
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Pony-Style

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 5

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The curtains went wide open, showing the same scene that was last left off. Flash and Blueblood were tugging on Rarity.

"She's mine!" Flash shouted.

"No, she's mine!" Blueblood replied.

Twilight runs on stage, "Lysander! I've been looking everywhere for you!" then sees the commotion, "Wha… What's going on here?!"

"I have no idea!" Rarity cries, "Please, make them stop!"

"Lysander, why are you…"

"I love the fair Helena!" still struggling on Rarity.

"What?! How can you say such a thing?! I thought… I thought you loved me…"

"Apparently I was mistaken."

"How can you say that?! After all we've been!"

"Yes! You and I have absolutely nothing in common with, Lysander! You and Hermia were meant to be!" Rarity shouts.

"Then why does my heart soar for you?! My love, my life, my soul, fair Helena!"

"No…" Twilight lowers her head down in sadness.

In a set of shrubs, Pinkie was watching while eating a bag of popcorn, "This is better than the soaps!"

Discord popped in, "So, how's it going?"

"Not too good. I managed to sprinkle the flower on the other stallion, but then the two of them started fighting for the same mare! Then the other mare shows up only to be crushed by her true love!"

He smacks his face, "Can't you do anything right?!" he rose up as the ponies were bickering, "Sleep!" he commanded. On cue, the ponies fell down into slumber. "Now, with the snap of my fingers, the true loves shall be reunited. The proud stallion with keep the pollen on his eyes to be still in love with the mare that truly loves him. When they awaken, it'll be but as if it was a midsummer night's dream…" he snap his fingers and teleported away.

The lights went dark and switch scenes to Fluttershy and Spike. Spike was lounging while Fluttershy fed him gems.

"Would you like some more, my sweet?" she asks.

"Oh, yes!"

The Breezies were low to the ground as they dragged gemstones, barely lifting them off the ground. Putting them in a pile next to Fluttershy as she took one to feed Spike.

"Would you like anything else? A belly rub, perhaps?"

"If you please."

She rubs his belly as Sea Breeze gathers the Breezies, "This is getting to be too much. The queen has fallen for the dragon. If she keeps this up, she will soon forget her king! We must hurry to save her from a terrible mistake!"

The Breezies nodded in agreement, they quickly flutter away, thus transacting into a new scene where they find Discord. Sea Breeze went up his face, demanding, "What are you going to do about the queen?!"

The other Breezies quickly demanded the same thing. Discord started feeling frustrated then shouts, "Halt! Chillax, will you?! The queen is fine, she'll be back to normal with the snap of my fingers."

They return to the scene where Fluttershy and Spike were, watching behind bushes. She rubs underneath his chin while giving loving glances and Spike taps his foot in happiness.

"Time to end this farce!" he snaps his fingers looking proud, but it seems that Fluttershy was still entranced to Spike. Discord repeated snapping, but it didn't work. This concerned him, "I… I… don't understand! I anointed her with the pollen and it's my will she'd be released! Then why… no… can it be that I lost her…? My queen… my… love… What have I done?!" he falls to the ground and fakes sobbing (they were, after all, just acting in real life).

Sea Breeze gave a wink to Fluttershy and pointed below him, she returns the wink and makes a shushing gesture to Spike and the Breezies. She goes to Discord rubbing his head.

"Get up, my king… for you have shown me you really care…"

He stops the sobs and looks up seeing her smiling, "You… you were faking?"

"Plucky came to me the minute she was told to get the flower… We devised a plan to show you that your lesson would backfire… To see now that you care about me… I am very happy."

He blinks a few times then returns the smile, "My dear… To lose you would be devastating… For you are my true equal… Tonight was proof of that."

"Let us end this game and rejoice to our reunion, we have a wedding to go to."

"Count on it." they walk off arm-in-arm.

Twilight was backstage relooking the copy of the play, following the scene. "Wait… that wasn't in the script! How did you…" asking Pinkie next to her.

"Oh! Discord thought it would be fun to change this scene, he got Fluttershy to go along with it."

"But… in the play… he could gloat about Titana's predicament, yet… he wanted Fluttershy to double-cross him?"

Pinkie just shrugged.

"Wow…" Spike watch in amazement. "So… that's real love… Ha-ah! I got it!" he runs off.

The lights go black, then coming on revealing the four ponies still asleep. A hunting party arrives on the scene, consisting of Shining Armor, Cadence, Cranky, and Cheese.

"Oh, Thesus… I'm so glad you changed your mind…" said Cadence.

"Well, after you made your point, I started readjusting my thinking, and then the lovers ran away, all the more reason you were right."

Cranky scoffs, "I still think I have the right to marry off my niece."

"But every pony deserves true love." Cadence pointed.

"There they are!" Cheese pointed to the four ponies.

The four groaned out of their slumber, turning heads to their rightful loves.

