
Eon Chronicles: Eonic Harmony

by Gold the Fox

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Love Found in the Darkness

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PINKIE THROW A PARTY, WE HAVE 100 REVIEWS! *dances around room* THAT IS RIGHT 100 REVIEWS HAS BEEN REACHED. My whole speech and thank yous are gonna be after the chapter so I don't have an obnoxiously long intro, but in advance, THANK YOU EVERYONE! LETS GET TO THE REVIEWS!

P. Cheese: Really? Didn't even review just wanted to be the 100th, rude...

Glimpse: Already PMed you about the sequel, and you have a outro, it's Pinkie lol :D

flutterlikeanangel: Thanks!

Captainawsum: Didn't know that I was one of the first. YAY!


Tail: My cliffies will get you one day...maybe...I don't know...

This chapter is sponsored by the letter W...oh wait no it's not...this chapter was sponsored by BADA55, who gave me the idea for the ending of last chapter and most of this chapter. Go check him out cause he is awesome! Also, as you can tell from above, there will be a sequel. So be excited :D LET THE CHAPTER COMMENCE!

Disclaimer: I own nothing that isn't mine. I only own Gold, the Eon, the plot, etc. All OCs belong to their respective owners.

Gold the Fox presents...

Eon Chronicles

Eonic Harmony

Chapter 23: Love Found in the Darkness

Sounds of the war still raged on outside the quiet interior of the castle. To say the least, the people inside were shocked, angry, worried, and a mixture of other emotions. Gold was sitting up, using his arms for support. To his right, a wolf unconscious and in pain. On his left, Blade writhing in pain fighting off the darkness. Ahead of him, the thing that caused both.

"Oh, what a shame. I was aiming for you, but they will do instead." Discord said and he laughed like a maniac.

Gold looked up at him with a fire in his eyes. Himself, Twilight and now Blade and Ensis taken down by him and the dark force he controlled. To under exaggerate, he was angry. He got up while still staring at the laughing Discord. He glanced to his left and saw the Blade was no longer fighting the darkness, and had gone under.

"Oh boy, I wonder what they are experiencing right now!" Discord said through the laughing.

Gold just stood there. Sonic was thinking to himself, why isn't he doing anything. Discord was rolling in the air, laughing and laughing and laughing. He stopped for a moment and wiped the tears he got because of his laughter.

"Well, I think I'll make my leave now. TA, TA!" he said about to teleport and get away again, but suddenly Gold appeared, holding him by his neck.

"Well, let me give you a good-bye present." Gold said rather darkly.

Gold suddenly shot out a beam of Eon energy out the hand he was holding Discord with, and let go of Discord, shooting him across the throne room and out the back wall. He crashed through a statue in the garden and landed with a thud. Gold ran to where the hole was to find that Discord had gotten away again and somehow survived the attack. He turned his attention back to his friends to see them gathering around Blade and Ensis. Gold walked up to both of them very seriously. He crouched down to Blade and just crouched there.

"Well? Are you gonna take them out of it or what?" Sonic said to the silent Gold.

Gold closed his eyes and thought for a moment and opened them back up, "They are too far in already. We gotta wait and see what happens."

"You were able to get Twilight out! Just do it again!" Sonic countered back.

"She was able to think of a good idea while in the darkness, something that would counter the Dark Eon. Once that happens with them, I can go in or they will get out themselves like I did." Gold explained.

"So we just have to let them have their nightmares in order for them to get out?" Tails asked.

"Yes. Sonic and I can stay here and watch, everyone else, get back with the ponies and help them finish this." Gold said to the others, and they did as they were told.

After a very nice chat with mister "Darkvoicefromnowhere" which will not be shown due to excessive swearing on Blade's part, he was dropped into an open plain, seeming to be endless and in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, this sucks." Blade said turning in a circle, looking for something,

"And it only gets worse..." the voice said to him in a booming voice.

Suddenly, a figure could be seen in the distance, approaching rather fast. It stopped a few feet before Blade to reveal it was a robotized Sonic.

"That's it? Just him?" Blade said tauntingly.

