
Sweet Pea

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 30: Chapter 29

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The skies were still cloudy, but the rain had ceased, so it was the perfect chance to board ship. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were on the dock saying their goodbyes while Rumble and Pip watched from the ship. Babs hugged both sisters and then boarded her ship. Featherweight gave a look of concern to Button, but he nudged his friend to get going and he followed Babs onto the ship. Dinky embraced the Canterlot sisters and said goodbye to Snips and Snails. Twist hugged them last and Truffle told her he would come for her as soon as the wedding was over with.

The girls hugged Button one last time and he gave them a heartfelt goodbye. They boarded ship and Admiral Scallop gave the command to hoist the sails. With a look of sadness, Button waved goodbye to those who had mattered to him in such a short time…

When Sweetie had finished her story, Jewel was shaking her head.

"That is so sad…"

"Please, is there any way I can get back to my sisters and my true love?" Sweetie asked.

"As soon as you're rested and feeling up to it, we'll take you back to where we found you." said Cassie.

"But I'm fine now! Please, you have to take me back! They must be so worried about me…"

"Even if we do take you back now, you would have to wait for the spell to wear off." Jewel gestured.

"So I'm stuck like this until I can get back to normal…?"

"Afraid so… but we can offer a way for you to see your loved ones." Cassie gave her a fairly large white pearl. "You merely have to state who you wish to see."

Just like Discord's magic mirror… Sweetie thought with a smile, and said to the pearl, "I wish to see my sisters, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom…" the pearl heard her wish and it glowed. The pearl revealed an image of her sisters being on what she recognized as Canterlot's royal ship. Wait… Why are they leaving Marendelle…? Then, it occurred to her that once she was in the ocean, she must have been presumed dead! Oh, no! Not again!

She proclaimed, "I have to go after them and show them I'm alright!"

Cassie and Jewel nodded.

Apple Bloom slumped by the bow of the ship. Pip joined her and placed his hoof around her. Scootaloo sat in the back of the ship and sighed deeply. Rumble came over to her, giving a sad face that was like hers.

"It was bad enough without having to lose you… only to lose my sister in the process…" she put her hooves over her eyes.

Rumble solemnly looked at her and wrapped his arms around her for comfort.

The whole ship was quiet, knowing of the tragedy of the lost princess, and the crew kept working without making a sound. After what seemed like forever, a strange noise filled the air. It was faint at first, but it just grew more and more loudly. The noise then sounded like singing.

AB lifted her head in confusion, "That singing… where have I heard it before…?"

Scootaloo tilted her head up as she listened to the song. The voice that was singing sounded so familiar to her, but she couldn't place it.

"…There is a star waiting to guide us, shining inside us… When we close our eyes! Don't let go, if you stay close to me! In my dreams tonight… You will see what I see… Dreams to dream… As near as can be… Inside you and me… They always come… true…"

The sisters looked around. That last note was closer than the rest of the lyrics. They searched around the ship and Rumble and Pip shrugged their shoulders, unable to find anything. Suddenly, a voice said.

"You know, you could look down…"

They did and their jaws dropped at the sight.

Sweetie smirked, "Yes… it's me…"

The girls burst into tears and reached out to their sister. She reached out to them too, only to get picked up by a mantahawk to help her out. They embraced her, with all three of them crying.

"I just… I can't believe… I was so sure we lost you this time…" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah… we even had to tell the rest of our family the bad news…" Scoots pointed.

"Well, as you can see, I'm very much alive…"

"Well, now we do…" Scootaloo scoffed.

"And we can- what in Equestria is that?!" AB noticed Sweetie's tail attached to her.

Scootaloo and the boys noticed it, too, and gawked at it.

"What? Oh… this…" she blushed and moved her fins, "Don't worry. It's only temporary, but I'll tell you that if weren't for this thing, I really wouldn't be here…"

When she finished explaining, the girls were shaking their heads in disbelief. How lucky they were to have Sweetie be alive all this time.

"I swear, you get all the luck." Scootaloo motioned.

"You are," AB nodded, "You pass all the tests, you get Button to marry- Oh, my gosh! Button!"

"What? What is it?!" Sweetie worried.

"Button! He's going to marry Diamond Tiara because he thought you were dead!"

Scootaloo gasped, "That's right!"

"No! It can't be! Tell me it's not true!" begged Sweetie.

Pip gave an upset look, "I'm afraid it is…"

Rumble added, "The poor guy didn't have much of a choice. With you gone, he had to marry someone else for his kingdom…"

"But why did it have to be Diamond Tiara?!" Sweetie started crying. Thinking how things have gone so wrong, she sang, "I've always dreamed… That my life could be… like a fairy-tale… a perfect fantasy… Every day a new adventure… on some undiscovered shore… Was it nothing more than a dream? Then one magic night… with a single dance… I found more than just a storybook romance… And for once my life was perfect… as we glided 'cross the floor… And it was so much more… so much more than a dream… I could say it never happened… just a dream from the start, but then I'd live my life with a broken heart…"

"We need to stop that wedding!" declared Scootaloo.

