My Little Supernatural: Team Free Will Is Magic

My Little Supernatural: Team Free Will Is Magic

by soraxtsuna123


  • 1. Welcome to Equestria
  • 2. Twilight Sparkle
  • 3. Rarity
  • 4. Party in the Library
  • 1. Welcome to Equestria

    Dedicated to my friend Fiona! Happy birthday! Well late birthday.

    Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony and Supernatural.

    Warning: This fiction was not checked over. So sorry for mistakes.

    My Little Supernatural: Team Free Will is Magic

    "Rising up, back on the street~" Dean sang along. Sam sighed, laying his head on his hand. The two brothers were riding across the country in Dean's '67 Chevy Impala, waiting for a job to pop up. After another hour of listening to Dean's "wonderful" singing voice, Sam switched over to a newspaper lying in the back seat. Scanning over the black and white print, he noticed an article that stood out from the rest.

    "So get this," Sam began. "Apparently people are disappearing."

    Dean glanced over before looking back to the road. "How are they disappearing?"

    "All it says that the victims visited a physic before they disappeared. The police investigated the physic and found anything more that proves it was her."

    "Where is it?"

    Sam scanned the article. "Los Angeles, California."

    Dean whooped giving Sammy a smile. "Hollywood!"

    The two brothers drove for another hour before they heard the flap of wings.

    "Hey Cas," Dean greeted without looking away from the street.

    "Dean, Sam. I see you are well." Castiel replied in the backseat. The three chatted amongst each other. It was another couple hours until Dean pulled up into the physic's driveway. All three of them got out of the car and walked to the door of the home. Dean knocked on the door.

    Bang Bang Bang

    They heard footsteps on the other side and then the door creaked open.

    "Yes?" The woman asked. She had short curly black hair that reached the end of her ears and dazzling emerald eyes.

    "Are you the physic, Amelia Rose?" Sam asked.

    "That's what they call me here. May I ask who you are?"

    "I'm Frank Jones, that's my brother Daniel, and this is Noah." Sam pointed to himself then to Dean then to Cas.

    "Oh, did you come to get your tarot readings?"

    "No!" Dean replies at the same time as Sam said "Yes."

    "Yes." The said simultaneously the next time. The physic smiled and opened the door for them. Castiel leaned closer to Dean.

    "I don't think this is a good idea…" He whispered to them.

    "I know." Dean replied.

    "Sit here please and we'll get started." Amelia said, as she sat down. The three men did the same. Amelia then took out a deck of cards and shuffled them. "Please stay quiet."

    Amelia closed her emerald eyes, taking a deep breath. She then started to place the cards in the calendar style. She put the extras to the side.

    "Pick one." She finally said. Sam looked at the woman curiously, feeling like something was wrong with what she was asking.

    "Let's pick that one…" Castiel suggested. The woman turned it over. The tarot card had a picture of a small town. The one thing that caught there attention was the large tree in the center. On the bottom, it was labeled 'Equestria'.

    "I've never seen tarot cards like those." Castiel commented.

    Amelia ignored him and gave them a creepy smirk.

    "Equestria. Such a nice card." She said.

    "So, what is it for?" Dean asked.

    "Why don't you see so yourself?" The woman placed the card down quickly and before any of them could yell in protest, there was a flash of light and they were gone.


    Dean groaned and opened his eyes. 'What happened?' He thought. It took a few minutes before he got up and instantly knew something was wrong. Did he get shorter and why couldn't he get on he legs? He looked around. He was in a field of grass. A small town can be seen where he was. There were also two stallions lying down near him. He brought his hand up rub his hand through his short hair, but was met with a hoof.

    "Huh?" He looked down and started to freak out inwardly. He had hooves! He spun around and saw that he had a pretty short tail and a mark on his side by his rear. It was the tattoo that was over his chest before. Oh god, he was a stallion!

    Dean heard a grown from the other horses and both got up. One of them had an identical mark that he had while the other had one of a black feather. The horse with the feather mark had messy black hair and a medium length tail. The stallion was short compared to him and the other horse and was white. The stallion also had outstanding blue eyes that you can see a mile away. Dean then noted that the horse had wings.

    Wait…What? Wings? What the hell? Can a horse have wings?

    The other horse was huge! Well the largest one there. It had a long lush mane and a long tail. The stallion itself a little bit darker than Dean's tan fur. Dean also noted that the stallion had a horn… wait… a unicorn?

    Dean looked if he had any of those features. He did not.

    "D-Dean?" The tall stallion asked. That was Sam.

    "Sam?" Dean replied with a question.


    "I don't know, Sammy."

    "Well this is interesting." The white horse said, flapping his wings. "It would seem that we are all horses."

    "Cas, is that you?"

    "Yes, Dean."

    "What happened? Why the hell are we horses? Why do you have wings and Sam have a horn?"

    "He's a Pegasus." Sam interrupted. "I'm a unicorn it looks like."

    Dean gave him an annoyed look before turning back to Cas. "We somehow got transported into the card. That would explain the mysterious disappearances."

    "How do we get back? I just don't like this new body."

    "I'm sorry. I don't know."

