
Sweet and Delicate

by Nordryd

Chapter 18: A Cappella of Ages

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Hello everyone! Before we get started, I want to inform you that midterms are coming up, so in the interest of keeping my grades up, there might be a day where I don't upload. Rest assured that this story will be finished, but college has to come first. In the meantime, however…it is time. How will Copper's concert go? Find out…RIGHT NOW!

GET READY: This is my longest chapter yet, so strap yourselves in!

I don't own any of the MLP FiM characters, but I DO own Coppermane. Thanks and enjoy!

Sweet & Delicate

Ch.18: A Cappella of Ages

Time: 12:00 AM, Sunday, Summer Sun Celebration Grounds (Stage Area)

"And so, my loyal subjects, it is my honor to introduce to you…"


"…for the first time ever…"

"I-I believe in you…we…we all do…"

"…my loyal student…"

I love you so much, Fluttershy…


Coppermane heard the audience cheer loudly, and braced himself. It was time…

Princess Celestia flew off the stage back to her pedestal, and the Mayor exited stage-left to make way for Coppermane.

Summoning every ounce of his confidence within him, and after taking a deep, shaky breath, Coppermane slowly walked out onstage, his mind going haywire. Copper took a look out in the audience to see…a sea of ponies. Young and old ponies of all kinds, and Copper could pick out some more prominent ponies such as the Wonderbolts, and Fancy Pants, and in the back was Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence on their royal pedestal.

Copper stood there silent for a moment, just stunned by the sheer number of ponies in the audience. The audience murmured to each other, wondering what he was doing. Copper truly was nervous as all heck, starting to sweat up a storm.

Copper then looked down to the front of all the ponies to find…his best friends, sitting right there, looking up at him with encouraging, yet nervous faces. Sitting in a line were Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Coppermane's eyes drifted back to Fluttershy. Time seemed to stop as the two love-ponies locked eyes with each other. Fluttershy had a very worried look on her face. Copper…you can do this…I believe in you…

Looking at Fluttershy. Seeing her right there. The cherry blossom necklace. The cherry blossoms in her mane and tail along with the carnation Copper bought for her earlier. Her captivating teal eyes looking up at him. He remembered what he thought to himself earlier, and smiled at the mare of his dreams.

Fluttershy, this one's for you…let's do this…

Suddenly, Coppermane's horn began to glow white, and soon his entire body as three other unicorn-colt silhouette figures manifested within the blinding white light, making the audience gasp with anticipation. The light cleared to reveal Coppermane and three copies. Copper could hear the members of the audience "ooh"-ing and "awe"-ing at what just happened.

Copper took one more look at Fluttershy, who now had a smile on her face, and Copper thought he could make out a small tear on her face. Knowing that Fluttershy and all of his friends were right there in front of him to lend their support…it was so comforting.

But Fluttershy did something that made all of Copper's worries and doubts just instantly diminish. She brought her hoof up to her mouth, kissed it, and then blew the kiss to Coppermane. Copper gave her a warm smile, and reciprocated by bringing his hoof up to his cheek and returning Fluttershy's heart-melting smile. He was ready.

Copper looked at his duplicates, and gave them a nod, indicating they were ready. Going along with Coppermane's mental script, the four lowered their heads. The quartet approached the single microphone downstage center, and stood around it in their formation. Copper took out his pitch whistle, blew a C#, making the audience go dead silent, and then…it began…

-(Song: Because go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

The song began, and on the first chord, the quartet slowly raised their heads to eye-level. The entire song was spent with the quartet just standing still, adding to the mysterious and almost ethereal tone of the song. The audience was completely mesmerized by it.

The song ended, and the quartet just stared off into the distance, making it seem as if there was more of the song left, especially since the song ends on an unresolved chord. The audience was completely silent…exactly what Copper wanted. Keeping with Copper's mental script, he didn't wait for their applause, but went straight into his next song. He took out his pitch whistle, and blew a G.

-(Song: Paperback Writer go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

The audience was surprised by the immediate transition and they immediately started clapping wildly, but soon ceased to hear the second song. Much more upbeat than the last song, making some of the audience members bob their heads to the beat. Copper couldn't help but notice this out of the corner of his eye, and found himself getting more energized by it. He also noticed that the Wonderbolts were bobbing their heads.

Then came the part of the song with more than four parts, but Copper was prepared for this. He suddenly summoned two more copies over to sing at the stage-right microphone, to which the audience went "ooh" at, and some even clapped.

The song went on, and then, the song divided into three more parts, so Copper summoned three more copies to sing at the stage-left microphone, and got another positive reaction from the audience. Now there were then Coppermanes onstage, all singing different parts in perfect harmony. This continued until the end of the song, where Copper and his copies held out the final chord for as long as he possibly could until he had to breathe.

The audience went wild, some even giving him a standing ovation. The deafening sound of their applause just gave Copper more and more adrenaline. He couldn't believe he was getting a standing ovation already! He was only two songs in!

Amidst the applause, Copper could make out five distinct voices. He looked down in front of him to see six mares standing with everypony else, clapping wildly. The only one not clapping was Fluttershy, who was crying her eyes out with a huge smile on her face, looking right up at Copper with tear-stained eyes.

Fluttershy was so happy for Copper right now. He was actually up there, singing, and everypony else loved him…just as she and her friends predicted. It made Fluttershy so proud of the colt.

