
Homefront: Equestria

by TheBLUScout

Chapter 4: 4. Chapter 4

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Uhh... Hi?

I'm pretty sure you don't remember me, but in case you do, here's something I must tell you:


Seriously, I don't even remember how long I updated the story! And I'm pretty sure you thinked that the story's dead, the writed gave up on writing and the story will remain there without anymore updates.

Well, think again!

Now, talking about the story: This is the first time Daniel and the Sky Pretty Cures meet Lyra Heartstrings and it is also the first time, the group is involved into a firefight. So... Expect a lot of action going on!

Enjoy reading!

Coltrado, Equestria

Friday March 8, 2367

Hours 8:01

Daniel: "Ugh... Everybody's okay?"

Dan was answered by a general grunts from nearly everyone, except Mari.

Everything on the ship was down and sparkles were erupting from all across the space vessel. It was clear: The ship will never fly again.

Amber: "Oouuh, my head..."

Ruby: "Who shut the lights?"

Daniel: "I think we have bad news..."

Sapphire: "What is it?"

Daniel: "There's too much damage. We're fucked."

Emerald: "Great..."

Mari woke up soon after from the cockpit.

Mari: "Uugh... Man, that was violent..."

However, she soon forgot her pain as she watched the shutted controls and started to panicking:

Mari: "Oh, shit. Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit!"

The pilot frantically tried to re-put the ship's controls online, but in vain.

Mari: "No, no, no, no, damnit, damnit, damnit! Come on, don't die! You must live! You musn't die!"

Daniel, while hearing those words, made a little disgusted face at the "You Must Live" and "You musn't die" lines, because, you know... Kyoko...

At the end, Mari slammed her fists at the control panel and frantically reached the weapons locker, completely out of control, and tooked the YRS-12 shotgun.

Daniel and Diamond tried to strip the insane girl of the shotgun, but, surprisingly, Mari was stronger than them and pointed the shotgun to her chin.

Mari: "If you die, I die with you!"

Topaz: "NO!"

She press the trigger.

Istantly, her face exploded, becoming an organic sludge. Everybody looked in horror as the headless corpse of Mari fell.

Amber: "Oh, my god..."

Sapphire: "I think I'm gonna be sick... I want to exit, now!"

Everyone looked at the ship's rear hatch, but with the controls out, exiting was difficult, if not impossible, since there's nothing to open it.

Ruby, however, came with an idea: "I've got something!"

Daniel: "So?"

Ruby: "I can transform myself and break the door."

Sapphire: "Ruby. We don't know if there are enemies"

Diamond: "And the door looks pretty heavy, so there's the problem of the loudiness."

Ruby: "We can take the risk."

Daniel: "Alright. Go."

Ruby pulled off her PreChan Mirror, but ever she could take the PreCards, Dan stopped her: "But!"

Ruby: "But?"

Daniel: "If there are enemies, we run, okay?"

Everyone: "Right!"

Daniel: "Go, Ruby! Let's make some noise!"

Ruby: "Pretty Cure! Kuririn Mirror Change!"

Ruby's clothes disappeared. Her entire body and arms were covered by flames. The flames exploded and the arm warmers showed first, and then the flames around her body exploded, showing her entire outfit.

She has become Cure Crimson.

Then, Cure Crimson flied down and opened her eyes.

At the end, she finally introduced herself:

"The Red Colors Comes with passion! Cure Crimson!"

Daniel: "Wow! So beautiful!"

Daniel jaw-dropped at the sight of Cure Crimson, a thing which embarassed a little the Cure and made the other laugh.

Emerald shut Daniel's mouth and exclamated: "Alright. Ruby, breach that door!"

Crimson backed off to the cockpit. Everyone freed her way. She ran, made a little jump and, with a frontal kick, hit the hatch.

The hit was pretty strong, but not enough to break it. This forced her to another tentative.

She tried two, three, four times. At the fifth time, Ruby finally opened the hatch.

Fortunately for them, the hatch only opened and not throwed away. Their doubts were shutted.

Ruby de-transformed and yelled: "Yes! I did it!"

Daniel: "Good work, Ruby! Now let's get the hell outta here!"

As they were out, the Cures had the possibility of what the ship had done during the crash.

Amber: "Uhh... Oh, crap..."

The ship disintegrated several houses and left a big arc on the surface.

Daniel: "We made a big mess!"

Topaz: "I guess we killed a lot of people."

Sapphire: "I guess so..."

Diamond: "Guys, look at that!"

Diamond was pointing to a half ripped bus, far from they were.

Diamond: "Maybe there's somebody still alive in that bus!"