    "Oh great, so now were stuck in a place that reminds me of that childish show 'My Little Pony'."

    "It can't be that bad. Why don't we try going to that town. It looks exactly like the one on the tarot card."


    After many minutes of trying to get more used to there bodies, and a heck of a long gallop, they got to the town. The first thing that they noted was that the place was flooded with horses of different colors. It was only a few steps in when they saw a pink mare jumping towards them. The pink mare had a matching, curly mane and a really excited look on her face. On her rear, there was a mark of three balloons.

    "Oh my god! New ponies! My pinkie senses could make you out a mile away! Oh, you know what that means? Oh, I can't tell you! Come to the library at dusk!" With that the pink horse ran away.

    "Okay…" Sam started. They walked on in the peaceful village. Boy, were they lost.

    "Maybe, we should ask around?" Castiel suggested. They nodded in agreement and went to a mare that was selling apples.

    "Excuse me." Sam said. The mare looked at them. The pony had large green eyes and freckles. She had long blonde hair that was tied and a cowboy hat. On her rear were three apples. Her fur was only a bit shades lighter than Dean's fur.

    "Well, howdy there! What would you like?" She asked in a southern accent.

    "Oh, we just wanted to know where we are. We're travelers, you see?"

    "Travelers? We haven't had any in a while! It's nice to meet you, I'm Apple Jack. Where you are, well you're in the peaceful Pony Ville! May I ask what your names are?"

    "Oh, well I'm Sam, this here is Dean, and over there is Castiel, but we call him Cas."

    "Well, welcome to Pony Ville, everypony!"

    2. Twilight Sparkle

    "Do you know where the library is?" Castiel asked.

    "Of course," Apple Jack turned around to face a tree. "See that tree? That's the library. Can I ask why you tourists want to go there?"

    "We wanted to do some research," Sam answered.

    "And this hyper pink pony told us to go there later." Dean finished. Apple Jack smiled at the mention of the pony.

    "Pinkie Pie? That sounds a lot like her. Well, I'm sorry everypony, but I have to get back to work."

    "Thanks for your time." Sam asked. All three stallions then walked off to where they see is the library. Once they made it to the library, Dean clopped one of his hooves on the door. On the other side of the door they heard a few objects fall to the ground before they heard somepony walk to the door and open it.

    'How do they open doors?' Sam thought, a bit curious.

    Now in front of the three was a purple alicorn with pink highlights in her purple hair. On her rear was the picture of sparkles. Behind here they saw an owl placing a book back on the shelf and a small purple dragon that was sweeping.

    "Hello, can I help you?" The pony asked, smiling gently. The dragon walked towards the pony, standing behind her.

    "Hey, Twilight, who is it?" The dragon asked.

    "I don't know, Spike. Are you new here?"

    "Yeah, but we don't have a place to stay. We never really had a steady home, and thought maybe we can stay in PonyVille for now. Plus, we thought maybe we can do some research here." Sam explained.

    "Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle, this here is Spike, a dragon."

    "Twilight here is a princess." Spike commented.

    "I'm Dean, that's Cas, and my brother Sam." Dean introduced, giving off a flirty smile. Twilight only ignored him.

    "It's nice to meet you. Come on in and look around. I'm sorry that I can't let you stay here. There's only one bed." The three entered the library, and instantly went to work, scanning the shelves for anything that might teach them about Equestria or a way to get back to there world. In the meantime, Twilight observed their cutie marks.

    "What kind of cutie marks are those?" Twilight Sparkle asked. Dean glanced at Twilight oddly.

    "What?" He asked.

    "The cutie marks. I have never seen identical ones before. I've seen similar cutie marks. What does it represent?"

    Both Sam and Dean glanced at each other before both thinking that it was the tattoo. "It's an anti-possession mark." Dean answered.

    "So you're into the supernatural?"

    "You could say that."

    "Oh my gosh! I never met supernatural experts before! That's so cool! I heard Derpy had found a pony with an hourglass who was an expert in time and space. Adding yours on the list of weird cutie marks."

    That was definitely not the reaction they were expecting. Twilight's eyes were sparkling with curiosity and knowledge. "What about you Cas? What is your cutie mark for?"

    Castiel glanced at his mark, eyes darkening a bit. He understood what the feather meant and it brought up bad memories of what had happened to him. "I fell…" He answered deeply. Dean frowned and went to his friend's side. Twilight obviously noticed that he didn't want to talk about it and left it alone.

    "Why don't you fly?" Twilight asked instead. Castiel looked uneasy, and Dean tried to make up a story in time, but Cas started to flap his wings nervously. Before anyone knew it Cas was on the top shelves. Dean smiled proudly and turned to his brother who was flipping through a book. A very chunky book that made Dean's head hurt just by looking at it.

    "Is their certain information you want?" Twilight asked.

    "The history of Equestria," Sam answered.

    "Well you certainly won't find the information in that part of that book. I don't remember wear but I know it is not in that section."

    Sam sighed as he flipped through it with much difficulty and very slowly. Twilight, of course, noticed this.

    "Why don't you use magic?" She asked.

    "I never learned." Sam answered earning a large gasp from Spike and Twilight.

