
Changing Friendship Book 3: An End Once and for All

by Make A Sequel To Space Jam

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1

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Here we are. Back again and for the last time. I have to admit, I was excited to start this one so I started earlier than I planned. It might seemed a little rushed but oh well. Do all that good stuff and enjoy.

When fire burns, is it at war? Is it in conflict? Or is it simply doing what it was created to do? We are no different.

Random Pegasus POV

I ran as fast as I could. This is too valuable to lose to the chaos zone again. With a saddle to my side, I ran across unicorn range hoping that I would not be stopped by a chaos monster or any enemy of any sort. The saddle held a plan, blueprints, to a device that could end this war once and for all. If I fail, who knows what kind of punishment I'd get from the princesses at this critical point. I'm a pony soldier who had been assigned to go with my sergeant on a mission to steal these plans. There were four of us and I'm the only one who managed to get out alive. It happened so fast it was hard to process what had exactly happened but I know the chaos monsters killed them.

Canterlot was in my sight and I let out a sigh of relief as it got closer. I sped up and started flying towards the castle. I looked back to make sure that I wasn't being followed and I wasn't. Good. Minutes later, I finally reached Canterlot and entered the castle. A long hall stood in front of me with guards to both of my sides and along the entire hall. At the end of the hall, in a throne, Princess Celestia sat reading some paper from a guard beside her. I ran up to her as fast as possible.

"I see there. We will have to recapture the Everfree Forest and Ponyville." Celestia said not taking her eyes off the paper.

"Princess, we don't have enough supplies or troops to go around and take things from the chaos. They're too strong and smart for most tactics we use. And for every soldier they turn, they kill two. The one who got turned and the friend afraid to kill his buddy. You can't simply beat an enemy like that unless you have a bigger army." The general explained.

"That's true. They don't have supply lines, no civilians, and they use our own soldiers against us. If none of our tactics will be effective then we might as well hold out here so we don't lose any troops." Celestia replied.

"Well if we could get the griffon's help or the dragon's help, we could have a chance." The general said.

"They don't understand the situation. If we don't get help, it'll get them too. I guess we should wait for changeling troops to take it, our chances will increase." Celestia said beckoning him away as she saw me. I opened up my saddle and held out the plans as I bowed.

"Princess, I managed to get the plans but the rest of the squad died." I said lowering my head.

"This is great! We have a chance. Their deaths will not be in vain, I promise you. But there is a key component I need you to retrieve." Celestia explained.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It is engraved in stone and we need to get him out. Here's a mixture I made a while ago. It will help get him out of stone. We can't afford to send the elements of harmony and Discord has become too strong for them. Whenever you release him, I have instructions for you as well. I'll also send you a partner as well who will be invaluable to the mission. His name is Shady and he's ages older than you but he's very strong and clever." Celestia explained giving me a small bottle full of a purple liquid and a letter. "Shady will tell you where to go but for now rest and when you wake up Shady will be there."

"Okay Princess." I replied leaving the castle. I flew up in the air and looked around for the barracks. I don't know why but I always have a hard time finding it. I finally spotted it and flew down to the entrance. This barracks goes down deep into the mountain and I've never been a fan of the stairs for it. I usually just choose top floor to go to sleep. I entered the first room. It had one open bed, the other eleven were taken by other soldiers. I laid down in the bed and relaxed. Maybe I should tell you my name. My name is Silus. I'm a purple pegasus with a dark blue mane and tail and brown eyes. I'm twenty-two years old and I joined this war when I was eighteen. Celestia needed recruits so I answered the call. Although I'm just a corporal, I'm happy to serve. As far as I know, this war has been going on for twenty-one years without a cease-fire of any kind.

Weapons, from what I heard, have advanced since then. All I have and know is a sword, a pouch of iron balls, and a musket or pistol to use it on is standard equipment. I prefer a pistol over rifle. They also say cannons were a late invention following the discovery of gunpowder and development of guns. I have what's called a flintlock pistol. Very reliable in quick situations. And with that thought, I fell asleep.

"Hey. Wake up corporal." Said a deep and irritated voice.

"Mum...give me five more minutes." I whined rolling over.