Amber: "You're sure? I mean, If we didn't kill them directly with the ship, maybe we killed them with the propulsors' fire."

Ruby: "I don't see any burning traces."

Amber: "But could be some injuried."

Sapphire: "Why we're waiting? Let's see if there are people in there!"

After reaching the bus, before entering, Daniel said: "Alright, we search the bus. Sapphire and Diamond, you stay here. Control if somebody's comin'."

Sapphire: "Ok!"

As they entered, the first thing noticed, despite the entire mess done, was a dying... Griffin?

Daniel: "W-what the hell?!"

Ruby: "It's... It's a griffin?"

Amber: "Don't tell me that this planet's habitated by animals..."

What's even more surreal is that the griffin was dressed like a soldier. Dressed and equipped like a soldier.

However, the group returned to examination shortly after.

Topaz went to the end of the bus and found somebody with eyes closed.

Topaz: "Hey! I found somebody!"

The group rushed where Topaz was and questioned which race is that creature: "What do ya think?"

Amber: "He seems a human but he's not."

Emerald: "I think is a she. Look at her hair."

Topaz: "Is she alive?"

Dan scanned her with the helmet and concluded that: "Yep. She's alive. Only unconscious."

Suddenly, the creature slowly started to open her eyes. They backed off a little while the "human" was regaining her senses.

"Ughh... What happened...?"

Ruby: "Hey! You there!"


Ruby: "Yeah! We're talking to you!"

She turned her head towards the group, immediatly eyes widing and jaw-dropping.

Amber: "Are you OK?"

"Yes, I'm okay."

Daniel: "Who, or what are you?"

"Are-are you humans?"

Emerald: "Yes!"

"Real living and breathing humans?"

Daniel: "Yeah. Never seen a human, before?"

The creature got up istantly and jumped like crazy yelling: "YES! YES! I was right! Humans exists!"

By her reaction, it was clear that she never saw a human before.

Daniel: "Great... Our First Contact with another race that isn't Saiark and she's even frickin' crazy!"

Amber returned to the crazy jumping creature and yelled: "Stop it!"

She immediatly stopped, a little embarassed: "I'm sorry if I reacted like this. Everypony thought I was crazy and humans doesn't exist."

Topaz: "You said 'everypony'?"

"Yes. It's what we say here."

Ruby: And you aren't 'human' yourself?"

"No. We are ponies, silly!"

Daniel: "Amber?"

Amber: "Yes?"

Daniel: "This is planet IS habitated by animals."

Amber: "What I tell you?"

Daniel: "Anyway, who are you?"

Lyra: "I'm Lyra Heartstrings."

Daniel: "Alright, Lyra. Can you explain where we are?"

Lyra: "First, I have to say a question."

Daniel: "Go ahead."

Lyra: "Where you come from and how did you get here?"

Ruby: "From Earth."

Daniel: "And we came here throught a dropship. However, we've been attacked by Su-27. Are the pilots of your kind?"

Lyra: "You're kidding me?! No! Those are of the Federation! We don't even have the money to buy those vehicles!"

Emerald: "Federation?"

Lyra: "The Griffin Federation. The biggest superpower here in Equestria."

Daniel: "And they are allies?"

Lyra: "Enemies. I fight 'em. I'm part of the Equestrian Resistance."

Topaz: "Equestrian Resistance?"

Lyra: "Oh, yeah! You're not from here, I forgot it. It's basically the only group that's fighting the Federation oppression."

Ruby: "The only one? You don't have an army?"

Lyra: "We had. It's destroyed."

Daniel: "How?"

Lyra: "Economical crisis and the Federation's invasion."

From the entrance, however, Sapphire called: "I guess this can't go any further. We've got company!"

Daniel: "Alright. Lyra, get us to this 'Equestrian Resistance' base."

Lyra: "But I need a weapon."

Daniel: "Amber, control that body and see if there are weapons."

The orange Cure went to the body and took a pistol. An old Beretta M9. She gave it to Daniel and he gave it to Lyra.

Daniel: "Now you're ready. Let's go, everybody!"

Lyra stood up and everyone went outside.

Istantly, a helicopter appeared in the sky, spotting them.

Daniel: "Here comes the cavalry! Get out of the parking lot!"

The group rushed to the supermarket. An APC, coming from the right, fired against the windows, causing the group to crouch.

Topaz: "Get down!"

Once the APC went away, Emerald yelled: "They're trying to head us off!"

Amber: "I hope this planet doesn't become our graveyard, too!"

Lyra breached the backdoor entrance with her hoof and left the market.

Ahead of them, two griffins were climbing a fence.

Lyra: "Two of 'em! Coming from the fence!"

