
A Writer and Magician

by Thatguywhowritesbadstories

Chapter 1: A writer and magician

(Authors note: This whole story is told through the thoughts of the person an in first person. Most of the chapters will be in to parts to tell of the two characters until the chapter comes)

I woke up to the rising sun of Celestia. It shined like a bright lamp. "*sigh*" I slowly sat up with no more than a small frown. I was a bit annoyed that I had to go to do a few small birthday party magic shows. I was called by uhh, Berry Punch and Colgates kid, Lyra and Bon Bon's, and just for Princess Luna I guess.

Look I'm not saying I'm not excited for Princess Luna, like your meeting and performing for the Princess of the night. That's the marking point when you know your good at your job. I just hope that I could perform for Celestia too. She is the more dominate of the two. Which basically means Luna is vice princess. So, yeah.

I pulled over the covers and was greeted with instant shivers. It was cold an I think it was Trixie or The Great and Powerful Trixie my roommate till I move out. She likes it cold in the apartment for so e reason. I personally like it warm and secured to a certain temperature, after all I do pay for ALL the bills.

"TRIXIE!" I yelled to the other magician of illusion.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, TRIXIE IS EATING CEREAL AND DOESN'T WANT TO BE BOTHERED!" She yelled back to me. I swear sometimes I wonder why I even bunked with her.

"TURN THE HEAT BACK TO WERE IT WAS LAST TIME. IT'S FREEZING COLD IN HERE!" I yelled back to her. It felt like ping pong, our comments is the ball and we are the paddles. Back and fourth, back and fourth, back and fourth.


"DO I HAVE TO REMIND YOU THAT I'M BETTER AN STILL GOING TO GO TO THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT!" I basically got her real jealous after I got the hook on this job, and now if I mention the job or Twilight she'll do what ever I want. Well mostly everything, she still won't clean her room or anything.

"...I'LL GET YOU BACK SOMEDAY! YOU'LL SEE!" I heard Trixie stumble off of her stool and turn the heat back up. Then I heard the munching noise of that horrendous cereal she eats. Every morning all I hear for the 15 minutes she's out there is "Munch munch munch, siiiiiip. Munch munch munch, siiiiip. Munch munch munch... Ding. Munch munch munch." It's like waking up to an alarm clock of ponies eating.

By the whole time I've been here I've seen Trixie go in an out of jobs. She barely gets paid an it's all because of those two times she went to Ponyville. I personally go there a lot is a lot more friendlier than when Trixie went there. She was stubborn an a huge show off. I went there and took request and tried to please everyone. That orange pony with the cowpony hat really wasn't impressed at her sisters birthday party.

She wasn't impressed at anything, oh and she kicked me out at the best illusion trick. So, I was in the middle of my performance an I took an apple and put my cape around it. I spun around and then took off the cape an I used a simple cover spell to make it look like an orange. They all gasped in ah and then I got ushered out by the orange one. I looked back and saw the big red one really mad, I believe he was mad at the orange pony. While I looked at the little yellow filly. She was crying in ah or I think she was crying because the orange one was taking the magician away.

Either way I knew why Trixie hated her. My oh my in those few seconds I remembered a lot and also remembered I had to get ready for B and C's little colts party, and then I'll have lunch, go to L and BB's, and then finally have dinner, then I believe that I come back here and there will be ponies waiting for me to take me to the Princess. If not then I'll have to send a letter or just rush up there and try not to puke up what I've eaten.

"DIXIE! GET OUT HERE!" The blue mare yelled.

"WHY?" I asked.

"JUST GET OUT HERE, NOW!" She yelled back with no hesitation.

"FINE. GIVE ME A MINUTE!" I yelled back.

I finally got the last of the covers off my lower hoofs and got up. I know I said I got all of the covers off but I guess there was still some on me. But I also rolled out of my bed and flopped onto the floor. "Uhf!" I groaned as all my air was pushed out of me. I groaned again because I had to get out of my bed.

"COME ON! TRIXIE IS WAITING!" She yelled again. I was getting real annoyed of her. She's good company most of the time but she can be a mini nightmare moon sometimes.

"I'M COMING!" I yelled back with an actual tone in my voice.

After realizing that I only have around an hour or two to get ready, deal with Trixie, and then get going I instantly shot up. I saw the towel hanging from my door. I ran, jumped, and grabbed it then landed in the hallway with it surprisingly on my back where it should be. I walked towards Trixie. "What do you want Trixie?" I asked her.

"Trixie is out of this cereal. Trixie needs you to get her more of this cereal when you come back." She said as she held up the empty box of cereal.

"Trixie, go buy some yourself. You have bits. You're a grown mare and go pay for your own cereal. I pay the bills, I pay for water, food, entertainment, I pay for everything except your accessories. So, please just go pay for your own." I said. I was annoyed and decided to stand up to her and say what was on my mind.

"Trixie always helps pay for these essence in this home! Trixie knows that you're telling lies!" Trixie exclaimed.

"Alright, how much did you pay for the last water bill and how much was it?" I asked with a bit of confidence on my face.

"Uhhh, Trixie paid 37B an it was 261B." She said looking at me with a face that says 'see I know what I'm talking about'.

"Wrong. The bill was 396B and you didn't pay anything because your broke. Now excuse me I'll be in the shower." I walked into the bathroom beside me and shut the door behind me.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL TRIXIE BROKE!" She said as she banged on the door with her hoof.

"Well it's true Trixie. Here's some advice from a magician to another. Be nice for once and don't act like your the absolute best. Now me on the other hoof, don't get me started." I turned on the water and waited for it to be the exact temperature before hopping in.

"What are you talking about?! Trixie is the nicest and the bestest of them all." Trixie said.

"Well, your not the best at speech. You're also being a self centered pony again." I said as I picked up the bar of soap.

"Are you sure? Trixie would never be self centered. Not as much as you." She said as she started to calm down.

"I'm barely ever self centered Trixie." I said knowing that it was true.

"Whatever. Trixie is not going to talk with you ever again. Trixie thinks you're very mean." She exclaimed.

"Alright, bye." I said as I turned the water off and got out. I saw my cape that looked like Trixie's on the door. It seemed like everything was hung up on doors. I took it and through it onto my back. It stuck around my neck but there was still a bit of room so I don't choke on it.

*Growl growl growl* And that must've meant I was hungry.

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