My Little Pony With Humans!

My Little Pony With Humans!

by Crazyone918


  • 1. Chapter 1: The Beginning
  • 2. Chapter 2: The Arrival
  • 3. Chapter 3: The Meeting
  • 4. Chapter 4: The Dilemma Begins
  • 5. Chapter 5: Missing
  • 6. Chapter 6: Secrets
  • 7. Chapter 7: Uncovered
  • 1. Chapter 1: The Beginning

    "Demi, no matter what happens in there, Know that I always loved you. And that I never ever once lied to you about anything, so don't be mad at me when I'm gone." Demi's mother said while they where pulling into the hospital parking lot.

    "Oh, you never ONCE lied to me? How about all those horse stories." Demi replied somewhat rudely.

    "One day, whether I'm here or not, you will see Equestria and know I wasn't ever lying.

    Demi parked the car and leaned over to hug her mom. "No matter what mom, I will always love you, even if I have to go live with my aunts."

    "Good, but I'm sure I'll live, it was just a short seizure."

    "Mom! Halfway here you were shaking! How could you be fine?" Demi yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks.

    "Just… trust me, please" Demi's mother replied while exiting the car.

    -sigh- "If you say so." Demi mumbled under her breath.

    Demi had had it. Her own mother was in that room for an hour. Way too long for a check-up, or at least too long for her mom's normal check-ups.

    The doctor came out of the room with a glum expression. Demi jumped up, "Is she ok?"

    "I'm sorry, but no." The doctor replied calmly.

    "How could you let her die!" Demi screamed, "I trusted you with her life! SHE trusted you with her life!

    "It happens to everyone at some point." The doctor replied.

    "But so soon?" She said, still crying.

    "I'm sorry miss, but you need to leave now." The doctor said, escorting her to the exit.

    "Fine, I'll leave!" Demi said.

    ~About 3 hours later~

    "Hi aunt Jen, hi aunt Isabelle!" Demi said as she entered the small farm house.

    "Hi sweetie!" Her twin aunts said in unison.

    "How are you?" Her aunt Jen asked.

    "Good, but I think I need to be left alone for a few." Demi replied.

    "Ok, you know where the guest bedroom is." Her other aunt called as Demi raced upstairs.

    "Whoa, what are all these boxes for?" Demi wondered out loud.

    Memories of Equestria? Huh why does that sound so familiar? Demi thought.

    "Oh yeah! That pony place!" Demi said.

    "Well, might as well read it." Demi thought as she sat down on the bed and read the journal.

    Woah, weird and yet fascinating, Oh! A hole was they got there, like Alice. She thought. "But where-" She started but was answered by flipping the page. "By an oak tree….. weird"

    Demi was lost in thought and decided to find the hole and g to this magic land. She left a note saying where she went and promised to be back soon. Then, she climbed out the window and headed towards the big oak tree.

    2. Chapter 2: The Arrival

    Demi was running towards the oak when she suddenly tripped and fell down a hole, she figured she found it and prepared herself for the insanity to come.

    It had seemed she landed in the middle of a picnic, it was normal, other than the six surprised ponies eating salad. A purple and pink alicorn spoke first.

    "I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. Who are you?" Demi admired her strict voice.

    "I-I am Demi." She said, trying not to freak out.

    "What are you?" A blue Pegasus commanded.

    "Relax Rainbow dash, I know of these creatures." Twilight said.

    "Is she a nice creature, is she angry?" A yellow Pegasus asked.

    "I'm nice, and not angry." Demi assured the Pegasus.

    "Do you like to party?!" A pink pony asked.

    "Yeah sure, I haven't been to a lot though."

    "WHAT! Twi we need to throw her a party!" Pinkie said.

    "No Pinkie Pie, we can-" Twilight began, "Wait we can! I have to have permission to make her a pony first."

    "Ok, ok wait who are you guys, like what are your names?" Demi asked.

    Everypony introduced themselves and Twilight asked Demi if she wanted a party, and more importantly, was she willing to become a horse for it.

    "Of course! But, could I be a Pegasus?" Demi begged.

    "Sure." Twilight said as she granted Demi's wish.

    Demi looked just like herself other than the fact she had wings, she was a horse, and she was blue. She remembered she had a blue shirt on so she figured that explained it.

    "Where will I sleep?" Demi asked.

    "Wherever you choose." Twilight said.

    "Can I spend it at your place Twilight?" Demi asked.

    "Of course!" Twilight said.

    Demi spent the rest of her day making up a backstory, learning to fly, and taking a tour. At the end of the day, when she went with Twilight, she noticed something, Equestria didn't change at all, or at least since her aunts and mother came. Demi settled in and thought about this entire day for a while before falling asleep.