The Cures put themselves undercover. The first guard screamed: "Put down your weapons!"

Lyra killed him with an headshot while the second guard yelled: "Hooves behind your back!"

The guard started firing once he leaved the trash can, but Dan cleared the way with a burst.

Daniel: "Clear!"

Lyra: "There's no turning back. You've got Federate blood on your hooves, I mean hands! You're part of the resistance now!"

Diamond: "And our race is part of the war..."

Daniel: "Pretty Cures! Ready to transform?"

The Cures took their PreChange Mirrors and exclamated: "YES!"

Their PreChange Mirrors opened up, revealing their reflection. The button at the bottom glows and the girls spin it.

All of the Cures: "Pretty Cure!"

Then they leap the first PreCard onto it and overlap the other two and then they push them down to the mirror.

All of the Cures: "Kururin Mirror Change!"

Topaz appears in front of a lightning as a silhouette. The she gets the power from the lightning and her hair grow longer. Then she stretches her hands to the sky and her arm warmers appears. Some parts of her body are covered by yellow light. Then the glow on her legs disappear and her boots forms, just like her total dress. After that, her hair got tied into a ponytail and the belt forms. She puts the PreChange Mirror on her belt and says:

"The yellow color stands for true strenght! Cure Saffron!"

Amber appears in front of a glowing light. She is completely covered in this light and her eye and hair color changes. Her hair grow longer and a hairbend with a red ribbon appeares. She spins and the light starts to fade out and her whole outfit forms after the light is completely faded out. Finally, her belt forms and puts the Mirror on it.

"The orange color is a proof of elegance! Cure Sienna!"

Emerald appeares in front of a green tornado. Her body is covered by white light. The she jumps into the tornado and her hair grow longer and changes color along with the eyes to a lighter green. She flies into the storm and her whole body is covered by it. The breeze around her arms fade out, being replaced by the arm warmers. The boots and the dress forms in the same way. Her belt appears and puts the mirror on it.

"Pure nature appears in the green color! Cure Cyan!"

Sapphire appears in front of a huge blue wave. Her body is covered by light blue light. The wave crashes towards her and then she is standing on the water. Her hair grow larger but doesn't change color. The water around her arms spread out, showing the arm warmers and the boots and the dress forms into the same way. The eyes changes color, her first blue belt with a ribbon appears and her hair get tied into a ponytail. At the end, Sapphire puts the Mirror on the belt.

"Get your talents in the blue color! Cure Azure!"

Diamond appears in front of a huge hourglass. She gets covered by the hourglass' sand. After a couple of seconds, her entire outfit is formed. Then her regalia appears in order: The golden bracelets, the belt and the belt's golden heart appears. Then her hair gets color changed, from brown to white, grow longer and get tied by two twintails. At last, she puts the Mirror on the belt.

"Wonderful color of intelligence! Cure Whitney!"

All of them: "Our powers! To protect the colors! Sky! Pretty Cure!"

(AN: I deliberately left Ruby's transformation into Cure Crimson, since I've already described it earlier in the chapter.)

After the transformation sequence, Daniel and Lyra jaw-dropped at the beauty of the group.

Daniel: "Oh,oh,oh, man! That's fuckin' awesome!"

Lyra: "But... What is this 'Pretty Cure'?"

Sapphire: "We don't have time to lose, guys! The griffins are at our backs and it won't be too late when they're gonna call reinforcements!"

Daniel hit himself with his hand to regain his senses and said: "You're right! We have to go!"

Everyone went to another backdoor entrance. Daniel breached the door and Lyra grabbed one of the dead griffin's rifle, a T3AK, and grabbed a mag.

Upon entering the store, a griffin flied through the store's skyline. Daniel immediatly shot him.

Diamond: "Two more up front!"

Lyra, now with the rifle, finally had the possibility of killing by longer distances. In fact, she quickly killed the two troops close to the main entrance.

Daniel: "Let's go!"

Lyra, already with low ammo, throwed the T3AK and took a PWS Diablo, or a short version of the M4A1 carbine.

Once they leaved the store, Lyra said: "There's a gas station up ahead. The Feds used it as a fuel depot."

Ruby: "So?"

Lyra: "I know a shortcut through the suburbs. We need to get out of sight until this blows over."

Daniel: "Lead the way, Lyra!"

Lyra: "With extreme pleasure!"

They quickly spotted three soldiers by the close bus. Daniel killed the first, Amber finally gets her first blood by killing the second guard and Lyra kills the third.

However, there was still one troop undercover. As Amber as distracted, the troop left his cover and tried to shoot her. Ruby immediatly respondes by inflitting a flying kick to the trooper's head, killing him istantly.

