

by Genehack

Chapter 1: 1. It All Begins

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Hello every pony! This is my first Fiction so go easy on me!

This chapter is kinda of an introduction so the awesome stuff is coming… hold on tight!


Chapter 1: It All Begins

Spike's POV:

"Ok, ok … no need to panic, it's just a celebration, just a celebration" turning toward me "It's nothing at ALL! I just need to break the sound barrier in front of everypony in the Summer Sun Celebration! Nothing to worry AT ALL" Ok… she's losing it. I sighed as I watched Twilight running around like a headless chicken.

We were in Canterlot, the great capital of the kingdom of Equestria. You're probably asking why we're here. The Summer Sun Celebration was after two day, you know, when Celestia raises the sun in front of Equestria, this time, as you already have guessed, it was in Canterlot, and she (unfortunately) wanted "the new princess of Equestria" to play a role in it.

Twilight was supposed to break the sound barrier, and much like RD, have a wave that resembles her cutie mark spread as the sun was rising. This was driving her nuts. She's been training with RD ever since the princess had asked her to, and she succeeded in breaking it yesterday, with the help of her new alicorn magic, but still she was panicking about it. Uhh, what am I gonna do with her now? Oh, and our friends were coming this afternoon, I hope they can make her relax, maybe Fluttershy can prepare one of herbal tea? Maybe…

"SPIKE!" I swear my ear was about to burst "Are you even listening to me?" she said glaring at me, like I killed somepony.

"Twilight, you broke the sound barrier yesterday, you still have two days and our friends are coming soon! When was the last time you took a bath? You smell like somepony threw you in a garbage can, got you out and then threw you in it again!" yeah, maybe a little harsh. But I have to stop this insanity!

She was taken aback from what I said, I immediately regretted saying that. I caught a glimpse of hurt in her eyes, before she turned around and looked at her reflection on the mirror. She waited for a moment and sighed "As much I hate to admit it, you're right" wait what? Did she just agree with me? Wow this must be too much for her… "I'll go take a bath before the girls come" she said turning around a walking toward the bathroom.

Ok, I am NOT gonna let her go without an apology "Errr, Twilight? I'm sorry I snapped at you like that, but umm, you were going nuts there" I looked at her with an apologetic look.

She looked at me and smiled "Of course I forgive you Spike. I'm sorry too, I admit that I was losing it" she told me with a warm smile. I'm glad that turned out well. Once she was out of the room, I looked around. A mess, a big mess, like a tornado just passed through the room. Then again, Twilight can be worse than a tornado sometimes. I sighed as I started to clean the room.

About two hours later, me and Twi were going through the checklist of the other tasks that Celestia gave her. We were just finished going through it the 12th time and now, were going to go through it the 13th time!

"Twiliiiight!" I said with a whiny voice "We went through it 12 times! You didn't miss anything! You're actually ahead of schedule" I hate her when she's this way, before I could even continue the door opened revealing our friends. Thank Celestia they're here!

"Howdy Twilight, Spike!" Applejack, or AJ as I call her, greeted us. That pony is one of the best bailers of life. If I didn't know her to be the best pony at bucking apples or the element of honesty and that her cutie mark is an apple… I'd say her special talent is to bail people out of dire situations.

"Hello girls" Twilight said beaming; I immediately took the opportunity and threw the checklist somewhere. No pony noticed, mission: accomplished! "I've been waiting for you, how was the trip from Ponyville?" YES… she completely forgot about the checklist! "We were just about to go through the checklist that Spike threw out of the window and you guys came in" Dang it! Wait, it went out of the window? Before I could finish my thoughts there was a knock on the door.

I went up and opened it to see one of the unicorn royal guards, rubbing his head with his hoof and holding our checklist with his magic. I smiled sheepishly as the guard glared at me. "I believe this belongs to you" with an irritated tone.

