
The Midnight Dance

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 17

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"Here we are!" Discord motioned to the guys, "Our very own training facility!"

The boys looked around the grounds of the Canterlot castle. It looked like the same jousting arena, but things were added to it. They could see targets with ice arrows next to them, dumbbells lying on the ground, chopping blocks, jumping ropes, a pool, balance beams, and other acrobatic stuff.

They heard a whistle and turned to see Discord in coach attire, "Alright, show me what you've got!" he snapped and they found themselves wearing gym wear with sweat bands and leg warmers, "Give me ten laps around the track!" he barked and they didn't waste a moment to do so.

Both Soarin' and Flash had proven themselves to be the fastest, Cheese came in second, Fancy Pants next to last, and Spike was the last one. He was panting and collapsed to the grass.

Discord stopped his stopwatch, yelling out, "Twenty minutes! Twenty minutes! That has got to be a record for the lowest score in history!"

"I'll be faster next time!" Spike objected.

"There isn't going to be a next time if a changeling or a Nightmare catches you! Get to a station and show me what you can do!"

"Hey, who made you in charge of this mission?!" Soarin' protested.

Discord popped on Sherlock attire, blowing from a bubble pipe, "It's elementary, my dear Soarin'. One, I have the power. Two, I'm the most experience compared to all of you. And three, I did!" He snapped back on his coach wear, "Now, get going!"

Once they rotated from station to station, it showed Discord all of the boys' strengths and weaknesses, but it seemed Spike was showing a lot of weakness.

He said under his breath, "We've got a long way to go… Hmm, maybe there's some other way to make things go faster…" Then with a snap, he had Vinyl Scratch with her DJ player. He whispered a request and she started playing the music. That got the guys to stop with what they were doing and looked over in bewilderment.

Discord started singing, "Let's get down to business, to defeat the Nightmares! Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met, but you can bet before we're through…" He grabbed Spike by the tail, facing him at eye level, "Mister, I'll make a colt, out of you…" He threw him down as he placed the guys into the stations that were their weaker areas, "Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within…" He used a torch to light an Equestrian Games ring, "Once you find your center, you are sure to win… You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot… and you haven't got a clue… Somehow, I'll make a colt, out of you!"

Flash worked on his balance on the beam, "I'm never gonna catch my breath!"

Soarin' tried the jump rope, but he kept getting tangled in it, "Say goodbye to those who knew me!"

Cheese was at the chopping block, but he got a black eye, "Boy, was I fool in school for cutting gym!"

Luna was nearby watching the whole thing, "He's got them scared to death…"

Spike was working on his running, "Hope he doesn't fail me!"

Fancy was staring at the pool, looking frightened, "Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!"

The royal guard sang out, "Be a colt!"

"We must be swift as a coursing river…"

"Be a colt!"

"With the force of a great typhoon!"

"Be a colt!"

"With all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon! Time is racing toward us 'til the Nightmares arrive! Heed my every order and you might survive…" He saw Spike slipping up and went to him, "You're unsuited for the rage of war, so pack up, go home, you're through… How could I make a colt out of you?!"

Spike slowly walked away, but then took out AJ's hat. With a determined look, he set out to every station with a smarter way of passing them. The stallions cheered him on.

"Be a colt!"

"We must be swift as a coursing river… Be a colt! With all the force of a great typhoon… Be a colt! With all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon!"

Discord was impressed by Spike's performance and shook his claw.

All of the guys sang as they got better in their stations, "Be a colt! We must be swift as a coursing river! Be a colt! With all the force of a great typhoon! Be a colt! With all the strength of a raging fire! Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!"

"And time!" Discord stopped the stopwatch, "Well done! It is more than certain that you're ready to face battle now!"

"Hate to admit it," indicated Flash, "but if you hadn't shown us what could happen and strengthened our low points, who knows what might've happen when we're trying to save the girls?"

"But of course, and as for you, Mr. The Dragon, you've got guts and smarts. What made you come back after I was being so hard on you?"

"AJ." he took out her hat to show them, "I knew she wouldn't want me to give up, and I have to save her so I can tell her-" He covered his mouth and vaguely blushed, but the guys were giving him sly grins, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"My boy, you have earned my respect. All of you have, for so willing to keep going for what's at stake here. So here," he snapped as glasses of chocolate milk appeared before them, "Enjoy. You deserve it."

Fancy magically lifted his glass and said, "A toast, then, to the princesses who made us each a better colt. Now we can return the favor by rescuing them from a terrible misfortune."

"To the girls…" Spike lifted his glass.

"To the girls." they all repeated and tapped their glasses together.

Cheese didn't waste a second and slurped all his down at fast pace, "Hmm, could've used some whip cream."

"Noted. I'll give a new glass when we rescue the girls."

"By the way, where do we have to go in order to save them?" asked Soarin'.

