
The Fellowship of Harmony

by Rain Winter

Chapter 2: 2. Prologue Pt II

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Prologue Pt. II

Meanwhile, In the land of Avalar...

Snow fell from the high heavens like a precious white veil, its white crystallized flakes silently clinging to everything that they touched, like a cat stealthily stalking its prey until it was caught in a trap, with a single death pounce as its only escape. A bone chilling breeze carried the white flakes upon its back, letting them slide up against what remained of the buildings that served as homes to many moles, creating large banks of white powder.

Nothing was heard aside from the bitter cold wind that ravaged the buildings as though they were nothing more than ash, some being reduced to just simple piles of rubble. Some of the grander buildings still stood tall and proud, though their upper levels were lying somewhere in the street with nothing but the bombed out basement for company.

What windows remained in the buildings were filled to the nose with bullets holes, threatening to shatter at the drop of a pin while many others lay in ruins among the concrete floors from the constant shelling of artillery. Despite this however, the buildings were still able to provide some sort of cover from the cold at night as well as a place to take cover in the event of a bombing run or when a tank would run through the city.

Nestled in an open field between the ruins of two blade smiths shops was a lone standing tower, with trees encircling the base, hiding away the door to enter. The tower rose to about thirty feet in the air, giving whoever or whatever was inside a clear view for miles in any direction, and excellent spot from which to single out targets.

The base of said tower was made up of a mixture of steel and iron, while, as it rose towards the sky, it came together to form more of a spire that became molded out of 'genimite'. Genimite was a fast drying mold that was made up of a mixture of various metals and earths that came together to form a pliable mold that could withstand a nuclear strike at best.

The top of the spire was flat at the bottom, with a slightly cone shape marking the point where it conjoined into a needle tip that looked to poke the sky with its sharp point. Four windows ran in an almost square like fashion, allowing the person inside to have no blind spots. Despite this however, due to the height of the spire combined with the bitter cold of the wind, it was highly ready to fall at the drop of a feather. Yet, there was still some strength left in it, at least enough for one person to do her job.

A lone, jet black with rich orange stripes, dragoness sat within the spire, her back pressed against the window cill that rose above her head. She said nothing, rather, she took in several deep, calming breaths as her mind began to wonder towards the one thing that she kept fighting for, the one dragon who she felt in her heart mattered the most.

She could see his dark emerald green scales as he walked before her, letting her see his elegantly colored golden yellow underbelly scales, that seemed to shimmer like the sun when he walked. His emerald eyes, how they would pierce into her very soul and seemed to drag out her very own life force.

A light smile crossed her lips before she looked up at the dog that was nestled against her legs, soundly sleeping away. The dog was a German Shepherd, with beautiful golden brown fur mixed with the black that was in various places. The name of said dog was Sonya, as she was the best friend and only friend that the dragoness had aside from her dragonfriend.

Her eyes drifted down to her attire, taking in the full combat boots that she wore, with a tactical knife strapped to the outside of either one. Her white and gray camouflaged pants mixed with her black t-shirt that had a tactical vest wrapped around it. On her hands she adorned a pair of black cotton gloves, with the thumb and forefinger cut out of either one.

Resting against the wall beside her was her own SR-25 sniper rifle, with a silencer attachment. Painted just above the trigger guard was her name in bright white letters, while wrapped around the length of the rifle was a white clothe to help shield it from the eyes of the enemy.

The distant sound of jets flying overhead quickly broke the silence that had seemed to pervade the room with its foul taste. With their pass came the far off sound of gunfire and artillery batteries, just before the steady rumble of caterpillar tracks could be heard.

Stretching out before the spire were the outskirts of city of Warfang, one of the many cities to be populated by moles before they turned towards the forces of evil. Warfang was one of the most thriving cities after the war with Malefor, Dragon of the West. He was a ruthless general and wanted nothing more than the death of all moles, thus he declared a war that lasted for over fifteen years, ending with his death.

What remained of the city were ruined buildings, torn apart from the constant shelling of tanks, artillery rounds, and air strikes from the jets that patrolled the skies. Rubble from tall towers, from the great walls that had protected the city from Malefor, and numerous shards of glass from countless broken windows were scattered on the streets, currently obscured by the large drifts of snow. The pain that dragon's felt during the fall of the city was great, but it fueled their resolve to take it back from the moles and apes that wanted to claim it for their own.

Only a single square remained in their part of the city however, with a lone standing fountain in the center. A statue of a dragon stood tall and proud there, yet the water that ran from its mouth was frozen solid, while the statue itself had many bullet holes in it. Surrounding the fountain were two buildings, each one was reduced to just the first floor, with what remained of the second floor acting as the roof.

A long street ran through the square, running towards downtown Warfang and the distant snowy plain beyond that lead to Mt. Steirn. From the downtown section came a lone tank, rolling into the square slowly, cautiously, as if expecting an attack from anywhere. A short while passed, during which time the tank made four circlets around the town to make sure it was safe before it parked before the first building in the square.

