
A Mended Bond

by Diamond in Rough

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 1

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A Mended Bond

This story took place one fateful day in Ponyville with a filly by the name of Diamond Tiara. Ever since her friend Silver Spoon left her, she had been feeling rather blue. I'm all alone and nopony likes me, she thought. Now many of you are probably thinking, Surely her parents must love her and care for her. Well here's an explanation. Her father was very poor growing up so he and his wife (Diamond Tiara's mother) decided that they would make sure to have plenty of money on hand. Since they work so often, they are often very tired at the end of the day and don't have the time or energy to play with their daughter.

The young filly sat there and thought a little while longer. Maybe name-calling and bullying isn't the way to go, she considered, but how else can I get some attention? I could tell my parents, but they always seem so tired and I don't want to bother them. Soon she remembered something, My mom's a nurse, so she's used to fixing other ponies up. If I needed fixing up, she would be able to take care of me. But I don't need fixing up, and she would know if I was faking. Suddenly, the sight of Applebloom in the distance caught her attention. "I've always been curious about where she wanders off to everyday" she said to herself, "Perhaps I should follow her, maybe that'll help me with my plan." So she quietly followed Applebloom until she ended up in the Everfree Forest.

Once in the forest, Diamond Tiara hid away in some bushes so Applebloom wouldn't notice that she's being watched. As Applebloom neared Zecora's home, she noticed a note on her door that read:

I am not in need of help today

I have gone to a market far away

To find essentials for potions is why I am there

I will be back tomorrow, so do take care

After reading it, she headed on out of the forest. Once she was sure Applebloom was gone, Diamond Tiara came out of hiding and crept cautiously towards Zecora's hut.

She eventually entered the hut after making sure that she was alone. Once she did; dozens of plants, herbs, and other resources of many shapes and colors revealed their presence. "Wow!" she thought "There are so many elements here. I'm positive at least some of them will help me." After taking a look around, the young filly eventually came across a bookshelf with a plethora of books. But, the one that struck her interest the most was a book titled Toxic Works: A Book of Poisons and their Antidotes. She looked through it until she came to the page about one specific poison known as Tears of Night. This poison was once used by Equestrian Soldiers to hinder enemy forces. If ingested in small doses, it can cause unpleasant symptoms including stomach pains, loss of appetite, fevers, drowsiness, and weakness. The ingredients used to make the substance are nightshade berry juice, a strand of the creator's mane, and salt water. "This is it" she thought "This is what will get me the attention I need!" The first two items weren't hard to find but she didn't have the slightest idea of where she could possibly find some salt water. Soon she remembered the shell necklace that her mother gave her. It had come from an island far away and the shell had been found in a tidal pool, so it had to have some ocean water in it. In no time at all, everything had been combined and the poison was ready to be ingested. However, Diamond Tiara seemed to be at war with herself. "Come on, just one sip of this will make everything better." "Hold on! What if this just makes things worse?" "Well what's the worst that could happen?" "This is a poison; it could make me even sicker than it states!" Eventually she couldn't stand the conflict and gulped down the concoction. "Strange, I don't feel any different. Well, maybe if I give it time I'll start to feel something." She eventually left the Everfree Forest but there was something in that book she didn't see. A breeze turned the page over and the back side mentioned that large doses of Tears of Night can be dangerous.

Back at Ponyville Elementary, each of the students sat in their desks as they listened to the lesson Miss. Cheerlie delivered. Everything seemed normal; nothing seemed unusual. However, something was not right with Diamond Tiara. She could hardly keep her eyes open and could barely move a muscle. Suddenly, she was overcome with a strong feeling of nausea and a sharp pain racked her abdomen. Her pained moans surrounded the room and reached the ears of many of its inhabitants. "Diamond Tiara, are you alright?" Sweetie Belle worriedly asked. "Oh, Sweetie Belle, I don't feel good at all." Suddenly her head began to spin and before anyone could say "Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." she fell to the floor unconscious.

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