
Sweet Pea

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 17: Chapter 16

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AN: Alright, here it is, Sweetie Belle's talent show song is Dreams to Dream the end credit version by Linda Ronstadt. The same person who sang in Somewhere Out There. Enjoy.

The talent show was going to start soon as the subjects of Marendelle gathered into the ballroom to face the stage. Upstairs in Sweetie Belle's room, the sisters went over their routines.

"Everything's all set." said Apple Bloom. "The scenery is in place for when you two go on."

"Sorry you couldn't perform with us." said Scootaloo.

"That's okay. I like handling things backstage and I know you two will be great."

"Except we won't be great if Discord doesn't get us the outfits he said we needed." pointed Sweetie.

On cue, the mirror vibrated and Sweetie picked it up.

"Now really, did you think I was going to let you down in time for your big debut?"

"Oh, please! You were willing to give up the minute you were caught!" Rarity's image appeared beside him.

"Rarity!" the three said at once.

"Hello, darlings! How are you doing there?"

"We're okay. It's so good to hear from you…" Sweetie had near tears in her eyes.

"As am I, darling…" she beamed.

Discord cleared his throat, "Hate to break up the touching reunion, but aren't you busy getting ready for a performance?"

"He does have a point." agreed Apple Bloom.

"So do you have the outfits?" Sweetie asked.

"Do I have the outfits…? Of course I have the outfits! They're just… on paper at the moment…"

Rarity explained, "Moi had to make the design since our master of chaos here knows nothing about fashion, from what's out of style to the latest trends. So I made a little something that shows great stage presence while looking magnificent!"

"Which I shall create! The paper if you will, Rarity…" he extended his hand and she handed him the design. He held it to his eyes and he began a scan. Once his scan was complete, he said, "Now hold still; I have to do the transformation through the mirror."

Sweetie gulped, "Will this hurt?"

"Not at all! Though you might feel a tingly feeling." he cracked his knuckles and rubbed his hands, "Get ready… Bibbidi, bobbidi, boo!" A silver ball of light flew out of his paw, went through the mirror, and engulfed Sweetie Belle. In a flash of blinding light, an outfit appeared on her.

"Wow!" the sisters gasped when they got a good look.

"Oh my…" Rarity breathed.

Discord nodded in a dumbfounded manner.

Sweetie looked over her outfit. It was mostly white with green leaf embroidery on the strap and the top border. There was green stitching in the swirls, stars, and flowers with emeralds in the center of the flowers and stars. Gold glitter dotted from below the swirls to above the bottom of the dress.

"Rarity! It's beautiful!"

"Indeed it is. I imagined it would be, but to see it come to life… It's even better!"

"Let's not forget who made it possible…" Discord hinted.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Sweetie twirled around.

"Sweet! Sweetie Belle's got what she needs. Now we can-"

"Oh, we're not done yet, Scootaloo…" Discord said, "Have you forgotten?"

"I told you, I don't need a stage outfit."

"We'll see about that… Sweetie, dear, turn the mirror on your sister, would you?" he grinned.

With a look of horror, Scoots started making a run for it, "I'm out of here!"

Doing the procedure as before, Discord released a magical energy that went through the mirror and ricocheted in the room before it hit Scootaloo.

"Whoa…" AB and SB gaped.

Discord did a wolf whistle.

"What did you do to me?!" Scootaloo looked over her outfit. It was a red gown that went down to her ankles and had purple sashes. One of them was a trim and the other two were triangular zigzag patterns on her torso and her skirt. There was gold trim on the top border and her sleeves and purple flaps hung from the sleeves. A jagged pattern lined the bottom of the dress and a Wonderbolt hairpin was worn on her mane. Surprisingly, the dress wasn't restrictive; it was free and loose, giving her enough room to move in.

"I knew that if you were dancing, you needed something daring but simple enough for you to move in." Rarity elucidated.

"It's… actually not bad…" Scootaloo moved around and felt comfortable wearing the outfit.

"It's perfect for you when you show off your stuff!" AB exclaimed.