The dragoness chanced a glance over the cill of the window to watch as four jeeps came down the road from the West (Downtown Warfang) and made a beeline for the center square. As they drew eerily closer, she reached over for her rifle, carefully setting down the bipod before he brought it up to the window, now using the bipod to steady her aim.

Attached to the forefront of each jeep was a flag that held on it the insignia for the moles and apes military forces, a talon clutching a rifle in one claw with a tall standing gray falcon, its wings spread, in the background and a misty sun in the foreground, all with a crimson red outline. This flag she used to judge how fast the wind was blowing, and as such she was able to tell from what direction it was coming in at.

The crosshairs of the scope never left the driver side of the second jeep, as she knew that her target was surely in there, and he was as good as dog meat when she got through with him. She wished that they could just take him hostage and make him suffer for all of the things that he had done, for all of her comrades and brothers in arms that he had killed with nothing more than the flick of a wrist. She wanted to see him cry out for mercy, but for now, his death would have to suffice.

Silence it seemed was her worst enemy, as it seemed to drown out the sound of the jeeps coming to a halt in a semi circle around the fountain, where a mole in the second jeep came around to the door behind the driver and opened it. Out stepped a mole who looked slightly taller than the rest, around his torso was a dark gray leather jacket, while out of his pocket stuck a poison tipped knife that was never to leave his sight so long as he had breath in his longs.

She took a deep breath, feeling her anger at him ebb away as the images of her dragonfriend came flooding back into her mind, seeming to sooth her ravaging anger that would one day kill her if she was not careful. Feeling calm and collected, she looked down the scope to align her crosshairs with his head, adjusting a few knots to the South-East as she became aware that the wind was blowing from the North-West.

Her breath was held as her finger brushed against the trigger, taking in one last look before she gently squeezed the trigger. Not a sound was heard, no echoing shot rang forth as the bullet met its target, going right through the moles skull almost as if it was nothing more than butter. All eyes were quick to look around for the source of where the shot had come from, but none of them were given the chance to even guess as a group of dragons burst forth from hiding and overwhelmed the moles, killing all or capturing a few.

Light, bright, yet not too much so like the sun, showed those in the night their way. A full moon could be seen in the brakes of the clouds, where one who looked close enough could also see the stars that shined no brightly than the mightiest of which, the Northern star. It was once said that any who were lucky enough to see the great star, would be granted the gift of sight within the night eternal. Yet, with the war raging on, no one cared for any old tales anymore.

Sitting on the cill of a broken window was a lone dragoness, wearing her same gear as during her time in the spire, yet her eyes were now cast on the night sky, which was the clearest as it had been in a few months. For miles she could see the white, open, snowy plains that rolled for miles and miles without any trees to hinder her field of view.

Her black scales reflected the moonlight around the room in little dots, with what showed of her orange stripes giving off the faint ray of what looked like sunbeams in with the dark dots. Sitting in her lap was her German Shepherd, who was just content to let the dragoness stroke her warm, soft fur. A voice, soft as a friends, yet gentle as a mother's, sounded in her head. What ails you Kya, why do you fell so sullen?

"I miss him Sonya." Kya's voice sounded as serene and pure as a flowing stream lapping against the rocks that barred its way downstream. "They said that he was going to be back by now, but I wish he would just come back to me."

Kya, you know that he loves you very much, just as I do. Your heart desires love, yet what do you really feel in it? Does it tell you to wait, or does it tell you something else?

"It tells me that he may never be coming back to me. It's telling me that I may never get to hold him close to me again, never get the chance to tell him just how much he means to me, how much I truly love him. Sonya, I love him so much that I want him to make me his own, claim me before anyone else can. There is no one else that I want to spend the rest of my life with besides him, he is everything to me."

Then you know as well as I do that he will return to us, with open and caring arms. Kalin is a fighter Kya, and his love for you will keep him going. Believe in him Kya, all you have to do is believe.

Silence wedged its ways between them as Kya gazed out over the crystallized plains, tears falling from her eyes. With a heavy sigh, she listened as the wind began to pick up outside, masking the sound of a lone creaking door opening up. With the wind still howling, the dragon to enter silently crossed the room in a few short bounds before he tapped Kya on the shoulder, making her jump slightly before she turned to look at him.

Her heart caught in her throat as she launched herself at the dragon, making them both fall backwards with her body lying atop his own, her lips quickly finding his. Too long he had been away, too long she had gone without so much as a single peck upon the lips, but tonight, tonight now became special. Tonight, she got her dragonfriend.

A bright white, blinding light seemed to engulf the two lovers, and without either of them knowing it, began to lift them up towards the sky high above. They passed harmlessly through the ceiling before continuing on up towards the giants abyss that was the night sky. With a loud crack, followed by a thudding pop, their world was enveloped in shadow...

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