"If I'm right, which I'm pretty sure I am," Discord summoned up a tent for them to be in and had on a general uniform with the others wearing either a trooper uniform or a cadet uniform. He pulled down a huge map showing the borders of Equestria. "The princesses are on the outskirts of Equestria near Changeling Terrority. Here's the plan: pack your saddle bags! We're moving out first thing in the morning! Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir!" they saluted.

He saluted back, "Dismissed! And I want you all bright eye and bushy tailed. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

They nodded as he got rid of the tent and their uniforms.

All throughout the night, the guys could hardly sleep a wink, not sure what they were going to face on this mission. They felt it was partly of their fault for where the girls were at. But it was safe to say that none of them, even the princesses, saw this coming.

The next day, they woke up preparing themselves. Cheese grabbed a football helmet and a baseball bat and took out a box full of pranks, putting it in his bag. Fancy wore a hunting outfit and packed the essentials, as well as bringing some more luggage. Soarin' wore his goggles and brought along a bag he used when going between Canterlot and Cloudsdale. When telling Spitfire in absolute secrecy of what happened to the princesses, he was given the time off to go help rescue them.

Spike got a bag together on a stick with food and other odds and ends. Lastly, he put on Applejack's hat to give him the confidence and motivation he would need out in the world when traveling hundreds of miles to get to the princesses. He looked over to the wall of his room and saw a picture hanging there of him and the princesses when they were little. He was just a cute baby dragon in filly Twilight's arms as the other sisters crowded around them. Looking closely now, he could see a young Applejack reaching her arm out to him and he in turn was reaching out to her in playfulness.

He couldn't help but smile, Even then… we had an attraction… Feeling more bold than he ever been, he put the picture in his bag and ran out. Flash was packing his bag he brought with him to the castle, and then, he felt something from below the bag and took it out. He had almost forgotten he had the invisibility cloak that Zecora gave him. Then, looking back to the day he saved her, her words came back to him, "Yes, that will be needed for when things get heated…"

He said to himself, "So that's what she meant… She knew this was going to happen! I have to bring this…" he stuffed the cloak back into the bag and set off.

They all met in the throne room where Celestia and Luna were waiting for them. Discord popped in wearing camping gear and a huge camping backpack.

"Well, what is it you wanted, Celestia? We've got a long day ahead."

"This will be quick. I offer my thanks for all of you to be doing this… But the dangers will be great. It is not too late to turn back."

They looked over to Discord and shook their heads, telling him their minds were made up.

"Sorry, Tia, but I speak for these guys when I say we will stop at nothing until your daughters are back at home."

"Thank you…" she started releasing tears, "Someday… I hope to repay you for this… It's the least I can do after trying to keep you and my girls apart… This is all their father and I could have ever wanted. Our daughters have found their true loves…"

Luna took over, "I wish we could accompany on your quest, but we cannot abandon our ponies without causing worry of a possible threat upon them and the sun and moon can't rise and set by themselves in Equestria. But we can offer you this," She took out a vessel filled with water inside and gave it to Discord, "It's from the lake of the underground kingdom. It has healing properties. Use it wisely."

"Not to fret, Lulu. We have the gift of chaos on our side and a first aid kit. We'll be fine." Discord put the small bottle in his pack.

Celestia said, "Discord, I know this will be a strange request to ask for, but when you see my darlings, tell them I'm sorry and I love them so much that I wish I never caused pain to them. I am also proud of them, despite everything's that happened… Can you do that?"

"Oh… wow…" he rubbed his neck, "Um… I'll try, but I don't think it'll be the same coming from me."

"We'll help you out." nudged Spike.

"You better." he smirked.

"Now go. There isn't any time."

They bowed before the royals and went out the door.

Luna told her sister, "I hope there'll be a happy ending…"

"As do I…" Celestia silently prayed that it would be so.

Back in Chrysalis's dungeon, Rainbow was still trying to break off her chain.

"Give it up, Rainbow!" AJ told her.

"Yes, please stop," said Rarity. "That clanging is giving me a headache!"

"Well, why hasn't Twi used her magic to get us out of this?!"

"I have been trying, but this chain is preventing me from teleporting! Watch." Her horn glowed as she tried to get out, but then the chain starting to glow green, stopping her, "See?"

Rarity slumped, "I'm afraid we're stuck here until help comes."

"I thought you said you weren't a damsel in distress?!" Rainbow pointed out.

"I'm not! But I know a hopeless situation when I see one!"

"Hopeless?!" Pinkie's mane slightly deflated.

AJ quickly said, "It's only hopeless if we make it seem that way!"

"But…" Fluttershy slowly said, "Isn't it, kind of?"

Pinkie dramatically shrieked, "We're doomed! Doomed!"

"We're not doomed yet!" Rainbow yelled out, "We're doomed when the curse is placed on us or if one of us is chosen as Blueblood's wife!" she stuttered at the thought, "Any takers?"

"Abousluty not!" cried Rarity, "I already turned down his proposal back in Canterlot, and I will gladly refuse it again."

