
Flutterpie (A My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fan Fiction)

by Pugasaurus123

Chapter 6: 6. Chapter 6: After the Date

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"Thanks for walking me home, I had a lovely night.

"Me too Fluttershy."

They than looked at each other and then they gave each other a little smooch. They both blushed.

"Would... would you like to stay over?" Fluttershy asked sheepishy.

"Of corse I'll stay over." Pinkie Pie said softly. They both walked into Fluttershys cottage and then walked up stairs. They both took off their cloths any genlty got into Fluttershys bed. Fluttershy felt suprisingly more comfortable than she did last night.

They began to cuddle. The voices in Pinkie Pies head started to talk again.

I like this. Things are going well. One side said.

Not there not. The other one said.

What are you talking about? Things are going great.

She's just acting like she likes it for you.

No she's not!

Yes she IS!

Oh yeah, well I'll prove it.

"Uh... Fluttershy?" Pinkie said softly.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Do you... do you like me?"

"Of corse I like you."

"Like a friend?" Pinkie asked scared she would yes.

"Well, to be honest Pinkie, I think I'm starting to like you more than just a friend."

"Really?" She was so shocked.

"Of corse I do. Your always so happy, you always seem to make me happy when I'm felling down, and the way you wore that suit was just so cute."

Pinkie was blushing red as apple. She was so flattered.

I told you so.

Fine, have your fun.

"Um... Fluttershy?" Pinkie was about to ask a question but she was afraid to.

"Yes Pinkie?" Fluttershy could see the expression on Pinkies face.

"I... I was just wondering if... um... if... if you would ever consider being... well... you know... with another mare? Pinkie was sweating more and more. But then suddenly, all that sweat went away when Fluttershy kissed Pinkie Pie on the lips.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy then began to kiss more and more and then suddenly, Fluttershys wings just shot out. Fluttershy looked embaressed. Pinkie could see the expresion on Fluttershys face.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?"

"It'st's just this has never happend to me before and I don't know what it means."

"I... might think what it means."


"It think it means your aroused."

"Well... uh... um..." Fluttershy began to tear up. She looked and was ashamed. Pinkie could see this.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Fluttershy, it's natural to be aroused."

"Well, it's just that this is my first time and all these new feelings inside of me for you are, well, new. I've never felt this way about a mare before and it feels weird."

"But, then, if it felt weird, why did you kiss me?" Pinkie Pie was confused.

"Well, it's just... um... you looked so adorable when you were afraid to ask me about being being with another mare and I just couldn't help myself."

"Much like last night. I couldn't notice how kind and cute you were being towards me and I couldn't help myself."

"You really think I'm that cute?"

"Of corse you are. That hole hide behind your mane is just so adorable."

Fluttershy blushed. Pinkie also thought Fluttershy blushing was cute.

Pinkie strocked Fluttershys cheek and then brought her closer to her with her other hoof and started to kiss Fluttershy. Fluttershy began to feel so comfortable with this.

Why do I feel so comfortable with this. One side of Fluttershy thought.

Because you have feelings for her. The other side thought.

But, i've never felt this way about another mare before.

So you keep saying.

But why is this just happening now?

Well, have you ever felt this way before about other stallions?

Well, about mares?

Not until now.

Well, this can only mean one thing. You love Pinkie Pie.

But it feels so weird. And yet; it feels so right.

Thats because you love Pinkie. It's natural.

But then why does it feel so weird?

Because you've never felt this way about another mare up until now.

But why Pinkie Pie.

Well, when she kissed you last night, and she told you she had a crush on you, you were blushing.

And uncomfortable.

Because you've never felt or been with another mare before.

Well maybe I do love Pinkie Pie. Her and her cheeryness, her constant enthusiasm and when she smiles, I always get a nice feeling inside of me. Oh it's true. I love Pinkie Pie.

And what are you going to do about it?

Show her that I love her too.

Fluttershy suddenly put her hooves around Pinkie Pie and brought her closer. They began to kiss more passionatly and inbetween kisses would make soft adorable moans of love and comfort.

"Oh Pinkie, I love you, I love you so much." Fluttershy said softly.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that to me. I love you so much to."

They began to kiss even more passionatly, more passionatly then ever.

"Oh Fluttershy, this feels so right. I love you and her I am, in your cottage, in bed with you passionatly kissing you. I have this warm compassion inside of me and I never want it to go. Fluttershy, will you be my very special somepony?" Pinkie asked with compassion.

Fluttershy then kissed Pinkie Pie again and said, "I have that same feeling inside of me as well. And I love you too. Of corse I'll be your very special somepony." They then kissed.

"But we can't tell the others, not yet."

"Why not?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Because they might judge us, they might not accept us for who we are."

"But they might accept us for who we are and support us."

"But if they don't?"

"You need to start thinking possitively, but if you don't want to tell them yet, then I understand.

"Thanks Pinkie."

"Your welcome." Pinkie Pie then kissed Fluttershy. Fluttershy blushed.

"All this extremly compassionate kissing has made me tired." Fluttershy said sleepily.

Pinkie yawned and said, "me too. Wanna call it a night?" Pinkie asked.

"I think so." Fluttershy replied.

"Good night my love." Pinkie Pie said.

"Good night, lover." Fluttershy said. They kissed then cuddled and fell asleep, in each others hooves.

Next Chapter: 7. Chapter 7: Pinkie Pies Old VSSP Estimated time remaining: 8 Minutes
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