"Looks like we're ready as we'll ever be." said Sweetie.

"Not quite." said Discord and he snapped his fingers. Apple Bloom was wearing a black jump suit, but when she was near the bed's colorful sheets, the suit turned into the same colors, "Now you can blend with the scenery so you can be as much a part of the show as your sisters!"

"Thanks!" AB smiled.

"That is so cool!" Scoots proclaimed.

Sweetie talked directly to the mirror, "Thank you so much, you guys! You're the best!"

"I know." Discord smugly said.

"You are quite welcome, darling. Now get out there and show them what you're made of!"

"Will do!" the trio said.

Once their image dissolved, Discord grabbed the remote to the larger magic mirror, "Let's see how they do…" They took a seat on the couch and he flipped the channel to see Marendelle's crowded ballroom.

The royal family sat in a personal box in front of the stage. Suddenly, the lights began to dim and the queen got up to face the audience. "Welcome, princesses and ponies of Marendelle, to the first annual talent show!"

The ponies applauded and cheered.

"First off, I would like to thank every pony who is participating in the show and may the best pony win!"

There was more applause.

"As promised to the princesses visiting, I have a prize."

There was cheering backstage.

"Whoever wins tonight's talent show wins a day and night at the Hot Springs Resort!"

There were oohs from the audience and squealing from the princesses.

Rarity gave out a disappointed whine, "No fair!"

"What are you complaining about? We got our own spa in the castle!" Discord gestured.

She scoffed, "The Hot Springs Resort isn't just any spa! It's a paradise!"

"And you know this how?"

"A fashion-forward princess such as I always know what the best relaxation places are in Equestria. Also, it was in a magazine."

He rolled his eyes as they kept watching the show start.

The queen said, "For the first act of the night, let's have a round of applause for our court jester, Featherweight!" Applause rang out as she stepped down and Featherweight came on wearing a suit.

"Hi! How are you doing?! Great to see so many ponies out there! So let's start the evening off with a little joke…"

While Featherweight was upstage, the girls were backstage. Twist and Dinky were gawking over Sweetie and Scootaloo's outfits.

"Those gowns are gorgeous on you!" Twist pointed.

"They really are! Aren't they, Babs?" Dinky saw she wasn't there, "Babs?"

Sweetie gave a small smile, "I think I know where she's at… I'll go get her." She headed towards stage right and found Babs by the curtains, looking out to the stage. Featherweight finished with his joke and the audience laughed, causing Babs to giggle.

"Wow, I've never heard you giggle before." Sweetie noticed.

Babs smiled at her, "Hey, Sweetie Belle. Nice outfit."

"Thanks. My sister and a friend made it."

Babs went to look back at the stage, mostly at Featherweight, "Isn't he amazing…?" she sighed.

"He really is such a funny guy. I can see why Button always hangs around with him: Featherweight can make him happy when things don't seem so good for him…" She could see out in the front of the audience where Button was smiling and laughing.

"So, you're nervous about going on soon?"

"A little. I'm used to singing to my family, but I've never sang in front of an audience before."

"Aw, you'll be great. I'm sure of it."

"It's too bad you couldn't figure out what to do on stage."

"Yeah. All of my special talents consist of jousting and fencing, so that couldn't work, and it's not 'lady-like' like my mom would always say."

"At least you'll be able to work with Apple Bloom with the sets and props."

"Sure will. I'm glad she offered that so I can help the rest of you try to win the prize."

The audience clapped as Featherweight finished with his stand-up comedy act.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all evening! Good night, every pony!" he took a bow and left the stage to where Babs and Sweetie were.

"Whatcha think?" he asked.

"I loved it!" Babs proudly said, "You were so funny!"

"Great job." said Sweetie.


They turned their attention back on stage when the queen announced, "And now give it up for Snips and Snails!"

"What are they going to do?" Sweetie questioned.

"I don't know," replied Featherweight, "They kept their act a secret all day yesterday."

Snips and Snails came on wearing gangster attire and then started beatboxing.