"No, there is us..." A half robot, half female voice said behind him.

He turned around and there was the Mane 6, all robotized. He turned back to Sonic to see that a robotized Gold, Tails, Xavier, Nia and worst yet, a robotized Ensis. He got a little worried now, seeing all his friends like this.

"That better? Now have fun." the voice said and the robotized group attacked Blade.

He reached for his swords but found that he had no swords with him. The only real attack he had then was his shouts.

"Fus ro dah!" He said dodging an attacking Gold.

That is all that had happened, the words were spoken but no force came out. He came to the conclusion that he had no powers and only his bare hands.

"I guess it will have to do." he said to himself and he started to defend himself from the attackers.

Ensis was having the same bad luck as Blade, and was dropped into a plains area.

"I know, a bit cliché, but it is fun to watch you suffer by the hands of your friends." the voice boomed, knowing what she was thinking.

A set of robotized ponies and Blade and company approached her. She looked for her infinite daggers and actually found them. She through it at the robot Gold, but just hit a piece of metal on him with a clink. She reached for another one but found she didn't have any. She only had one.

"Oh, why would you waste that?" the voice taunted her.

She couldn't even use any of her buffing magic on herself, leaving her to use her fighting skills.

Blade had fended off the robots for quite some time now, getting tired but still fighting on. It became almost tedious to him and for the dark voice.

"Okay, I'm bored. Oh, I got a fun idea! Let's do this..." the voice said and all the robotized friends disappeared.

"What now?" Blade said, slightly out of breath.

"Oh, I got something special just for you." the voice said and laughed darkly.

Suddenly, a black scaled dragon appeared in front of Blade. He stepped back some to get a good look.

"One dragon? Just a dragon?" Blade asked.

"Oh, not just any ordinary dragon." the voice said to him.

Blade looked back at the dragon standing in front of him. He then noticed that it was considerably larger than most of the normal dragons he had fought before. What made him gasp in disbelief was electric sparks seemed to emit from it.

"Is that...?" Blade said, backing up some more.

"Yes, yes it is. Oh, how I love a father and son reunion." the voice said and laughed darkly again.

Indeed it was Blade's father, the dragon that had killed his mother and destroyed his hometown. Even worse, Blade had no weapons to fight, only his bare hands.

"Oh, and you said earlier about only one dragon? I got you covered." the voice said and Blade immediately turned around to see another one of the dragons approaching.

And on his left, another. And on his right, another. He had four copies of his dragon father, all surrounding him, with no weapons to pierce their tough hides. He had nothing to attack with so, he just ran between two of them and kept running. All four dragons took off and were flying right behind him, unrealistically fast. One would occasionally shoot electricity out of its mouth instead of fire. It would always hit right behind Blade's feet. However, a particular shot his him precisely in the back and he fell down in pain, spazzing a bit from it. He had to quickly get up and keep running because of the four dragons behind him. He got up in pain and kept running.

Ensis was barely fighting off the robots, taking hits occasionally that hurt bad. She was still maintaining the fight but was hurting.

"This is a little more entertaining, but not my forte. Let's see how this works out." the voice said and she fell through the ground while closing her eyes for impact.

She opened them to see she was in front of Sugarcube Corner. She had a feeling something bad was going to happen but she was almost forced to go inside. When she tried to walk away from the entrance she would be instantly teleported back to the front of the bakery. Without will, she walked into the bakery. Pinkie was there, cleaning up the counter.

"Oh Ensis! Finally you are here!" Pinkie said stopping for a moment.

Ensis was very hesitant to ask but asked anyway, "What was I late for?"

Pinkie suddenly got a very serious face, "The money? For us helping you with Blade? We agreed on 500 bits."

Ensis was very confused, she did not remember them asking for money in return, "I don't recall any of that."

Suddenly, Applejack and Fluttershy walked into the bakery.

"Ensis, great! You have the bits?" Applejack asked with a slight smile.

"I seriously don't know what you are talking about." Ensis said, backing up a bit.

"You forgot again! That is the fifth time this week!" Pinkie said behind Ensis.