I nodded sheepishly "Sorry, I didn't mean to throw it at your head" the guard then put it on my paw which I was holding out with his magic. The guard turned around and closed the door with his magic. I turned around to see everypony looking at me either with raised eyebrows or smug grins… I laughed nervously as I put the checklist carefully on the table.

"So Twilight, how have ya been with all the royal duties and all?" I love you AJ, I just love you. This is the second time she bails me out today!

"Well, I did get out of control a time or two" she said then looked at me "but Spike here always makes sure to get me out of it" She said while smiling warmly at me. Yeah, whatever happens between us, she still smiles at me!

"I hate to interrupt the touching moment" Rainbow Dash said "But you still remember our lesson tomorrow Twilight… right?" Rainbow smirked at Twilight and Twilight was laughing nervously

"Of course not Rainbow… hehehe… how could I forget" she said the last part from between her teeth… huh? What did Rainbow do this time?

Right then Princess Celestia came into the room, we all bowed to her. "No, need for that my friends… and Twilight you're a princess too now, you don't have to bow" she said smiling at her former student.

"Sorry" said Twilight, to which Celestia giggled.

"You don't need to apologize" she stated.

"Sorry!" hehe, you should see the blush on Twilight's face! She looks like a tomato right now! Rainbow couldn't hold it in and started rolling on the floor laughing hysterically, that's when everypony including Twilight started laughing.

"Alright, I see all of you are enjoying yourselves but it's time for bed, and the big day is after tomorrow! I hope you are ready Twilight" Twilight and the others nodded and all of them went to their respective rooms… of course, me and Twilight shared a room.

Once we got tucked in Twilight turned her face to me "Spike, do you think everything will be ok at the celebration? I'm afraid that I'll screw up or something… I'm so excited yet nervous" I smiled at her.

"heh, that's what our friend Pinkie Pie would describe as 'nervicited'! but seriously Twilight, you're gonna be fine, it's just a celebration after all… what will happen? An evil mastermind will try shoot you with a beam and kill you, or something?" I joked to which Twilight laughed

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks for your support little brother" She said while smiling the widest of smiles… I love it when she calls me that… it makes me feel happy "Your very welcome sis *yawn*" Twilight giggles at my yawning.

"It looks like a baby dragon can use a little beauty sleep" she said teasingly. She was right anyway. This baby dragon can use a bit of beauty sleep!

"Goodnight Twi" I said yawning again.

"Goodnight Spike" I heard her flip and curse a little trying to tuck her wings but I was too busy getting some sleep, finally I felt my eyes close as I was taken to the wonderful world of dreams

[b][u]Next Day:

Twilight's POV:[/u][/b]

I opened my eyes and yawned… I surprisingly had a good night's sleep. Now I had to get ready for my doom with Rainbow Dash. I got out of the bed, Spike was sleeping, soundly; seriously I wonder how will Equestria sleep with his snoring once he's a fully grown dragon. I want to the bathroom and washed my face, my eyes were not bloodshot as they were yesterday, but the traces were still there. I sighed, Celestia hasn't raised the sun yet, and that means that Luna is still on her tower looking through her telescope. I think I'll give her a visit. I got my crown and thought if I should wear it or not. I decided to wear it so I put it on and jumped out of the window.

I took flight, it's getting easier than before, I broke the sound barrier a while back, what did you except?! Well, I broke it using magic of course! But a certain rainbow colored pony, wants me to break it without magic, thus making me jump off a cloud and dive head first to the ground to miss it with just a few hooves and flip 180 degrees towards the sky and flap my wings hard enough to go faster than "Mach 1". Who does she think I am? Her?!

But now I was approaching the tower where Luna should be. I saw her standing there, her translucent mane and tail rippling endlessly. She was not looking through the telescope thingy, she was not looking at all her eyes were closed. I landed right beside her, she still had her eyes closed I was about to go near her she opened her eyes and blinked a few times, then she noticed me.

