
My Little Pony: Just Another Highschool Story

by BlackBolt45

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: TV Trouble (1 2)

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My Little Pony: Just Another Highschool Story

Sorry for the delay – I was working on one of my upcoming stories, guess which one?

Chapter 12: TV Trouble 1 2

Bolt's School:

Black Bolt's POV:

"I hate exams… I swear, I'll beat the crap out of Mr Hawkeye if I cross him on the street." Fight Squad said. We just had an eight-page test. He must have stayed up late playing a video-game or something instead of studying. We were walking through the hall, talking, since the final class had already finished, so we were heading to Applecider and Daisy Dreams' place. We were talking about everything and more, when I suddenly stopped and found a poster glued to the wall. It was a warning to some sort of… Party? Maybe. But why?

"Guys, look!" I said, pointing towards the poster.

"My Celestia, this is MY opportunity to-" Mist's excited sentence was cut off by Coldheart's hoof.

"Mist, if you're going to fanboy about this 'party', at least fanboy in secret!" Coldheart mysteriously glared at Mist, and then he shut up.

"A party? Nice! It's tomorrow? In a Saturday? Well, better than nothing." Opalite commented, reading the poster.

"They need a DJ?!" Leopard Stripe, after reading the request, automatically disappeared.

"He always liked music." Wolfclaw informed, making us understand that reaction.

Saturday, Black Bolt's house (Normal POV):

"C'mon, lil filly. Open wide. The food plane is approaching." Sweet Tune cooed, trying to feed Flower with a little spoon filled with some sort of apple mixed up in sludge for babies to eat.

"Gaaa!" she was refusing to eat.

"If you don't eat, you'll take a bath with Star Blaze." Flower began eating the content of the spoon. Last bath with Star Blaze was cold as Tartarus. At least with Sweet Tune; she doesn't catch a cold.

"I'm back." Soarin whisper-yelled, entering the house.

"How were things at work?" asked Sweet with a smile, still feeding Flower.

"The usual. Can't complain." Soarin answered, taking his Wonderbolt uniform off. He approached her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Where's Bolty-wolty?"

"She went to buy things for dinner."

Then, a plan on Sweet Tune's mind began to take form. "That means… I can have you only for myself for a while."

Soarin snapped. He turned around to talk, but then the light pink mare threw herself at him, eyes closed, pressing her lips against his and embracing her hooves around his neck. He tried to get loose, but her embrace was too strong. He gave up the option of trying to break the hug, and thought Why not? He hugged her back and closed his eyes. Then, they began to make out. Flower was staring at both of them, not really understanding what they were doing. Then, Sweet broke the kiss and whispered something in Soarin's ear, making him blush and snap.


"Of course…" She said, with a seductive tone.

"Please do that in the bedroom." Black Bolt said, awkwardly blushing, entering the living room. She went there to grab an apple two minutes ago and they didn't even notice her presence.

The moment was ruined. Sweet just wanted to yell "Go to your room!" at Bolt but she looked the other way.

At Star Blaze and Sun Ray's school:

"Thanks, sis." Star said, finishing her call with Bolt. "It seems that there's a party tomorrow at her school and we can go.

"We don't have plans for tomorrow, so it is useful." Sun said, closing her locker. Both of them immediately looked towards Button, who was at the end of the hall.

"Button!" they said in unison, approaching him.

"Oh! Hi, Star, Sun." Button greeted them. He grinned and bowed.

"Hey, Button." Star started. "Our sister, Black Bolt, invited us to a party at her school tomorrow. And I was wondering…" she started blushing.

"If you would like to…" Sun continued, blushing too.

"Come to the party with me?" they said in unison. They looked at each other in surprise. "With you?! Why you-!?"

"Well, I seems you two are still in synch." He said, interrupting the argument, calling their attention. "Of course, I would love to go to the party with you."

"With both of us?" The twin Pegasi asked in unison, blushing madly.

