just some flirting, and then a kiss, right? Trixie looked at Hoops and Score, both with evil and expectant smiles on their faces. She sighed, and got up out of her seat, walking towards Coppermane. Hoops and Score snickered to each other, as they both pulled their phones out and got their cameras ready.

"Make sure the flash is off," Hoops said.

"I got it," Score said. "Capture everything."

Hoops nodded back, and the two jocks watched as their plan was set in motion.

Coppermane browsed through his messages, looking at a picture Fluttershy had sent him. It was of her holding an albino hamster next to her smiling face.

**Fluttershy to Coppermane, 3:50 PM**

Isn't he just the cutest thing?! :D

(Attachment: 1 Image)


"Aww…" Coppermane said to himself.

**Coppermane to Fluttershy, 3:53 PM**

Haha, it's pretty cute alright. I guess the hamster's cute too ;)

**Fluttershy to Coppermane, 3:55 PM**

Haha, you're too sweet :)


Coppermane was about to respond again, until he heard a voice next to him.

"Excuse me?" the voice said. It sounded familiar…and kind of theatrical. There's only one person he knew who talked like that.

Coppermane turned to his head to see a girl he recognized from his physics class.

"Coppermane, is it?" she said.

Coppermane was surprised to hear his name. She was talking to him? Well…okay then…

"Um…yes," Coppermane said. "You're…Trixie, right?"

"Yes, it is I, the Great and Powerful Trixie!" she said, rolling her 'r' at the end like she always does.

"Yeah…okay…" Coppermane said, "Can I help you with something?"

Trixie started to walk up to him slowly, and had a certain…look in her eye.

"You and I share the same physics class, do we not?" Trixie said, continuing to lessen the distance between her and Coppermane.

"Um…yeah, we do," Coppermane said, "What about it?"

"I've seen you in class before," she said. "And I can't help but think that you're…rather cute," she said. Okay…a little weird, but Coppermane was still flattered. But then Trixie did something that made him a little uncomfortable. She reached her hand out and touched his arm…and kept it there.

"Oh, well…um…th-thanks, Trixie," Coppermane said. Then, she moved her hand down his arm and took his hand in hers.

"Y'know, I'm here at the mall alone," she said, continuing to get even closer to him. "And I feel just so lonely." She put her hands on his shoulders, and started to rub them.

At this point, the alarms went off in Coppermane's head. She was coming onto him. He would admit that he was flattered that she thought he was cute, but this was going too far. His heart belonged to Fluttershy, and no amount of flirting would change that.

He took her hands off his shoulders. "Listen, Trixie. I'm flattered, I really am, but…I have a girlfriend, so—" Trixie placed her finger on his mouth to silence him.

"Oh, that's not a problem," Trixie said, moving her other hand such that her fingers were interlaced with Coppermane's. "She doesn't have to know."

Coppermane didn't budge. He took her finger off of his mouth. "Trixie, please, I—" She put her hand on his heart, silencing him once more.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?" she said.

Coppermane was starting to get annoyed. Her persistence was admirable, he had to admit, but she had one thick skull. "Trixie, I'll say it one more time. I. Have. A. Girlfriend. So I would appreciate it if you—" Suddenly, Trixie leaned her head forward and kissed Coppermane, taking him completely by surprise.

"Mmm?" Coppermane's patience was gone in an instant. All alarms went off in his head, and he straight-up pushed Trixie away. "Get off me!" He pushed her a little harder than he meant to, but at that point, he just wanted to get her away from him.

Trixie looked at him, giving him a really cold and sassy look. After a couple seconds, she brushed her clothes to smooth them out, and folded her arms, facing her profile towards Coppermane.

"Fine! Be that way! You could have the Great and Powerful Trixie all to yourself, but you have blown your chances!" she said in her theatrical voice.

"Just leave me alone, please?" Coppermane said sternly. He was not in the mood for her pretentious attitude at this point.

