
Harmonic Chaos Chronicles 8: Shadows

by ChaosFire0987

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Meet Eclipse

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Harmonic Chaos Chronicles 8: Shadows

by: Sonicfan0987

"Dear Princess Celestia,

For all things to exist there an exact opposite must also exist. This I have learned through extensive reading and research in accordance with your request. For example the Chaos Emeralds are balanced by their opposite the Dark Emeralds or Mobius and Dark Mobius. However throughout all of the research Princess Twilight Sparkle and I have done we have yet to find the equal opposite for The Elements of Harmony. We went to Shadow Equestria to speak with our Shadows about it but came back with no luck only a clue. There has to be another form of Equestria that holds the 'Anti-Elements of Harmony' along with out shadows Twilight and I have amounted to call wherever it would be 'Anti-Equestria. Finding it and traveling there is out of the question however. Too dangerous, chances are it would be very hostile and any trip there would be suicidal.


Burning Rage"

-Letter Burning Rage to Celestia on his studies with Twilight

Chapter I: Stranger

(POV: Rage)

Well I am guessing you are wondering what that was about huh? Well to start things off I am Prince Burning Rage Guardian of Equestria and the Chaos Emeralds don't let the title fool you I am just a prince because I help with the advisory of the Princesses even though I may be an Alicorn here in Equestria. Anyways after the incident with Molestia Twilight Sparkle and I were tasked with trying to find the equal opposite for The Elements of Harmony and as you can see we haven't gotten too far.

(POV: 3rd person~ Unkown Location)

"Now that I have found the Relic I can go to Equestria and fund the Elements of Harmony and end the nightmare here in Altestia." a dark gray pony with bright red hair says. On his flank was a black circle with a white glow-like design around it.

"Good luck Eclipse." an emerald green mare says to him "Please be careful" she had no cutie mark on her flank

"Do not worry Envy I will. And thank you." the pony responds as he activates the relic and was gone in seconds

[Equestria~ Crescent Moon Lake 12:00 PM]

Rage was hanging around listening to his music singing 'Open Your Heart' softly on the lake side. With Molestia gone he decided to take a good rest and today he felt like relaxing by a lake. However his peace was soon interrupted when he sees a bright red glow out of the corner of his eye "What the?" he says as he leaps out of the small chair he was in and looks at the dark gray pony that emerged from it. "Who are you?" Rage asks

"My name is Eclipse" the pony speaks "I come from an alternate form of this world in search of the Elemetns of Harmony. He says as Rage looks at him trying to analyze him the best he could "Who might you be my fiery red friend?"

"My name is Burning Rage Prince of Unity, Guardian of Equestria and the Chaos Emeralds please just call me Rage. "

"nice to meet you Rage." Eclipse smiles

"Now why in the wide wide world of Equestria do you need the elements?" Rage questions

"Why does it matter to you?" Eclipse asks

"One because I am the Guardian of Equestria. Two without the Chaos Emeralds the Elements of Harmony may not work in your world. Three you don't have any idea how to return since the relic you used was burnt up." Rage sighs "And last but not least The Elements of Harmony are very powerful items and not just anypony can use them only a select few."

"My world Altestia has been driven into a wasteland of sorrow and despair by a force of darkness that comes from a creture known as Vlagh. I discovered the only way to destroy it is to use what is known as The Elements of Harmony against it. The Elements of Harmony are the strongest power in all of the worlds and the only thing that can stop Vlagh and bring light and prosperity to Altestia." Eclipse explains

"Hold up!" Rage says looking around

"What? I am in the middle of explaining what is going on here!" Eclipse says before a group of Dark Spawns appear. "gah! Here?" he gasps

"Dark Spawns..." Rage growls as his horn glows with chaos energy

"What the?" Eclipse looks at Rage "What is that?"