"You know I could never choose between the two of you." He answered, with a silly smile. Star then took the word.

"It's around 6PM." Star laughed vaguely, winking at Sun.

"Here's our address." Sun said, handing him a piece of paper.

Why am I nervous? Star thought to herself.

Why is my heart racing? Sun's smile, for a split second, transformed into a grimace. However, she enjoyed the confusement.

"Six… six… alright. I'll be there." Button said, fixing the hours in his mind. I'm going to a party with two dates?! Holy Celestia, it's like the double date…

At Sun and Star's apartment:

"My hair is not ready yet and Button can appear at any second!" Star Blaze said, trying to get her frazzled mane ready as fast as she could.

"Let's see… which floor was theirs again? Oh yeah!" Conveniently, Button Mash was there, and wearing a dark blue suit and a light blue tie. He pressed the doorbell, and Sun Ray immediately opened the door, wearing a light-purple, almost pink dress, with the skirt reaching only halfway of her hooves.

"Hi, Button."

"Sun Ray, you little…" Star gritted her teeth and sighed, cursing her twin in her mind.

"Thanks. You're looking lovely as always." Button took a quick glance inside the apartment and spotted her. "My, my, Starry, that's a very pretty dress. You're looking marvellous."

Star Blaze was wearing a knee-length dark dress, with multiple moon-shapes over it.

"Th-Thanks." She said, blushing a lot.

How did she get her mane ready so quickly? One second ago it was a mess. Sun thought, wondering how her twin made it in time. "I think it's time to go to the party."

At the party:

The party was at the gymnasium. It was a simple party: some dresses, cool music in the air, some food.

"So, Button Mash, how did you pull that one off?" Coldheart asked, referring about Button bringing two dates to the same party.

"Pull what off?" Button Mash playfully stuck his tongue out with an eye closed.

Applecider entered the conversation, with a shrug. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a green apple-styled bow. "You brought two girls to the party. The question is still up."

"But look at Comet Strike, for Cadence's sake." Fight Squad winced, pointing towards his friend. The sonic red Pegasus was sweatdropping, with Applebloom holding his right arm tightly and Scootaloo making the same to his left arm. ""He managed to bring both ponies."

"Those two are almost glue, so they don't really count." Mist replied. He had a white tuxedo with a misty grey tie.

"Well, I don't know guys… I would call it luck." Button said, trying to find the best answer to the question.

"Oh master, please teach me your secrets." Fight requested, making a bit of a scene. Button backed off a bit.

"The guy already said it was luck. Stop that, Fight." Mist said, sweatdropping, wondering why Fight Squad was friends with… well, anypony.

"I bet you would like that trick too." Fight laughed.

"You lost the bet, Fight Squad. I'm a stallion of only one mare, and she's taken." Mist Rocker vaguely pointed towards Black Bolt, who was dressed in a beautiful snow white dress, a pearly white necklace and a flower bracelet on one hoof.

"Taken? I don't see her taken," Coldheart remarked, and earned a buck to the flank from Mist. (Reference to Chapter 9!)


"Of course." Leopard Stripe said, slightly grinning. "But, man, is it just me, or are they fighting a bit?"

"Uh…" The brown earth pony turned around and spotted Star and Sun arguing, in the middle of the group of mares. "I don't really know. From what I've seen, they are always like that."

"I've known them since I was in the seventh grade, but this is the first time I see them fighting so frequently." Applecider admitted, looking at Sun and Star. "Button, what did you do?" he asked, making a funny look, that made Fight and the others laugh.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Button asked, with his signature silly smile. Mist then wanted to make things even funnier.

"Applecider, look at this."

"Uh?" The orange Pegasus took a glance at the picture he was holding and received a nosebleed, making Fight chuckle.

"What's that?" Button asked, curious.

"A photo of Daisy Dreams in a tight bikini, in a "hot" position. I took it at that time when we went to the beach. Works every time."

