
Room for Rent: A Drop of the Creature

by Drax99

Chapter 6: Party in Your Soul

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A Drop of the Creature

Party in Your Soul

As the song ended, there was a stunned silence as the siren song still held our minds in its lovely, feathered grip. And then suddenly the entire room erupted in cheers and hoof stomping, as the lights came up and left a shyly smiling pegasus basking the adoration of her newly won fans. With a squeak, she launched herself into a stage dive at the audience. The move caught the rest by surprise, and most moved out of the way, but myself, I was ready as she landed in my arms, flattening me to the floor.

"Ouch. Careful there Flutterbutt. You ponies aren't as light and fluffy as you look." I chuckled as I tried to catch my breath. Soon enough her friends arrived to help her up as she blushed and apologized profusely.

"I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me!" She stammered.

"Yea, next time use your wings, Fluttershy! You're a pegasus, for Pete's sake!" Dash laughed as she tried to scold her friend.

While we wandered back to the table, we all laughed, as the other patrons cheered her on, causing her to blush and hide behind her mane again. It was so damn cute, and I kept my hand on her back to reassure her. We felt like the entourage of some big time pop star as we shielded her from the ravenous fans. One stallion even yelled for her to sign his horn, getting a mug upside his head from his girlfriend sitting next to him.

Finally back at our seats, I got one more winghug from the yellow mare. "Thanks for catching me, Louis." she whispered in my ear, before the death glare from Pinkie caused her to make that squeaky toy noise again as she smiled, before scuttling back to her seat.

And so as the night went on, each of the mares made their way to the bathroom to break their seal and return their beer rentals. Last of the bunch, being a veteran drinker, I wandered off to inspect the pony facilities myself. I just knew there would be some dirty girl talk about me as I left, but I didn't care. I was having the time of my life, and had a nice buzz going.

Needless to say it took a moment to determine the signs as represented by muzzle type, and made a safe bet of using the door that had a stallion walking out of it. The stalls were all equipped with what looked like giant urinals, which made sense for a quadruped that could do their business standing. I was just glad I only had to piss, as I unzipped and took aim.

"What a night, eh Louis?" I nearly pissed myself, quite literally, as I heard Spike from the next stall.

"Yep, one of the better parties I been to. Not used to having so many women at the table, but it's not so bad." I chatted as I concentrated on my aim.

"Naw, this isn't a party. You gotta come to one of the old skool Pinkie Parties. Town's been dead since she left. That mare is crazy." I heard him chuckle. "I can't believe you haven't hit that already. She's crazy about you, dude."

"Meh, I said it before, I just don't find myself attracted to her. It'd be too weird. Part of me sees her like the little sister I never had, and part of me just sees her as an animal. Neither of those are sexy to me."

"Wish could say I understood. I grew up with them, and wanted to be with a mare for the longest time. I finally gave up and tried to find a nice dragon girl. Turns out dragon chicks are all bitches. I mean, rip your heart out, power hungry bitches." I heard him snort, and could smell something burning. "But at least they are upfront about it. Some girls drag your tail along for years before dumping you."

"Rarity?" I guessed.

"Yea. Used me, abused me, then told me she just wasn't into dragons. At least you told Pinkie up front." I heard the toilet flush, and finished myself.

As I emerged, I joined Spike washing up. He steamed his claws dry with a grin. "Just be careful man, everypony loves Pinkie. If you break her heart, they will break you." A gleam of fire entered his eyes as he looked at me with a bitter smile.

"Don't worry about that. I already broke her heart once, and we worked our way through it." I sighed, looking at my own dripping hands. "She's a good friend, and I don't ever want to lose that. But I will never be anything more."

"You're a good guy, Louis. For a human." Grinning, he punched me in the arm, and walked out, leaving me rubbing the sore spot. Fucker was strong!

As I made my way back to the table, I saw that all the girls were back, and that Pinkie was bouncing to see me. I slid in, and scritched her behind the ears, getting a purr of pleasure, and some snickers from the others.

