
A Shimmering Turnabout

by Ironman64

Chapter 1: 1. Eight years later (Rewrite)

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Disclaimer: This is my own fan sequel to the Turnabout Storm series on Youtube created by NeoArtimus I own nothing

My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro

Ace Attorney is owned by Capcom

Constructive Critisism and story ideas are welcome

"I wish you could stay a bit longer, so we could get to know each other outside of investigating and trials." Twilight said to her new friend. "Don't forget that you have friends over here, too. I know that we won't forget you, even if we are worlds apart."

"Twilight, stop with the sappy stuff!" Spike said. "I think he gets it."

"I'm just trying to make a meaningful goodbye, Spike." she said.

"Then just say goodbye already!" he exclaimed.

She sighed. "I guess you're right." Twilight said. She turned to Phoenix, who was giving her one of his smiles. "Well, I guess this is it. Maybe we could see each other again someday. I'd like that." she said smiling weakly at him. Her smile quickly faded as she began to cast the transportation spell. "Goodbye, Phoenix Wright."

Ironman64 presents:

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney/My Little Pony Equestria Girls:

A Shimmering Turnabout

My name is Phoenix Wright, I'm the head of the Wright Anything Agency and I'm a lawyer, although for a while I was doing completly different. Anyway with my attorneys badge reinstated I've been reminiscing about some old cases that I took back in the day, one case in particular that is worth mentioning was a trial involving talking ponies.

Now I know you probably think that I'm crazy or I've been drinking too much but everything that I'm saying is true, during my time on 'TS-5' I met a unicorn named Twilight Sparkle, a brash pegasus called Rainbow Dash and a prosecutor who could give Franziska a run for her money named Trixie. I met plenty of others on that case but overall I'd classify TS-5 as a success and I'm glad helped those ponies out, but little did I know that another case that I would take years later would not only have me defending another former Equestrian, but it would also see me reuniting with Twilight and the others and to think it all happened a couple of months after Apollo, Athena and I brought the dark age of the law to a close.

June 9th 7:55am

Wright Anything Agency

POV: Phoenix Wright

It was a quiet day at the agency and I was sitting at my desk and looking at the group photo that had been taken after Rainbow Dashes trial, it had been almost eight years since that trial and I kept that picture as a reminder of the friends that I made during that case. "I wonder how you girls are doing right now? because I haven't exactly had it easy as of late" I said as I recounted the events with Prosecutor Blackquil and Detective Fullbright.

"Wow boss, I didn't realise that you where into those kind of things" said a voice that snapped me out of the trance that I was in, the voice happened to belong to the agencies newest lawyer Athena Cykes. "So tell me, whats the story behind you and that horse picture?" the analytical psychologist said while a large grin was showing on her face (oh crap, not again!) I thought to myself in panic as I remembered what had happened the last time someone caught me with pictures from Equestria.

"Err...its nothing Athena, just a momento from an old case," I said saying anything to try and end this conversation before it even begun.

"A momento from an old case...what kind of case required you to be around multicoloured horses, where you defending a five year old or something?" Athena continued, now treating all this like it was a joke.

I quickly tried to change the subject "its not important right now Athena, but enough about that, shouldn't you be getting to work right now?" I say with a nervous smile on my face, hoping that she would buy it.

"Mr Wright, we haven't had a client since the incident with The Phantom, theres no work too do," the female lawyer said as I was about to make a suggestion, unfortunately I must've been getting predictable since Athena knew what I was going to say "and before you ask, I've already cleaned the toilets, three times, seriously whats your obsession with that thing." But just like Maya before her, Athena caught on to what I was trying to do rather quickly "Hey! stop trying to change the subject, now tell me whats the deal with you and that horse picture?" she asked now with her necklace glowing bright red.

"Actually Athena, they're not horses...they're...ponies," I corrected her before I covered my mouth, realising what I had just said (dammit Twilight) I cursed in my head as I saw Athena trying to hold back a laugh. But as all this was going on the phone started to ring (I swear, if this is Larry calling about being dumped again, I'm going to scream) I thought to myself as I went and picked up the phone "hello, Wright Anything Agency here, how may we help?" I asked hoping that the caller was a client.

"...Mr Wright?" the voice on the other end of the phone said in a broken voice.

"Yes this is Phoenix Wright speaking, now may I ask whose calling me?" I ask the person on the other side of the phone, now convinced that it was a client.

"...My name is Sunset Shimmer, I'm at the Detention Centre and I need your help" the person on the other end of the phone introduced in a depressed tone of voice.

(What an interesting name) I thought before I replied "okay, don't worry I'll be down at there shortly, just stay calm" I say before I hung up the phone, I turned back to Athena, who thankfully had stopped laughing after overhearing the phone call. "Well Athena, it seems we may have a new client, so it looks like we'll have to drop the subject about the ponies for now" I said as I scratched the back of my head, relieved that I could drop the questions about TS-5 for a while.

"You've got boss" Athena said in her usual upbeat tone "but I expect an answer about that pony picture by the time this is done" she said in a sly voice. (Why me?) I think as we leave the office and head for the Detention Centre.

June 7th, 8:00am

Golden Oaks Library~Equestria

POV: Twilight Sparkle

It had been 30 moons since the incident with Sunset Shimmer in the human world and once again I found myself in front of the mirror portal, which had been entrusted to me by Princess Celestia. Ever since I came back from that world I've been having dreams, or rather nightmares involving some friends I made on my adventure to find my crown, more specifically Flash and Sunset.