"Please save the photo." Applecider requested, trying to hold his nosebleed as much as he could.

"You don't want to keep it?" Fight Squad asked, looking at the pic.

Applecider started trotting in circles, his eyes derping.

"Apple, I thought you had a bit more of class than that." Button admitted. Of the gang of the ninth grade, Applecider was, without a doubt the most mature. He didn't have a funny bone in his body… Get it? Get it? Ah, well, back to the story.

"She is smokin' hot!" Applecider hurriedly protested. "And that flan-... No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Comet, who approached the stallions, started laughing. Then, Daisy Dreams, in an amazing light-green dress with white details approached the gang. "Hello. What's up, guys?"

"Should we ruin their fun, Fight Squad?" Leopard asked with a tone of aristocratic sneakiness.

"I don't know. What about you Mist?" Fight turned to the purple Pegasus beside him, who was checking out the mares with a mysterious grin.

"Let's wait and see."

Applecider, as a result of his mature reputation, tried to clean the blood off his face as fast as he could.

"Hi, Daisy!" Mist said, saving the picture in his back pocket, without Daisy noticing it.

"Hi. Umm… Apples, what's the matter?" Daisy worriedly asked, not understanding why Applecider was facing his back to her.

"Nothing!" he answered quickly.

"Well, I'm leaving you two in peace. I'm going to see what the fuss is all about." Button said, pointing towards Star and Sun.

"That's my line for the mix table!" Fight said, quickly running back to the table, since the song was near to the end.

"You were trying to make me look ridiculous in front of Button!" Star argued, making quite a "scene". They were being watched by Black Bolt, Opalite, Colour Crayon, Midnight Sparkle and Snowy Smile, who were sweatdropping. Well, not Midnight. She was exactly in the same state.

"You fixed your mane in time, didn't you?"

"I hate when they fight." Bolt whispered to the others.

"I've known them long enough to agree with you." Colour replied, also whispering.

"Who was ridiculous in front of who now?" Button Mash asked, reaching the table.

Midnight Sparkle pointed at both Sun Ray and Star Blaze.

"Midnight! Stop that!" Opalite scolded. "You shouldn't point at people!"

"It was nothing. It was just TV talk." Sun said, bluntly lying.

"Ye-Yeah!" Star agreed. "So, what do you think of the party up until now?"

"Well, pretty busy and energetic. But I do have one question: just what are we celebrating exactly?" Snowy Smile entered the conversation. She wore a beautiful purple dress with a daisy head-dress.

"As for me, I don't know." said Bolt. "The teachers said it was a tradition, but I don't remember any sort of holiday. Halloween was a couple of weeks ago."

"Here you go, Snowy." said Fight Squad, giving her a glass of punch.

"Thanks for getting me one." Snowy, blushing, thanked, but then returned to the main topic. "I heard about this date. It had something to do with somepony named… the name is escaping me…"

"Well, so this "the name is escaping me" person must've been someone of importance or that marked this date with something." Button deduced.

"If I may intervene," Opalite called their attention. " 'It's' called Wish Shock. She was very famous for her pranks and jokes, but those jokes and pranks reached a point where they physically hurt other ponies. Somepony unknown managed to trap her in a TV. No one knows what happened to the TV, but since Wish Shock disappeared, we celebrate it with a party."

"How do you trap someone in a TV…? We should look for it." Button suggested, taking a sip of his punch.

"No one completely knows the story, and, as I said before, the TV went missing, so we don't have a lot where to start. Unless…" Opalite and the others looked towards Midnight. Button took another sip of his punch.

"Midnight, since you have access to the internet and the intelligence of four super-computers, could you make us the favour?" asked Gemstone Canyon, her closest friend.

Gemstone was wearing a bright red dress that sparkled like stars, and she had red eyeshadow to accompany it.

Midnight closed her eyes slowly and the quickly opened them again, glowing brightly red. "Now we just wait."