"It's time to get up!" Said the voice loudly as it flipped the bed. I fell onto the cold hard floor with the bed over top me. I was definitely awake now. The pony used it's magic to lift the bed and place it back where it was. I looked up and saw a black unicorn standing over me.

"Shady?" I asked.

"Yeah. Now come on. We're leaving. I'd rather just get this done and over with. Why? I heard the war could finally end. Now I don't know about you, but I plan to finish this war and go back home to my brother." He said as I got up.

"It could end the war...let's hurry." I said putting on my gun and sword satchel. After we got done preparing, we got to a carriage.

"Okay this carriage will take us in deep in the heart of chaos. That's where we'll find our target. In that letter contains a psych report for our subject. Make sure you get all the info. Once we're in we have to hurry and get out. Now we'll be in their "prison" blocks where the statue is. Our ETA is ten minutes." Shady said as we boarded the chariot. Ten minutes passed of sightseeing the area. Vanhoover used to be such a good city but now it's the chaos central. As we pulled in closer and closer, more objects came into sight. Giant red thundering clouds are circling the center. We call them cloudians but we're not exactly sure what they're made of.

There are giant floating ships going in and out of a port. From rumors, we've heard that's where they transport prisoners. Luckily our chariot goes through all of the enemies undetected. Vanhoover actually sits above this place. A castle unlike any other seen is on the top. The statue should be down in the bottom part of the prison. We got to where the statue should be but instead a wall stood in the way. There was no way around or in. But I guess that's a reason this chariot was given a cannon. Shady and I loaded up the cannon and lit a match. We lit the string to the cannon. After a couple seconds, the flame finally got to the base.

A tremendously loud bang rang throughout the area as the cannon went through the wall. A gaping hole was made in the wall. The chariot pulled up beside it and we stepped off. We signaled for it to wait as we ran down the room. It was a decently long straight hall. At the end stood a pony-like statue. We reached the end and it was actually a changeling statue! What's Celestia thinking? Oh well, it's her problem. I opened up the letter and pulled the paper out along with the quill. In the other hoof I opened up the bottle.

"Get this over with. There's some stairs over here. I'll keep watch." Shady said going behind the statue. I lifted up the bottle and poured the liquid on the statue. The liquid faded away as it dripped down. The statue glowed, getting brighter and brighter. Then everything went white. When it cleared, a big changeling stood in front of me. He loomed over me and bent his head to look at me closer.

"A pony freed me? Okay, what do you want?" He asked.

"Let me ask you some questions." I said.

"Fine." He replied lifting his head up.

"Hurry up! They're coming in big numbers!" Shady yelled charging up his horn.

"Oh hey Shady what's up?" Asked the changeling.

"Oh gee nothing really...Just buying our asses time that's all now hurry the fuck up!" Shady replied firing magic shots.

"Okay what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Oorag, king of the changelings." He replied. I froze up. H-...he's the...king?! I wrote down all areas he answered then moved on to the next question.

"Do you feel the need to kill?" I asked double checking the question to make sure that was it.

"No. I can remember when I did though." He said.

"Hurry up! There's too many!" Shady said backing up.

"Okay last one. Will you cooperate with the ponies?" I asked.

"...I guess." Oorag said thinking. I wrote down all of the results and put the paper back in the letter.

"Let's go. Follow me." I said beckoning them both with my hoof. Oorag and I ran off but Shady stayed.

"Just go on! They're closing in on us fast!" Shady said as husks and gallopers drew near. Husks are disgusting chaos creatures that stand on two legs, are glowing red, and are a bit bigger than ponies. Gallopers are mutated chaos ponies. They glow red as well and are just a bit bigger than a regular pony.

"What the hell are those?!" Oorag shouted.

"Don't worry about it! Just go!" Shady shouted as he got hit with a blast and stumbled.

"Listen Shady you have to come! C'mon you can get here!" Oorag shouted beckoning him as we stepped on the chariot.

"I'll be fine! You're too important!" Shady said charging all of his magic. I told the driver to take off. Oorag stared back and lowered his head. We made it out and headed toward the castle.