Copper and his copies took a bow, and dismissed all but four of his clones. He needed only his quartet for the next song. He blew an Ab with his pitch whistle…

-(Song: I'd Love to Live in Loveland go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

Hearing the first notes of this song was heart-warming for all of the main six. It was the first song he ever sang for them, and it brought back so many memories for them and Coppermane. The girls looked at each other with knowing looks. Applejack took her hat off and held it over her heart, remembering the day she first met Coppermane, giggling softly at the memory of how shy he was. Looking up at the young colt, seeing how far he had come since that first day, brought a tear to Applejack's face.

Fluttershy was trying her best not to let her tears of happiness shed, but it was getting very hard to hold them back. She was so proud of him. Fluttershy noticed that Coppermane (the original one) had glanced at her a few times while singing this song. The first couple times, she thought he was just scanning the audience, and his eyes just happened to land on her. But after the third and fourth time, she started to think differently. Did this song make him think about her? The heart-warming thought brought a smile to Fluttershy's face.

The entire time, the Coppermane quartet just stood close to each other, singing the song straight, while moving in place at some moments, attempting to capture the motion of the song itself. He ended on a soft chord that he sustained for only a moment before cutting himself off, and relaxing his body.

The audience let out a loud cheer, giving him a standing ovation again! They liked this that much? Copper couldn't help but smile, his heart warming at all the recognition, appreciation, and praise he was receiving. The quartet backed away from the microphone and took a bow in tandem.

Applejack had tears streaming down her face as she applauded wildly for the colt, and when she was done, placed her hat back over her heart.

"The first song he ever sang for us," Applejack said with a sniffle. Rainbow Dash looked over and noticed the orange mare's tear-stained face, and gave her a quick nudge.

"AJ, are you crying?" Rainbow Dash asked the orange mare amidst the roaring crowd. Applejack nodded, wiping her face with her hoof, and putting her hat back on.

"Ah'm just so proud of him," Applejack said, looking at Rainbow Dash through tear stained eyes. Rainbow Dash gave her a warm smile and pulled her into a hug.

"I am too, AJ," Rainbow Dash said. The two held each other for a minute or two until the audience started to die down, and then they released each other. To everypony's surprise, the original Coppermane approached the microphone, his clones staying in the background.

"Hello everypony!" Coppermane said into the microphone. The audience cheered, fueling Copper's confidence. He never had more confidence than he did now, and he wasn't about to waste a single bit of it.

"Is everypony having a good night?" he asked, to which the audience cheered loudly.

"Well, I am too. First of all, I want to introduce myself. I am Coppermane, as the wonderful Princess Celestia said before."

Copper gestured towards the duplicate to his right, "This wonderfully handsome pony to my right, his name is Coppermane." The audience laughed a little bit.

He gestured to the duplicate to his left, "This colt to my left is Coppermane, nopony cares about him," he said, laughing a bit himself. The audience laughed a little harder at that.

"And this pony behind me is…okay, I'll stop, you get the idea," he said, to which the audience laughed again, and he picked out his six friends laughing a little harder than the rest.

Copper felt totally unstoppable, getting such positive feedback from the audience. And he was nowhere near done. Now…a little heart to heart with his audience…

"I just want to say…thank you. These past two weeks in Ponyville have been…absolutely crazy. Like, seriously, I'm not used to having this much happen to me in such a short amount of time. At the same time though, this has been…such a life-changing experience for me. Every single day I've spent on this…adventure…has had something absolutely amazing to offer me. I've met so many new ponies here, some of which have…become my best friends," he said, looking down at the main six with a warm smile. They reciprocated with warm smiles themselves, some looking like they were about to cry, "and being up here on this stage…performing for one of the biggest events in Equestria…and being able to do what I love for everypony here…is…such an honor. Words cannot express how honored I am to be standing on this stage right now, and I want to thank all of you for being here, and for being so supportive. It means the world to me," Copper said, to which his friends began to applaud wildly, and soon chaining to the rest of the audience.

"This next song is called In My Life, and I would like to dedicate this song to everypony, you know who you are, who has helped me throughout this journey. To all of my friends, and to anypony that has done anything to help me, because…this has been the greatest adventure of my life," Coppermane said into the microphone, trying his hardest not to cry onstage, "…so…please enjoy."

Coppermane stepped back, summoned a fifth clone to sing backup so the original could sing the solo part. He took out his pitch whistle and blew a D.

-(Song: In My Life go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

As Coppermane sang this song…he was trying his hardest not to shed tears. This song truly made him think about all of his best friends. It made him think about the princesses. It made him think about…Fluttershy. He occasionally glanced down at his friends, and he caught glimpses of tear-stained faces.

The main six, especially Fluttershy, had tears practically streaming down their smiling faces. Even Rainbow Dash was shedding some tears. Twilight and Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were all hugging each other, watching with pride as their best friend sang from the heart.

Copper received roaring applause from the audience (as well as another standing ovation), especially from his friends, who were practically hysterical. Copper stepped back to the same plane as his duplicates and took a bow with them. Copper looked down at his sobbing friends, and gave them a warm smile, and a wink. All six of them blushed, and gave Copper huge smiles. Copper was so happy that he made them so emotional with the last song. Even Rainbow Dash! Copper high-hoofed himself in his mind, but quickly returned his focus to the show. He still wasn't done!

He dismissed one of his clones, and stepped up to the microphone with his quartet. He took out his pitch whistle and blew a D.

-(Song: Drive My Car go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

After two slower songs, it was time for something more upbeat! Copper always thought his song was so much fun, and was hoping the audience would think so too. He glanced down at his friends, who seemed to have calmed down from the last song, and were bobbing their heads to the rhythm. Lots of other ponies were bobbing their heads as well, giving Copper more and more confidence. Copper also added some extra choreography to enhance the song a bit, and he had so much fun onstage singing this song. The quartet held out the final chord for as long as they possibly could while hearing his friends begin to applaud, chaining it out to the rest of the audience.