"Right! While there's still time!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"Captain, turn us back to Marendelle!" Scoots commanded.

"We're caught in a current, and the wind is picking up! Even if we do manage to turn, we'd be fighting against the waves and it would take a while to get back on course!"

"I wish I could fly ahead, but with the wind, it would be hard move in it." Rumble pointed.

"There's only one thing to do… I'll have to swim back…" Sweetie said.

"All by yourself?" AB questioned with worry.

"I know… but what choice do we have?"

"Just… be careful… We lost you far too many times already. I hate to think that this time will be for good…" Scootaloo hung her head.

AB slowly nodded in agreement.

"I understand. But I Pinkie Promise that you won't lose me this time. Besides, it's probably for the best that I get ahead, and then Button can see I'm alright and stop the wedding."

"Good point." Pip said.

She hugged the girls and they squeezed her in return, making sure that this wasn't going to be the last hug they would ever have.

"I'll see you back in Marendelle…" She took a dive and landed in the water. Making use of her new fins, she sang out while putting all her thoughts on Button, "'Cause in a prince's arms I've found a love I can't deny! If there's any chance to set things right, I've simply got to try! So I'll trust my heart! What else can I do? I can't live in dreams if my dreams are to come true! There's a better life that's waiting, pass the mountains I must climb! I'll will take a chance on love to get my once upon a time! Oh, I want so much more… so much more… than a dream!"

Button sighed as he saw the wedding ship being decorated and set up for the reception afterwards.

"Doesn't everything look perfect!" his new fiancé came up to him with a smile spread across her face.

"It is…" he sadly said.

"Though, we need to change the colors."

"Whatever you say…" he turned to leave the ship.

Silver Spoon said to her cousin, "He doesn't seem very happy."

"Obviously still thinking of that little nobody… Well, no matter. He'll forget all about her once I show him what I have to offer…" she flipped her mane, acting all sultry.

Back on the ship, Scootaloo asked, "Any process, admiral?"

The Admiral grunted as he tried to turn the helm, "Blast these winds! The sea is being a cruel mistress!"

"We need to get back to help Sweetie!" Scoots yelled.

"I know!" shouted Apple Bloom, "But what can we do?! It's not like we can use magic to turn this around any quicker!"

"And even if you did, you would need a powerful spell to fight these currents!" Pip gestured.

AB's eyes suddenly gleamed, "And I know just the being to do that!" she quickly ran into the cabin and came back carrying the magic mirror.

"Of course!" Scootaloo smiled, "It was so obvious!"

Bloom nodded as she started calling to the mirror, "Apple Bloom calling Discord! Apple Bloom calling Discord!"

In the castle apartment, Fluttershy was trying to prepare for dinner that night, but she wasn't in the mood. She noticed her husband still sitting on the couch from that morning. He just kept staring at the wall and doing nothing. She couldn't blame him. Losing Sweetie Belle was a blow for all of them, but her husband and her sister were pretty close. She thought that if they had a daughter in the next month, they would name her Sweetie Belle in honor of Sweetie Belle.

Rarity was in her workshop trying to get her mind off of Sweetie Belle, but each time she tried to sew something, it would get crooked and she had to redo the stitching. She felt a kick and touched her stomach, "Oh, I'm sorry, darling… Mommy's not her usual self…" she gave a slight chuckle, "If you're anything like your dear aunt, I will name you after her…" she sighed at the thought, "Perhaps a visit to your Aunt Fluttershy will help…" she left the room.

"Discord?" Fluttershy came up to him.

He stood silent and not moved an inch.

"Discord?" she tried calling again, but he just stayed the same.

Finally, she shouted, "Discord!"

That made him snap out of his gloomy thoughts and faced her, "Hmm? Oh… Fluttershy… I'm sorry, love. Did you need something?"

"I think the better question is: do you need anything?"

"Who, me? Nah… I'm… fine…"

"You don't sound fine…" a voice said.

They turned to see Rarity walking in, "I'm terribly sorry for barging in, but no one was answering…"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rarity. I was so busy trying to get Discord's attention that I didn't hear you knock…"

"It's alright. We're all upset about what's happened… We just can't think straight."

"I should have been there… To stop it from ever happening…" Discord held himself.

"I keep telling you… there's nothing we could have done to prevent it, no matter how much we wanted to…" Fluttershy said softly.

"Sometimes, I still think that she's going to call me up on the magic mirror and ask for my help or advice…"

By then, the mirror on a stand was glowing and vibrating. Fluttershy and Rarity noticed this.

