
Princess of the Pride

by Lavender Bagel

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:A trip to Canterlot

"Spike, are you even listening?" Twilight said angrily. Spike looked up.

"Huh what?" Twilight rolled her eyes.

"We have got to go to Canterlot! Everyone's coming and you won't even listen and check the list!"

"Alright! Calm your horn!"

"SPIKE!" Twilight put her hooves in her face "Oh my gawd."

"Umm is this a bad time?" A small voice came from the door. Twilight didn't even look up.

"No, it's fine come in Flutters." The alicorn replied.

"Is Spikey Wikey a little grouchy today?" The dragon sat up from his sulky position at the sound of the Rarity's delicate voice.

"Oh, hi Rarity are you all packed? That's quick for you." Twilight walked over. She poked her head outside, luggage was stacked nearly as high as the window on her new castle.

"RARITY!" Spike ran over.

"Hello dear." They hugged.

"We can't bring all this."

"Well I couldn't decide between purple or pink hoof polishes and the green dress would look simply fabulous with both but then I thought no! Maybe my sequinned headdress would go better.." Twilight cut her off in mid sentence.

"I get the idea." She said flatly. "But we are only going for three days."

"You think I don't know that dear, if it were a week the pile would be three times this high." Rarity said she and Fluttershy came in shutting the door behind them and taking a seat on their thrones.

"So why were we called Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. Before she got a chance to respond a pink hurricane bounced through the door, and settled itself on one of the thrones.

"Ooooo these are so comfy!" The pink hurricane said. Applejack walked in.

"Pinkie, calm down!" The farm pony put her saddlebag on the floor. No sooner had AJ shut the door than it was immediately opened by Rainbow who flew to her throne. "Hey guys!" She said.

"Hi!" Pinkie said waving her hoof in the air. Everyone smiled and said hello.

"Now we are all here, girls I think that this May be a formal call." The alicorn said.

"How can you tell?" The blonde mare said.

"Luna summoned us, she sounded panicked and I'm scared it's about Celestia." The ponies remained in stunned silence worried expressions written on their faces.

Meanwhile, as the dusk began to fed into a purple twilight. Celestia decided it would be good to get another early night. She took her crown off and crawled into bed. Terrified of what she would see that night she closed her eyes.

"Twilight! Thank you for coming so quickly!" The royal blue alicorn thanked her.

"No problem, you highness. But what prompted such an urgent call?"

"Come in. I will explain inside." All six elements followed her in their senses on high alert, nervous to what may have prompted such an urgent call...

Celestia was slowly slipping into sleep. Fearing every moment that she would get another terrifying vision like the night before. Suddenly she was asleep and she saw the sun begin to rise...

"Oh my gosh that's awful!" Twilight said.

"I know, that's why I called you. I need your help."

"But I don't see what we can do."

"I have a plan. Tonight we will enter her dreams and. We will find out what is happening." Luna replied. The ponies gasped in awe at this adventurous idea.

"Wo, wo, wo wait a sec," Rainbow said. "We are going into someone's dream into a new world, awesome!"

"Will we be able to return?" Fluttershy asked frightened.

"Hopefully." Luna replied. They looked at each other nervously.

"Ok, let's do this." Twilight said...

Hi readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Went to see lion king in theatre for the second time yesterday! Yay! Remeber to leave a review sorry I haven't updated had mocks all week and been studying hard :) see you later

Lavender :)

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