The three ponies just looked at the nervous Ensis. Suddenly, Fluttershy spoke, but it was not Fluttershy.

"Get her." Fluttershy said darkly and she and Pinkie jumped at Ensis.

Ensis didn't expect this and was sent to the ground. She struggled to get out of their grip but Pinkie and Fluttershy had her caught. They brought her up and pinned her to the wall. Applejack walked slowly to her. (A/N sorry Ensis, but this is gonna hurt) Applejack bucked her right in the stomach, making her cough out some blood. She did this three more time, Ensis begging for her to stop.

"Oh, you want me to stop? Okay then..." Applejack said.

Pinkie and Fluttershy moved her to the left, right where a glass window was. (A/N again, sorry!) Applejack bucked her again, but this time the two ponies who were holding her down let go, sending her through the glass window and out the other side, bleeding from shards of glass being embedded in her and from pieces scratching her body. The three ponies came out of the broken window, all with pitch black eyes. They stood next to her, Applejack right near her head.

"Nighty night." she said darkly for the last time.

She brought her hoof down and all Ensis saw was black. Was she dead? Worried thoughts of everyone ran through her head.

"Calm yourself, you haven't died...yet." a voice rang out, confirming she was still alive.

Back in the real world...

Sonic and Gold were pacing around the throne room, glancing at their two fallen friends still asleep. Sonic decided to speak up.

"I can't imagine how that feels." Sonic said out loud to himself.

"Yes you can." Gold said back.

"Didn't I say not to talk about that?" Sonic said, shooting a glance at Gold.

"Why? Don't want to admit that I saved your life, the almighty Sonic the Hedgehog saved by Gold the Fox?"

"I said don't talk about it."

"Hey, it was pretty bad for me too, I was gone for a week." Gold reminded him.

"True." Sonic said and the room went silent again.

Blade was still running from the multiple dragons, getting electrocuted every once in a while.

"It was fun in the beginning, but now just plain boring. How about something more emotional?"

Suddenly, Blade was inside Twilight's house, a meeting was going on, almost like they had before they left for Canterlot.

"So Blade, got anything to say?" Gold said, bringing Blade back to the outside world.

"About?" he asked and was met with an answer from Sonic.

"About what happened with Ensis?" Sonic said with a 'duh' tone of voice.

"Yeah, at Sugarcube Corner." Gold mentioned.

Blade remembered that incident and what happened between them.

"Nothing happened! We just had a cupcake, that's all!" he defended himself.

"To my understanding, you two kissed." Tails said from the couch.

"Yeah, but she forced me to do it." Blade said.

"Forced you? Did she hold a gun to your head and tell you to?" Xavier said, also appearing in the room.

"No, worse. She had Fluttershy stare at me." Blade said.

"You could just look away! Face it, you accepted to." Gold said, slightly raising his voice.

"No, I didn't! I don't like her that way, and I never will!" Blade yelled.

The room went silent for a moment.

"Why would you say something like that? The girl likes you and you just push her away?" Gold said.

"That is just cold." Sonic chimed in.

"She just chases me around the whole time! How do you expect me to like her?" Blade said.

The room went silent again.

"Maybe she isn't chasing you." Gold said a little quietly.

"Of course she is! She keeps talking about us together like it will happen, and IT WON'T. She's crazy!" Blade said.

"Maybe you are just running away." Gold said, rather bluntly and darkly.

That hit Blade hard in the heart. Was that it? Was that the problem, him not her?

"I agree, she is such a nice girl and you just won't accept it." Sonic agreed.

Wait, that isn't normal, those two agreeing?

"Yes, you are just scared. Scared of what could happen." Gold said with a dark tone.

"No I am not..." He tried to defend himself.

"Face it, you are just a scared hedgehog, who doesn't want it to happen. Why don't you just accept it?" Sonic said darkly.

Everyone in the room, which now included the Mane 6, started to chant, 'accept it'.

"Yes, Blade. Accept your fate. When you don't your friends while just nag you crazy if you don't. Which is fine for me, I like seeing you suffer." the voice said in his head.