"But chances are that's never going to happen…"

"Um, honey? The mirror…"

"And I'll never hear her sweet voice again…"

"Discord! The mirror!" Rarity pointed.

"The mirror? What?" he looked and sure enough, the mirror was acting up. With a jump in his heart, he snatched it up and said to it, "Sweetie Belle? Is that you?" But when the image came into view, he was somewhat crestfallen, "Oh… Apple Bloom…"

"Discord! You've got to help us!"

This surprised him, "What's going on?"

Immediately, both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were spouting off at the same time. Neither Discord nor the girls could follow. He shouted to them, "Halt! One at a time! Apple Bloom, explain to us what's going on."

"Sweetie Belle's alive! Button's getting married to the wrong pony-"

"Back up!" he yelled, "Sweetie Belle… is… alive…?" he could hardly believe it.

Rarity and Fluttershy were shocked as well.

"Yes!" Scootaloo hollered, "Now pay attention! Button is getting married to a stuck-up princess because he thought Sweetie was dead! Now she's on her way to stop it and we're trying to get there to join her, but we're caught in a current and can't turn around!"

"We need your help to turn the ship!" AB bellowed.

"Can it be true…?" Rarity touched her heart, "Our dear little sister is alive…?"

Fluttershy asked, "Girls, are you sure?"

"YES!" they shouted.

"We saw her with our own eyes!" AB exclaimed.

"And felt her, too!" Scootaloo claimed.

Their mouths gaped open until Discord said, "There's only one way to figure this out…" he went to the large magic mirror, "Mirror, show me Sweetie Belle."

An image of Sweetie Belle swimming in the ocean appeared as she swam as fast she could. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Discord felt joy in their hearts and cheered.

"She's alive! She's alive!" Discord floated up, "And…" he looked back at the picture and realized, "And she's half-fish?"

Back in the smaller mirror, both AB and Scootaloo face-hoofed.

"Look, there's no time to explain everything. Are you going to help us or not?!" Scoots demanded.

The three exchanged glances and gave a determined look.

"Of course we will! But just give us one moment…" Discord popped up the rest of the family living in the castle.

Once confusion was sorted out and the news was given, a plan was set into action by Twilight.

"Alright, every pony. Operation-"

Pinkie chimed in, "Operation-Help-Sweetie-Belle-Save-The-Prince-From-An-Awful-Pony-Who-Doesn't-Deserve-To-Marry-Him!"

"Yes, more or less…" said Twilight. "Anyway, here's what we'll do: Discord, Flash, Pinkie, Cheese, Rainbow, Soarin', and I will help the girls turn the ship around and from there, we'll find Sweetie Belle and help her out."

"Sure wish we could come with you…" said Applejack.

"I know, but you three are expecting. It's important that you stay here."

"Someone has to tell Mother and Father what's going on." said Rarity.

Twilight nodded.

Discord and Fluttershy embraced.

"Oh, please be careful…" she whispered.

"Don't worry, I'll be perfectly safe and I'll make sure to keep everyone else safe. This time for sure…"

She smiled as they leaned in for a kiss.

An "Ahem!" from the mirror interrupted them. Scootaloo pointed out, "Not to ruin the mush, but we're short on time here!"

Discord went to the large mirror, "All right then, we'll be right over!" he waved his hands and the mirror began to swirl and open a wormhole. "This baby should be able to take us to right where you are. So, who wants to go first?"

"I never miss out on entering a strange wormhole that will take you places!" Pinkie said and she took the jump, shouting, "Wee!" She was gone.

Cheese followed right after his wife, shouting, "Yeah-hoo!"

Rainbow and Soarin' shrugged and went in next.

Flash told Twilight, "See you on the other side." She went through.

Twilight looked back at the sisters who were staying and then went in.

Discord stole one last glance of his wife before going in and once he was through, the portal closed and the mirror was back to normal.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom waited to see when their family would arrive. Rumble was a bit nervous meeting his wife's family, who technically was his family now, too. Pip was on edge, but remembered that he already met the royal family. He didn't need to worry, but it was probably for the best that he was on his best behavior around Apple Bloom.

Suddenly, a wormhole opened at the center of the ship and Pinkie came out, shouting, "Wee!" Then, she landed smack-face on the deck. Cheese came next and landed on top of his wife. Dash and Soarin' managed to avoid the collision and flew out. Flash, however, missed a step and went on top of Cheese, and then Twilight bumped into her husband. Discord levitated in and smirked at the pile of ponies.

"You must really watch that first step. It's a doozy."

"You could have mentioned that earlier!" Twilight complained.

"Now where's the fun in that?!" he shrugged.

"Discord!" said two voices.