When the quartet finally cut off, they were met with the loud applause and yet another standing ovation. Copper couldn't believe he was five for five on the standing ovations. He never even expected one. He had one more song to go, but before he started, he walked up to the microphone to say some final things to his audience.

"Is everypony enjoying the show?" Copper asked, to which the audience roared with applause.

"Well, I'm glad. It's been so much fun, and an honor, performing for you all. I have one more song for you all tonight, but before I start, I want to thank some ponies. The most important ones here. In fact, the reason you all are here tonight. I want to thank the three princesses sitting behind you. I wouldn't be standing on this stage if it weren't for them. They gave me this amazing opportunity, and I couldn't be more thankful. Besides, they're the real reason you're here, so everypony, give your amazing princesses a huge round of applause!" Copper said, and everypony turned around to their princesses and let out a huge roar of applause before returning their attention to the colt on stage.

"Alright, everypony. I wanted to end this show with something really awesome, and I found a medley of songs that I think you all may know. So please, everypony enjoy, and once again thank you for everything. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your time here tonight!" Copper said before backing up, and summoning another quartet. The two quartets all stood together around the downstage-center microphone as Copper took out his pitch whistle and played an F.

-(Song: A Beatles Celebration – Medley go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

The song began with eight Coppermanes onstage around the downstage-center microphone, all singing in perfect harmony.

The first part of the medley started (I Wanna Hold Your Hand), and everypony in the audience gasped, because they all knew the song, but had never heard a barbershop version of it. They all began bobbing their heads and watched the Coppermane choir sing their hearts out.

Around the fourth part of the medley (Yesterday), Copper summoned another copy to sing his part as the original went up to the microphone to sing the solo part. Fluttershy couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She was just so proud of Coppermane. He looked like he was having a blast onstage, and she couldn't be happier for him.

The fifth part of the medley piqued the main six's interest again, as it was another song that they had heard before today. They all gasped and looked at each other, all of them remembering the first time they ever heard him sing. The starting bobbing their heads to the beat again, and lots of other ponies joined in with them.

Then the final part of the medley happened (Hey, Jude), and Copper did something that shocked everypony in the audience. What started as only a quartet, changed into something absolutely mind-blowing. At the climax, he suddenly summoned four more copies behind him. Then four more, then four more, and continued this until the stage was full of Coppermanes, all singing in perfect harmony together. Occasionally, some of them came to the microphones to sing solo parts, while the original Coppermane stood right in the center of it all. Everypony gasped in amazement at the sight, and the power of all of their voices combined. The final chord was held out for as long as the choir could possibly hold it out for, and Copper could already hear his friends cheering for him, their contagious excitement spreading rapidly throughout the audience.

The final chord cut off, and Copper's ears were met with the earth-shaking applause of everypony giving him the biggest standing ovation of the night. Copper and his choir took a giant bow together, and then he dismissed all of his clones, leaving only him onstage.

"Thank you Equestria! Have a great rest of the night!" Copper managed to say amongst the applause. He walked off stage-right, stopping in the wings to savor every second of applause that lingered. Copper's heart was pounding from all the energy. He had never felt more accomplished in his life.

He could pick out some distinct voices in the audience.

"Yeehaw!" Applejack cried out in excitement.

"Go Coppermane!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"AAAAHHHH!" Pinkie Pie screamed.

"I…I…I did it…I…I actually did it…" Copper said to himself, actually starting to cry from sheer joy, putting his hoof over his pounding heart. He couldn't believe that he had succeeded in the most important mission in his life. It felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted from his shoulders, and Copper could actually relax. He had done it…and it had been the most amazing experience of his life.

Copper took a moment backstage in the stage-right wing just to compose himself from the event that had just transpired, just taking in deep breaths, and trying to dry his tears of happiness and relief. His thoughts were suddenly interrupted though when he heard some familiar voices outside the stage door.

"When is he going to come out?" Rainbow Dash said, impatient as always.

"Calm down, Rainbow. He's probably just taking a moment," Twilight said, trying to be the voice of reason.

"Well, it's taking too long," Rainbow Dash complained.

Copper laughed quietly to himself. I guess I've waited long enough.

Copper opened the stage door only to be tackled ground by an excited Pinkie Pie.

"AAAAHHHH! YOU WERE AMAZING!" Pinkie Pie screamed, pinning him to the ground with a life-squeezing hug. Copper, though grateful, struggled to break free in the interest of getting oxygen.

"Pinkie, I know you're excited, but you're suffocating him!" Twilight said, trying to pull Pinkie Pie off of Copper with her magic. She successfully managed to get her off of the suffocating colt and give him a chance to breathe. Twilight put Pinkie Pie down, and she calmed down…marginally.

"I'm sorry, it's just…AAH!" she screamed again, before rushing up to Coppermane again, but this time, giving him a less life-threatening hug to which Copper reciprocated.

"Hehe, thanks Pinkie," Copper said. Pinkie eventually released him.

"Copper, darling, you were simply incredible!" Rarity said walking up to the colt and giving him a big hug as well.

"Copper, that was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said, landing on the ground and giving Coppermane a big hug.

"Sugarcube, you were…amazin'!" Applejack said with tear-stained eyes, pulling Coppermane into a big hug.

"Hehe, have you been crying?" Copper asked Applejack teasingly.

"Hon, of course I have. Ah'm so proud of ya," Applejack said, holding him for a few more seconds before releasing him.

"Coppermane, that was so great!" Twilight said, pulling him into a hug too.

