
Stuck in Equestria

by dmr131313

Chapter 7

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"It's been a year since we all got stuck in this game." Dylan thought to himself.

Dylan was traveling from Ponyville, finally getting bored with the forest there. He recently got up to level 74, and he hasn't seen Cameron or Shadow as much he normally would. Those two didn't know what happened to Dylan since he joined the game, but Dylan knew one thing. He was going to beat H and save all the other ponies who have survived.

Dylan has been non-stop training, getting up his health, attack, strength and defence. He had also been training with hunting. A few months back Dylan obtained a special skill, he had never seen one like it. It allowed him to have both his sword and bow out, being able to use them at the same time, but he had no idea how that would help him in any way.

Heading to Canterlot, Dylan was slowly walking. Not in a rush to get there, but couldn't stop to rest.

Dylan heard a noise coming from above him, he looked up to see a knife flinging right towards him, in which he quickly dodged. He saw the flying mare that threw the knife at him, "Isn't there some other way to say hello without trying to hurt me first?" Dylan asked.

"Well probably," Cameron responded as she landed next to him, "but that's more fun."

"It's been awhile," Dylan said as he continued walking.

"Yeah it has," Cameron followed, "where are you going?"

"Canterlot, it's almost sundown so I better get going," Dylan looked over to his right, the sun was setting.

"You look pretty tired, maybe you should go rest."

"I don't know, it does seem like a good evening to rest for just a little bit, but I can't go to sleep, I would need to leave by the crack of dawn if I wanted to get to Canterlot by noon tomorrow if I stopped."

Cameron yawned, "I should get to bed too."

"Should we both stop?" Dylan asked, looking back at her as they both stopped walking.

"Yeah, I guess." Cameron looked around, there were pretty much clear fields except for a forest to the left of them, "We could rest in the forest. There shouldn't be any monsters in the crust of it."

Dylan looked towards the forest, "There's also a cave in the crust of the forest, we could build camp there."

"What are we waiting for? Let's get going." Cameron began walking to the forest and Dylan followed.

As they got into the forest, Dylan led Cameron to the cave. Once they were in there Cameron put down a sleeping bag. Dylan only sitting there. "What's wrong Cuber, don't have a sleeping bag?"

"No, I don't."

Cameron put down another sleeping bag from her menu, "You can use this one if you want, I always keep a spare."

"Keep it, I don't need it."

"What do you mean?"

"I said I would rest, I'm not going to sleep. I'll be right back." Dylan left the cave, leaving Cameron there in the cave.

Minutes later Dylan came back bringing a bunch of leaves and sticks, plus a few rocks. Dylan set up a fire ring. After a few seconds Dylan had a fire going. "That should work for the lighting in here, not to mention warmth."

"How did you do that Cuber?" asked Cameron who was in her sleeping bag, her spare still out.

"Years of practice, I've done this many times when I went actual camping."

After a minute of silence Dylan said, "Cameron, what level are you now?"

"I'm at level 20, I just got it today."

"After a year, you're only at level 20?"

"I have more important things to do than train, what level are you anyway, last time we met you were at level 23."

Dylan thought for a second, "I'm at level 30."

"I thought you were training, you got over 20 levels in one night, how did you only get 10 levels in one year?"

"I stopped training for awhile, then decided to go to Canterlot," Dylan said lying. He knew he was lying about his level, but he wondered if Cameron knew he was lying.

"Well, I'm gonna get to sleep, you should too Cuber, you look like you need it." Cameron laid her head down, falling asleep minutes later.

Dylan stayed up the entire night, only watching the fire.

As dawn came, Dylan looked over at Cameron who was still sleeping. He then looked out the cave and saw a few ponies doing the same as him, traveling from one town to the other.

Dylan waited there for Cameron.

A few hours passed before Cameron started to wake up, noticing Dylan she said, "Cuber, I thought you were leaving at the crack of dawn."

