
Somewhere in Time: The Tale of Blade Storm

by Seriously Intense

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 1

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I felt myself jolted back to consciousness. My head hurt like I had been attacked by a swarm of bees, and my hands and feet were completely numb. I opened my eyes a little bit to see where I was. I barely remember anything besides the pain I felt before I passed out. There seemed to be a bright light shining on me.

I at first thought that I was in the hospital or in an ambulance. However, I opened my eyes further and realized that I was in fact outside. I remembered the glass that had impaled me and glanced down.

I found no such glass. However, I gasped in shock as I saw my hands. Or more accurately, my lack thereof. I saw I had what appeared to be hooves and I had a body that was a colour no body should ever be. It was a dark shade of teal, not quite navy blue but not light enough to be considered turquoise. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

I had to have been dreaming! Nobody just, out of the blue, turns into a freaking pony! I wished I could pinch myself, but if this wasn't a dream then it would be impossible.

I opened my eyes and found... I was in the exact same place, with the same body. Well, this is certainly new. I sat up and examined my surroundings. I was in a town of sorts, sitting outside... a tree?

The... tree... well, it was massive and had a door and windows carved into it. I got up, but out of habit stood on my hind legs. I toppled over. I quickly noted that I would have to get used to my hooves, assuming that this wasn't a dream and I would be in this form for at least a substantial period of time. I felt my clothes, but I was surprised that instead of my t-shirt and shorts I had a blue-gray military style vest and cloth bands around my legs of the same colour.

I awkwardly stood on my four legs and tried to stumble towards the door.

As I reached the door I reached out a hoof and pushed it. To my relief, I could just push it open. I stumbled inside without thinking to knock.

I heard a voice shout out "Pinkie, I told you I wouldn't be ready to help plan graduation until tomorrow!"

I tried to find my voice, but instead I just coughed. I crumpled to the ground, clearly not ready to be doing this walking thing already.

The source of the voice clearly heard me and spoke exasperatedly "I'm studying! You know that I need to learn a new spell for the party and I'm not ready to help with your part when I haven't finished mine."

The voice sounded feminine, and I heard the sound of... hooves? I must be hallucinating. I had failed to utter a word, and I doubt a pony would even have the ability in the first place.

The source of the voice got nearer and I saw a creature at the top of the stairs. It turned out it WAS a pony speaking. While this was truly a mystery, especially when I was so out of it, I was completely unready to see that it was not just a pony I was seeing, but a unicorn!

The pony exclaimed "Oh, sorry about that! I thought you were Pinkie Pie." It looked at me for a moment. It then added "I haven't seen you around before! Are you new here?"

And with that, I passed out. I was extremely tired from everything that had happened and my brain had to reboot if I was going to comprehend any of this.

My dreams were strange, to say the least. They seemed to revolve around my experience before I woke up as a pony. I never really considered it strange after those first few moments, but I guess I was just disorientated.

I awoke feeling rested but nauseous. I saw the unicorn from earlier. She had a purple coat, a horn, and a six pointed star on her flank, to use the more accurate term.

She spoke softly "We don't get new pegasi around here often. My name is Twilight Sparkle, what's yours?"

I awoke yet again. This whole passing out thing was getting pretty annoying. I opened my eyes and found that the unicorn I had seen earlier was not standing by me anymore.

I pulled myself upright in a manner that made me look fairly drunk. At least I wasn't passed out anymore. I looked around. The room was filled with bookshelves across every wall. I went over to them. At first I did not recognize the symbols. However, after a moment I began to translate. I have no idea how, but I managed to read the title of a book.

"Hmmmm... Beginner's Guide to Magic. That unicorn, I think Twilight was her name, must be a magician."

I put the book back and looked for a mirror so I could see myself better. I found one in the corner of the room.

I realized just how strange my new body was when I gazed into the reflection. Somehow, I had wings! I have no idea how I got them, but I know that it was something I definitely had. I tried to move my wings. I managed to unfold them and flap them a few times. My wings did not seem to be very powerful. I tried to jump into the air and hover but after a few seconds I toppled down onto the floor.

I guess that wouldn't work. My eyes wondered to my flank. I saw the image of crossed swords there. I stuck with my previous thought process, simply chalking it up to being a tattoo.

I looked around some more, and found a book entitled "Encyclopedia Equestria." It seemed to be in pretty good shape, though whether it was the result of organization or just being new I had no idea.

I turned to the table of contents and looked for something to read about. I found a page describing the type of ponies: earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. I guess I had been turned into a pegasus.

I then heard voices approaching. I panicked and tried to find where I had taken the book from. I heard the door being opened and turned to look. I saw Twilight, a white maned unicorn with diamonds on her flank, and an orange earth pony with apples for her tattoo.

I quickly said "Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! I just woke up and I don't know anything about this place and I-."

I got cut off by Twilight, who said "Oh, don't worry about it. You are in a library after all! Glad to see you finally woke up."

I let out a sigh of relief. I asked her "Who are those ponies with you?"

She then replied "Oh, this is Rarity and Applejack. They're two of my friends! Oh, but how rude of me, I never got your name."

I paused for a moment, before replying "Well, I don't really know. I have no idea how I got here and some of my memory just seems to be, well, gone!"

"Well then, I guess we better give you a name!" she replied. I pondered it for a moment. She asked me "So what's your special talent?"

I didn't know how to reply. I just replied "huh?"

She elaborated "The one your cutie mark symbolizes!" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"What the heck is a cutie mark?"

She appeared very confused. "You know, the symbol on your flank! It appears when you discover your special talent!"

I guess those things weren't tattoos after all. I gazed at my mark. I guess since it was two swords that I was a swordsman of some sort. "I guess I'm a swordsman!"

She thought for a moment, before coming up with the name Blade Storm. She asked "Well, do you like it?"

I considered it and decided it sounded pretty good. "OK! I guess my name is Blade Storm."

I decided that until I could become a human again a pony name would suit me well. I decided I might as well get settled in, as I might be here a while.

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