"They call me M.C. Snips and it ain't no lie! My favorite food is like pumpkin pie!"

"I'm D.J Snazzy Snails, I like whales! When I go to the beach I always bring my pail!"

"Everybody knows my favorite color is orange! My rhymes are so fly they're better than, um…"

"Than an orange, yo!"

"Yeah, represent!"


They beatboxed some more while everybody looked at them awkwardly and Button face-palmed.

"What do we do now…?"

"Get off the stage I'd like to leave right now…"

They beatboxed one last time.

"Bam! That just happened."

"Yeah, we are out."

"Snip and Snails outta here!" They drop the mics.

Everybody cringed to the feedback, even Discord and Rarity, although they heard it through the mirror.

The queen uneasily laughed when making her way back up, "Wasn't that great, everybody?"

Awkward silence went throughout the ballroom.

"Alright, then, on to the next act!" There was a huge cheer.

After a while, more ponies and some princesses did their acts. During that time, Fluttershy came back from feeding her animals and noticed her husband and sister sitting on the couch watching something.

"What are you watching?" Fluttershy said out loud while trying to get a good look.

"Fluttershy!" they both said and Discord quickly turned off the mirror.

"Darling, I thought you were feeding the animals." Rarity said.

"I did. I was done and came back to start dinner, but then I saw you two… here… Is there something going on between the two of you that I should know about?" She had hurt in her eyes, hoping what she was thinking of wasn't true.

"What?!" they both gasped, "NO!"

"Oh, honey! It's not what you think at all!" Discord wrapped his body around his wife and held her tightly.

"Yes, darling, there is absolutely nothing happening between your husband and me! I could never do such a thing to my sister or my husband!"

"Besides, your sister is too proper for my taste. At least you loosen up every once in a while. See, it'll always be you and only you I could ever love."

She had near tears of joy as she tightly embraced him, "So if it wasn't... you know… then what are you two doing?"

They exchanged glances and nodded.

"The truth is, sweetheart…" he turned the mirror back on and it showed the talent show still going on and she recognized the ballroom.

He started explaining how he had been offering to help Sweetie Belle and recently helped her and the girls get ready for the talent show. He also mentioned how Rarity had caught him the other day and now they were waiting to see how it all worked out.

Fluttershy stood silent for a bit until suddenly, she grabbed him to kiss him full on lips. Discord's entire body moved in a twirl and his eyes were full of hearts.

"Wow! What was that for?" he composed himself.

"You are going to be a wonderful father…"

"You're not mad?"

"How can I be? You're trying to help out and that is so sweet in my eyes."

"But you won't say anything to Twilight?"

"Of course not. Those girls deserved your help in this matter. In fact, Applejack and Rainbow Dash should be here as well since they were closest to the girls as much as we and Rarity were."

"That would be great, sweetheart, except Applejack is terrible of keeping the truth away."

"He's right. You know what an awful liar she was growing up. Remember the cookie jar incident?"

Fluttershy sighed, "I remember…"

Discord had his brow up and smirked, "The cookie jar incident?"

"I'll tell you about that some other time. The point is that Applejack helped those girls when they were in the service of the castle. She should be here to see them how they turned out over the past years."

"As always, you are right, my love. Go get her and Rainbow Dash, and hurry! I think Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will be on soon."

Fluttershy nodded as she and Rarity quickly left to get their sisters.

After explanations, the small group sat on the couch, watching the events unfold.

When Dinky finally came on, she recited her poetry and when she was done, there was a huge applause from both the audience and backstage.

"Thank you, Princess Dinky Doo, for that lovely piece!" Queen Love Tap beamed, "Now, we have another princess performing a very special dance routine. Presenting, Princess Scootaloo of Canterlot!"

"Aw, yeah!" Rainbow flew into the air, "Scoots will show every pony how it's done!"

"Sweetie Belle will be just as good!" Rarity proclaimed.

"Quiet, y'all! It's starting!"

The sisters turned towards the mirror as the curtain came up and there stood a vertical pole in the middle of the stage. By then, strobe lights lit up the whole stage courtesy of Apple Bloom. Hard rock began playing as Scootaloo made her appearance.