Lyra: "Come on! Down the alley!"

Daniel: "That was a sweet move, Ruby!"

Ruby: "Thanks!"

After climbing a small stone wall and went to the right, the team finally entered the gas station. Of course, there were lots of bad guys waiting outside. Then two troopers entered into the main hall. Sapphire took the first while Topaz said:

"Pretty Cure! Thunder Strenght!"

Suddenly, a lightning breached the ceiling, hitting the guard and electrocuting him to death.

Lyra: "That was nice!"

Then they entered the main hall and the troopers by the gas pumps started firing.

At the same time, Diamond noticed another transport: "Transport Helicopter!"

Daniel: "More of the fucker ropin' in!"

Lyra also noticed something: A stack of grenades. Without thinking twice, she quickly took them.

The pony throwed one. When it exploded, the grenade took out three guards by sending them flying.

However, another transport was coming from the right. Lyra throwed another grenade, but this time she missed.

Daniel tried to shoot at one guard who was trying to take cover, but he missed by an inch.

Another guard went completely exposed against them, but Diamond jumped out of the hall to take him out.

Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald went outside and killed three guards, one per Cure. This example was re-done by Amber, Diamond and Topaz which killed another three troopers, and Daniel killed another guard on the left.

Daniel: "Another transport coming!"

Lyra: "On the left!"

Sapphire charged against the transport.

"Pretty Cure! Azure Strike!"

She stretched one of her palms. A light blue light sphere formed to her palm and hit the transport with that sphere.

The transport istantly blew up but not without any consequences: The close gas pumps were damaged and compromised.

Lyra: "Watch out for the pumps!"

Diamond: "We can use the pumps at our advantage!"

From the sky, another flying patrol of griffins reached the station.

Amber: "There's too many of them!"

Daniel: "Everybody, get inside!"

The Cures immediatly got inside again and Lyra asked: "So, what is the plan?"

Diamond: "We can use the damaged fuel pumps at our advantage. They surely would be really loud, but it should gave us some time before they spot us again!"

Daniel: "Alright! Ruby!"

Ruby: "Yes?"

Daniel: "Blow those pumps up!"

Ruby: "Roger!"

She charged on her palms a fireball, which became roughly the size of a grenade and yelled

"Pretty Cure! Passion Fire!"

Ruby throws the fireball against the pumps, which were already on fire.

Lyra: "Get down!"

Istantly, the pumps made a huge explosion, destroying everything in their radius and killing the troopers.

Ruby rejumped back and, after some seconds of silence, she gave a thumb up and a wink, saying: "Everything's clear!"

Lyra: "Great job, uh... I didn't catch your name."

Ruby: "Ruby Akahane."

Lyra: "Right. Great job, Ruby!"

However, the flame balls that erupted from the explosion have reached the transport, quickly setting its engine hood to fire.

As they leaved the building, Daniel and Lyra lead the way, when the transport blew up right at the right of them.

Daniel: "Jesus!"

Amber: "Are you two okay!?"

Lyra: "I've been worse..."

Emerald: "We've gotta get moving before reinforcements show up!"

They went away from the station, reaching a little hill. After going up the hill, Sapphire asked: "Lyra, do you know where we're going?"

Lyra: "We're going to Revere Road. I guess we have to call someone to take us up. Do you have a radio?"

Daniel: "I guess we have different frequencies, so calling it's basically useless."

Lyra: "Oh. You know what? Scratch that, pretend that I've never said this."

As they climbed a downed fence, the group was into a destroyed house's lawn. Then they crawled inside of it and, just as they've entered, a patrol was passing by.

Everyone hide behind the walls. Daniel took this opportunity to reload and to do a mental resume of everything that's happened up to that point:

"Okay, so: We got fooled by a possibly fake distress call, our ship is down, our pilot is dead and now we are part of a war that we don't have any reason to be in... Damn, that's a nice job for a simple rescue mission..."

The patrol was leaded by a tank, which made Lyra swearing:

"Buck, a tank! Stay out of sight until it passes."

Diamond peeped and said: "There's a whole squad out there,"

Lyra: "I don't think they saw us. Nobody moves! Hold position!"

As the patrol was near its end, Lyra said: "Wait... Wait for it..."

Then the tank's noise disappeared.

Lyra: "On my mark..."

After a brief silence, the pony exclamated: "Now! Go!"

Everybody sprinted the heck out to reach the other side of the road, eventually making it without being spotted.

The team climbed another downed fence and entered another lawn.

So... How it was? It was good? It was bad? I should continue? I should stop for respecting the other fanfic writers? Tell me!

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