
My Little Pony: Just Another Highschool Story

by BlackBolt45

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: New Home, New Colleagues

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My Little Pony: Just Another Highschool Story

Summary: 16 year old Black Bolt is new to Cloudsdale Highschool. She meets Mist Rocker, a (cute?!) teenage colt who loves to write and create songs and Colour Crayon, a spirited Pegasus mare. Will these three ponies survive the usual crushes, popular trouble, and(shudder) the Hearth's Warming Eve school dance? It's just another highschool story .. right?

Last chapter was a bit drastic in terms of content... Forgive me for that. Either way, this time nothing out of the ordinary.

Chapter 3: New Home, New Colleagues

Bolt's house:

Star Blaze's POV:

"This assignment is stupid… a five-page work about the effects of Nightmare Moon's reign before Celestia banished her to the moon. I could describe it four words: pain in the -"

"Watch out for your language." My older sister Sun Ray said, entering our room, only with a towel around her body and a towel wrapped around her hair, to dry it.

"Sorry, sorry…" I said, in an emotionless tone. "This assignment is simply messing with my head. I don't know what else to write and I still need a page to finish it.

"What if you put images?" I felt stupid by not thinking about that. I quickly dashed to my black Laptop, which has a yellow moon figure on it, and went to the internet in search for images.

"You're a genius. I owe you one."

"We're sisters. We have to help each other."

"You're right… and all done!" I said, happy for finally finishing the damn assignment. Sun took her towels and began to search through the closet for clothes to wear at night. "Sun, why don't you prepare the clothes before going to take a bath?"

"It takes less time if I make that after. And what's the matter? You're uncomfortable by me being naked in here?"

"Not saying it's uncomfortable, I'm saying that it's not really polite." I justified, as she wore her deep purple pajamas.

"Well, let's go eat dinner, or at least the leftovers of it. It's already a quarter to eleven, so everyone already finished eating." She said, as we left the room. We went to the kitchen and picked two bowls of rice and sat down on the table.

We began to eat the rice, until I noticed something on the floor. I picked it up, not really knowing what it was. When both of us glanced at what it was, we sweatdropped. It was one of our younger sister Black Bolt's pieces of homework.

"Looks like we'll hear springs tonight." I joked, putting the paper away.

"By this hour Bolt is already asleep, and you know that our parents still act if they were in their twenties." Sun said to me, as I sweatdropped again.

"I still don't get why and how they act as so. This house is already too small. We have to share a bedroom and our parents are acting like if they want another pair of children."

"You know, I have an idea to solve this problem of ours." Sun said, calling my attention to her. "We could move away."

"What?" I asked, astonished by the idea.

"Think about it: no parents messing around, no springs during the night, and more space. I can only see advantages in this." Sun made me start thinking about it. It wasn't a bad idea, and we know how to cook and clean, thanks to a summer course our respective mothers made us enter.

"Hmm… that's actually not a terrible idea. I'm in."

"Then let's start searching tomorrow."

We started to talk about it in the bedroom and made a quick list of what it should have. Things like being near school and having at least 2 different bedrooms.

The next morning, Saturday morning, to be exact (first day of school at a Friday? Weird)

"Dad, Mom, we would like to ask you something." I started, calling their attention. Bolt also looked, curious about what we wanted.

"We would like to know if you give us permission to move out." Sun said, with her stoical face and emotionless tone.

"What?" Black Bolt asked very astonished by what Sun just said. Sweet Tune looked at us with a face that showed happiness, proud, and sadness.

"Ohhh! Our little girls are growing up!" Sweet hugged us. Sun and I both sweatdropped. We were expecting something like 'Hell no!', but it seems that our mother accept the idea.

"Now, now," Dad, Soarin, started. "You sure you can manage that? Living alone, I mean."

"Yeah. At least I think so. We have lot of money saved, and we're almost 17, so, I think we're capable of do it." I answered, and my older sister nodded. Dad closed his eyes and began to rub his chin, in a thoughtful look. Both Sun and I gulped, and then, he reopened his eyes and we waited for an answer.