    3. Chapter 3: The Meeting

    Demi woke up the next day to the delicious smell of pancakes.

    "Yum." Demi said to herself as she went downstairs

    "Oh! You're up." Twilight said.

    "So, you said something about a dragon being here?" Demi asked while sipping her coffee.

    "Yeah, would you like to meet him now?" Twilight asked.

    "Sure…." Demi replied shakily.

    "SPIKE!" Twilight yelled, "Come down here for breakfast!"

    "Oh, ok Twi-" Spike stopped at the sight of Demi. "Who are you?"

    "Oh, I'm…" Demi began looking at Twilight.

    "She's an old friend, her name is….." Twilight began glancing at Demi's cutie mark. "Lily Pond."

    Confused, Demi looked at Twilight, "Lily for short." Demi said smiling at spike.

    "Ok, well I'm going to go help Rarity. I finished all my chores here early." Spike stated as he ran out the door.

    "Ummm. Lily Pond? Really?" Demi said questioningly.

    "Sorry, but your Cutie Mark is a Lily, do you garden or something?"

    Remembering that Cutie Marks tell your destiny, Demi replied, "Yeah a lot actually, I love it."

    "You and AJ would be best friends." Twilight said.

    "Yeah, I think I'm going to go see her now."

    "Ok." Twilight replied, "Remember your pony name is Lily Pond!"

    "I will." Demi called as she headed towards Sweet Apple Acres.

    "Well howdy there Demi!" Applejack called as she galloped towards pony.

    "Hi, and it's Lily now, Lily Pond" Demi called.

    "Ok, well I was just about to go see Fluttershy, want to come with?"

    "Sure, I guess." Demi replied.

    "She loves gardening and animals you know."

    "Yeah, I know. I like gardening too so we are pretty alike."

    "Oh sweetie, no you aren't, she's so quiet and sensitive and you are so loud."

    "Well, I used to be louder, but then my mom died."

    "Well, BOTH my parents died." Applejack said.

    "Both mine died too. I have to live with my Aunts, that's how I got here."


    "I live with my aunts now and when I arrived I found the hole that brought me here."

    "Well, don't yer aunts worry?"

    "I left a note saying I came here." Demi replied.


    "No, they knew. They came here when they were my age."

    "How old are you?"


    "How about your aunts?"

    "I don't know like mid-forties?"

    "Oh my…."

    "What?" Demi asked but was answered when she looked up. "Oh."

    4. Chapter 4: The Dilemma Begins

    Demi looked up and surprised to see a horrid monster at Fluttershy's doorstep.

    "What in tarnation are you doing here Discord?" Applejack screamed.

    "Discord?" Demi asked

    When Discord heard this new voice his head snapped around and was surprised to see a blue Pegasus. "Who are you?" Discord asked.

    "Lily. Lily pond." Demi lied.

    "Ahhh I see, now, if you don't mind leave me alone." Discord began.

    "Why are you here Discord?" Applejack asked a note of disgust in her voice.

    "I'm here to see if Fluttershy would be up to a date." Discord replied.

    "No offense, but YOU and HER?" Demi asked trying to hide her laughter.

    "Yes. I love her, and she loves me." Discord said looking at Applejack.

    "Ok, then we'll leave you to it." Demi replied just as Fluttershy opened the door.

    "Discord!" Fluttershy said as she threw her forelegs around him, "You're here?!"

    "Ye-yes my love, do you feel up to a date?" He asked glancing at Applejack and Demi.

    "Of course do!" Fluttershy replied looking at Applejack and Demi, "Did you need something?"

    "No, we were just leaving." Applejack said. "Come on Lily we can go see Pinkie Pie."

    "Ok, bye" Fluttershy replied.

    Demi and Applejack dropped the topic of Discord and headed towards Sugar Cube Corner. It was Demi who broke the silence, "So, I've never eaten any of Pinkie's treats so this is exciting."

    "Oh they're delicious!" Pinkie called, "Come on in and try some!"

    "Wow! These are delicious!" Demi said, "By the way, my name is Lily now."

    "COOL!" Pinkie exclaimed.

    "Oh! I should get back to Twilight soon, she said last night that she wanted me back by noon, something about books?"

    "OH GOD!" Pinkie and Applejack yelled together.

    Demi walked into Twilight's library to see Twilight frantically pacing around mumbling to herself.

    "Umm, Twilight? What's wrong?" Demi asked.

    "I was going to send you back tonight, but I can't, possibly ever."

    "You mean, I might not ever see my family again?" Demi replied.

    "Most likely, you won't."

    5. Chapter 5: Missing

    Demi was so mad at Twilight, "I thought you were a princess, I thought it was your job to make your people happy?!"

    "I just became a princess, I'm not used to it!"

    "Well, if you just became a princess, who was the princess before you?"