"Chaos." Rage says "...Lance!" then a large spear of energy bounces from one Dark Spawn to the other until they were all dead. Rage then turns back to Eclips "You said your world was in danger but why should we help you?" Rage asks

"Because Vlagh won't stop with Altestia there is no doubt it will go for other realms and this realm WILL be next and then it will continue to turn light to darkness world by world... one by one." Eclipse says

"Come with me." Rage says walking off with Eclipse not far behind'

[Palace of Friendship 1 PM]

Rage walks up the path with Eclipse by his side who's eyes were fixed on the large beam of energy coming from the Palace, he was wondering what it could be "Just wait until you see the inside." Rage chuckles opening the door and they turn to and walk in to the large council room where Eclipse's eyes were fixed on the Chaos Emeralds and their pedestals that were forming the seven beam colors and uniting at the roof.

"Wow..." Eclipse gasps as Rage walks up next to him.

"Beautiful huh?" Rage smiles

"yeah what is the source of?" Eclipse asks "Is it from The Elements of Harmony?" Rage shakes his head and walks up to the pedestals and grabs a Chaos Emerald

"What is that?" Eclipse asks

"This here is a Chaos Emerald a very powerful artifact holding all seven can unlock unlimited power. Rage says "But just one alone is still very powerful and very dangerous."

"You're funny Rage." Eclipse laughs a bit "now where is this-" he was stopped by a yell

"Chaos Spear!" Rage yells as the emerald glows and a spear of energy lands right at Eclipse's front hooves. "consider that a warning... never underestimate the power of the Chaos Emeralds." Rgae growls

"Okay sorry..." Eclipse says "Now where is this Twilight Sparkle right now?" he asks

"Oh right," Rage says "Well she is on her way back from Canterlot and should return soon." Rage says putting the Chaos Emerald back in its place, "Now I will warn you that Twilight is very protective of the Elements of Harmony but until that time comes make yourself at home." Rage says

"Very well." Eclipse says sitting at a table

"So Eclpise can you tell me about Altestia and this Vlagh fellow?" Rage asks sitting down with him.

"Well..." Eclipse sighs "Coming from what my parents told me Altestia used to be a peaceful land where the ponies went by day by day not a care in the world. A lot like Equestria just emotionless. This was a long time before even my parents though. When the creature who actually looks a lot like you Rage called Vlagh killed out ruler and took over Altestia he slowly consumed the world in darkness making it very hostile and deadly. Darkness was every where but one place remained Ponytown a small town much like this one. It was protected by a barrier of energy but it weakens and will soon diminish all together. No unicorns or pegasai came to be and outside of Ponytown Dark Spawns rule and roam free." he says with a look of gloom and despair.

"So Vlagh is an Alicorn." Rage says

"Is that what a unicorn with the wings on a Pegasus is called?" Eclipse asks and Rage nods.

"Alicorns are very rare however as only five exist in Equestria. The four Princesses and then myself of course." Rage says

"Well why are they so rare?" Eclipse asks

"Because Alicorns have very powerful magical and arcane powers by nature and in turn are very powerful so they are restricted to only Equestria Royalty." Rage says as the door opens

"Hello Prince Rage I am back!" Twilight voice comes from down the hall as she walks in to see Rage and Eclipse "Hay who is your new friend?" she asks

"Princess Twilight Sparkle meet Eclipse. He has quite the thing to tell you." Rage says looking at Eclipse "Go ahead."

"Oh right." Eclipse says clearing his throat "I am Eclipse and I come from a dark place known as Altestia an alternate version of your world I came seeking aid. You see Altestia is falling victim to an evil Aliconr known as Vlagh. His darkness has spread across my world and in order to stop Vlagh's evil plans I need the Elements of Harmony." Eclipse explains

"WHAT?!" Twilight gasps "NO!" NEVER!" she refuses "I cannot do that I mean why should we help your dying world if we may die trying to fix it?!" Twilight asks "you agree with me on this right Rage?" she looks at Rage

"Twilight I want to back you up but I am afraid I am on Eclipse's side on this one. If Vlagh consumes Altestia then from the sounds of it he will go for other dimensions one by one and next would be Equestria." Rage says

"So we fight it when it gets here." Twilight says

"That may be a problem because knowing the way darkness can be if we let him grow too powerful then The Elements of Harmony will be useless against it." Rage says "I am afraid we will have to help Eclipse here out... waiting could be more dangerous then taking action now..."

Twilight thinks a moment before sighing "You are right Rage... let's go."

To be continued

Next Time: Getting the team together

Next Chapter: Chapter 2: Getting the team together Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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