"Hmph!" she simply said before walking away with her arms still crossed.

Coppermane was left alone once again, and leaned his back on the wall to collect thoughts.

"What the f***…?" he cursed to himself, appalled at what just happened. Where the hell did that come from? Why was she being so forward? Why was Trixie being so stubborn? Why would she not effing listen?! He didn't know, but after that, he felt really dirty. He spent the next couple minutes trying to rub away the taste of Trixie's lips. Coppermane really wished he could kiss Fluttershy right now and taste her sweet, candy lips, and get rid of the taste of Trixie's. Then again, kissing Fluttershy right after Trixie kissed him might not be such a good idea. Fluttershy would probably be able to taste some…impurities. He was going to wash his mouth out vigorously when he got home, that was for sure.

Flash Sentry finally returned after a couple more minutes. "Sorry I took so long. The mall's so crowded that there was a line for the men's restroom." He saw Coppermane rubbing his lips vigorously, and looking rather distressed. "Um, Coppermane? You okay?"

Coppermane looked up at Flash, and felt a little embarrassed. That embarrassment was almost immediately replaced by disgust. "Oh…oh, Flash…you are not going to believe what just happened," he said, sounding pissed.

"Um…" Flash simply said, wondering what the heck happened to make Coppermane's mood change so drastically.

"Walk with me," Coppermane said. Flash followed, and Coppermane began to vent about what just transpired.

Meanwhile, Trixie rendezvoused with the jocks, who were snickering to themselves as they looked at their phones, presumably checking out the results of their plan.

"Haha! Oh my gosh! This is too perfect!" Hoops said, laughing.

"We are going to destroy him with these!" Score said, laughing as well, giving Hoops a high-five.

Trixie was not amused. "Did you get what you needed?" she asked coldly.

"Did we ever!" Score said.

"Great. Am I done then?" Trixie asked.

"Not yet…" Hoops said.

Trixie sighed in frustration. "What else do you need from me?!"

Hoops and Score looked at each other, and smiled evilly. "Okay…so now, here's what we need you to do. We're going to send you these pictures, and you send them to all of Coppermane's friends. The rest will happen on its own."

Trixie was appalled once again. She couldn't believe that she was actually helping these jerks out. "Fifty more bucks, and I'll do it," she said. If they really wanted her to do something like this, she better get paid well.

The jocks were clearly not thrilled at the request, but really wanted this to happen. These pictures were too good to go to waste. They were in too deep to stop now. Between the two of them, they coughed up fifty bucks. They sent the pictures to her, and watched over her as she sent them to Coppermane's friends. She didn't have their numbers, so she had to do it online, but it didn't matter to the jocks. They instructed her to not send it to Coppermane's girlfriend. They have the same group of friends, and they figured it would be better if they found out first. Once the pictures were sent, the jocks finally left her alone. Trixie immediately deleted the pictures on her phone, feeling incredibly guilty. Though, the $150 helped heal her guilt a little.

Time: 9:00 PM, Sunday, Carousel Boutique

The girls were all hanging out at the boutique to hang out before the weekend ended. They all sat around the main area, talking amongst each other. The topic this time around was Coppermane's birthday party from last Friday. It had been such an incredible success, and was very healthy for Coppermane, showing him how much they all care about him, and letting him know that he's not alone. It was mainly Fluttershy thanking all of them for doing that for him, since it was her idea in the first place. She could always count on her friends to come through for her. She also told them about last night, and how she accidentally spent the night.

"Wait, you stayed at his house overnight?" Applejack asked skeptically.

Fluttershy went wide-eyed, realizing what she might've been implying. "Oh no, it was nothing like that. We were just cuddling on the couch and…I fell asleep."

Applejack let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, alright. Sorry, sugar," she said apologetically.

"It's fine. I didn't mean to fall asleep. It just felt so wonderful being in his arms; I couldn't help it!" she said, smiling giddily.

