
Harmonic Chaos Chronicles 14

by ChaosFire0987

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Introduction

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Harmonic Chaos Chronicles 14

Chapter 1: Introduction

Rage Chaotic the Hedgehog a crimson hedgehog in charge of Guarding the Chaos Emeralds has been through many adventures in his never ending battle against darkness. His most recent endeavors brought him to a world known as Equestria a land inhabited by ponies, unicorns and pegasi. Rage a stranger to this new world learned the secret of his father Maxim Chaotic and his origins as an equine. Rage known to Equestria as Burning Rage soon saved the world from darkness which grabbed the attention of the princesses of the land. Eventually after other times he saves Equestria he is dubbed as a Prince in order to provide guidenceto the Princesses on how to protect the world from darkness that and he had turned into an Alicorn upon his arrival in the land the only form his Chaos energy could adapt to without it overcharging.

Many years have past since then all full of adventure for Rage and his Ponyville friends. Rage is in a relationship with the fastest flier in the land Rainbow Dash. With everything settling down they finally plan to do the same but once again trouble is not far off over the horizon..

Rage sat on the edge of Angel Island looking over the town of Ponyville. Soon Tikal joins him, "Hay Rage how's it looking?" she asks

"Well ever since we got the repairs from The underworld incident finished everything has been pretty good. The Dark Spawn count has dropped and we haven't heard from any of the Dark Legion members in a while."

"That's good to hear, you are about due for a vacation Rage." Tikal smiles at him, "You work so hard to protect both here and Mobius after all."

"Yeah I know after all someone has to do it... weather it's myself or another." Rage responds closing his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them to see Gilda land on the island with Rainbow Dash.

"Rage!" Rainbow yells over and he turns around.

"Rainbow!" he smiles "I see you brought Gilda." he says

"How ya doing Rage?" she asks

"Well I can't complain it's been pretty good for me how about you Gilda?" Rage responds

"I've been doing fine, pranking a few here and there but other than that great." she replies

"Say Rainbow did you ever mention it to Gilda?" Rage asks

"Well actually this is the first time we have seen each other since the mishap a few years back." Rainbow rubs her head

"Tell me what?" Gilda asks "you know I don't like secrets!"

"Rage and I are coltfriend and marefriend!" Rainbow smiles hugging Rage

"Hmph." Gilda grunts "Why am I not surprised you two are a perfect fit!"

"hay!" Rage says punching her playfully

"Oh the truth is harsh is it?" Gilda replies with a smile "Anyway Rage you are good flier?"

"Are you challenging me?" Rage asks with a smirk

"Maybe I am." Gilda smiles back

"Name it." Rage says

"To Cloudsdale and back." Gilda responds

"You're going to be sorry you asked." Rage chuckles crouching down for a take off. "You got this Rainbow Dash?" he asks

"Yeah." she replies as Gilda gets down for take off as well

"Hope your ready Rage cause I'll have you know my feathers apparently taste good." Gilda taunts

"I hope you don't burn any from my back flare." Rage smirks as Rainbow Dash looks at the two

"Ready... Set... GO!" she calls and the two dart off with Rage in a good lead.

"Catch me if you can!" he yells before soon flying around the city of clouds with Gilda still a bout ¾ ways to the city and he calls "See you at the finish!" picking up speed to form a Rainbolt and within seconds he lands next to Rainbow Dash.

"Wow Rage that was great!" she says about a minute later Gilda flies and lands

"Good race, Rage." she says shaking his hoof "You are too fast for me."

"You did well Gilda." Rage comments "Besides I had fun!"

"Alright I will see you two around then." Gilda says taking off,


Dr. Eon Robotnik the son of Dr. Eggman or as Rage, Hikari and their friends called him "Robuttkid" was looking at a form of stasis chamber with a red robot within. "Finally... thanks to the Chaos Drives from the old GUN bots I have perfected it!" he says

"What is it exactly?" Orbot asks

"This... is the answer to our pest problem..." he smiles pushing a button and two red eyes flash on as the chamber opens and the robot steps out.

"I...am...Metal...Rage..." it says "Mission: find and execute target Rage Chaotic the Hedgehog; possible alias: Prince Burning Rage correct?"

"That is correct Metal Rage now GO!" Eon says pointing his finger and the robot takes off

"So what makes Metal Rage so special?" Cubot asks

"Metal Rage has the power to copy the powers of Chaos from Rage then use them himself making him the ultimate machine!" Eon says


Rage, Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor were sitting on some sofas with other ponies caring for them.