"But what happens if he chooses you?" asked Twilight.

"He wouldn't dare!" She had fury in her eyes.

"It is possible…" said Applejack.

She gritted her teeth, fuming of the probable chance that Cousin Blueblood would choose her just to get back at her.

As they made it outside the castle and onto Canterlot's streets, Spike realized something.

"Hey, wait a second. Can't you just teleport us to the Changeling Kingdom? That would make things a lot easier!"

"I would, except teleporting takes a lot of magical energy and I would have to teleport all of you and the girls, so I rather keep that as an emergency getaway for when we get there."

"That is a good idea." agreed Flash.

"Plus, no doubt Chrissy will have some type of magical barrier detecting any magic within a block radius. And I would like to keep the element of surprise by our side."

"A most capital plan!" Fancy complimented.

"Thank you," Discord looked smug, "I try, you know."

"So we're walking?" Cheese questioned.

"You'll have to walk, but I get to fly!" Soarin' flew above them.

"Yeah, until your wings wear out, then you'll have to join us on the ground…" motioned Flash.

"Says the pegasus who can fly too, you know."

"I've been taught to only use your wings if necessary. And I would like to use my wings for when we rescue the girls. I suggest you do the same."

"Sure, whatever. Anyway, where do we go from here?"

"Hmm," Discord thought, "I would like to get a closer look at that castle in the Everfree Forest. This all started when we went there…"

"Back there?" Spike gulped.

"Yes, that castle has to do something with the princesses and I want to know why they suddenly fainted to it. There's a link we're missing."

"Follow me," spoke Flash, "I know a way we get there faster." he took the lead.

When making it to the castle ruins minutes later, they stared at it from the rope bridge. Flash took a deep breath and walked across. Luckily, he did not faint like Twilight did and crossed through. He signaled for the others to come over. Spike nervously touched the bridge with his foot and quickly ran over, bumping into the guard. Soarin' just flew straight ahead. Fancy took his time as he made it in a gentle-colt's strut. Cheese bounced up and down to them. They looked over to see that Discord was still at the other side.

"What are you waiting for?!" Soarin' called out.

"Yeah, you're the one who wanted to be here!" shouted Spike.

"Oh, relax! I'm getting there!" he started mumbling, but it was loud enough for Spike to hear, "You youngsters are so impatient these days…" Spike had to roll his eyes. Discord straightened his pack and was humming while taking his sweet time.

Soarin' slapped his face, "Just pick up the pace, would ya?!"

The spirit paid no heed as he was still humming when he made it to the edge of the bridge, "There now, see? Nothing to get you knickers in a knot!" he shouted that last word as the bridge broke and he was falling into the foggy crevice.

"Discord!" They shouted as they looked over the edge of where he fell. All of them had shocked expressions on their faces, trying to figure out what just happened.

"He's… He's… not…" Soarin' stammered.

"I… don't know…" Spike couldn't get the words out.

"But he was our only hope of saving them!" Cheese wailed.

"True, he was unsavory, but he did have a certain savoir faire to him…" said Fancy.

"It's just… so hard to believe…" Flash gawked, still looking down from where Discord fell, "…that he's gone…"

They kept their heads down until they heard snickering. They turned around to see a floating Discord laughing his head off.

"Oh, you should have seen your faces! Priceless!"

"Discord!" they yelled in anger.

"You were faking it?!" Spike stipulated.

"Well, duh! You know you can't get rid of me that easily! Although… I was quite touched that you care like that… I thought… only Fluttershy could do that…"

"Just don't let it happen again," pointed Fancy, "We are on a tight schedule, after all."

"You're so right. Enough games. We have pressing business inside." He used his magic to open the doors that were still standing. "Gentlecolts first."

The stallions gave exasperated looks and went ahead.

Inside, the castle was old and crumbling. There were different hallways going all over the place, and above the stairway were two tapestries ripped and torn.

Cheese shuttered, "Ooh, pretty creepy and eerie."

"You said it." Soarin' nodded.

Then out of nowhere, a thunderous voice filled the place, "What are you doing here?! Get out!"

The rest of the guys were intimidated and got in a huge huddle, but Discord was unfaltered and demanded, "Who are you?! Show yourselves!"

"No! It is you who must go! Leave this place and never return!"

"Not until you tell us who you are! Or we won't leave otherwise!"

"R-right!" The guys quaked.

"So, again I ask, who are you?!"

As a dark shadow, the figure moved to the top of the stairs and faced them with only his head. They stood before him with his red crooked horn and green and red glowing eyes. The boys were looking scared, but Discord just smirked and said.

"Hello… Sombra…"

AN: I mainly want them to get in some male bonding time before they go rescue the girls. And the Guest reviewer who suggested I should make this into an audio drama, that would be nice but I don't have the time nor the resources to do one. If someone was offering maybe but chances are it's not going to happen.

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