"Ah, greetings Princess Twilight, how art thee?" yup she still had the old English accent, but it doesn't matter to me, I mean I read enough books about old English to know what she's saying.

"I'm fine princess, thanks you for asking. How about you?" I asked wanting to start a conversation.

"We art good. A little dazed from what we didst a moment ago" ah, she's talking about the close eye thing.

"Yes princess, I was wondering what you were doing" I asked with a curious tone.

"Thou see, princess Twilight, as the Princess of the Night it is of my duty to enter little filly's and colt's nightmares and help them face their fears while in the dream realm" wow, that's kinda awesome.

"Wow princess, I never knew this. It's kinda cool actually, this way you can get more of the new generation to trust you and love you as the princess you are!" she smiled warmly at me. She then turned around and faced the other tall tower, I think this was Celestia's.

"If thou wouldst excuse me for a moment…" she said still turned around, I was confused till I saw Celestia come out to the balcony of her tower, the two sisters then nodded to each other, both of their horns started to glow brightly after that. I began to understand what was happening; Luna was lowering the moon while Celestia raised the sun. Wow… it's spectacular from up here, as the moon lowered and the sun rose, the moon got in front of the sun, eclipsing it, this was amazing. After the process was finished, both of the princesses horns stopped glowing and Luna looked at me, smirking slightly.

"What dost thou think?" she asked with a sly smile, I was too amazed to answer, I've seen this process from Ponyville a million times but this, on the tower, it was a whole different experience!

"Well… uh… it was… I don't know how to describe it…" I said shuttering, still in awe of what I just witnessed.

"Alright Princess Twilight, we need to sleep. We have been up all night". That's when I got the message that I had to leave. I said goodnight uhh… good morning and flew out of the balcony to my lesson with Rainbow.

[b][u]An hour later:

Twilight's POV:[/u][/b]

"Come on Twilight! You can do it!" I was with Rainbow, in the training session. I was diving from the sky with ultra high speeds without using magic. The wind was blowing hard on my face, it's a good thing Rainbow gave me her goggles. Rainbow was by my side also diving, we were nearing the ground at alarming speed, I had to fly towards the sky facing up directly when we were close to it.

When we were at the right distance from the ground I spread my wings and tried to fly up, I noticed Rainbow doing the same and surprisingly, I did it! I was flying directly upwards with Rainbow right by my side "FLAP YOUR WINGS VERY HARD!" she yelled which I did and I then saw Rainbow fly away from me, I didn't know why so I looked behind and I saw the wave I've created. YES! I DID it! I broke it without magic! As I observed further my mane was leaving a trail behind me… This is an awesome feeling! I know understand why Rainbow loves flying!

After flying around for a while, I landed, the adrenaline rush still having effects on my body. Rainbow came up to me "Hey Twilight! Nice job up there! You broke it without magic… Finally! My training is now officially complete" She smiled warmly at me "You see I told you I could train anypony, even if they're some egghead working in the library" I looked at her with a bored face.

"Come on Rainbow let's go. The girls are waiting for us" I said taking flight.

[u][b]At The Castle:

Twilight's POV:[/b][/u]

As me and Rainbow entered the room Pinkie Pie bounced with the 'boing boing' sound and all "oooooo, how was it? How was it? We all saw you! That was super-ly duper-ly awesome! And that sonic wave you left out behind you! Oh the way Rainbow wash about to crash because of that wave *Gasping one big gasp for air* then how you flew through the sky like WHOOSH" she said falling to the ground, well… that's Pinkie for you!

"What's she's tryin' ta say is that you were pretty good out there" Applejack said then looked at Rainbow and smirked "Maybe even better than Rainbow Dash" Rainbow immediately looked at Applejack with a glare to which Applejack chuckled. Those two had a special friend/enemy friendship; it's quite funny sometimes… sometimes

After talking a bit we went somewhere to eat lunch… I'll tell you the truth I was really nervous about tomorrow… I still can't shake the feeling that I'll screw up or something! After lunch we simply hung out a bit, then we went to bed early, big day tomorrow.