Rarity went over and sat next to Fluttershy, giving her a hug. "Fluttershy, you are just so in love, aren't you?" she said giddily. The rest of the girls in the room giggled, making Fluttershy blush. Rarity wasn't exactly inaccurate, though. In fact, she was spot on. The more time she spent with Coppermane, the more she fell in love with him. He was just so wonderful in every way, and she saw more and more of it with time.

"You two are just so super-duper-adorable!" Pinkie Pie said with her signature vigor. She walked over to the table and opened up her laptop to browse online for a bit.

"Well, let's not forget Twilight and Flash Sentry as well," Rarity said, making Twilight blush. "It's so wonderful! All our friends are falling in love!" She giggled giddily to herself.

"It's about time you and Flash got together," Rainbow Dash said with a smirk.

Twilight just blushed more. She really had nothing to say, still being so new to having a boyfriend. She wouldn't deny that she was very happy with Flash though.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie let out a sharp, horrified gasp. All the girls looked at her, and she was staring at her laptop screen with an appalled look on her face and her hands over her mouth.

"Pinkie? What's wrong?" Sunset asked. Pinkie Pie said nothing as Sunset walked over to take a look for herself. She examined the screen, and it appeared to be a message Pinkie Pie had received online. Upon further analysis, Sunset gasped as well, and her eyes went wide.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked as she and everyone else crowded around behind Pinkie Pie to take a look. Upon seeing what was on the screen, they all collectively gasped, and went wide-eyed. Some of them had their hands over their mouths in shock.

Fluttershy was being a little more sluggish, and stood in front of them all such that she couldn't see the screen. She was still wondering what was so shocking.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Fluttershy…you might wanna come take a look at this," Rainbow Dash said with a very worried face.

Fluttershy walked around to view what was on the laptop. Everyone made room so she could see clearly. She examined the screen, and what she saw made her heart rupture.

Onscreen, were pictures sent to Pinkie Pie from, apparently, Trixie. The pictures were of her flirting with some guy. Holding his hands, rubbing his shoulders, putting her hand on his heart, and then, the last picture was of her kissing him. And the guy in the picture was none other than…

"Coppermane…?" Fluttershy said weakly, choking up. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Coppermane, her Coppermane…kissing another girl? It felt like Fluttershy's heart had been ripped out of her chest, and stomped on. She stared at the screen in horror, holding her broken heart with one hand, and covering her mouth with the other. Her eyes quickly pooled up, and tears began streaming down her face. "But…I…I…I love you…" she managed to say, choking up.

Her friends grew even more sympathetic upon hearing those three key words come out of her mouth. They looked at the screen, appalled and disgusted. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Coppermane was kissing another girl? And Trixie of all people. Why would he do something like this?

They all heard a pained squeak from Fluttershy, whose face was bright red, raw from all her tears streaming down her face. Her breathing was shaky, and her body was shaking slightly.

"Fluttershy? Sweetheart?" Rarity said quietly, gently putting her hand on her shoulder. Fluttershy looked at Rarity, and started bawling. Rarity immediately pulled her into a hug, in an attempt to comfort her. All the girls looked worried as their heartbroken friend cried hysterically on Rarity's shoulder. A few minutes ago, everyone was happy. Now, Fluttershy's heart was broken, and they found themselves questioning their friendship with the newest member of their group.

Before you jump to any conclusions, or point guns at me, this story will have a happy ending, I promise. But you know what? Life's not perfect. I figured something like this might spice things up a bit. Or maybe it was really stupid, I don't know. I'll let you all be the judge of that. In either case, I hope you liked it, and if you didn't, well…sorry. I hope you'll stick around, because I've got something planned for later on that I think will be really kickass. But! That's for the future. So…what will happen between Coppermane and Fluttershy? What will happen between Coppermane and the main seven? Find out…next time! All reviews are greatly appreciated, so don't forget to leave one letting me know what you think and…until next time…peace!

To see a picture of my OC, there's a link on my profile.

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