Sick, Insane, and Dangerous

Sick, Insane, and Dangerous

by Corporal CamHam


  • 1. Chapter 1
  • 2. Chapter 2
  • 1. Chapter 1

    I looked at the train window as the last of the trees past by, I looked down at the letter I purposely dropped on the floor.

    Please find out the cause before this spreads. I don't want any pony finding out about this. Not even Princess Twilight knows.

    Stay safe, Princess Celestia.

    I rolled my blue eyes as my "partner" Lightning looked over at me with a frown. "Alice, what's wrong?"

    I shook my head and didn't reply as the train turned and the Crystal Empire came to view.

    "It's hard to believe that Celestia wouldn't evacuate any uninfected people." Lightning said looking around at the empty train car.

    "Probably thought that they spread the news or carry the parasite. I don't even know if she'll let us go home." A soft wave of rain hit the window as I finished.

    Lightning sighed. "I wonder how many ponies aren't infected."

    The train stopped and butterflies churned in my stomach. I took a breath in then exhaled.

    I grabbed my bag and placed it around my shoulder. Lightning put on his nearly empty saddle bag.

    We exited the train car and right after we did, it took off in a hurry.

    I looked up at the sky, usually a bright blue color with few clouds was replaced with a dull grey and rainy weather.

    "The fastest way is to fly. Want to?" Lightning asked while spreading his wings out.

    I replied with a simple nod and letting my wings spread themselves out.

    Little by little my head was farther from the ground and little by little I began to noticed that everything looks deserted, then I looked at the castle and it looked abandoned.

    "I thought they wouldn't let any pony leave." I tilted my head and furrowed my eyebrows.

    Lighting got up to my height. "Or they are hiding." He said before dashing off.

    Slowly trailing behind him, I looked at the boarded up windows and doors and listen to growls here and there.

    Finally I caught up to him, on the balcony of the castle, with Princess Cadence. Her eyes were puffy and red and her mane puffed up at places, she was a mess.

    She didn't say anything, she only turned around and started walking. Lightning and I looked at each other then followed.

    We walked down this long crystal corridor to reach a stairway leading downward.

    "This can't be good." Lightning whispered.

    Cadence looked at us then began walking down and we followed.

    She took a deep breath. "I'm about to show you what the virus does." Her voice cracked a little bit.

    At the bottom of the stairs there was a door and Cadence opened it, revealing Shining Armor in a cage growling.

    "What it does is turn the host insane and violent, the won't think twice about hurting anypony. We're sure it infects the brain but maybe it could infect something else." A fresh wave of tears streamed down her face and she sat on the floor. "And the poor ponies in the town have nothing to protect themselves and that's where you will find a hoard of infected ponies."

    Thanks for reading my new story

    Thank you LightningTharsh for Lightning Tharsh.

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    2. Chapter 2

    Cadence looked up at me. "All I know about how it spreads, is at close contact."

    I frowned. "How are we going to find out how to stop it, if we can't get near one!" I yelled.

    Then it was Lightning's turn to look at me. "I think what she means is, how can we experiment on it without catching it?"

    Cadence looked at Lightning. "I thought Celestia might've told you something."

    I shook my head no. "No matter what, we're going to catch it." I mumbled to myself.

    "I think the host has to touch you." Cadence said.

    Lightning sighed. "I guess we can go Into town and record the ponies behavior."

    Lightnig nudged me and we turned around and headed up the stairs, before Cadence could continue.

    When we reached the top, I slapped him across his face. "This is a horrible idea!"

    Rubbing his cheek, he replied. "I don't see you coming up with ideas." That's true I wasn't but I probably would have thought something better than running into the danger zone and see how long we can survive.

    As Lightning opened his mouth to say something, screams followed by growls filled the air, but the sound of metal hitting the ground was the loudest of them all.

    As growls slowly became louder and louder, Lightning searched frantically for something that could break a Window.

    Annoyed, he backed up and started to run, smashing through the glass gaining some small cuts, that can easily get infected.

    Following him, he landed in the plaza near some abandoned shopping stalls.

    Lightning brought a hoof to one of the many cuts he acquired, as he did he winced in pain and muttered. "Bad idea number one."

    I landed next to him. "Well, number two IIs landing where we can get killed or infected!" I shouted.

    Just after I said that, a snarl came from behind us.

    Slowly turning around I saw a pony with green goo slipping down from it's lips, red eyes, and blood smeared on its coat.

    Before I could even blink my eye, it lunged at me. I was able to move slightly as its teeth bit into my wing.

    While I was thrashsing around, Lightning used his back legs and kicked the fiend in the side head knocking it off me. Then he went over to it on the ground and repeatedly kicked it in the face until green gunk was around.

    Lightning looked my wing with a horrifred expression. "Alice are you infected now?"

    "all I know is that it spreads by close contact."

    oh no. "I-I don't know! Maybe I'm not but now I can't fly so I'll only drag you down with me!"

    "I didn't get any of that stuff in my cuts so I think I'll be fine. But I think you become those things."

    "Do you know how long it takes to become one of those things?" I asked

    "About fifteen minutes if I remember correctly."


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