There were wolf whistles from colts in the audience. Even Button had wide eyes at the sight before him. In the audience, Rumble was in the midst of it and his jaw dropped as his very special some pony was walked on being striking. He found himself drooling, and then he had to slap himself to come back to his senses. At least, that's what she would have done if she was there next to him.

Except if she was here next to me… He had to slap himself again to rid of that dirty thought that just played in his head.

Back through the mirror, AJ, Rainbow, and Fluttershy were gawking at Scootaloo's attire while Rarity and Discord were feeling proud.

"You made that outfit?!" Rainbow pointed out.

"Of course!" Rarity fluffed her mane, "and I must say it works so well for her!"

They kept watching as Scootaloo did a few dance moves before grabbing onto the pole for different maneuvers. There was cheering coming from backstage and the audience. She did poses with the pole such as "The Skater", half flag splits, front splits, "The Phoenix", "The Flag", and even some poses that would let her open her wings like "The Mercury", the basic embrace, the iron X, and the planche. She twirled down the pole before coming to a complete stop and nodded to her audience.

A huge cheer arose as Scootaloo took a bow. On the sidelines, her sisters and their friends shouted in joy. Back at the Everfree castle, there was cheering as well and Rainbow gave out a whistle.

"My goodness!" Queen Love Tap got back on stage, "That certainly was special! Well done!"

The ponies cheered in agreement.

"Let's see if our next act can top that, since she's also from Canterlot. Give it up for Princess Sweetie Belle!"

Button clapped harder, as well as Rarity, than the rest of the audience.

All was dark on stage. Sweetie took a deep breath, thinking, Here goes nothing… She made her way up to the front of the stage and Apple Bloom cast a single spotlight on her. Using her magic, she lifted the microphone to her lips. She cast a glance at Button, who was smiling at her.

She smiled back at him and slowly, she opened her mouth, "I lose my way… No one cares… The words I say… No one hears… My life it seems is a world of dreams…"

Button thought in his head, That voice… is it really?! His eyes widened in hope.

She kept on singing, "Deep in the night… You'll find me… Dream and you're right behind me… Stay… If you will stay… We'll dream the night away…" Her eyes never left him and his never left her. "Dreams to dream… In the dark of the night… When the world goes wrong… I can still make it right… I can see so far in my dreams… I'll follow my dreams… Until they come true… There is a star… Waiting to guide us… Shining inside us… When we close our eyes! Come with me, you will see what I mean! There's a world inside… No one else ever sees! You will go so far in my dreams… Somewhere in my dreams… Your dreams will come true…"

Her sisters, both backstage and through the mirror, were grinning ear to ear. The audience was in awe of this lovely singing voice and that caused a few jealous glances from other princesses, two in particular. And as for Button, he was trying so hard to keep his tears of joy in. His heart swelled in realization that the voice he heard in his dreams had become reality and it was from a mare he had come to loved since the day he found her on his beach. She was heaven-sent and he was so grateful that she came when she did. More than ever, he wanted her to win this stupid contest so he could have her for the rest of his life…

She resumed singing, "Don't let go! If you stay close to me! In my dreams tonight! You will see what I see! Dreams to dream… As near as can be… Inside you and me… They always come… true… Inside you and me… They always come…" she held the last note, "True…"

Once the music had stopped, Sweetie Belle received a standing ovation, to which she blushed at.

Button shouted, "Bravo! Bravo!"

"Bravo, indeed!" Rarity squealed. Then she heard crying and turned to see Discord leaning over Fluttershy's shoulder while she was patting his back.

"Oh, Discord…"

"I can't help it. It was just so beautiful!" he kept releasing tears.

The sisters giggled at his sensitivity.

Queen Love Tap beamed, "I think we all know who has won the talent show… wouldn't you agree, folks?"

There was a great cheer.

"Well then, congratulations, Princess Sweetie Belle. You have won the right to accompany us and choose guests to come with you to the Hot Springs Resort!"

