
To the Moon and Back II: Steal the Sun

by Delusional Potato

Chapter 1: Prologue: Discord's Revenge

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Hey there everyone! Delusional Potato here with the sequel to "To the Moon and Back". I bring you, "To the Moon and Back II: Steal the Sun". Since TtMaB is my most popular story, I decided to make a sequel. After all, I enjoy impressing the few fans I have!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

It all started off fantastic.

Everything was going according to plan. Everything was just perfect. He had the powers of the poké-god within his grasp, as well as the entire pokémon world.

That is, until Giratina ruined everything. Every. Thing.

Wandering aimlessly through a patch of unknown woods, all of his body ached. Everything felt broken, burnt, and bruised. The simple thought of the awful loss made his body ache even more. It just made him want to turn all of the surrounding trees into black licorice.

The once-mighty spirit of chaos wondered where he had gone wrong. Where had such a perfect plan begun to fall apart? What had happened to cause him to be the defeated villain? He couldn't figure it out, and probably never would. And to think, he was the only creature that was able to easily trick the great Renegade Pokémon himself. Still, he had been defeated, and there was no way to reverse his mistake of letting his cockiness take control.

At least the llama-god was out of the picture. He had been wanting to get rid of that annoying, goody-two-shoes alpha pokémon for a very long time. At least with Arceus dead and gone, the rest of those who foiled him -including Giratina- would be broken emotionally for quite a while.

But that wouldn't be the last they would see of Discord.

He was focusing on trying to find somewhere to recooperate and regain his powers. The quiet and deserted woods were a perfect place, but there were still quite a few of those annoying pokémon around. In fact, a Buneary hopped out of the bushes directly in front of him. The rabbit-like pokémon stared at the strange, patchwork of a creature with its large, beady eyes.

"Beat it, rodent!" Snarled Discord.

The Buneary squealed in terror before taking off into the bushes.

This caused the patchwork creature to chuckle lightly before dragging himself along the deserted forest path. He saw something hiding within the shadows; a deserted old mansion. Its façade was covered with vines snaking all across the windows and roof, signaling that the place hadn't been used in quite a long time. The grass of the front lawn was overgrown, and there was various trash thrown in said lawn. The building itself was large, made of strong brick that looked to be worn from years of rain, snow, and wind.

Discord smiled to himself and slowly approached the ebony doors. There was a sign dusted with dirt and hidden by vines. He pushed the dirt and vines aside and scanned the barely readable text.

Old Château. Was all that it said.

Discord chuckled before quietly muttering to himself, "Perfect..."

With no hesitation, he pushed open the doors and went inside. The only light supplied was by the torches on the wall and various candles sitting on decorative tables. The tile floor was moldy and missing some tiles. There were two staircases leading up to a collection of other rooms. An open doorway on the bottom floor lead to a large dining area, guarded by two ominous-looking statues on either side.

However, Discord knew the place wasn't entirely deserted as it appeared to be. There were many other presences within the building, all of them very disturbing and unnerving.

"Who are you?" A raspy voice asked from behind.

Discord turned, discovering a large, black ball of flowing purple flames. It had large eyes and fangs hanging out of its mouth. It was floating in mid-air, as if it was nothing more than gas.

"You are not one of us." The gas ball spoke in a voice raspy with age.

Discord took a battle stance, sensing the creature was hostile.

"Haunter!" The gas ball called, "Come here!"

Immediately, another creature fizzed into view. This one was slightly more solid than the first, but shared the same purple body. Spikes lined its back, and its jagged mouth line was currently twisted into a confused frown. Two disembodied hands, each with three claws, floated about a foot away from the creature's body. It had no legs and floated on the air just like the first creature.

"What in the name of..." The creature -apparently called Haunter- gasped in a voice similar to the first creature's, only slightly deeper, "What is it?"

The first creature simply frowned in confusion, "Who are you? What... Are you?"

Discord stayed as serious as possible, "My name is Discord. I am not of this world. I've come to seek shelter after a terrible defeat and to restore my powers."

"A discord?" Haunter asked, "Gastly, what region is a discord from?"

The creature called Gastly hissed with discontent, "That's his name, fool!" He turned back to Discord, "By not of this world do you mean you are an alien? Like the legendary Deoxys from the Honenn region?"

"You could say that." Discord replied with a smirk.

"We should talk to master about this," Haunter suggested, "I sense this creature contains great power."

"He won't be pleased about a strange creature entering the Château," Gastly growled, "Should we give the rest of the horde a signal to attack?"

Hearing that another creature controlled these two and a much larger army, Discord suddenly formulated a plan; an evil one.

"If you don't mind," He began, "I'd like to meet this... Master."

Gastly and Haunter exchanged worried glances.

"I suppose master will know what to do," Haunter concluded, "He is the smartest of us and will know exactly how to handle this!"

"Then let us take this creature to him." Gastly suggested. He and Haunter suddenly appeared on the top floor on the balcony, overlooking the bottom floor, "Follow us."

Discord quickly followed, teleporting himself to the top floor. He followed Gastly and Haunter into a long hallway, the left wall being lined with many doors. The two ghost-type pokémon continued to the very end of the hall and stopped at the last door. They passed through the door effortlessly, forcing Discord to open the door and enter the room. It was a simple bedroom, the wallpaper was peeling and the floor was littered with trash and dirt. There was a bed sitting at the backwall, along with a picture frame hanging on said wall. The frame contained a picture of a childish drawing of a rounded purple creature.

"Master!" Gastly called, "Are you here?"

With no warning, purple smoke suddenly flowed out of the picture frame. It descended to the floor and took the form of a new creature. This one was similar to Gastly and Haunter in the purple color and the spikey exterior along its back. However, it had developed forelegs and hindlegs, and its body was rounded and slightly chubby. Its pupils were slit and surrounded by a sea of red sclera, and it currently had an unnaturally large smile across its face.