"Hey!" he had his arm out and embraced the fillies that used be no higher than his knees.

Once they finished hugging him, they hugged their sisters and brothers-in-law.

Rainbow rubbed Scoots head, "Great to see you too, squirt."

"Hey, kiddo." Soarin' patted her back.

Apple Bloom finished hugging Pinkie and looked around, "Where's Applejack?"

"Sorry, Apple Bloom," said Twilight, "but we knew it would better for her to stay home, especially in her condition."

"Oh, I understand…"

"Don't worry, she misses you, too." said Flash.

That made her smile.

Discord then saw the colts watching them, "Hello, who do we have here?"

Rumble gulped when he saw the towering creature coming towards him. Pip was a bit intimidated, but he remembered Discord before and remained calm.

AB came over, "You know Pip."

"Him, I remember. As I recall he was supposed to watch all three of you…"

This made Pip sweat, "Well… I…"

Bloom came to his defensive, "There is no way, no how he could have helped Sweetie in time. We were all overpowered by the ponies who led our sister to her doom."

"Okay, okay, I'll buy that, so who's this fellow?" Discord pointed to Rumble.

Scootaloo came at Rumble's side, "This is Rumble. We met before… in the alley…" she almost whispered that last part.

"Wait a minute…" Discord pondered and then smirked, "This is the guy who got away by throwing trash on you…?"

Scoots sighed, "Yes…"

The spirit burst out laughing.

Rumble was confused, "What's so funny?"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, "I made a point that if I saw you again, it would be too soon and that's exactly what happened…"



Rainbow then flew up and examined him, "You don't seem all that tough to me… From Scoots' description, I was expecting some pony with more build and a tougher attitude."

"Oh, I got it! It just seems whenever I'm around her," he pointed to Scootaloo, "I get distracted and I have to use my wits to get away."

Scoots smirked, "Except you couldn't get away when I sprained your wing…"

"Ha! So you do admit it!"

They kept with bantering as Discord watched it while eating popcorn and he shared some with Pinkie and Cheese.

Twilight had her brow raised and asked Apple Bloom, "Is it like that all the time with them?"

"At first, it was like that when we were going to Marendelle. Then when we got to the island, they got all mushy. Don't ask me how it started up."

"Mushy? Uh…how mushy are we talking?"

"Uh…" a bead of sweat went down AB's brow. She Pinkie-Promised Scootaloo that she wouldn't tell any of their family about Scoots' marriage. Thankfully, the topic was changed when Scootaloo shouted.

"Why are we talking about this?! Sweetie needs us to get back to help Button!"

Twilight agreed, "You're right. Discord, can you-" But she realized that the spirit of chaos was already at the helm and had pirate wear on.

"Way ahead of you, bookworm! Hold on tight, everypony!" He jerked the helm, causing the ponies to rock from side of the ship to the next. In no time, the ship was completely turned around and headed straight for Marendelle.

Sweetie wasn't sure how much closer she was to Marendelle. She went past Coltlantis to quickly thank Jewel and Cassie for their help and they gave her a small conch shell for her to blow in case she needed assistance from them in the future. She would treasure it always. She kept on swimming, but then felt strange. She stopped for a moment and looked down to see her gills fading away and her fins were slowly turning back to legs.

No! Not now! She panicked and she started swimming up to the surface, but she was so far down it was hard for her to breath. No… No… she thought, I was so close… I'm so sorry… Button… She felt herself going down, but then, out of nowhere, a giant fishhook wrapped around her and she was being reeled up. She came out of the water and landed on the hard deck. She heard someone said.

"Look who I've caught!"

Her eyes widened when she recognized the voice. She looked up and smiled widely at him. "Discord!" she ran to embrace him, "Oh, thank you! Thank you!"

"Aw, it was nothing… but now that's out of the way, I'll say this… Don't you ever scary me like that ever again! Do you realize the pain you caused us all when we thought you were dead?!"

She started sobbing then in his arms while saying, "I know… I know…"

Twilight magically wrapped a towel around her and took over the comforting.

"It's alright now… You're alive and that's all that matters…"

Sweetie then noticed that half of her family was here smiling at her.

"Where's Rarity?" she asked.

Twilight explained, "She couldn't come, but I'm sure if she was here, she would be holding on to you and crying."

Sweetie giggled. That was exactly how she imagined her sister's reaction would be. Then, she had a serious expression on her face, "I need to get to Marendelle."

"We know, that's why we're here…" Twilight smiled.

She looked over to where the sisters she knew before adoption were and beamed at them.

"We called in the cavalry." AB smiled.

"So, Sweetie…" Discord coiled his tail around her and smirked, "Tell me more about this prince you so desperately fell in love with… and what are the perks for getting to be his queen?"

Sweetie just rolled her eyes.

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