"I couldn't just leave you here, you must have been following me for some reason be it me or for Canterlot. Also you can't tell what happens here outside the Safe Zones."

"What do you mean?"

"Monsters could come from no where, even if you believed that they aren't in the crust of the forest. Not to mention other players."

"What do you mean 'other players'? The ponies aren't bad."

"You have to remember, there could be anti-bronies around here that would play this game just to troll, now with weapons? It's a playground for them. Although all ponies that are here doesn't mean that they won't take a kill when they find one, monster or player."

"How would they be able to kill another player?"

"Be it in the forest, or in the Safe Zone, ponies could challenge you to a Duel to the death and keep attacking you until you die."

"I've never heard of that, how have you?"

"It's been a year since we've arrived to this game, once you think about it more logically, not to mention playing other types of games like this, it becomes obvious. I figured it out within the first month."

"Well maybe when we get to Canterlot you could sleep in one of the inns there and I'll watch over you there."

"Thanks, but no thanks," Dylan stood up, "Let's get going."

Cameron got up and put away her sleeping bags, "You have at least let me repay you that much."

"Trust me, I can risk it, I don't need a watch pony while I sleep, I doubt somepony would even get me down halfway before I wake up." Dylan began walked to Canterlot once more.

"What makes you say that?" Cameron asked following.

"My health, it regenerates 600 hp every ten seconds, and I doubt somepony could attack me enough times to get below yellow while I sleep."

"How does it do that? Did you buy something?"

"No, once I hit a certain level it just came to me."

"Hmm, so why are you going to Canterlot?"

"Why would anypony? Change of scenery, but I have something more I want, there's strong monsters there, plus the weapon stores sell better weapons." Dylan waited a few seconds before saying "Why are you following me anyway? Or are you just going to Canterlot and thought you would hang by my side."

"Well, I thought I could just hang with an old friend of mine, you also never did that PvP with me."

"Do you really think you would have a chance with me?"

A PvP invitation popped up in front of Dylan. "We won't know unless we try," said Cameron.

Dylan accepted the Duel, "Fine."

Dylan had equipped his Dual Wield, while Cameron only had her knife and chain. A clock started counting down, from 20 to 0. Once it hit 0 Cameron began swinging her knife and chain.

Dylan watch as the knife was flung towards him, right before it hit his face he stepped to the side, dodging the knife. Dylan grabbed the chain of the knife and yanked it, Cameron, who didn't want to lose her weapon, held tightly to it and flew forward and landed in front of Dylan.

Dylan put a foot on her and held her down as he drew his sword and attacked for her head. Right before the sword grazed her she rolled away, swiping at Dylan's feet, trying to trip him. Dylan jumped, dodging her arm as he swung at her, knocking her back far. Her health bar depleted halfway down.

Cameron shot her knife for him again. This time Dylan got scratch by the sword, knocking 40 damage to his health. Dylan quickly grabbed the chain and threw it hard to his side. It flung around a tree, tying up Cameron to it.

Cameron struggled to get out of it, Dylan knew he didn't have enough time to rush over to her and attack her, "That's it!" Dylan thought, he grabbed his bow, and instead of loading an arrow, he used his sword.

The sword launched, striking her straight through her chest, wiping out the remaining health she had. Dylan walked over to her and removed his sword, unwrapping her from the tree too as a screen popped up in front of both of them.

Dylan's screen had "You win!" while Cameron's had "You lose!"

Both of their healths returned to normal. "I guess that means you won't add me huh?" asked Cameron.

"You're strong I'd have to admit, you should try yourself at the castle with others, you might be able to take down the second floor."

"Speaking of the castle, I heard that there was a group of strong players from many different guilds and parties that are working on defeating the castle."

"Really? Perhaps I should join them... I should get going to Canterlot anyway," Dylan said as he started walking back to Canterlot, Cameron following him.