"Oh, Lysander, what an awful dream!"

"If it was anything like my dream, then I'm sure it was!"

Rarity said to Blueblood, "Oh, Demetrius, I wish I could finally earn your love… but if you want some pony else… then you should…"

"Now why would I want another mare, when I already got the mare of my dreams right here?!"

"Ohh! Do you really mean that?!"

"I do."

Shining turn to Cranky as soon as they heard that, "Well, looks like Demetrius has changed his mind. All the more reason to cancel Hermia's wedding to him."

Cranky did a huff then went off stage.

Shining called to the lovers, "Fear not, friends, for I have changed the marriage law, you two may wed at once if you so wish to. Join us, as we head into matrimony," turns to Blueblood and Rarity, "You two, come and be married with us on this joyous day."

"We are honored!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Then it's best I alert the wedding enterminet that they'll be performing for three newlyweds!" Cheese ran off.

The lights blackened changing back to the cottage; the lights came on showing the troupe starting to worry.

"He's not here yet!" Apple Jack shouts, "What if he's hurt or lost!"

"I knew one of us should have followed him regardless!" said Rainbow.

"It's all my fault…" AJ slumps, "I shouldn't have let him go…"

Spike rushed in then nearly out of breath; "I'm… here!" he falls, having Apple Jack rush to his side.

"Where have you been?!" she demanded.

"If I had told you, you wouldn't believe me… but let's just say, I know what love is now…"

"Alright!" cheered Scootaloo.

"Finally!" said Rainbow.

"I know what love is… it's special… something you never want to lose…" he holds AJ's hoof, surprising her, as this was not in a rehearsal, "It caught my eye the moment I saw it, then a face came to me, your face…"

Apple Jack's eyes widened while Rainbow and the CMC exchanged confuse looks, and then backstage, Twilight was looking through her copy of the play again, "Wha… this is not in the play, too! My actors are improvising all over the place!"

"Petra… I love you…"

The troupe's jaws drop, while Apple Jack was stunned, then Cheese runs in, "The wedding of Thesus and Hippolyta became a triple wedding! They'll be arriving back at the palace anytime."

"Huh?" Apple Jack finally gets out of her trance, "Oh, um, tell the duke and duchess we'll be right there!"

"So, um…" Rainbow slowly points out, "Maybe it would be best we switch roles on who Thisby should be?"

"You know… I think that's a great idea." AJ proudly says.

Twilight could only smack her face.

The scene changed then to the palace. Cadence and Shining Armor sat back on their thrones, as Twilight and Flash was on her side, while Rarity and Blueblood were on his side. Cheese came up to them bowing his head.

"Milords and miladies, I give you the finest acting troupe in all the land! tonight, they shall perform the play, Promedius! No, wait." gets out a note card, "Pyramus!"

The ponies gave a clap as the troupe made their way. Rainbow Dash stepped forward, originally it was Apple Jack to give the prologue, but given the circumstances…

"If we offend, it is with good will. That you should think, we come not to offend, but with good will…" she continued delivering her speech.

The play moved on, then came Spike's big scene with Apple Jack.

He spoke in a passionate tone, "I see a voice: now will I to the chink, to spy and I can hear my Thisby's face. Thisby!"

"My love thou art my love, I think."

"Think what thou wilt, I am thy lover's grace; And like Limander, am I trusty still."

"And I like Helen, till the Fates me kill."

"Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true."

"As Shafalus to Procrus, I to you."

"O! Kiss me through the hole of this vile wall."

"I kiss the wall's hole, not your lips at all."

"Wilt thou at Ninny's tomb meet me straightway?"

"Tide life, tide death, I come without delay."

They performed the rest of the play, then when they had finished, they gave a bow as the newlyweds clapped to their act.

Shining Armor spoke, "Come then, we have much to celebrate." he leads the way guiding the others off stage.

Pinkie then comes on, jumping up and down, followed by Fluttershy and Discord, then the Breezies.

"Ooh! This is so exciting! There were not one, but three weddings today!"

"That's so many couples that need happiness." pointed Discord.

"Indeed, we must bless this place so they will be happy for the rest of their days." said Fluttershy.

"Much like us, wouldn't you say?" he touched her chin.

She blushed, "Yes… very much like us…" turns to the Breezies, "Now my little ones, perform the dance of joy for each married couple."

They nodded and moved in a circle, twirling and swirling in sync. When it was done, they moved off stage with Fluttershy and Discord, leaving Pinkie to address the audience.

"If we shadows have offended, Think but this, and all is mended, that you have but slumb'red here, while these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream, gentles, do not reprehend. If you give pardon, we will mend. And, as I am an honest Plucky, if we have unearned luck. Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue, we will make amends ere long: Else the Plucky a liar call. So, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends: And Robin shall restore amends." the lights went black.

It's not over yet! Please review.

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