Every word hit him hard. He knew Ensis liked him a lot, but she was crazy! She loved him but he didn't love back. He just pushed her away from him and the chase would continue for Ensis to love him. He would keep running and running and not looking back to see what could be possible. The cycle was going to go on forever, love was not something he could run from forever.

Then he thought, despite her craziness for him, he needed to break the cycle. Break the circle he was running in and accept her for who she was. He had someone to love and he had run from it. His mother was dead, and his father was a dragon, he had no one to love him more than Ensis could. He stood up and looked straight up to see pure darkness above him, no roof or sky to look to.

He said to the sky, "Okay. I accept." and suddenly blacked out.

Ensis was suddenly put into Twilight's house, with no one there. Well, accept Blade who was standing looking out a window.

She hesitatingly said, "Hey, Blade."

Blade didn't move. At all. He just stood there staring.

"You know what I realized, Ensis?" he said seriously.

She hoped he would say that he loved her, but she knew that wasn't what he was going to say.

"Yes?" she asked nervously.

"That you are just a freaking weird girl who wants to chase me around all damn day, and that YOU WON'T STOP." he practically yelled.

Ensis shrunk back in fear. "I'm sorry, it just that I...I..love you." she managed to choke out.

Blade had a dark chuckle and turned around to face her. "You might as well stop, because I don't nor I EVER WILL."


"NEVER! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!" he yelled out in a dark voice like before.

Ensis fell to her knees with tears in her eyes.

"Haven't you realized it yet, you naïve wolf. He doesn't love you, he will keep rejecting you for as long as you both live, and nothing is going to change that." the voice said in her head, making her cry think these thoughts.

She didn't know what to think. All of her life she loved Blade but all her life she was rejected. She couldn't think of anything positive to say or do and just sat there, crying over what had been said. However, suddenly a white light appeared in her eyes and all she saw was white.

What is this bright light going to do? Has she died because of Dark Eon, or has she been brought back? Blade has revealed his feelings about her, realizing his mistake. What will happen to him and what is Ensis's fate? Find out next time for the conclusion of the battle for Canterlot.

(speech time)

When I began to read Sonic fanfiction, I absolutely loved it. The stories were inspiring, and I even wrote a story on paper, but I never published in fear of what people would think. I strayed away from fanfiction for a while to do my own thing. However, recently, I discovered the crossovers, specifically and obviously the Sonic and MLP crossovers. I read stories like Glimpse's and SonicMX's and lots of others and I was absolutely amazed. MLP acted like a catalyst to me to read fanfictions again and eventually make my own story. First chapter I posted, I looked back and I thought, 'Wow, I just wrote that'. Just getting my first review made me so happy. I can honestly say because of these stories I read and the people who have welcomed me to the community and reviewed, I have had some of the happiest days I have had in a while. I have to thank you guys for everything you have done, because it was you people who made this possible. And now that my speech is over, time for shoutouts!

For all my reviewers, I thank,

Werewolf lover99

All the guests

Tatiana Aponte

Dante K. Freeman


Randomguy HQ

Death the brony


Bello the Hedgehog

Psychic Nature

Alex the Wolf75

And there are four people on here who I can't thank enough for reviewing, welcoming me to the community, supporting me through this story and putting Gold in their stories. These people deserve a lot of thanks and everyone should go check them out. There are no words for how thankful I am for you guys. These amazing people are,

Captianawsum9999, for reviewing a lot and helping me through this story, and putting Gold in The Son of Space.

BADA55W0RD, for the first OC in this story and for reviewing and giving me some good ideas and feedback, and putting Gold in Impractical Hedgehogs.

Aura the Hedgehog, for putting Gold into Lost Souls: Sorrow of Two Brothers.

Glimpse the Hedgehog, for reviewing, helping me out with the positive reviews and PMs and putting Gold into Chaotic Bonds.

You all are amazing authors and I thank your for taking time to read my story. I thank all of you for sticking with me and I thank you for 100 reviews. I might have gone a little overboard on this, but it means a lot to me. Thank you all for reading, thank you all for reviewing, and as always,


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