
A New Place to Call Home

by Xela3

Chapter 1: 1. I Hate Mornings!

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The mist lay heavy on the ground around the two fields, coating the road that was built between them as well making it hard to see. The silence itself was creepy. No cars. No birds. No humans. Nothing… The only sign of life were small old looking houses scattered along the road.

The alarm clock stopped abruptly as a human pressed the snooze button. The human was a sixteen year old boy from Sweden. He had blonde hair that continued down to his eyes. He had blue eyes that had a shade of gray and he stood about 1, 8 meters. Also he was currently wearing nothing but his white underwear.

After the human slapped his alarm clock he fell back onto his bed. He sighed and gave out a low grunt as he slowly tried sitting up. He didn't succeed and he fell back onto the bed. He let out an annoyed sigh and rolled over to his back. He looked at his clock that glowed with red letters 08:00 or 8am.

"Why wasn't the bed this comfortable yesterday?" He asked himself as he felt the bed beg him to go back to sleep. He ignored the bed's request and stood up. He wobbled a bit before he actually woke up completely. After he had stood there for a few seconds he lazily started putting on the clothes he had prepared the day before.

The clothes he had chosen were everyday clothes. A white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, a pair of black skate shoes and to top it off he chose a dark blue jeans jacket. (His favorite jacket.)

He tried rubbing his eyes to get the sleep away and got out of his "house" (Well you can't really call it a house. It's more of a small yellow guest cabin.) And down the wooden stairs leading to his mother's house. Now it might seem like this human was rich since he has a house of his own, but truth is he and his family were very poor. His mother simply was lucky to find that the house cost very little per month.

This human's name was not very special. His name was Victor Anderson, but we can call him Vic for short. Vic was doing his everyday morning chores, such as brushing his teeth and making his bed. When he finished he ate some breakfast. His breakfast was made of two sandwiches, a bowl of cereal and milk and an apple. After he finished his last chew on the sandwich he put away the dishes and opened the door outside.

He walked over to his red and white mountain bike, ignoring his helmet resting on a shelf next to it. He unlocked the bike lock and hopped on. He almost fell since the bike was a tad too high for him, but he stayed upright and started accelerating with his feet. He followed the small gravel road going from his house to his school. He had about 7 kilometers to bike to get to the city Hedemora, in which his school was located.

After biking for about 30 minutes he reached the edge of the small city. Well, it was more of a big village rather than a small city but anyway he reached a road filled with cars going back and forth.
He would have to cross it to the other side and then take a road that were 2 miles longer, but if he biked on the road there would be lots of traffic around him. He decided that he was in a bit of a hurry, so he took the road with cars. He weren't afraid to get hit since he knew the traffic rules and always followed them.

The mist covering the road made it kind of hard to see where he was going, but he didn't care and soon enough he came to a roundabout. In the middle of the road there was a small fence made out of black painted iron poles, they looked gothic according to Vic. Vic started going into the roundabout and he looked to the right. Suddenly seeming out of nowhere there was a car right next to him going towards him in about 60mph.

Vic could see the driver for a split second. It was a woman in her mid-twenties who was talking in the phone. She looked at him with wide eyes and he could see her slam the brake. But it was too late for that. The front of the car slammed into his side and he felt pain explode in his legs as he fell on the windshield crushing it in the progress. Then the car finally came to a halt, but the gravity caused his body to keep moving, sending his body flying like a ragdoll. He couldn't see what happened but suddenly he slammed into the ground hard and came to a stop abruptly. He gasped for air but he couldn't breathe. He could feel the panic rising until he finally sucked in a big breath of air. He couldn't feel his body and he could barely make out any sounds. All he could see was the sun shining slightly through the gray mist. The blonde woman suddenly rushed into his view.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you and I weren't focused on the road and it just- just… I'm sorry!" She was crying. Her cheek was covered in a few small scratches, maybe from the windshield getting crushed. He simply laid there and gasped for air, unable to say anything. He looked around. Several cars had stopped around him. Some guy was calling 9-1-1 but all he could catch was simply the guy saying that there had been an accident.

There was an older woman to his right who was holding her probably around eight year old daughter in her arms. The woman's hand was covering the child's eyes and the woman's eyes were wide with shock, looking at me. He wondered why she was so shocked but at the same time not, it's not everyday someone sees an accident.

"Yeah he has a metal pole through his stomach! you need to hurry for fucks sake!" The guy calling 9-1-1 said loudly.

'Wait... what?' Vic thought. He looked down towards his feet and what he saw was not very pleasing. One of the poles in the roundabout had penetrated through his back and up through his stomach and blood was pouring out. As he realized this, the pain finally hit him. The pain of something penetrating you like that is not possible to be described by words.

He let out a scream out of agony and he felt the panic increasing in his body. He couldn't think clearly and he couldn't do anything but simply be laying there. The tears started flowing down his cheeks, but the pain was so big that he couldn't even scream anymore. He could feel something climb up his throat and he coughed loudly. What he coughed up made red spots appear all over his jeans which made him realize that he probably wouldn't come out of this alive.

The blood that leaked out of his body was now spreading slowly around him like in a horror movie and he feel his energy going away with the blood. He touched the wound with his hand and lifted it up to his face, only to see that it was covered in blood completely. The amount of blood seemed almost unrealistic.

He gathered as much strength he could through the pain and said;

"I know you didn't mean to, and I forgive you. But if I die, please tell my family that I loved them." These words caused the blonde woman to fall into some kind of sobbing mode and she repeated over and over again.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."
After laying there for a while, He could feel his vision become blurry as well as the sounds. But he could also feel his pain go away slowly and being replaced by warmth. The only sound he could hear now was the sound of sirens cutting through the air. He saw the face of an ambulance personal, even though it was blurry, and he thought; 'This will be the last thing I see before I die' Before he finally closed his eyes and let the warm peaceful slumber take over his body.

The doctors cut of the fence with some sort of cutter and brought him to the ambulance and started working on his body and stitched together his stomach and back. The heart monitor that his body was connected to let out one beep each second, but the rate slowed down. Suddenly the beeping was replaced by a single tone screeching through the air. One of the paramedics brought out a defibrillator and charged it up.

"Charging! Clear!" A subdued thump could be heard as the device shocked his body.

"No reaction! Charging again, stay clear!" Another thump echoed through the ambulance.

"Nothing. God damn it. Charging! Clear!" The last thump sounded like the previous two.

"Nothing… Patient died at 08:39. Cause of death, blood loss. Call the emergency in and cancel the surgery." The ambulance personal giving out the orders looked over to the body of the young boy that slowly turned white color and said.

"I'm sorry kid." Before turning around and taking down a white sheet which he then covered up the boy's body with.

AN: (Authors note.) This is my first story on this page and I hope you all enjoyed. If you would like to you can review. I tried my best to write this in a good way, but I'm from Sweden so a few typos and errors are most likely there. In this chapter I translated the Swedish words to English/equestrian to make it simple, but in the next chapter I will not. Also I will write in first person in the next chapter. Anyway the next chapter will be up soon!

Please Review, favorite and/or follow! It helps writers develop!

Have a good day/ The runner of Stockholm.

Next Chapter: 2. Where am I? Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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