She could hear her sisters cheering behind her.

Sweetie smiled, "Thank you, your majesty…" She did a small bow.

The queen turned to face the audience, "But before we go, we have one last performance of the evening. She's a famous magician known throughout Equestria! Ladies and gentlecolts, the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

In a puff of smoke, Trixie appeared in her show hat and cape. Rumble gasped when he got a good look at her and quickly pushed away from the other ponies in the audience. Scootaloo was smiling on stage to watch the show until she looked out to the audience to see Rumble rushing out of there. She frowned and went to go follow him after she got rid of her outfit.

Rainbow yawned as they watched Trixie's performance, "What a loud mouth…"

"No kidding…" AJ groaned.

"Well, I've seen enough," Rarity moved off the couch, "Just knowing that Sweetie Belle won is all that matters to me."

"I still think Scoots had a shot." RD pointed out.

"Well, I'm mighty proud of Apple Bloom for handling the sets and lights. That was a great way of showing off Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, and that's why they were in the winner's circle." said Applejack.

"All of our girls did great…" said Fluttershy. "Even if one of them hadn't won, they would still be amazing."

"They sure are!" Discord beamed, "And they got me to thank for that!"

"You?!" Rainbow scoffed, "I taught Scootaloo everything she knows!"

"Apple Bloom is smarter, thanks to me!" Applejack gestured.

"Sweetie Belle learned my grace and style. Therefore, she has the flair!"

Fluttershy sighed as all four of them kept bickering on about who the better mentor was.

Rumble was rummaging through his room as he gathered things in his room into his satchel.

Scootaloo looked through the open door and saw what he was doing, "What are you doing?"

He jumped in surprise and turned to face her with sweat running down his forehead, "Scootaloo! I…"

"Are you… leaving?"

"No! I mean… That is…"

"Why? Don't you want me to help your brother out?"

"I do! I just…"

"Why did you rush out of there when Trixie came on?"

"What? Oh! That was nothing!" He waved it off, though he was lying though his teeth.

"Rumble… Something is wrong… You're usually so cool and smooth, but now you're acting like you're hiding something from me…"

"Hiding?!" he gave a nervous chuckle, "The very idea…" he jeered, "Why would I hide anything?"

Anger rose in her, "Well, if you're not going to tell me anything, then I'm going to find out for myself!" she ran out.

He shouted back to her, "Scootaloo!" Then, he took something out of the satchel that had the same color as his eyes and grunted at it, "This is all your fault!" Then he slumped at how he should have just told her in the first place, "And mine…" He put the thing back in the bag and ran after his love.

Trixie was still performing when Sweetie started heading back to her room. Suddenly, Sweetie was grabbed and a hoof went over her mouth as she did muffled screams. She was struggling while being pulled towards the garden doors when a voice said in a hushed whisper, "It's okay! It's just me!"

She stopped when she recognized the voice and turned to see a prince beaming at her.

"Button? Wha-"

He shushed her and opened the doors. Once they were out and he closed the doors behind him, he faced her with a dopey grin and the next thing she knew, he grabbed her up and twirled her in the air.

She said between giggles, "Button… Button… Why are you doing this?"

"Because you have made me the happiest stallion alive!" He set her down by the fountain just like the night of ball. "Sweetie Belle… I know this is going to sound crazy… but… I have heard your voice before… your singing, that is…"

"What…?" she gasped.

"I know, I know, that sounds totally insane… but before you came to this island, I heard you singing in my dreams… Thing is, though, I didn't know it was you until I heard you tonight…" his eyes glistened.

"Oh, Button… can it be…?"

"Can it be what?"

"I heard you in my dreams, too!"


"It's true! I remember singing until I hear a voice calling out to me! I wasn't sure if it was your voice or not, but now that you told me this…"

Button was shaking his head in disbelief. Their dreams were connected, which meant that it was destiny that they were meant to be together! Button picked her up again and moved his lips to hers… She did not hesitate as they locked lips, unaware that a figure in the moon was smiling at them…

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