Oorag POV

Shady, I hate to leave you behind my friend. I wished I could have brought him along and had him stay alive. What happened over these years? The pegasus says I've been gone for twenty years now. The changelings got their new king and chaos monsters came. Silus, I think his name is, told me all about it. All of the advancement over these years is amazing. But I think I'll just use my sword instead of trying to handle a gun. Silus asked me some more questions he forgot about on the paper. All of which were a bit painful to answer for me. The fact that I went around just killing ponies for blood lust is nothing like me. I accept it happened but I wish it hadn't. Discord had gotten hold of me and my mental being and twisted it. I see what he was planning now. With the war and it's chaos, he managed to break free of his stone prison. Then these chaos monsters came.

That's it! That's why Ponyville had armor scattered everywhere but with no organic remains. He must of gotten them. Chaos monsters. I didn't get a good glimpse of many of them but it was hideous. Twisted, deformed, and blood thirsty beings reincarnated by chaos made from living beings. I figure they're why Celestia wants me. She must have something bigger planned though. Also I heard the changelings got a new king. My power still seems to be intact but I wonder if the new king, Garoo, got killed considering my power wasn't taken.

We were nearing the castle as Sirus finished the list of questions. Canterlot had lots of new buildings in the mountains, no doubt for some military use. Somehow though the castle looked the same. Not broken like before though, it was in perfect condition now. As we landed, a close eye by many guards were on us as we made our approach to the castle. These ponies looked different. Some looked the same like I saw before but there were a whole bunch of different ones as well. I thought that the ponies looking the same was just an illusion but I guess not. Countless ponies escorted us into the castle. We moved throughout it until reaching the main hall with Celestia. She was on a throne reading some sort of blue prints along with countless books beside her. As she caught sight of me, she motioned all of the ponies to leave except for Silus.

"Silus let me see the report." Celestia said beckoning with her hoof. Silus walked up to her and handed the letter. She levitated the paper out of the letter and read it nodding her head. "Oorag I need your help. Listen closely."

"Okay." I said.

"Shady recovered blueprints from your castle before your imprisonment. The Crucible. Researchers and heads of project Draconix looked into these blueprints and recently discovered that the Crucible is a magical weapon built by ancestors. Supposedly against chaos as they found out. I'm not going to lie, we're desperate. They took Mirror Pond away from us so now we have limited troops. I figure if we can get those eight gems and the Catalyst, it might end it all. It's a long shot but it's all we have and you're a key part. But we will need help as these gems might be spread throughout the world. I want to task you with getting us help from the griffins and dragons if possible. They might not realize it yet but the chaos will come for them soon enough. If we come together there might be a chance. But we need you." Celestia explained. So that's why I always saw the same troops, pretty smart of them. Things must be bad if she's that desperate though. But something I don't understand here is that why the chaos is trying to kill us. I'd expect just chaos not murder. Should I help?

I zoned out into deep thought as painful visions hit me. Flashes of red came by as I saw creatures being ripped apart and killed by a giant red blast of chaos magic. I got a major headache and snapped my eyes shut. It was like a painful screech being heard inside my head ringing over and over again. I snapped out of it and opened my eyes. I saw destruction right before my eyes. Is that what'll happen if I don't help? I guess I wouldn't have much of a choice though. If chaos is as powerful as I'm hearing, then changelings won't last as long as I would hope.

"I'll help. What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"We can't afford to be fighting anything other than chaos right now. I need you to do the hardest task on the list. Form a treaty between the ponies and changelings." Celestia said.

Well this is just the beginning. And I'm glad to start this and end the series. Also in case you did not notice, tons of Mass Effect references. I'm a fan girl about the game. Now let me just clear some things with you all.

Chaos monsters:

Husks are basically the same as they are in ME1 and ME3 except red with a darker red aura coming off.

Gallopers are the husk equivalence for ponies.

Cloudians I like to think of like the reaper ships in ME3 except they're cloud-like, red, and fire powerful thunder bolts instead of lasers.

There will be more to come. I really hope you guys will like this one better than Book2. Because in my opinion, it was utter shit. This will be written better and will be longer. I Pinkie Promise on it.

Next Chapter: 2. Chapter 2: Treaty Estimated time remaining: 6 Minutes
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