"Oh, I was waiting for you to get back! I am gonna go next, and wanted you to hear my song." With a grin, she bounced over to the stage, and tossed a record to the DJ, who caught it in a reddish glow.

Somehow I managed to miss where exactly the record came from, but dismissed it as the music started to play. I had to pour three shots during the song, because I sure as hell wasn't drunk enough.

"Party In Your Soul" -Pinkie Pie

I'm your only friend

I'm not your only friend

But I'm a little Pinkie friend

But really I'm not actually your friend

But I am.

Little pony in the outlet by the light switch,

Who watches over you?

Throw a little party in your soul.

Not to put a party hat on it,

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.

Throw a little party in your soul.

I have a secret to tell,

From my magical well.

It's a simple message and I'm leaving out the whistles and bells.

So the room must listen to me,

Filly buster vigilantly.

My name is Pinkie Pie one note spelled P-I-E

My smile's infinite.

Like the Longines Symponette it doesn't rest.

Little pony in the outlet by the light switch,

Who watches over you?

Throw a little party in your soul.

Not to put a party hat on it,

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.

Throw a little party in your soul.

I'm your only friend.

I'm not your only friend.

But I'm a little glowing friend.

But really I'm not actually your friend.

But I am.

There's a picture opposite me,

Of my rock farming family,

Which stood on rocky shores and kept the fields all laughter free.

Though I respect that a lot,

I'd be fired if that were my job,

After painting all the rocks, and making them party until they drop!

Pink pony of friendliness,

Like bestest friend, its always near.

Little pony in the outlet by the light switch,

Who watches over you?

Throw a little party in your soul.

Not to put a party hat on it,

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.

Throw a little party in your soul.

(and while you're at it

Keep the nightlight on inside the

Party in your soul)

Not to put a party hat on it,

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet

Make a little birdhouse in your soul

Little pony in the outlet by the light switch, (and while you're at it)

Who watches over you? (keep the nightlight on inside the)

Throw a little party in your soul. (party in your soul)

Not to put a party hat on it,

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.

Throw a little party in your soul.

Little pony in the outlet by the light switch, (and while you're at it)

Who watches over you? (keep the nightlight on inside the)

Throw a little party in your soul. (party in your soul)

Not to put a party hat on it,

Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet.

Throw a little party in your soul.

As the song ended, I had to locate my jaw, just moments before I was tackled by my date. "What the fuck did I just listen to?"

"Oh, that was one of my favorite songs! It's by the group called 'They Might Be Clydesdales'!" She giggled and gave me another hug.

"Oh, I know them! You shoulda sang 'Particle Mare' instead! I love that song." Dash grinned at her pink friend.

"Oh, I know, but they have so many great songs, I can never decide!" Pinkie grinned with her eyes closed, as the rest of the table looked just as confused as I was.

"Oh-kay. Who is up for more shots?" I called, as I retrieved the bottle of liquor from it's feathery grip once more. All hooves went up, and shots were passed around.

Holding my drink high, I looked around the smiling faces of my newest friends, and thought a moment before proposing a toast. "To friendship and bars, may they never be far!" I was repeated by the others, followed by a round of coughing as the booze burned its way down our throats. This was going to be a good night.

As the night wore on, more drinks were had. Lyra made another appearance with more high class booze, and even managed to stick around for more than one shot. She still was a bit of a lightweight, but she could pack away some cider.

Spike eventually took a turn at the stage, wheeling out a piano from somewhere, and playing his own music. He did an amazing performance singing 'Piano Mare', and then followed it up with an encore of 'Green Balls of Fire', which he also managed to shoot across the room, much to the amazement of the crowd.

After that things began to get more than a little hazy, up until the moment I woke up in Pinkie's bed. Fully clothed. With Pinkie apparently passed out in the bathtub in the next room wearing a traffic cone on her head. Which was rather odd considering they didn't have traffic cones in Equestria.

Oh well, at least I was nice and comfy under this warm purple and yellow feather blanket.

Oh shit...

Clothes still on, means nothing happened, right?


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