
Harmony Broken

by ChaosFire0987

Chapter 1

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Harmony broken Chapter 1: darkness returns

After Rage and Twilights wedding all was peaceful for the next year. However after the year of peace Rage had to return to Mobius for some time… his old foe had returned and Rage had to hunt him down but in doing so his foe found his way to Equestria now peace will be broken, harmony shattered, friendships tested and trusts strained… and what does a prophecy mean by "When six are not enough a seventh will rise and bring light back to the land of Equestria"

~Mobius Mystic Ruins 11:00 AM~

Rage was chasing his old foe Christain through the woods at a high speed. Christain was trying to out run his crimson attacker but was no match for the red hedgehogs speed and soon he found himself on the ground pinned by Rage

"Alright Christain now we finish this!" Rage growls ready to end the dark hedgehog and return to Equestria… Right as Rage was about to bring his sword down Christain is shot by some kind of energy and disappears. Rage looks around to see who fired the shot. Behind him was Sonic's evil version Scourge the Hedgehog

"My looks like the Equestria gun I stole from Eggface works after all…" he chuckles before using the thing on himself.

Rage gasps and quickly uses Chaos Control to war his way to Equestria right inside Twilights Library. Rage was still in his hedgehog form from his warp and he catches Twilight by surprise.

"Rage! What's going on?" she asks the crimson hedgehog

"Christain and Scourge found a way here from Mobius… We must warn the Princesses in Canterlot." Rage says morphing to his pony form.

"then we mustn't delay!" Twilight says "Let's war there now." Rage nods at the suggestion and the two use their magic to warp right into the Royal Throne Room where Celestia and Luna were surprised to see the two.

"Twilight, Rage is something wrong?" Celestia asks the two

"Yes princess…" Rage says "Something huge just happened back on Mobius. Scourge the Hedgehog and my mortal foe Christain made it here to Equestria and the tear in Space time is still present. Mobius and Equestria are linked for the next two moons." Rage looks at the princesses "This mean that we could have Mobians in Equestria arriving randomly and vise-versa." Rage looks at himself for a minute "I am afraid that unless I continue in my Mobian form Equestria and Mobius will be doomed."

"Rage just do whatever you have to do to keep Equestria safe from darkness." Celestia looks at the now reverted crimson hedgehog "And Twilight you know what to do… harness the Elements of Harmony for I fear by now Sombra has already sided with the two from Mobius." Celesta says pacing around, Twilight salutes and runs to the vault and retrieves the elements.

"I must go get my brothers and Sonic with them Equestria will be in good hands defense wise." Rage says and Celestia nods for Rage to hurry, Rage uses Chaos Control and warps his way to his brorther's home, he knocks on the door and Icezer opens the door,

"Rage whats up it's been a while since I've heard from you how is Equestria?" Icezer asks Rage

"Icezer we have no time for that, Christain and Scourge are both in Equestria grab Xage and Axel we need to hurry." Rage demands, Icezer nods and runs back in the house and yells for the hedgehog and wolf. The three hurry down and meet Rage outside in the front yard. Right around that point Sonic darts by on his daily run, when he notices the four he stops and checks in with them

"Hay whats up you guys?" Sonic asks the four,

"Sonic! There no time Christain and Scourge are in Equestria I need you c'mon!" Rage says and Sonic goes up and joins them, Rage hands him a Chaos Emerald "Help me use Chaos Control to get us there!" Rage explains, Sonic nods and the two use Chaos Control to warp back to Ponyville where Twilight had gathered the mane six and had the elements of harmony ready for use.

"Rage!" Twilight runs over to him and the other five look at her in confusion "Guys this is Rage's normal Mobian form…" she sighs and the five all give a comment on how it made sense.

"Time is of the essence we must find the two and fast!" Applejack looks at the rest of the group,

"you're right Applejack… Rainbow Dash, Icezer take to the skies and search for any signs of Christain or Scourge." Rage says "Sonic, Fluttershy and Xage go find Shining Armor and meet with him on defense. Pinky Pie and Rarity you two find ways to hide things we may need out in the wilderness. Axel, Twilight come with me we are going to search the Everfree forest for them on foot."

All of the groups after getting their tasks head for where they were needed. Rainbow Dash flies off on the sky with Icezer not far behind, Sonic, Fluttershy and Xage all head for Canterlot while Pinky and Rarity head for Rarity's shop. Twilight, Axel and Rage then head for the Everfree forest to begin their search.

To be continued…

A/N: Alright this is the first chapter and all so I have an announcement for all who are interested I will need a small cast of Sonic OCs and a small Cast of MLP:FiM OCs for parts of the story so if you would ike to add yours please PM me ASAP so I know to add them in to the story thank you!

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