"The last time I checked, I was still here." The creature spoke in the voice that was even deeper than Haunter's. Its eyes suddenly caught sight of Discord, "My Arceus, what is that?!"

Haunter harrumphed, "He calls himself Discord, Master Gengar. He hasn't really explained what he is and what he's doing here, other than he's an alien and needs to recharge his powers."

"What?" Gengar asked, clearly lost by Haunter's story.

Discord effortlessly walked through the two smaller ghost pokémon to get closer to the larger one, "As they already said, my name is Discord. I come from a land that is very far away from here. I have failed at taking the land for my own and must recharge my powers until I can attack once again."

Gengar's permanent smile turned into an angry frown, "Wait a minute... I've heard of you... You're the creature that killed Arceus!"

Discord rolled his eyes, "Apparently, it's made national headlines in the pokémon world. Yes, I'm the one who," He made air quotes, "Killed Arceus. I wanted to make my ascent to the throne as clean as I could, but then llama-god and his troublesome brother got in my way."

Gengar's scowl deepened, "So why did you come here?"

"I thought this place was thoroughly abandoned," Discord replied innocently, "It would have been an excellent place to hide out and plot my next attack. I honestly didn't think about the ghost-types."

"No one ever does..." Gastly muttered quietly, but Haunter slapped him. It didn't do much, considering his disembodied hand simply passed through Gastly's gaseous body.

Gengar's smile returned, this time more sinister, "You probably have a huge price on your head for that bad deed."

Discord shrugged, "I suppose I do."

"And you do realize I have an entire army of Gastly and Haunter at my command?"

"Fully aware."

"And you must know you aren't going to make it out alive if it means I get a reward for your death, right?"

"Oh yes. Gruesome."

Gengar's smile fell once again, "You seem awfully calm, despite the fact that you are about to die at my hands."

Suddenly, Haunter appeared behind Gengar and gently poked him. The shadow pokémon turned to face the gas pokémon. Haunter then whispered something that Discord couldn't make out.

"He what?" Gengar asked, looking quite shocked.

Haunter whispered the same thing again. This time, Gengar's large red eyes grew twice their size.

"Impossible! I shall just use my entire army!" Gengar suddenly yelled. He pointed a stubby paw towards Discord, "Minions, attack!"

Suddenly, many more Gastly and Haunters passed through the walls and into the room. There had to be at least three dozen of them, all of them focusing their sights on the intruder. Shadow Balls from the Haunters went flying towards him, as well as tons of Gastly vying to lick his face with their poisonous tongues. In his weakened state, Discord couldn't hope to stop them all, but there was something he could do...

With lightning-quick reflexes, Discord ducked under the ghost-pokémon, who were all suddenly confused. He headed towards Gengar and grabbed his tail with his strong talon. To keep the shadow pokémon from slipping out of his grasp, he used his magic to combat against Gengar's ghostly powers. Gengar fought back, attempting to get a Hypnosis attack up and running in order to immobilize the draconequus into a state of sleep. However, Discord wouldn't hold still and dragged the shadow pokémon on to his stomach.

"Oh, why thank you, Master," Discord taunted, "You just gave me a wonderful idea!"

"Don't just stand there, you fools!" Gengar roared, "Attack!"

The Haunters and Gastly came at Discord again. However, the chaos spirit managed just enough power to place a weak force field between himself and Gengar, and the ghostly pokémon. It wouldn't last long, but it would be just enough to do what he needed...

"What do you want?!" Gengar demanded, attempting to fight back, but for some odd reason, his powers refused to respond.

"Why, I got an idea when I heard that you owned an entire army of ghost pokémon," Discord explained, "I'm going to need some help while my powers regain. Why not hire myself some henchman? Only problem is, they'll only listen to you..."

"That's right!" One of the Gastly hissed.

"We'll never obey you!" A Haunter added.

Discord smiled evilly before he held Gengar down with a mysterious force.

"Wait!" A Gastly cried.

"What is he doing?!" A Haunter demanded.

Slowly, Discord put his talon hand to Gengar's forehead. For a moment, the shadow pokémon looked surprised, then he turned zombified, as if his entire free will had been wiped clean. He was allowed to stand, causing all of the Gastly and Haunter to gasp in surprise.

Discord flicked his claw, as if gesturing for Gengar to do his bidding, "My dear shadow pokémon, tell these gassy freaks that they work for me now."

Gengar raised a stubby paw towards his minions, his red eyes now completely glazed over, "Master Discord wants revenge. We will help him get what he desires, no matter what the cost."

One Gastly gasped, "Master Gengar has been brainwashed!"

"We can not disobey his orders though!" A Haunter added.

"But he's being puppeteered by that monstrosity!"

"We disobey Master Gengar, we'll lose his generous protection!"

The Gastly and Haunters looked very depressed and reluctant, saddened by the fact that they now had a new leader, and not their trustworthy Gengar who protected them. They slowly approached Discord, looking very submissive and scared.

"We'll do whatever you say," A Haunter said, "But leave Master Gengar out of this."

"Why should I?" Discord shot back, "So you can back-stab me? I think not. I'm keeping Gengar right where he is so none of you will rebel against me. You decide to betray me, the shadow pokémon perishes."

The Gastly and Haunters' uneasiness increased.

"All I want you to do is help me," Discord began, walking towards a window that looked out upon the beautiful forest, "Help me get revenge on my enemies and that stupid renegade pokémon."

The Gastly and Haunters moaned in unison, "We'll do as you wish, Master."

"Excellent..." Discord looked to the great Mount Coronet that towered in the distance.

Prepare to have your life turned upside-down, Giratina...

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