
The Dawn

by InumbraLunaest

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Twilight Sparkle woke up to see her room completely clean. The books in alphabetical order her clothes were freshly cleaned and folded and her dresser no longer overflowing with clothes but arranged neatly.

Closing her eyes she tried to remember what happened last night. Yes she remembered Nocturne grabbing a cup of tea with her and them eating a few slices of apple pie. Then Nocturne went to bed then she followed soon after.

"Maybe she wanted to help out after all I did give her a place to rest" she thought. After a few minutes she got up from her bed and fixed it adjusting the pillows and blankets. 2 soft knocks were heard.

"Twilight Fluttershy is here with Pinkie Pie they want you here ASAP" Nocturnes soft voice said.

"Coming" she replied and she headed to the door to greet her friends

Twilight was going down the stairs when she saw Nocturne glance at the floor sheepishly as Pinkie Pie suddenly stared at her intensely before racing out shouting "PARTY FOR NOCTURNE"

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked as FLuttershy and Nocturne look slightly confused and worried.

Nocturne closed the door and walked over to Twilight.

"Tell me what is your job by the way if it's okay with you that is?" she said quietly.

Nocturne laughed a bit "I am a librarian and a historian" she replied. Twilight's eyes lit up in glee. "You know the history before the dragons?" she whispered.

Nocturnes blue eyes lit up with an icy flame "Be quite but yes" she hissed. Twilight nodded and Fluttershy gasped.

"D-d—id you mean that?" Fluttershy whispered behind Twilight.

Nocturne nodded and headed to the kitchen.

"Come I will tell you the true history of Equestria"

Millions of years ago alicorns still roamed the land these noble equines were the stuff of legends controlling vast amounts of magic.

The noble dragons whose fiery breaths were the stuff of legends these mighty creatures were fearsome.

The graceful Phoenixes' that blessed the land with bounty they had not know any bounds when spreading kindness and generosity.

The valiant Gryphon's who gave courage and inspired independence throughout the land.

The beautiful Nymphs inspiring the art of music and the value of honesty and fair justice they desired to keep peace and were close with the peaceful deer.

The magnificent Deer's proud and noble beasts that were wise and very kind they desired peace and a fair community close with the equines.

These great races strived to maintain peace and fair rules. The dragons being proud decided to use their military success to be the protectors of the land with the valiant gryphon's as their companion in arms. The Deer's and the Nymphs decided to spread justice and made court.

The Phoenixes who were generous and kind decided to oversee the land on its bounty and progress. While the alicorns brought out the celestial bodies and if necessary dealt with conflicts from other lands or from those who sought to usurp the balance, they were guardians and peacekeepers.

But overtime the orders began to blur. The Phoenixes decided to leave since they were no longer needed and they disappeared. The nymphs and the deer's' decided to retreat in the forest or more secluded areas. The dragons, gryphons, and alicorns continued on their duties.

But over time greed and jealousy began biting at the alicorns hearts. They demanded complete rule of the states and countries and abusing the resources. A great war between alicorns raged on.

Over time the dragons and gryphon's decided to step up and halt the alicorns progress. But they met a terrible war that raged on and on.

Only 2 Alicorns remained both fillies both sisters.

The eldest a pure white filly with a pink mane and tail her cutie mark was a sun. Her eyes were magenta that shown with the unbeatable light in her eyes. Her presence literally glowed and warmed up the room.

The younger was dark blue with a light blue mane. Her cutie mark was dark blotches with a moon on top. Her eyes were light cyan green which seemed to behold an abyss of churning darkness but also gave a wise look. Her presence literally sucked the light out of the room and gave a cold atmosphere.

To their surprise the 2 fillies tried to repay the damage done by their race. The future seemed bright the first century.

Until the dragons came along.

They killed the sisters and took the throne. Ruling with an iron fist they banned countless teachings about the history before.

Their motives unknown to the sudden usurping of the throne the world is left at their mercy.

Help us all.

Hey guys I am InnumbraLunaest and this story was inspired like by ruki44. I do not own anything this is Hasbro's and Lauren Fausts. So this is like big inspiration from ruki44.

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