"It was awful nice of you two tome come visit on such short notice." Cadence says

"It's no problem." Twilight says "after all we are used to it now."

"you got that right." Rage chuckles "So what do you need?"

"Well with the next Equestria Games coming up we needed your input on the Crystal Heart's podium." Cadence says

"Well I for one am a simple guy so whatever you guys like I will be fine with." Rage says

"I agree with Rage after all it is yours anyways Cadence." Twilight says as Rage stands up and stretches

"Well I need to be off," he grunts "I think from the sound of it Babs is in need of some help."

"You can hear him from all the way over here?" Cadence asks

"Of course, how else was I able to save so many ponies from Molestia back a few months ago." Rage replies "Now if you will excuse me." he bows taking off


Babs Seed the younger cousin of Applejack and almost the same age as Applebloom was standing at the door to his small apartment home when the bell rings and his mother opens it to see Rage.

"Oh why Prince Burning Rage to what do we owe the pleasure?" she asks

"Well I heard Babs needed help getting to school." Rage says

"Was he bothering you about it?" she asks

"No not at all actually I promised him I would do it sometime." Rage replies

"alright..." she responds as Babs walks out

"Thanks Rage." he says first thing after his mother shuts the door

"No problem." Rage smiles "After all I need to get out and see more of Equestria to be honest I only really know Ponyville, Canterlot part of The Crystal Empire and Apploosa I haven't even been to Manehatten before."

"Well I will show you the way!" Babs says as they exit the complex.

"Well lead the way then." Rage nods following the filly a few blocks to a school building and walking in with him. "Alright I will be right here." he says

"Thanks Rage." Babs says walking farther in passing a group of colts hoping they would leave him alone alas they did not.

"Well well Baby Seed you got our lunch money?" they ask him nudging him rather hard with a hoof

"Hay you better..b-back off..." Babs says shaking

"Or what?" the colt challenges

"You'll be sorry!" Babs says loudly and Rage hears it at the entrance and begins to run through the halls

"Okay we can do it the hard way..." the colt growls grabbing Babs

"Put him down." Rage says looking at the colt

"Who said that?" he asks looking at Rage "Prince Burning Rage... whatever are you doing here?" he asks

"I dunno you tell me." Rage says walking up to him as he drops Babs

"Visiting?" the colt whimpers

"I will say it once... and only once leave Babs alone otherwise next time it won't be pretty." Rage warns as the Colt nods in acknowledgment and runs off

"Thank you Rage." Babs sighs

"No problem-" Rage then stops as the building rumbles "The hell?" he asks himself running outside to see what the commotion was about

"Help!" a mare yells as Rage sees a red hedgehog like robot so he switches to his hedgehog form and yells at the robot

"Hay bolt head!" Rage yells and the robot looks at him "I think your brain has been fried, wrong world."

"Target Confirmed: Rage Chaotic" it says walking over and it's hand turns into a machine gun "Eliminate"

"Oh please..." Rage sighs as it opens fire "Time Stop!" he yells as the area around him and the mech stops Rage then runs up to it and puts a hand on it "Chaos Control!" he yells waring the two to a field and time returns to normal "You have no chance Chaos Spear!" Rage yells leaping and throwing a chaos spear at the mech slicing the gun off.

"Chaos Spear!" it yells throwing a spear of Chaos Energy at Rage who dodges it

"Whoa!" Rage pants "It-it can use Chaos!" he says surprised

"Correct, I am Metal Rage designed by Dr. Eon Robotnik primary objective is to kill you, Rage Chaotic the Hedgehog." it says pointing a metal finger at him.

"Fat chance." Rage smirks as he summons his sword, "After all you can't keep up!" Rage chuckles as he dashes around at light speed making the robot look around

"Where are you?" it asks

"Right here!" Rage chuckles slicing it in half from the air and landing as it explodes "Hmph just another thing of scrap metal." Rage chuckles before morphing to his Alicorn form and flying home.

"Hay Rage how was your day?" Rainbow Dash asks greeting him

"Interesting." Rage replies sitting on the couch of clouds "I was attacked by a Metal me made by Robuttkid."

"That is interesting." Rainbow says "You totally kicked it's tin can right?"

"You bet!" Rage smiles

Meanwhile back in the field the pile of Metal left over slowly melds back to form Metal Rage again with a mechanical laugh it disappears back to Mobius...

to be continued

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