
Red Rangers' Battle

by Jay Brian

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1 Wormhole to Where Exactly?

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I don't own Power Rangers or MLP FiM

The rangers were battling the Armada when Troy noticed all past red rangers with their morphers. A second later, he vanished from Earth. The others didn't know where he vanished to. Troy found himself hurdling through some kind of wormhole. He turned into a grey-alicorn with a 21-year red-rangers icon on his flank and a black mane. He finally landed in an apple-field. Troy slowly stood up on all fours. Despite the pain, he crawled out the crater he created when he landed. As he tried to struggle to get into the barn, he noticed a dog which barked at him.

Next Chapter: 2. Chapter 2 Where am I? Am I Dead? Estimated time remaining: 11 Minutes
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