"Well, it's a good way to start your independent lives. Sure." We both smiled and hugged dad. Black Bolt were still trying to process everything that was happening right now.

"Y-You're leaving?" She asked.

"Yup. This house is kind of too small for us, but don't worry, we'll still visit you. Or were you thinking that we were going to disappear without trace?" I answered, laughing a bit.

"By the way, we wanted to ask you something." Sun started, calling our younger sister's attention.

At 11:35 AM:

Black Bolt's POV:

"I can't believe that you two decided to move away all of a sudden and not even plan where to go." I said, with glaring eyes at my elder sisters. We were at their room, packing some things, and Colour Crayon had offered to help.

"That's why we want help to find a place." Star said, saving some objects in a big bag.

"I have an idea." said Colour, taking my cellphone that was clenched in my hoof. She pressed some keys and dialled a phone number. "Hello. Applecider? I want to ask you something."

At midday, at Applecider's apartment's building:

Star's POV:

"It's great!" I said, possibly seeing my future home. The apartment across Applecider's. Similar to his, but without furniture. Of course, that wouldn't be a problem for long. The rent's really cheap, so it's no big deal.

"That means that we're neighbors now." Daisy Dreams said, next to the door, next to Applecider.

"Good thing this place is near our school." Sun said, as she started unpacking.

"By the way…" I turned around to talk to Applecider and Daisy. "How are the other neighbours?"

"They're nice. Applecider's sister, Applebloom and her friend Scootaloo both live upstairs, right above our apartment. They're very nice to others, though, they try to get any guy in sight." Daisy and Applecider both explained, sweatdropping a bit in the last part.

"I kinda see what you mean." Bolt said, remembering how they acted around a colt that she had brought over in the third grade as her friend, and how they had broken his console, the Joyboy 2.5.

"And what about the other neighbors?" Sun asked, placing the lamp of the bag on the room.

"We don't really know the others that well. We cross by in the hall a couple of times. This is the fourth floor, and the building has five floors plus the roof. Two apartments per floor means that there are a total of 10 apartments, but the only ones I'm sure of are ours, Applebloom and Scootaloo's, and a couple more. For example, the Flash Sentry dude of the fifth grade lives at the first floor." Applecider explained, as we continued unpacking.

"Umm… sorry." We turned around, seeing a figure we didn't recognized. It seemed to be a grey college age mare, 19, maybe 18 years, with a light yellow mane and tail, yellow eyes, and wearing a paper bag hat that had Cloudsdale Delivery Service written on it. "I'm your faithful mailmare Derpy Hooves and I'm making a delivery for this floor!"

"From who?"

"Let's see…" she took a tablet from her shoulder bag and began to check the names. "It's from Sweet Tune and Soarin."

"From mom?" Sun and I asked in unison.

"What is it?" Bolt asked, not seeing any package around.

"Well, you see…" Derpy started, making a silly smile and sweatdropping. We followed her to the entrance and fell to the side by seeing what it was.

"NA-NA-NANITE KOTTA?" (It means 'What the hell?') We all asked, yelling.

"I guess this is why mom, dad were ok with you moving out." Bolt said, standing up and sweatdropping. The delivery turned out to be old dusty furniture. A big couch, two armchairs, seats for the kitchen and all that. It was all very old and dirty.

They were the things saved in the attic for years, and both Sweet and Soarin always wanted to get rid of them, but never had the chance. We were the unlucky ones to get them. Well, can't have everything. But the good thing was that we could sleep without having to worry about noises of springs.

At Monday before class starting, at Bolt's homeroom:

Bolt's POV:

"Really? Old furniture?" Mist asked, as me and the others finished telling the story about Sun Ray and Star Blaze moving out.

"Yup." Star said, right behind us, scaring us a bit.

"What are you two doing here?" Colour asked, not really comprehending what they were doing outside their school.

"Uh? Don't you know?" Sun asked, making us even more confused.

"About what?" Applecider was the one asking this time.

"It's not their fault sis." Star started, talking to Sun. "We only knew about this Sunday, and we didn't talk to anyone at that day. Plus, we only discovered this by accident."