"For how long?" Colour asked, feeling a bit envious, since she was always the most intelligent of the group, but now she was a bit on competition with Midnight.

"Don't know. It's all up to the internet connection here." Black Bolt answered. "It's like with computer tab loading."

"Hm, not like that, Bolt," Gemstone gave a signature flick of her mane and looked at the stallions nearby. "Off-topic, it is a shame that Flash Sentry didn't come, isn't it?"

"Then let's go dance!" Star Blaze quickly said, dragging Button with her. Sun Ray, pouting, immediately followed them. Bolt and Snowy went up to the guys, so they could dance too. Bolt took quite a while to ask Mist to dance. Colour went alone, but she got a pair for the music. Leopard didn't mind, since he also went alone. Fight Squad was feeling quite amazed by how good a DJ he was.

After fifteen minutes, more or less, Midnight got the results of the search. She quickly went into the middle of the crowd and grabbed Colour. Leopard Stripe was dragged too. They were to get Bolt and Mist too, but they seemed so cute dancing at the slow music they just went to grab Fight. Comet, Opalite and Gemstone were simply drinking punch, and they found out that Applebloom and Scootaloo had more arm strength than they seem to have. Applecider and Daisy Dreams were almost in the same point as Bolt and Mist, but, right on the moment they were starting to gaze into each other's eyes, Midnight grabbed them.

"What the-?! What was that for?!" Applecider asked, a bit angry. Midnight maintained silent, as usual. She dragged all of them out of the gym.

"What is happening?" Opalite asked, a bit confused. Midnight simply pointed downwards and then rushed towards the stairs. They followed her, still wondering what she wanted. They followed her to the basement of the school. There, they found a quite old TV. "Wait, is this the TV where they trapped Wish Shock in?"

Midnight simply nodded.

"How in the name of Celestia, Luna and Cadence did it end up in the basement of our school?" Daisy asked, not really understanding.

Midnight didn't answer. Colour was driving herself insane from her attitude, but she managed to contain herself.

"Oh look! Visitors!"

"Who said that?" Applecider asked, in reaction from hearing a voice he never heard before. He clenched his hooves in a fighting position and looked around.

"Calm down, big boy! I haven't received a visitor in decades and that is how you react? Quite rude, don't you think?"

"Ok, this is starting to scare me too…" Comet admitted, as he drew his long blade from the suit too (I must know that secret).

"Oi, oi, don't be like that. I just want a little fun!"

A sudden blue wave came out of the TV. The wave covered them, absorbing them into it… somehow.

After a very long black out, Comet, Gemstone and Opalite woke up, alone, inside a closet.

"What… What happened?" Opalite asked, a bit confused.

"We're in a closet. But I don't know why, nor the fact why we're wearing white gowns." Comet answered, analysing the clothing.

"Well, then, time to get out of here." Gemstone said, positioning like she was about to fight. "Stand back." She alerted, making Comet and Opalite back off. She then quickly bucked the door open, making an exit. But it was strange the fact that they were in a hospital…


"Where am I?" Applecider asked himself, awakening from some sort of black out. He looked at his clothes, and he was surprised that they now seemed clothes from the 16th century. "What the… don't tell me…" he was standing on a carriage, near a castle. He was thinking that it was too much of a coincidence when he saw Daisy Dreams, also with clothes of the 16th century, standing at the balcony of the castle.

What the hell is happening? O.O this is even weirder than the chapters about the seven mysteries of Cloudsdale High! Don't miss the next chapter to try to find out what is happening ;) And sorry for the delay – I just realised it's been WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKS until I updated this!

How is it up until now? You have any request to make (you can send either character or an idea if you want to ^_^)? Who else will appear? Review (really people, review it, please), and favourite, ~ Bolt out!

Next Chapter: Chapter 13: TV Trouble (2 2) Estimated time remaining: 0 Minutes
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