[u][b]Next Day, the Celebration:

Twilight's POV:[/b][/u]

'Ok, ok, don't freak out, don't freak out' this is what I kept saying in my head over and over again. It was time for the celebration to start. A few of royal guards were standing on a platform higher than the people, decorated with both the symbol of the sun and the moon, they soon started playing some kind of trumpet, announcing that the ceremony has begun. I, along with Celestia and Luna, were standing there too. Once the trumpet stopped, they both walked past me to the edge of the platform so everypony can see and hear them. They spread their wings and Celestia began her speech

"Citizens of Equestria, it is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun, for this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon" She said to the crowd then looked at Luna "But the return of my sister, Princess Luna" The crowd cheered loudly at this.

Then Luna spread her wings and took flight, her horn started to glow as the moon started lowering. Celestia did the same but this time the sun started to rise. Once they were close enough, it was my turn! I too, took flight with my horn glowing, I couldn't break the sound barrier without magic, I didn't have enough speed. That means ALL that training was for nothing. Ya know what? I'm glad it was. So with the help of my magic I broke the sound barrier, releasing a wave that resembled my Cutie Mark. The crowd was "oooo"-ing at this with awe. And with that the two princesses landed and I landed besides them. The crowd started cheering loudly.

After a while I came down to my friends, they all hugged me and congratulated me. The crowd was now talking and continuing the celebration. "Alright, I admit, that was pretty awesome there Twilight!" Coming from Rainbow this meant a lot! "Thanks Rainbow!"

That's when it all happened… A few ponies from the crowd screamed loudly all of the attention was turned to the direction the scream came from. My eyes went wide when I saw what had happened. There was a hooded figure standing on top of a bleeding Royal guard, and two others were unconscious, lying on the ground with several cuts and bruises. I gasped loudly.

A whole squad of Royal Guards were dispatched and surrounded the figure from all directions. The figure smirked and his horn started to glow as he unleashed some kind of spell, which threw all of the guards of their hooves and away from the figure. The figure laughed and then looked at me and the Princesses. "Is that the best you could do Celestia?" he asked in a dark voice "I seriously was expecting better!" he laughed maniacally. I looked at Celestia and Luna; I was surprised to see them very pale. Who was this guy?

"No," -Luna whispered, fear evident in her voice -"Not him, anypony but him…" wait they knew this guy? How come I never heard of him?

Without even a warning the figure's horn glowed and a beam of intense red magic shot towards… ME! I didn't have time to react; time seemed to slow down, going on slow motion. I heard Celestia shout a NO behind me as Luna and the crowd gasped. They beam hit me, and let me tell you, it was painful.

I felt that I'm starting to lose consciousness as I saw my friends galloping toward me… the last thing I saw and heard was that hooded pony laughing maniacally and teleporting out of the scene. Then everything went black.

Spike's POV:

This. Was. HORRIBLE! After the figure hit Twilight, he disappeared. I, along with the girls and princesses run toward Twilight. I felt that she was losing consciousness because her eyes were opening and closing. After we arrived I wanted to shake her a bit so I took a step forward and extended my hand but before I could even touch her, something pushed all of us away from Twilight,illuminating her with a bright light and lifting up a cloud of dust/smoke. After the smoke cleared we looked at Twilight and gasped at what we saw…

"Equestria, now, faces one of its darkest hours…" said Celestia in a fearful yet calm voice.


MUHUHUAHUAHUA a cliffhanger! NOW YOU HAVE TO WAIT! *laughs again*

Uhhmm … sorry about that, but anyway tell me what you think. Should I continue? A review would be appreciated!

The next chapter should be up in a week, it's harder to write happy chapters for me, but when it comes to darkness *smirks* I write fast!

So See YA!

Next Chapter: 2. Dark Realizations Estimated time remaining: 12 Minutes
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