"We should together sometime, I am looking for leveling up soon. I'm sure that you'll know where good training spots are, if you would care to show me."

"Hmm, maybe. I have traveled around Ponyville, Canterlot and a few other towns when I got bored."

The two arrived at Canterlot at sundown, both of their stomachs grumbling. "How about I buy us something to eat?" asked Cameron.

"You don't need to, I can get food on my own-" Dylan was cut off.

Cameron stepped in front of Dylan, "I'm going to buy something for both of us and I won't take 'no' for an answer."

After a few seconds Dylan replied, "No," and started to walk passed her.

Cameron grabbed his foreleg and dragged to a restaurant, "Too bad, you're coming with me."

"She sure has a strong grip," thought Dylan. "Fine, I'll go, just let go of me."

Smiling, Cameron let go of Dylan, "Finally, follow me." Cameron started walking away.

"Do you even know your way around this place?" asked Dylan as he followed.

"Well yeah, there's a map of it, I've also been here before."

The two walked into a restaurant and were seated. In the course of a few minutes they ordered their food and it was brought to them.

"So why did you really follow me here?" asked Dylan.

"I already told you, I wanted to hang out with you more."

"That can't be it, you could have done this all year, but why now? What could have possibly happened that you would need to find me, and proceed to follow me to here?"

After a few seconds Cameron said, "I wanted to talk about what happened the first day we got here, the day we kissed, I still remember it. Do you?"

"Of course I do," sighed Dylan, "It was the first day of the game, how could I forget it."

"After I kissed you, you kissed me back, but then you proceeded to play it off like it was nothing."

"I told you, it was the heat of the moment."

"Please, tell me the truth, I want to know."

"I am telling you the truth."

"Then why did you unfriend me?"

"I became a solo player, I've said I don't do groups. I don't need friends to venture on in this world, all I need is a way out, a way to get everyone in this game out."

After a few seconds of nothing but the restaurants noises, Cameron said, "About the Duel we had earlier today, you took out half my health in a single blow, and another half right after. How could you do that when you are only 10 levels ahead of me."

"Well, to be honest," said Dylan, "that wasn't my full out attack, I was restricting my attack. I lied about my level."

"Then what is your level?"

"My level is 74, I have been training ever since the day we got here. 74 levels, in a one year nonstop devotion to training."

"Why were you just training for the entire year, there is more stuff to do than train, I mean look around, it seems that ponies are already getting use to being here. I've heard that some ponies that were working to clear the building completely stopped, due to living a normal life."

"It doesn't matter to me, I have more personal stuff I need to do when I get out of here."

"What do you mean? It's been a whole year, it shouldn't matter now."

"I have someone on the other side that I care about, someone in the real world. I know that she is somewhere in here too. I remember her telling me that she pre-ordered the game. I need to get to her, in this world or out of it, but I still need to get everyone out of this one."

"Could you tell me her name?"

"It wouldn't matter to you..." after a few seconds Dylan said, "So you wanted to know why I acted like the kiss was nothing? It was because the heat of the moment for me, I also wanted to get rid of that guilt that was in me for doing that. I didn't want to cheat on her." after another few seconds Dylan asked, "So, why did you kiss me?"

"Well, back then, you seemed a lot like my boyfriend in the real world. I guess the kiss was an accident but, you seemed so much like him I couldn't tell the difference, almost like you were him. He too got this game and is among this world of ponies, I want to get back to the other side so bad just to see his smile again, but I'm hoping that we might see each other here too."

"You know," Dylan looked down for a few seconds then back at her, "back then, you seemed a lot like my girlfriend too. Would you mind telling me his name?"

"Not at all, his name was Dylan."

"What?!" Dylan screamed in his head, his facial expression not changed, "Hmm," Dylan said as he finished his meal.

But this can't be can it? Dylan and Cameron actually being the ponies they are both looking for? No, it can't, it's merely a coincidence that Cameron's boyfriend and Dylan have the same name... can it?

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