In the dream, I saw Flash Sentry with a fatal wound on his chest, bleeding to death in the process and standing above the dying human, I saw a silhouette of Sunset Shimmer holding a knife covered in blood. I decided to discuss these dreams with Princess Luna, who told me that these where visions, which were a side effect of me becoming an alicorn.

But if these where visions, then that means something horrible might have happened in the human world, my otherworldly friends could be in danger. It was then I decided that I would return to the human world when the mirror portal opened, no matter what Celestia said, I was preparing to leave as I packed every last thing into my saddle bags, when all of a sudden I was caught of guard by a small voice.

"Urm...Twilight, are you alright?" said a small quiet voice, which I recognised instantly as Fluttershys and sure enough as I turned around I saw her along with the rest of my friends standing in the doorway, all of which had concerned looks on their faces.

"Wh-what are you girls doing here?" I asked currious as to why they where in my house.

"Spike called us over darling, he said that you where feeling rather depressed" Rarity said in a worried voice "this wouldn't have anything to do with those dream visions, would it Twilight?" the white unicorn asked now sounding more serious.

I simply sighed at her question "I'm sorry girls, but I have to do this" I said looking at each of my friends, with a serious look on my face. "I'm worried about them, the more these dream visions I get, the more scared I am for Sunset, Flash and everyone else" I said while slipping my saddle bags and walking slowly towards the mirror portal.

But as I was about to enter the portal Rainbow Dash quickly flew in front of the mirror portal, blocking my way "Sorry Twilight, but we can't let you go" the pegasus said in a serious voice. I was of course shocked by this, Rainbow Dash of all ponies, the former Element of Loyalty was stopping me from doing something that was important to me "what I mean is, we can't let you do this thing without us" the pegasus finished with her signature grin.

"But what about the dimensional balance that the princess told us about?" I asked referring to the reason why my friends never accompanied me the last time I visited the human world.

"Well ya' see Twi, with what you told us about yer last visit all Tartarus broke lose even without us with ya" AppleJack said referring to when the Elements effected my other friends. The farm pony then came up to me and placed a hoof on my shoulder "sugarcube, ah understand that this is important to ya, but I'll be darned if ah' let ya do it alone this time, and ah'm pretty sure the rest of the girls feel the same" she said prompting a nod from the other girls.

"B-but what about supplies, I mean at the most we'd be in that world for three days and even then we'd all be in humans form with no way to change back" I said in a panicked voice remembering how hard it was for me to adjust to a new body. My question was answered almost instantly when I saw Pinkie Pie carrying five more filled saddle bags and give them to the others, I was about to question it but then I remembered that the pony who packed the bags was Pinkie Pie, a pony whose logic you should never question.

I began wondering as to what I should do, considering all of my friends where all willing to come with me and help out, but at the same time there was the risk of running into their doubles. I finally let out a defeated sigh and gave a small smile "Alright girls, you've convinced me, you can come" I said noticing all of their faces light up, I left a letter on the table that was meant for Spike to tell him where I was and once again stood in front of the portal "Ready?" I asked to the others, who all gave me a convincing nod and we all stepped through the portal.

"This is so nervociting" I heard Pinkie Pie say before I blacked out in the swirling multicoloured vortex.

June 9th, 8:15am

Canterlot High School

POV: Twilight Sparkle

(Ugh, I'm never going to get used to that) I thought to myself as I started to regain consciousness, when my vision returned I saw I was in front of the mirror and I saw that my whole body had transformed into a human like the previous time I was at Canterlot High. "Is everypony okay?" I asked noticing the others had transformed into humans.

"Yeah, I'm okay Twilight" Rainbow Dash said being the first to recover "though I gotta admit, I feel a lot lighter here" she said before she noticed what was obviously missing, her wings. "AHHH, where are my-" the former pegasus began to panic, until I put my hand over her mouth.

"Calm down Rainbow, I told you that this is what we would look like while we where here" I said quickly calming the former pegasus as we went to help the others. It was pretty funny watching the others struggle to get used to their new bodies and we even had to help most of them stay on their newly acquired feet, however the one pony who didn't need any help was of course Pinkie Pie, who was practically jogging around the statue.

"This is so cool, ooooh Lyra's going to be so jealous" the party pony said in her usual bubbly tone.

"Now darling, please show a little self control and remember why we're here" Rarity said to the hyperactive pink pony, before she turned to me with a curious look on his face. "Your the one with the most experience of this world Twilight, so tell us what do you think we should do?" the fashionista finished as the others shared the same unsure look on their faces as she did.

"Well it has been a while, but I'd wager that talking to Principal Celestia would be the first thing we should do" I said before leading the others to the schools front door. Before we entered the school however Pinkie Pie started coughing "Pinkie, are you feeling okay?" I asked rather concerned for the former earth pony.

"Oh its nothing Twilight, it just means that something strange is going to happen" Pinkie replied obviously referring to her Pinkie sense, this got me rather nervous considering my previous experiences with her strange predictions. "Hey Twilight, you know everything about this world right?" she continued prompting me to scratch my head in confusion.

"Urr... I know quite a bit about this world Pinkie, why do you ask?" I said wondering why she asked about me knowing this world in the first place.

"Oh I just wanted to know who that big scruffy guy is" she said pointing her hand straight in front of her.

"Wait, what big scruffy g-" I begin to ask before I was cut off by a loud voice.

"Hey pal, what do you think your doing?!"

Well here it is guys, first chapter of the Shimmering Turnabout rewrite, let me know what you think and I'll see you guys next time.

Next Chapter: 2. Detectives, Suspects and Feys (Rewrite) Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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