After Twilight released him, Copper looked behind the five mares to see Fluttershy, who looked like she had been crying too. Fluttershy was silent as she walked up to the colt of her dreams, tears falling down her smiling face. She said nothing as she pulled Coppermane into huge hug.

"I…I'm so proud of you…" Fluttershy managed to say, sounding like she had been crying for a while.

Copper hugged her back, tears falling from his eyes too, "Th-Thank you…it…it was amazing up there…" he said.

The two just lingered there for a moment, enjoying each other's warmth, not wanting to ever let go. The five other mares giggled at their embrace, and the two love-ponies pulled away, their faces bright red.

"I say we let these two get back to their date!" Rarity said.

The others nodded and giggled, and left the two alone, congratulating and complimenting Copper as they left. Twilight Sparkle lingered for a moment though.

"Hey, Coppermane," Twilight said.

"Yeah, Twilight?" Copper asked.

"Just saying, don't be surprised if some other mares approach you," Twilight said with a wink.

Copper suddenly blushed, "Um…I…I don't know about that Twilight…"

"Don't be too sure, Copper," Twilight said with a smirk before walking off.

Coppermane looked at Fluttershy, who was smiling at the colt.

"You…um…you ready to continue our night together?" Copper asked, offering Fluttershy a smile.

Fluttershy giggled and nodded, "Yes."

The two ponies walked back to the main Celebration grounds together, staying close to each other the whole way through.

Time: 12:40 AM, Sunday, Summer Sun Celebration Grounds

The Celebration carried on like it had been before…games, food, silent auctions, people in line to meet the princesses, etc.

The only difference was that now ponies were looking at Coppermane walking by and whispering about him to their friends. Copper was indeed flattered, but tried his best to focus on Fluttershy. Now that the concert was over, he no longer had anything else to worry about. He could now give his undivided attention to the most important task of the Celebration…make Fluttershy happy.

However, his thoughts were interrupted upon hearing three familiar fillies behind him.

"Coppermane!" a familiar voice called out. He turned around to see the one that called out, Sweetie Belle, along with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo all racing towards him. The three all charged him and gave him a group hug.

"You were so awesome!" Scootaloo said with excitement.

"You were so amazing!" Sweetie Belle screamed, her voice cracking a little bit.

"Applejack was so right about you!" Apple Bloom said.

Fluttershy giggled at the stunned colt.

"Hehe, thanks a lot, girls," Copper said, blushing. The three clung to his legs for a little bit before letting him go.

"Hey, do you think you can maybe…teach us sometime?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Teach you how to sing?" Copper asked with a smirk.

"Well that, and teach us how to sing together!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah! Maybe we can get our cutie marks in barbershop!" Scootaloo said.

"Hehe, I'll consider it, alright girls?" Coppermane said, to which the girls cheered, "Now…um…if you'll excuse me…I have to…um…" he glanced over at Fluttershy.

"Oh right! Sorry…" Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh, it's no problem, girls. I'm flattered. See you 'round!" Copper said.

"Bye, Copper! Bye, Fluttershy!" the girls said before running off to play some more games.

The two ponies walked around and decided that they were hungry, and a little tired. They picked something up from Pinkie Pie's stand, got some cider from Applejack's stand, and sat down at one of the many picnic tables set up around the Celebration grounds. They sat across from each other, thankful that they had a moment to breathe and spend some quality time together. It was something they've been wanting to do all night, and never had a chance because of all the pre-concert stress. Now Copper could focus on Fluttershy…otherwise known as the most important pony at this Celebration (to him).

"So…what was it like up there, Copper?" Fluttershy asked, sipping her cider.

"Oh…well, y'know…it was nerve-racking as heck, but once I got up there, and I heard everypony's applause after the first song…I just felt…confident," Copper said, taking a sip of cider, "Like…hearing them applaud…for me. It was…amazing. The most amazing experience of my life."

"How…um…how were you before the concert?" Fluttershy asked, remembering how worried she was about him before the concert started.

"Oh…um…I was…I was kind of a nervous wreck before the concert," Coppermane said with a nervous laugh, "I kind of…froze on stage…in case you didn't notice."

Fluttershy giggled, "I…I did notice that. What made you calm down?"

Coppermane smiled as he took another sip of cider, "Well…I looked out into the audience and…saw you."

Fluttershy's eyes got wide, "R-Really? I…I remember…locking eyes with you…but…it was me?"

Copper blushed, "Well…yeah…actually…to calm myself backstage I…thought of you…" he said, blushing majorly.

Fluttershy blushed majorly, "You…thought of me?"

Copper stifled a laugh, "To calm myself, I…tried thinking happy thoughts and…all of my thoughts were of you," he said, rubbing the back of his neck with his hoof, blushing majorly.

Fluttershy was touched. To calm himself backstage…to calm himself onstage…he thought of her? His happy thoughts were all thoughts of her? She smiled and blushed at the colt.

"That…That's really sweet of you…" Fluttershy said, her face bright red. Coppermane was about to say something else when an unfamiliar mare's voice spoke behind him.

"Is that him?" the voice said.

"I think so," another pony's voice said. This one sounded like a male.

"Hey, excuse me, but are you Coppermane?" the unfamiliar mare voice asked.

Copper looked behind him to see the Wonderbolts standing behind him. Copper was taken aback a little bit.

"Um…yes," Copper said, "Um…you wouldn't happen to be the…Wonderbolts would you?"

The mare that spoke to him laughed, "We sure are! I'm Spitfire, and this is Soarin and Fleetfoot," Spitfire said. Soarin and Fleetfoot waved at him.