    "We all rule at the same time, we control different element. And the other princesses are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence." Twilight responded.

    "Then take me to them! You make me sick Twilight! At first I thought you were the only sane pony here! Applejack is better than you!" Demi screamed.

    "I can't take you to them right now, it's quicker to stay here and wait." Twilight said.

    "Why? Where are they?"

    "Luna and Celestia are at a meeting with Cadence, they'll be back in 3 days." Twilight replied.

    "And wouldn't getting to where ever they're at be faster?"

    "I'm afraid not, they are all in SaddleArabia."

    "Fine! But I want to stay at Applejack's from now on, goodbye!" Demi screamed as she slammed the door.

    Demi was trotting over to Applejack's barn when she heard yelling, "Hey, hey, hey , hey, hey!" It was Pinkie.

    "What now Pinkie?" Demi groaned.

    "Have you seen Applejack?"

    "No, in fact I was just heading over to her barn now."

    "Why? It's late." Pinkie responded.

    "I had a fight with Twilight, she can't send me back for 3 days."

    "Oh, you can stay with me!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

    "Ok Pinkie, for now."


    Demi went to sleep that night thinking about Applejack and where she'd gone.

    6. Chapter 6: Secrets

    Demi woke up to Pinkie yelling in her ear, "WAKE UP ALREADY!"

    "Ok, ok I'm up!" Demi said.

    "Good! Applejack is here!"

    "What? But, she was gone."

    "Well…..SHE'S BACK!"

    Demi was eating her sprinkle pancakes when she finally asked Applejack her question, "So, where did you go last night?"

    "Oh, nowhere….." Applejack replied.

    "Are you sure? I was going to your barn when Pinkie said you were missing."

    "Oh, well it's a secret and you can't tell ANYPONY ok?" Applejack said.

    "Ok! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Demi and Pinkie said together.

    "Good, so, I was on a date with Spike." Applejack confessed.

    "WHAT!? He's like seven years younger than you!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

    "But, he was at Twilight's last night." Demi questioned.

    "He snuck out the window, he always does when we have secret dates." Applejack said.

    "But doesn't he like Rarity?" Demi asked.

    "No, not anymore, he uses it as a cover up now."

    "WOW, REALLY!" Pinkie screamed.

    " Oh my Celestia stop scremin' Pinkie!" Applejack said, "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go meet up with Spike again."

    "Wow!" Pinkie said.

    "I know, I never expected that." Demi said.

    "So what now?" Pinkie asked turning to Demi.

    "Well, I'm going to see RainbowDash, bye Pinkie." Demi called as she took off into the sky.

    A couple miles away Applejack and Spike were on their secret date.

    "AJ I'm so happy I chose you instead of Rarity." Spike said.

    "I am too." Applejack said as she set their picnic up.

    "Well…." Spike said, "What now?"

    "I don't know, I guess we eat."

    "Ok." Spike said.

    After their picnic was done, Spike and Applejack were sitting in the grass, "Thanks AJ, you sure are a good cook!" Spike commented.

    "Thanks Spike." Apple jack said.

    Then, Applejack and Spike kissed. During this perfect moment, they heard a gasp coming from a nearby bush.

    "What are you two doing?" Twilight asked.

    "Uh…" Spike said, baffled.

    "Nothing." Applejack said quickly.

    7. Chapter 7: Uncovered

    "I don't think that was nothing." Twilight said.

    "Well it was nothing." The southern pony lied.

    "Yeah, uh Twilight let's just go home." The dragon said.

    "Ok, Spike." Twilight said.

    "Well, I'm gonna go, bye Spike, bye Twilight."

    As Applejack trotted away, Twilight talked to Spike, " Spike what was that about?"

    "What was what about?"

    "Come on Spike I can tell when Applejack is lying she's the element of honesty!"

    "Ok, ok! We've been secretly dating for the last 2 months!"

    Meanwhile at Rainbow Dash's house…..

    "Hey Demi, what's up?" Rainbow asked as she opened the door."

    "I was hoping I could come in and talk to you."

    "I don't think so, maybe later?"

    "Ok, but first I have to tell you a secret."


    "Spike and Applejack are dating!"

    Just then Pinkie Pie floated up in a Balloon. "YOU BROKE A PINKIE PROMISE!"

    "Pinkie, she deserved to know!" Demi protested.

    "Ok, since you're new, but break one more and I'll get ya!" Pinkie screamed.

    Then a handsome stallion appeared in the doorway, "What's all the ruckus Dashie? let's get back to what we were doing ."

    "Ok, wait one more minute Soarin."

    "Who's that?" Demi asked.

    "No one."

    "Yeah sure." Demi said with a wink. "I'll just be going then.

    "Ok, bye."

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