

by seanwilcox337

Chapter 7: 7. the final showdown

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as i charged i heard rainbow calling my name. i had to kill this thing.

i sliced my sword deep into the dragons leg but just as fast i i cut, the wound healed. great a dragon with insta-heal. just my luck. to kill this thing i had to go for the head. that meant, because i had my armor on, i couldnt fly and i had to get the dragon to the ground somehow.

it slashed atme, missing by maybe a foot. i slashed at its leg again, hoping to sever it off completely, gladly, it worked. but then it grew another leg.

"FUCK" i screamed

i turned my music back on, i always did better at most everything when i had music.

this dragon isnt very agile, i thought. if i could move fast enough i could keep attacking at fast rates and hopefully get it to the ground. i galloped around it, slashing at its legs and stabbing his feet, but it wouldnt work. goddammit.

"you know what? fuck this armour, its just slowing me down." i said as i unstrapped my armour and threw it off.

i flew up, taking shots at its chest and stabbing at its heart but that didnt work either. i flew higher and started jabbing at its head and it started trying to hit me out of the sky. unfortunately for me, the dragons hand? paw? claw? whatever. it hit me in mid-air and sent me flying to the ground. i was mildly injured. i think i may have cracked a rib but i got back up and started slashing again. its neck was too thick to chop through in one slash so i started circling and slashing but i wasnt fast enough to cut his head off without some of his neck healing.

then his (lets call it a claw) claw hit me again with a more powerfull blow and i was stricken to the ground once more, this time, feeling a lot of pain. i could still stand but i was still dazed from the impact.

then I flew up again,this time higher, above the dragon. i just wanted to get out of its reach. then i realised something, it had wings to. it spread its huge blue, leathery wings and raised off the ground. i so didnt want to be here right now.

i was still hurting, i had a headache and my ribs were starting to ache miserably.

then i heard a familliar voice yell "HEY, NICE JUICY PONY DOWN HERE,COME GET ME!"

then i looked down and seen, daring do. she was fully suuited up and had her sword unsheathed. i had an idea. i flew down to her and told her to keep the dragon distracted, no matter what. thhen i flew higher, and higher until i was several thousand feet off the ground. I held my sword in my mouth out towards my side and started to fly downward.

i speed up faster than i thought i could, and i kept getting faster. then i seen the cone forming about 4k feet above the dragon. i had to time this just right.

i flapped my wings harder. keeping my sword out towards the dragon. i kept getting faster until i reached what seemed like my peak. I bolted downward at somewhere around 300mph until i was close enough to the dragon to do what i wanted. i flew right by his face slicing half of his neck off, then one last wing beat set off a sonic boom so loud it caused a small rock slide ona mountain near by. then i used the force from the sound barrier braking to jolt myself into the other direction, around the back of the dragon, and severing his head from his body.

then i landed and fell to the ground, feeling weak and drained of energy, and then I passed out.

sorry guys, im going camping and wont be able to upload anything for the next 2 days D:. i know this was a short chapter, but im saving everything towards the edn until the last 2 so be patient. i hope my fighting skills were baddass enough for you, and have a nice day

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