"Hehe, wow, okay…well…um…can I help you?" Copper asked nervously. What did the Wonderbolts want with him?

"We just came up to say we thought you were awesome up there!" Soarin said with excitement.

Copper was shocked, "R-Really?"

"Oh don't be so modest!" Fleetfoot said, "You were amazing!"

Copper was completely humbled. The Wonderbolts thought he was "amazing" onstage? Wow…

"Um…thank you…" Copper said, getting up from his seat and shaking each of their hooves, "Wow…that's such an honor to hear that from you. Thank you so much!"

"Don't sweat it!" Spitfire said, "You've got talent, Copper. Don't hide it from everypony."

"Hehe, yeah, thanks," Coppermane said, "Hey, um, really quick, can I ask you guys something?"

"Sure!" Spitfire said.

"Um…do you guys know a mare named Rainbow Dash?" Copper asked. The three of them perked up upon hearing the mare's name.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash? How could I forget her? She won the best flier competition a while back," Soarin said.

"What about her?" Spitfire asked.

"Um…well, I just wanted to say that, I think she is totally Wonderbolt material," Copper said.

"Oh we know, but we're not looking for new members at the moment," Spitfire replied.

"Oh really? Well, just saying, if you're ever recruiting…" Copper said.

Spitfire laughed, "We'll definitely consider it. Anyways, we gotta go. Great job again, Copper!"

"Thanks guys!" Copper said as the three pegasi walked away.

Copper looked back at Fluttershy who giggled, "That was very sweet of you."

"Well…Rainbow Dash idolizes them. Just wanted to get her on their radar, y'know?" Copper said with a blush. "You ready to walk around some more?"

Fluttershy nodded, and she was about to get up until the two heard a very proper stallion's voice beside them.

"Excuse me, mister…Coppermane, was it?" the voice said. The voice sounded oddly familiar to Copper, but he couldn't pinpoint exactly why. He looked beside him to see…

"Fancy Pants." Copper said, shocked to see the most important pony in Canterlot standing before him.

Fancy Pants nodded, "Indeed! You are Coppermane, aren't you?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Um…yeah…yeah I am," Copper said, rubbing his neck with his hoof from nerves, "Um…can I help you?" he said nervously.

Fancy Pants was accompanied by his usual entourage, Swan Song, Golden Gavel, and Silver Frames, as well as having Fleur Dis Lee right by his side.

"We just wanted congratulate you on a most spectacular performance," Fancy Pants said with an admiring look on his face, "It's rare to come across ponies with an appreciation for barbershop nowadays."

Copper was shocked, "You…liked my performance?"

Fancy Pants chuckled, "But of course! The Princess made the right decision on entertainment for the Celebration."

"Wow…um…thanks! That's such an honor coming from you!" Copper said, shaking Fancy Pants' hoof.

Fleur smiled at the colt, "You have quite the singing voice, dear."

Copper began to blush. Supermodel Fleur Dis Lee just complimented him on his voice! Yeah, not too shabby in Copper's book.

Silver Frames walked up to Copper, "Oh, you were such a delight to listen to!" she said. Golden Gavel and Swan Song nodded in agreement.

Canterlot's elite were complimenting Coppermane! He never expected to get this kind of recognition from just one performance, but he wasn't complaining at all.

"Wow, thank you. This is such an honor," Copper said humbly.

"The pleasure is ours!" Golden Gavel said.

"I hope we'll be hearing more from you soon, dear," Swan Song said with a smile.

"Well, maybe he could give us a sample right now," Fancy Pants said, "How about it, my friend? Just a short tag?"

Coppermane was truly humbled by the Canterlot elite, but was also worried. He couldn't help but worry that Fluttershy felt ignored right now. Celebrity ponies were coming up and giving him compliments, but he really wanted to get back to her. He looked at Fancy Pants and his entourage, all with expectant smiles on their face.

Copper looked back at Fluttershy, who surprisingly was giggling at the colt. Fluttershy thought it was adorable that Copper was getting so star-struck by all of these celebrity ponies. She smiled at him and widened her eyes, looking at Fancy Pants and his entourage, and back at Coppermane, giggling some more, indicating to him to give them what they wanted.

Copper looked back at the Fancy Pants, "Um…okay, I guess I could do one."

Fancy Pants and his entourage perked up with smiled on their faces.

Coppermane used his magic and summoned three copies of himself, drawing some attention from ponies walking by, including the rest of the main six. Rarity saw who was in front of Copper, and immediately gasped.

"Is he performing for Fancy Pants?" she said to herself in excitement.

Back with Coppermane and his quartet, he took out his pitch whistle and blew a D.

-(Song: It Only Takes a Moment (Tag) go to Soundcloud and search "nordryd13" to listen to it!)-

When Copper started singing, he attracted the attention of pretty much everypony around him, all listening in awe. Copper didn't even seem to notice as he was focusing on the tag.

Fancy Pants and his entourage, Fluttershy, and everypony around Copper applauded wildly, making his face bright red. He didn't realize that he had drawn so much attention to himself. Everypony carried on their usual business while Fancy Pants and his entourage were still clapping excitedly.

"Bravo, Coppermane! Good show, good show!" Fancy Pants said excitedly.

"Hehe, thanks…I try," Copper said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck again.

"Listen, I have many other guests here with me, and I know they would just love to hear you again! Would you…would you be so kind as to join my party and I, hmm?" Fancy Pants said with a smile on his face.

As honored as Coppermane was, he had to draw the line somewhere, "Um…wow…thank you, Fancy Pants, but…um…I'm afraid I'm gonna have to decline," Copper said. Swan Song immediately rushed up to him with a worried face.