"Just say it already." Daisy Dreams nodded, as she took a sip of water from a bottle she usually brings to class, for when she's thirsty.

"Cloudsdale High (the name of our highschool) is receiving, as new students, the "Batoruroiyarumasutā"." By what we heard, we all became astonished. Comet Strike even spit out the water against Colour by accident. Mist didn't really understand why we were mouth opened, and began to look around, confused.

"I hate to break the silence, but, who are those?" By that question, even Applecider glared at Mist. "Did I say something wrong?"

"You don't watch the news, right?" Comet asked.

"Not really. I prefer to watch comedies, music videos, and goofy cartoons." Mist said, sweatdropping a bit, feeling like if we were going to kill him, or something like that.

"Then let me explain." I said, making him sit down on the chair, as I sat down on the teacher's desk. "Batoruroiyarumasutā is the title the press gave to a group of six youngsters that are on the top of the charts in terms of battling. They have won hundreds of battling competitions. They almost came out of nowhere and they already defeated the regional champion, Thunderlane."

"Wow! Really? I should watch the news more often. They seem cool." Mist said, with an amazed face, trying to imagine how they were.

After everyone sat down and prepared the six extra seats for the arriving ones, we all sat down. Mr Hawkeye (or Mr Creepyeye, as I call him) quickly arrived after that, and began to talk. The class had already began, meaning that it was 8 o'clock.

"Class!" Mr Hawkeye said, in his scary tone. "We have the honour to receive, as new students of Cloudsdale High, the Batoruroiyarumasutā."

The door opened and six figures passed through the door. Mr Hawkeye declared, "Meet Leopard Stripe the Pegasus, Wolfclaw the Griffon, and Opalite the Unicorn!"

Unicorn? I wondered before turning my attention to the three.

The first one, who seemed to be leading the way, had determined amber eyes, a deep gold mane and tail, and a pine yellow coat. His cutie mark was a large gold star with black trophies around it.

The second one to appear was cool and calm despite his name. He had white feathers with grey at the tips, and leafy green eyes. Of course, being a Griffon (and Griffons have natural good looks), some Pegasi didn't appeal to him.

The third and last one to arrive was the female Unicorn mare. She had a sparkling light blue mane and tail with orange eyes and a misty greyish blue coat. Her cutie mark was the mineral she was named after, but it was three opalites, much like one of the Elements of Harmony's cutie marks.

"These are Leopard Stripe, Wolfclaw and Opalite. Treat them with respect." Mr Hawkeye reminded us. "Oh, and Opalite is here on a scholarship for the money she gets from battling, she pays to get food for herself and her family."

She is kind… I observed the unicorn.

"Hajimemashite." All bowed before us and sat down at their seats.

"Well, since they're not used to the school, some of you will have to show them. One for each: Colour Crayon for Leopard Stripe, Mist Rocker for Wolfclaw and Black Bolt for Opalite. You three will have to guide them when needed." He explained, once again.

"Sensei Hawkeye, we are honoured to come here," Opalite smiled lightly.

"It is Cloudsdale Highschool's pleasure, Opalite," The teacher smiled. I could tell he was gloating.

Wolfclaw simply bowed his head and sat down with a gentle grin next to Mist (who was snoring loudly), while Colour was blushing at Leopard's eyes. I could almost see CRUSH ALERT, CRUSH ALERT in bright bold red letters flashing above their heads.

The lesson was all about the Great Griffon War, which is unfortunate, because the only person in the classroom which that subject was important to was Wolfclaw. What will he try to teach us next? The anatomy of the Griffon body? The next class was PE class.

Seems that the next thing to be shown is the PE class. How it went? Well, you have to wait a day or two. Maybe three. For Opalite's appearance I tried to make her look like the actual mineral's appearance where you hold it up to the sun.

How is it up until now? You have any request to make (you can send either character or an idea if you want to ^_^)? Who else will appear? Review (really people, review it, please) and favourite ~ Bolt out!

Next Chapter: Chapter 4: Gym Blues Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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