
The New Lunar Republic

by ZeldatheWarriorPrincess

Chapter 5: 5. Nightmare Moon's Backstory

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Nightmare Moon's P.O.V

I will reveal to you the backstory of mine, and how I became evil. I'm not always scary like most people once thought. Solar Flare is very scary, even though she is not yet widely known back then. Long ago, in the small village just five miles away from the Castle of the Royal Sisters, people live peacefully, not having to worry about a villain... But they worry a bit about that fiery young woman that lives alone.

The fiery woman is really cruel to others, but the Royal Sisters never stopped her. The woman calls herself Solar Flare, because she is known to burn people alive. Children are afraid of her, and adults simply defend their children by taking them farther from the woman that could burn others alive.

I was just a fair maiden with eternal youthfulness. My non-evil self has dark violet hair, fair skin, and teal eyes. I do look a bit like Princess Luna, but we are different in most ways. My name used to be Sweet Dreams. I had a rare kind of magic that gets rid of nightmares, and it will soon be corrupted when I meet Solar Flare.

"This woman is surely more scary and evil than Celestia," A man said.

"I agree. She could someday burn the whole world," A woman replied.

"Who is this 'woman' that you speak of?" I asked them.

"The woman you're talking about is Solar Flare. By the way, the sun will set, and you would once again look at the moon like a strange witch," Another woman said.

"I'm not strange! I just get rid of nightmares," I asserted, "Where does she live?"

"Over there, if you're interested," The man said.

"She's a witch and she follows Luna," Another woman said, "I'd rather follow Celestia."

"Luna's not evil," I reminded them. For some reason, I want to have Luna's gorgeous night all to myself. The stars and the moon... The beautiful night sky...

I walk over to the lonely house, and the door opens quickly. Standing in the doorway is the fiery woman. "Can I come inside?" I asked.

"Come in. I have a few spells," She replied with a devious grin.

I think about her intentions for a minute. She seems to be plotting something- like she wants to do something to me. "Sit down, Sweet Dreams. So, what are you thinking about today? Have you wanted to punish the ones that call you a witch?" She asked.

I sit down on the couch as I start to speak. I try not to seem as if I am suspecting something. "I want to punish those bullies that keep calling me a witch," I said.

"I knew it! I know you would come here!" Solar Flare remarked as she shuts the door tightly.

"No, stop! I have to do something."

"Never! Turn to the dark side!"

She casts a spell upon me, and then I gasp. She holds a mirror in front of me. I glare angrily at her- she's trying to corrupt me the whole time?! Strangely, I feel the desire to do something evil... The desire to corrupt my favorite princess... I shake my head of the evil thoughts as I walk out of the house. I sense that there is something on my back. I turn my head, and I notice dragon-like wings.

"Ah! Sweet Dreams have turned evil! She looks like a creature of nightmares!" A child shouted.

The darkness consumes most of my soul as I grin evilly. "I am Nightmare Moon," I declared, "Your nightmares shall start now!"

Princess Luna appears out of nowhere, and glares at me. "What do you want from them?!" She demanded, "Why do you now want to take the night from me?!"

"You don't deserve it," I replied, "Everyone hates your night, and they'll always be afraid of you!"

I cast a curse upon her, and Luna collaspes to the ground. Her eyes change for a second, and then they turn back to normal. "You will turn to the dark side!" I concluded, "Your sister is a glory hog that gets all of the attention!"

I know, that way deep inside my heart, that I am being a major bully to Luna right now. Ignoring the feelings, I simply laugh evilly as Luna flies off. I chase after her, and now she is in the Castle of the Royal Sisters. The whole night passes as the sun starts to rise. "Maybe you're right," Luna told me, "They do hate my night so much!"

Her expression turns from sadness to anger as she walks up to the midnight blue throne. "I won't stand idly while others bask in your sunlight!" She declared angrily, "Why do they love your day so much more, glory hog?!"

I simply chuckle at the release of her anger. She flies into the air as the moon blocks the sunlight. I proceed to enter her body so that I can corrupt her. "Ha ha ha! You will now be in my possession, Moon Princess! The night shall be mine... Forever!" I told her as she transforms.

"There is only one princess in Equestria, and that princess shall be me!" I declared.

A few minutes later, I land onto the floor. I am now controlling Luna's body. Celestia appears in the doorway, looking stern. "Luna, I will not fight you..." She said, "It is your duty! Lower the moon!"

"Luna?! I am Nightmare Moon!" I declared, "Your sister is gone now!"

"Please stop! I regret the transformation! Let my sister save me," Luna's voice spoke as it starts to sound more restrained than angry.

"Never," I retorted as Celestia flies out of the throne room. I fly after her.

She is about to reach the Elements as I blast a dark beam at her, causing her to crash into the ground. "How dare you do this! I shall have revenge on you once I get released from you," Luna's voice concluded, "I now know that my sister is too blind to notice my unhappiness! She will stop you. I swear, she will!"

Celestia gathers the Elements upon getting up, and flies into the sky. Celestia shoots a magic beam at me as she imprisons me in the moon. Upon landing onto the moon, I get out of Luna's body. The curse has transformed her. "I will lend you my helmet," I said, "You will be feared!"

"I'll make my night known after a thousand years," She replied.

I simply chuckle at her as I watch her cry. I swear that I can now hear Celestia singing a song to Luna. It sounds like a sad song- but sadness is just pathetic. I mean, really. A few minutes later, Luna sings a reply to the song. I know she wouldn't stay evil, because I have heard her sing "You love me so much more than I know" and "I'll visit you in your dreams." I even hear her singing something about her regret for doing something to the people of Equestria.

"Is that remorse?" I demanded as Luna stops singing.

"You turned me into a monster!" She retorted, "Why can't you turn me back!"

"I will never."


She starts sobbing really hard as I chuckle at her even more. "You're such a weak little fool," I taunted.

"You're so mean to me!" She replied, "After saying that you love my night! You think you can steal it?! Well, you will be stopped someday!"

I simply smirk in response, but something deep inside my heart tells me that what I've done is very wrong. I simply ignore the feeling once again as I promise myself to watch Luna suffer for a long time.

My backstory ends there for now. I know that I've been mean to her because of the curse that Solar Flare has casted upon me. Hopefully Luna will forgive me someday, but she considers herself to be vengeful when it comes to the mention of my name. She still wants revenge on me. She still hates me for betraying her greatly- even though I do not intend to.

Nightmare Moon's backstory is a bit short. Solar Flare is evil for corrupting her. Any thoughts on her backstory?

Next Chapter: 6. The End of the War Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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