"Oh, but why not, darling?" she asked, looking concerned.

"I'm…I'm honored, I really am, but…I'm already here with somepony else," Copper said, gesturing towards Fluttershy.

"And who is this lovely mare?" Fancy Pants asked, looking intrigued.

"This, lovely mare, is Fluttershy," he said, winking at her, "she's my date tonight," Copper said to Fancy Pants. Fluttershy immediately began to blush.

"Jolly good to meet you, my dear," Fancy Pants said, shaking her hoof.

"…l-likewise…" Fluttershy said timidly.

"Well, we'll let you two your night together. We hope to see you again, Coppermane," Fancy Pants said before walking away with his entourage. Fleur lingered for a moment to say one more thing.

"You're a very lucky mare, my dear," Fleur said to Fluttershy before rushing back to Fancy Pants.

Fluttershy looked over at Copper, remembered what Fleur said, and began to smile and blush. Copper blushed as well at what Fleur said, and then looked at the blushing mare next to him.

"Um…sorry about that, Fluttershy. You…you ready to walk around some more?" Copper asked.

Fluttershy nodded, and the two love-ponies continued to walk around the Celebration grounds, with Copper hoping that there wouldn't be too many other interruptions.

Time: 1:00 AM, Sunday, Summer Sun Celebration Grounds

Coppermane and Fluttershy walked around together as they did before the concert. Playing games, talking with each other, and looking at some of the auctions. Only difference now was that random ponies, specifically mares, were coming up to Copper and complimenting him on his performance. It was flattering, but was starting to get a little annoying as Copper was trying to focus on Fluttershy.

Some ponies that came up to Copper and complimented him as if he was a celebrity.

"Oh my gosh! Coppermane!" one mare said, walking with one of her friends.

"You were amazing!" her friend said, and then the two giggled.

"We love you!" they said before squealing and running off giggling.

"Um…thanks?" Copper said, rubbing his neck again nervously, wondering what had just happened.

Some ponies came up to Copper and asked him to come hang out with them.

"Hey, are you Coppermane?" one mare asked him.

"Um…yeah, I am," Copper said to the mare. She was a pale-white unicorn with a blue mane and purple shades.

"Name's Vinyl Scratch, and I have to say, your performance was sick!" Vinyl Scratch said.

"Hehe, thanks," Copper said.

"No prob. You should come to our tent and jam with my roommate Octavia and me. She's a great cellist," Vinyl Scratch said.

"Hehe, well thanks but no thanks, I'm already with somepony else tonight," Copper said nervously, gesturing towards Fluttershy.

"Aw, alright," Vinyl Scratch said with faint disappointment, "Well, we live here in Ponyville, so if you ever wanna jam, don't hesitate to drop by."

"Hehe, thanks, I'll consider it," Coppermane said before Vinyl Scratch nodded and walked back to her tent.

"Wow…everypony really likes you…" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah…I guess…" Copper said with slight irritation, "I just wish we could spend some time together without getting interrupted every two minutes."

Fluttershy giggled, "Well, I think it's great you're getting so much recognition."

"Thanks…but…I want to focus on you…" Copper said. He was about to say something else when…

"Hey, Coppermane!" a mare's voice called out from behind. Copper sighed, looking obviously irritated, and turned around to see Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh thank goodness, it's just you…" Copper said, relieved that it was one of his best friends.

Twilight giggled, "I couldn't help but notice all the ponies coming up to you. I knew you'd attract attention."

"Hehe, yeah. Can't a pony catch a break though? Jeez, it's, like, every two minutes, somepony comes up to me."

"Yeah, but…aren't you flattered?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, Twilight, I'm extremely flattered. It just gets a little…annoying sometimes when you're…y'know…" he said, gesturing towards Fluttershy.

Twilight laughed, "I get it. Actually Copper, there was something else I wanted to ask you."

"Yeah?" Copper asked.

"Um…now that the Celebration is over…does…does this mean you'll be going back to Canterlot?" Twilight asked with a face that looked like she was afraid of what the answer might be.

"What?" Fluttershy said, walking up to Coppermane, "You…You're leaving again?" she asked, looking like she was about to cry.

Copper had completely forgotten about this. His heart dropped. The cottage he was in was only rented out to him for the duration of the Celebration, and soon…it would be over. He…he might actually have to go back. To Canterlot.

"Um…um…I…I…" Copper stammered, with a look of complete horror on his face.

Copper tried not to cry, but it was getting hard to keep the floodgates up. He might actually have to go back. As much as he didn't want to, he had his studies, and he also didn't have anywhere else to stay here. The cottage wasn't meant to be rented out long term.

"Oh no…I…I might…I might be…oh no…" Copper felt like he was going to be sick.

"Copper…you…you can't go back…you…you can't…" Fluttershy said, hugging Coppermane, holding him close, her eyes filled with tears. Fluttershy couldn't lose him again…she couldn't bear the thought.

Copper hugged her back, and held her close. He couldn't leave Fluttershy again. He could barely stand five days! There was no way he could leave her forever. And all of his friends…he…he couldn't. His morning conversations with Pinkie Pie…his visits to Applejack in Sweet Apple Acres…practicing magic with Twilight…all of that…gone. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving his friends. Leaving the friendliest town in Equestria. Leaving…Fluttershy.

No. There had to be a way. There had to be a way for him to stay here. Stay with his friends. Completely leave his past behind. There had to be a way…there just had to be. Too much has happened here for him to go back to his life before Ponyville. Too many life-changing things have happened for him to just say goodbye. There had to be a way. Reluctantly, he let go of Fluttershy, and looked at Twilight with a determined face.