    "You…never learned? Do you want me to help teach you? It's simple."


    Dean watched as Sam got up from his laying down position as he realized something. "Son of a bitch!"

    "What is it?" Castiel asked, flying down.

    "Why don't I have something cool like you guys? I don't have wings to fly or a horn to do magic. It's not fair."

    "I don't think being an earth pony is bad. Some of my best friends are earth ponies. Most earth ponies are physically stronger than other types. Take my friend Apple Jack for example, she's really strong, fast, and she's good at a lot of farm works. While my friend Pinkie Pie is really fast."

    "We met both of them today." Castiel commented.

    "They're great."

    "So, Twilight, have you noticed anything weird here lately?" Dean asked.

    3. Rarity

    "No, why do you ask?" She asked.

    "It's nothing."

    Twilight only nodded and then went back to Sam and started to explain the magic jumbo. To Dean, it was way too complicated but Sam stayed right with her.

    "Now try picking that broom up."

    Sam faced the mirror, closed his eyes, and concentrated. His horn sparked with black aura and the broom twitched. It hovered in air for a second before falling back down. Sammy looked defeated but Twilight was cheering.

    "That was really close! Here, I'll lend you a book on a few spells. You can practice." Twilight handed the book to Sam using her mouth.

    "Um… I don't have a place to put it." Sam informed. Twilight nodded as Sam took the book. Dean snickered behind him about how ridiculous he looks holding the book in his mouth. Castiel was asking why it was ridiculous. Twilight went to a pile of stuff and dug around in it and when she came back, she had a saddle bag. She flung it over Sam's back in which Sam placed the book in. "Thanks."

    "Don't mention it."

    The three then started to leave after Sam put the book about Equestria in the bag too. The three stallions walked past more buildings, in search of a place to stay. But they came up with no luck. They all stopped in front of a boutique.

    "I can't believe they don't have any place to stay." Dean groaned.

    "I saw a place but it was rebuilding." Castiel said.

    Inside the boutique was a bang and then an earth pony was thrown out.

    "Get out! How could you question my style of fashion!?" A female snapped and marched out with a glare. The earth pony grumbled before trotting off. The unicorn that yelled was white and had curly purple hair. Her cutie marks were a few diamonds.

    "Holy fuck!" Dean yelled.

    "Dude… that's like bestiality." Sam commented with a disturbed look on his face. The unicorn turned to them and smiled.

    "Sorry you had to see that. You're new here, aren't you? Pinky Pie ran over here to tell me that there are new ponies here. My name is Rarity."

    The three stallions introduced themselves.

    "Well, since you're here, and you are all handsome stallions, why don't you be my models? In return, I'll make you all one article of clothing."

    "Can you make an overcoat?" Castiel asked.

    "Well of course! But, is that all you want? I could make something that will bedazzle your minds!"

    They agreed but, they soon get to know what a mistake that was.

    4. Party in the Library

    It was probably hours until Rarity let them out. Each one of them had an article of clothing. Castiel had a trench coat, Dean had a leather jacket, while Sam got a plaid jacket. By now the sun was setting and it was time to go back to the library where they were told to go. Once they reached there destination, they walked right in and was greeted with blinding light and a loud cheer. The light dimmed down and there, standing before them, was most of the ponies in PonyVille.

    "Welcome!" Most of them greeted and erupted in cheers again.

    "Dean, I don't understand. What's happening?" Castiel asked Dean.

    "It looks like a welcoming party." He answered.

    Pinkie Pie bounced towards them with some of her friends. The three recognized Rarity, Apple Jack, and Twilight Sparkle.

    "Hello again." Twilight greeted.

    "Oh! You met! That's so great!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed bouncing around them.

    "Hey! So you're the new ponies that Pinkie Pie been talking about." A pegasus spoke up. She had a rainbow mane and blue fur. Her cutie mark was a rainbow lightning bolt. "I'm Rainbow Dash, for your information."

    "I… I'm Fluttershy." Another pegasus introduced. Her voice was barely audible. She had a long pink mane and yellow fur. Her cutie mark was three butterflies. Fluttershy crouched down a bit shyly.

    "I'm Sam." Sam introduced.

    "The names Dean."

    "My name is Castiel."

    "Oh my gosh! I love this song!" Pinkie Pie suddenly said in excitement. "Come on! Enjoy your welcoming party!"

    "Oh…but we probably won't stay that long here."

    "WHAT?!" Pinkie Pie stared at them in shock.

    "Pinkie Pie, they are travelers." Twilight tried to explain.

    "Oh. Well, where are you traveling from? It seems like you're from a different world where you aren't ponies and found someone that transported you here. So now that you're here, the only way to go back is to find this gypsy's pony, or whatnot."

    The three travelers deadpanned. Is she physic?

    "Oh come one. That story doesn't make sense." Apple Jack argued.

    "Actually, you're right." Sam said. The group of ponies looked at them. Bewilderment clear on their faces.

    "Really?" They asked simultaneously.

    "That's so cool!" Rainbow Dashed cheered.

    "So, how do you plan to get back?" Twilight asked.

    "We wait for an odd occurrence," Dean started. There was a loud boom outside. "Like that."

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