
Fall of Equestria

by InSaNiTyHiMsElF

Chapter 1: Prologue

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'Sup? Call me Insanity, and here's the prologue of "Fall of Equestria"! So I just wanna see if some of you guys are interested into my Fanfic idea, and if you guys like, just tell me in the reviews and I'll continue it. So I'm gonna wait a bit so many of you could see if that thing is great. I just wanna say that this is going to be inspired by 300 and 300: Rise of an Empire. But the prologue isn't inspired by the movies, but the other chapter will be inspired by them. Enjoy~

8 years ago, a war started between Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. The two sisters weren't agreeing if Equestria should follow unity or diversity.

Luna always dreamed of Equestria being diverse. She always liked Ponyville because that city was the only one were the three kinds of pony lived together. And she loves the Mane six: these six ponies showed to everypony that diversity is stronger than unity. She thinks that everypony has their forces, and it's by combining them that we become stronger.

On the other hand, Celestia was glad that Equestria was almost entirely united. Unlike her sister, Celestia didn't like Ponyville neither the Mane six. It's not that she didn't liked Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow or Pinkie, she loved them, but the Mane six wasn't what she wanted. She thinks like her sister that everypony has their own forces, but she thinks it is better to put the ponies with the same forces together.

In brief, Luna thinks that an Earth Pony, a Unicorn and a Pegasus are stronger than three Earth Ponies, three Unicorns or three Pegasi. And Celestia thinks the opposite. But both of them are agreeing on one thing. Unicorns are smart, Earth Ponies are strong and Pegasi are duteous and tough.

The war started because Ponyville and the Mane six were influencing the other cities. Fillydelphia and Manehattan, two Earth Pony city changed for mixed city that welcomes Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi. That made Celestia mad, and that's why the conflict between the two sisters began.

When the war began, Celestia ruled half of Equestria with her Sunshine Army and Luna ruled a quarter of Equestria with her Moonlight Rebellion. The other quarter belongs to the peaceful Resistance of Pinkie Pie.

Celestia rules Vanhoover and Canterlot, two Unicorn cities; she also rules Ponyville, Baltimare and Neighara Falls, three Earth Pony cities; she finally rules Las Pegasus and Cloudsdale, two Pegasus cities. The Sunshine Army is composed by three categories:

The first one is the Pegasus Category. The Pegasi are the soldiers of the Sunshine Army. Each Pegasi are trained to be a soldier when they are teenagers, and they are all obligated to be part of the army except if you're an elderly, if you have a disease or if Princess Celestia gave you a special permission.

The second one is the Unicorn Category. The Unicorns are the knowledge and the security of the Sunshine Army. They are the teachers, the scientist, the nurses, the firemares and the policemares. Every Unicorn has to decide what they want to do when they reach their teenage years. They can also become part of the army by being powerful magicians.

The third and last one is the Earth Pony Category. The Earth Ponies are the farmers, the architects and the blacksmiths of the Sunshine Army. The farmers are charged of cultivating the food for the Sunshine Army, and the blacksmiths are charged of creating and repairing the armors and the weapons. They can be part of the army by being scouts or messengers.

On the other side, Luna rules Fillydelphia, Manehattan and the Crystal Empire, all mixed cities. She also owns all the Frozen North, but there isn't much there. The Moonlight Rebellion is composed by five categories:

First one is the Warrior Category. The warriors are the army of the Moonlight Rebellion. Their work is to defend the Moonlight Rebellion. They are trained since they are born with a really though training. It's the parents who decide if their child is going to be a warrior or not. It is said that one Moonlight Warrior is as strong as three Sunshine Soldiers.

Second one is the Farmer Category. The farmers are the one that feeds the Moonlight Rebellion. They cultivate their own fruits and vegetable and they also finds the resources such as wood, rock, sand, metal and many other things.

Third one is the Artist Category. The artists are the blacksmiths and architects of the Moonlight Rebellion. They are charged of building houses, making and designing armors, weapons and tools. They are also the one who makes the nails, glass, doors, bricks, etc.

The fourth one is the Special Category. They are the spies, the thieves and the messengers of the Moonlight Rebellion. The spies spy on the Sunshine Army to identify their strategies and weaknesses. The thieves are the one who steals armors, weapons and food to the Sunshine Army. Sometimes, they also are charged of assassinating enemy ponies. Finally, the messengers are the one brings messages to the Sunshine Army or the Resistance from the Moonlight Rebellion. The law forbids killing a messenger.

The fifth one is the Villager Category. Unlike the Sunshine Army, a pony can do nothing. The villagers are protected by the Moonlight Rebellion and they are usually ponies that are too old, too scared, too weak or too sick to do work.

Besides the Sunshine Army and the Moonlight Rebellion, there's the Resistance. The Resistance is composed by the useless ponies that were banned from Sunshine Army. The Resistance hates the Sunshine Army, but they are not liked by the Moonlight Rebellion, because they are ancient ponies from the Sunshine Army.

But the two sisters aren't the only one that has being separated: The Elements of Harmony had also been separated. Twilight had always been passionate by Princess Celestia, so she became a sub-ruler of the Sunshine Army.

Rarity and Fluttershy always have seen the Sunshine Army as the good and the Moonlight Rebellion as the evil, so they thought it would be more secure to join the Sunshine Army.

As for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, they were on the side of Luna: They also thought that diversity was better than unity. Applejack became a sub-ruler of the Moonlight Rebellion, and Rainbow just became a Moonlight Warrior.

And for Pinkie Pie, the separations of her friends drove her crazy, and same if she joined the Sunshine Army, she wasn't able to do anything, so she had been banned from the Sunshine Army. She then had joined the Resistance and became the ruler of it because there wasn't any ruler before her.

But there's other sub-ruler for the three groups. The Sunshine Army have two other sub-rulers. One of them, as hard it is to believe, is Discord. Discord has always been on Celestia's orders. Celestia asked him to separate the Mane six, and that's what Discord tried to do, same if he failed because the Mane six was too strong.

The other one is Queen Chrysalis. Chrysalis was also on Celestia's commands, but her mission was to eliminate Princess Cadence, because Celestia knew Cadence wanted a diverse Equestria. Chrysalis tried to eliminate Cadence by locking her in an underground jail, but it failed because of Twilight Sparkles.

But The Moonlight Rebellion also has two other sub-rulers. One of them is Princess Cadence. Like I said before, Cadence had always been on Luna's side. It was hard for her to leave Twilight with Celestia, but Twilight didn't want to join the Moonlight Rebellion with Cadence, so Cadence just left her step-sister in the Sunshine Army.

Finally, the Resistance also have two other sub-rulers. One of them is Shining Armour. Shining had to choose between her sister Twilight and her wife Cadence. He couldn't resolve to choose one of them, so he preferred to join the Resistance. He thinks that both Celestia and Luna are wrong and that they should have left Equestria like it was before and not try to change it.

The other sub-ruler is Trixie. Trixie's magic wasn't enough strong, so she was banned from the Sunshine Army. Now, Trixie want her revenge from the Moonlight Rebellion, so she trained and became a really powerful Unicorn and a really smart leader.

So now that everything has been said, let's start the tale about disharmony and rebellion.

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