"I'm going to go talk to Princess Celestia," Coppermane said.

"W-What?" Fluttershy asked with a tear-stained face.

"There has to be a way…there has to be…" Copper said with determination.

"Copper…" Twilight said, looking saddened, "do you really think you can get to the Princess with everypony in line to meet her?"

"I don't care. Too much has happened in Ponyville for me to just leave," Copper said. He walked up to Fluttershy, who was still crying at the fear of losing the colt of her dreams.

"Copper…" Fluttershy said, her voice shaky.

"I'll be back…I promise…" Copper said as he leaned his head forward and kissed Fluttershy on the forehead before turning around and heading towards the princesses.

Fluttershy watched as the colt of her dreams walked away from her to talk to the princesses, stunned by his kiss. She sat down and stared at the ground, trying her best not to cry.

"Fluttershy…are…are you okay?" Twilight said, walking up to the saddened mare.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight, and suddenly began to bawl. Twilight sat down and hugged the mare, trying to comfort her. Fluttershy was completely hysterical. Losing Coppermane for six days was hard enough for her, but losing him for good? Fluttershy couldn't bear the thought. She loved him too much…why hadn't she just told him? She had a chance, and now she might not see him again.

"Shh…it's okay, Fluttershy. He said he'll be back," Twilight said to the hysterical mare, trying to comfort her. Twilight got no response…just more tears. She would admit that she was saddened herself though. Copper had become a valuable member of the group over these last couple of weeks, and it would be hard to say goodbye.

Well…why should they have to?

Fluttershy began to calm down a bit, and then Twilight spoke.

"Fluttershy, get up," Twilight said with determination.

"*sniff*, h-huh?" Fluttershy asked, looking up at Twilight with a reddened face.

"We're going to get the girls together and help Coppermane," Twilight said with a determined smile.

"W-We are?" Fluttershy asked, sounding hopeful.

"Yep! Copper has had too much influence on us to just leave. C'mon!" Twilight said, urging Fluttershy to get up.

Before Fluttershy could stand up, as if they had overheard Twilight, the other four girls appeared out of nowhere.

"Fluttershy! What's wrong?" Rarity asked, "What happened?"

"And where's Coppermane?" Applejack asked.

"Did he do something to you?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Did he hurt you? I swear if he did…" Rainbow Dash began to say.

"Girls! Copper didn't hurt her at all," Twilight said, "He went to go talk to the princesses."

"Why is he doing that?" Applejack asked, confused.

"He…he…he might be leaving…for good…" Fluttershy weakly said, shedding more tears.

"WHAT?!" the four mares shouted in disbelief.

"He's going to talk to Princess Celestia about staying, but we're going to go and help him," Twilight said.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Rainbow Dash said before all of the mares raced to the princesses.

Time: 2:00 AM, Sunday, Summer Sun Celebration Grounds

Copper managed to get Princess Celestia alone in her private tent to talk to her, and luckily for him, the Princess wanted to tell him something as well.

"So…what did you want to say, Princess?" Copper asked.

"I just never got a chance to properly congratulate you on an amazing job with your performance!" Princess Celestia said excitedly, "Everypony that has come up to meet with us have all mentioned you. They've said nothing but great things about you. I'm so proud of you!" she said with a smile.

"Hehe…th-thanks…" Copper said, being very melancholy.

"Copper? Is there something wrong?" Princess Celestia asked. Copper just stood there silent for a moment, making the princess worry.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" she asked, remembering why they went into the tent in the first place.

"Princess…I…I…I don't want to go back to Canterlot." Coppermane said, looking up at the princess with desperate eyes.

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"I…I can't. I just can't. So many things have happened here…so many amazing things. And you know what happened to me back in Canterlot. I can't go back to that. Not after everything that has happened here in Ponyville. Ponies here don't treat me like a monster. They don't recoil in fear whenever I walk in the room. They don't point hooves at me. They just…accept me. They accept me for who I am, and they don't neglect me for my past transgressions. And…I finally have friends. Good…good friends. Friends I care about, and who care about me…" Copper's eyes began to tear up, "I…I have an amazing life here. I…I can't go back to my life before all of this. The only good thing I had back then, and still have now, is you as my teacher. Which…I'm incredibly grateful for…but…I…I can't go back. I just can't. There has to be a way," Copper pleaded.

Princess Celestia was about to say something when all of a sudden, voices were heard outside.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" A guard shouted.

"Sorry, but this is important!" A voice that sounded like Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly, six familiar mares burst into the tent, startling both Princess Celestia and Copper.

"Don't make him leave!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"We don't want him to leave! He simply can't!" Rarity pleaded.

Princess Celestia gave a knowing smirk, "I'm listening."

"Please, Princess Celestia. Copper can't leave. He's done so much for us to just leave without a trace!" Twilight pleaded.

"Who am I going to talk to every morning at Sugarcube Corner if he leaves?" Pinkie Pie said.

"He can't go! Not after everything he's givin' us!" Applejack pleaded.

"Please, Princess Celestia," Fluttershy began to say, tears welling up in her eyes, "He…he means so much to us…if he leaves…I…I don't know what we'll do…"

Coppermane was touched. His friends had gone out of their way to go to Princess Celestia and practically beg to her for Copper to stay in Ponyville. Copper didn't realize how much they actually cared about him until right now…he couldn't help but shed a tear. He turned around and looked at his friends with a big smile on his face, "You…you guys…"

Fluttershy rushed up to him and hugged him, and soon the rest of the girls gave him a group hug. It lasted until they heard Princess Celestia laughing. They all broke the hug, and Copper walked up to the smiling princess.

"Wh-What's so funny?" Copper asked, his face slightly tear-stained.

"I knew this would happen," Princess Celestia said.

"Huh?" Copper and all the girls said, confused.

"I sent you here to perform for the Celebration, yes, but I also wanted you to make new friends. I knew that you would be hesitant at first, but that it would be in your best interest to give it a try. And I could tell from the letters you've sent me that I had made the right decision. I knew that Ponyville would be the perfect place for you to make new, and your very first friends, and that you would never want to look back once it happened. And what I've just witnessed is true friendship."

Copper was shocked. She planned all of this? She had all of this in mind the entire time? Wow…nopony could've called that.

"You actually share a lot of similarities with Twilight in that aspect. You both were highly introverted, unwilling to interact with other ponies for one reason or another, but once you learned the value of friendship, you didn't want to abandon it. You're in her exact same position, wouldn't you agree, Twilight?"

"Yeah…he is…" Twilight said, still shocked at what was going on.

"Wow…I…I…you…knew this would happen?" Copper asked his teacher.

The princess nodded and approached the stunned colt, "I knew you needed help, Copper. I was worried about you."

Copper was speechless. He looked around him, and saw ponies that all loved and cared about him. Being surrounded by ponies that care that much about you was such an amazing feeling, and was something that Copper had craved his entire life, but never thought he deserved. He shed a tear of happiness in front of them all.

"…Th…Thank you. Thank you so much, princess," Copper said. Princess Celestia went up to him and gave him a hug, and Copper shed more tears of joy. They really care…

"So does this mean he can stay?" Pinkie Pie asked with vigor.

"Well…there is still one problem," Princess Celestia said, making the girls frown. She released Copper from her embrace, "Copper's cottage is only a rental, and he has it only until the end of the day today. He has no place to stay."

Suddenly, Twilight spoke up, "He can stay with me in the Library!"

Copper's head darted over to the purple mare, "Huh?"

"Yeah! You and I are both students! I have an extra room, and tons of spellbooks! We could study together, and we can teach each other new spells, it would be so great!" Twilight said with excitement.

Copper contemplated for a moment. It…actually sounded like a great idea. He was getting tired of his same old spellbooks, and she was right, they could study together. He looked up at his friends who were all looking at him with hopeful eyes. He only had one answer:

"If it means I can stay…then…let's do it," Copper said, to which the girls all cheered and enveloped him in another group hug. This time, however, he felt all of their collective happiness, instead of their worry of him possibly leaving. He was staying in Ponyville now. He didn't have to go back to Canterlot. He could continue this amazing new life until the day he died. Copper couldn't be happier.

"Yay! Now I get to see you every day!" Pinkie Pie said with excitement.

Princess Celestia laughed at the exchange. She was so proud of her student. He had come so far in just two weeks.

Eventually, the girls released him from the embrace allowing Copper a chance to breathe. However, Fluttershy walked back up to the colt and pulled him into a big, warm hug, crying tears of joy and relief. The colt of her dreams was here to stay. She couldn't be happier.

Copper hugged her back, so relieved that he was here to stay. He could be with the mare of his dreams forever. Which reminded him…

"How 'bout we all get somethin' from the Apple family stand ta celebrate. It's on the house!" Applejack said with excitement.

"Um…actually, there's something I need to do first…" Copper said. The girls looked at him confused, "Fluttershy…I want you to come with me."

Fluttershy looked back at him with a confused face, "Wh-What?"

"I want you to come with me," Copper repeated.

"Wh-where are we going?" Fluttershy asked.

"I-It's a surprise." Copper said with a smile.

"U-Um…okay…" Fluttershy said, still confused, but smiled at the colt.

"I'm going to warp us there. Close your eyes," Copper said. Fluttershy looked reluctant.

"Um…I-I don't know…"

"Fluttershy…" Copper said, taking Fluttershy's hoof in his, "Trust me. You're going to love it. Nothing bad will happen. Close your eyes."

He's holding my hoof…

Fluttershy was still somewhat reluctant, but felt safer with Copper holding her hoof. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Copper looked over at the other five mares who all had hopeful, knowing looks on their faces. Copper gave them a wink, confirming their theory, making them extremely giddy. He looked back at Fluttershy, her eyes still closed.

"You ready, Fluttershy?"

"Mmmhmm," she said, tightly squeezing Coppermane's hoof.

"Alright, here we go," Copper said. His horn suddenly glowed white, the two ponies were enveloped in a magical white cloud, and with a flash of light…the two vanished.

"Is he actually going to…?" Rarity asked, hopeful.

"Ah think so…" Applejack said with a smile. The girls all giddily laughed to each other, all excited for the two ponies.

Whew! If you're reading this…thank you for powering through this chapter. It was a really long one, I know. Hope this chapter didn't disappoint, because it was kind of the ultimate moment for Copper. I also hope you liked the musical terminology. I'm a music minor (currently), so I have some knowledge of the technicalities, as well as theater technicalities (I did theater in high school). There is at least one more chapter left, but I might reconsider if I want to add an epilogue. Anyways, like I said, midterms are coming up, just a warning in case the updates are delayed (just like this how this chapter was delayed). Also, I went back through previous chapters and facepalmed myself numerous times from all the grammatical and spelling mistakes I accidentally made. Also I revised some parts, so if you're interested, make sure to go back and read to see some of the changes! Also, I added titles to the chapters, if you haven't noticed already. Anyways, all reviews are greatly appreciated, so don't forget to leave one letting me know what you think and…until next time…PEACE!

To see a picture of my OC, there's a link on my profile.

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