
My Little Pony: Magician X

by kman134

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 1: Equestria

Previous Chapter

5-hours-ago, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were out in the yard of Sweet Apple Acres, trying to get there cutie marks by trying to be "Cutie Mark Crusader: Apple Buckers!", which is what they shouted, although Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo weren't very excited about it, at first. Applebloom, on the other hand, was very excited, thinking that she'll get to do what her older sister, Applejack, does every Applebuck season; however, Applebuck season was a week away and many of the apples were not ripe, yet.

"Come on, y'all, this could be our chance to get our cutie marks," pleaded Applebloom as she led her friend to find the perfect tree to practice on.

Sweetie Belle was the first to respond, "I don't know, Applebloom. I don't think I like the idea of an apple on my flank." She wasn't the only one with second thoughts as Scootaloo thought the same thing. "Besides, won't we get in trouble for not getting permission from Applejack, or Big Macintosh?"

"Don' worry, ah asked Granny Smith permission before we left," so she claims, but what really happened was this.


Applebloom walked into her house while the other two members of the CMC were waiting outside. She spots her grandmother passed out in her rocking chair and taking a nap before supper.

The young filly walks up and asks, innocently, "Granny Smith, would it be okay if ah practiced applebucking with my friends?" Leaning in closer, Applebloom waited for Granny Smith to respond. Between snores, she heard the word "sure" slip out of her snout.

The young filly smiled and, excitedly, yelled "Thanks, Granny!" as she ran off to her friends.

"Sure ya can have a piece of apple pie, Mr. Bunny," Applebloom ran out before she could hear the rest as her grandmother talked in her sleep.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders had found the perfect tree to practice on. A tall tree with small apples that were not yet ripe. Applebloom went first. She tried to buck the tree like her sister, backwards and with her back legs; however, nothing happened. She tried everything to bring the apples down: karate kicks, punches, and headbutts. In retrospect, that last one wasn't a very bright move.

"Stand aside, let me take a crack out of this!" Scootaloo shouted with confidence. As Applebloom walked to where Sweetie Belle was, she watched and observed the young pegasus in action.

Like Applebloom, Scootaloo gave it a good kick, but nothing fell. Then she started pushing it with her two front hooves while her back-hooves started dragging along the grass. She even flew up and tried to pick one of the apples, but it still wouldn't budge. "Oh, forget it!" and that was when Scootaloo finally gave up. Now, it was Sweetie Belle's turn; however, like her friends, she made no progress. Kicking pushing, punching, she even tried sweet talking the tree to drop the apples. Regardless, it still made no difference. 20-minutes-later, the CMC sat down on the grass with hoof on their chins, sighing as they gave up.

"Oh, this is hopeless! We'll never cutie marks by the time we grow up!" Scootaloo exclaimed. Sweetie Belle held up a note pad and said in disappointment, "I guess we can cross out 'applebucking' off the list."

"Now, don' give up, now! Ah'm sure if we try harder, we're sure to get our cutie marks by then!" Applebloom preached, enthusiastically. That actually brought her friends out of their slump.

They weren't about to give up just yet. "Yeah, we can't just sit around doing nothing," said Scootaloo with a reassuring demeanor. Sweetie Belle agreed, saying, "That's right, we can't give up. We have to try everything until we get our cutie marks and you know why. It's because we are..." the three filly's all high hoofed each other and shouted in unison: "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

They were getting ready to leave as they shouted "Cutie Mark Crusaders, away!", but before they could, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle heard something coming 5-feet-away from where they were. Galloping to the sound of a moaning "ah", the Cutie Mark Crusaders stopped when they saw what was making those noises.

It was a silhouetted figure lying under a shady tree. It was in pain and couldn't do anything about it.

"What is that thing?" inquired Scootaloo.

"M-maybe, it's some kind of m-m-monster," Sweetie Belle mumbled, shaking in fear from the sight of the creature.

"It might be in trouble. Ah'll go and see if it needs any help," Applebloom volunteered to get close to the creature. She walked up close and, softly, spoke to it "Hello...Mr. Monster. Are you in trouble? Do you need any help?". Suddenly she started feeling something wet under her hooves when she got close to it. She look down and what she saw was something that brought horror to her eyes. "Ah!" she screamed. It was blood she was stepping on, all red and sticky. She, immediately, ran back to the farm with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle following behind her. She tried calling for help as she ran: "Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh!" and she screamed for help by the time she got back to her house.

Present time...

Jake West awoke in shock as five talking, miniature horses stood in front of his hospital bed. Everyone's jaws drop to the floor. He couldn't believe his eyes as he tried to figure out the situation. Okay, let see what we have here. I'm in another world where small, talking horses exist, I'm in a hospital, in bed, hooked up to a life support system, I don't know what's going on, I don't know where my friends are, and I don't even I a clue how to get back ho—.

His train of thought had derailed as a pink pony appeared standing on his stomach. She started talking as she bounced up and down on his stomach: "Hey, I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your name!? Where did you come from!? Why is your mane black and yellow!? If you ever had cherries wrapped in a tortilla, would you call it a chimicherry or a cherrychanga, or a chimicherrychange? Huh? Huh?" every bounce pinkie pie produced brought a surge of pain throughout Jake's body. Like that was going to help him heal. Just then, the white unicorn, Rarity, walked over to the side of the bed.

"Pinkie Pie, darling, you do know you're making this poor dear's injuries worse, don't you?" inquired Rarity. Pinkie Pie stopped bouncing and saw the agonizing expressions Jake was making. She replied, innocently, "Oops, sorry about that." She jumped off the bed and walked back to the others."

Rarity looked at the human and said with a warming smile, "Sorry about that, Pinkie Pie can get a little...excited when she meets someone new. So, you said you have a name, care to tell us what it is?"

"Oh, yeah sorry. My name's Jake, Jake West," Said Jake, rubbing the back of his head.

"Nice to meet you, Jake," Rarity stated with a short smile on her face. She turned around and pointed a hoof at her friends, introducing them one at a time: "This is Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash...well, you've already met Pinkie Pie."

"Y-yeah, I already have!" Face turning blue and a large sweat drop on his forehead, Jake was slightly unnerved by Pinkie Pie's presence. Jake's expression changed, becoming somewhat analytic as he examined his surroundings. He turns his attention at Rarity and asks while arching his right-eye, "Where am I?"

"Why you're in a hospital, darling."

"No, no; I know that, but, what I mean is, what world am I on?"

"Why, you're in Equestria, silly! The most wonderful place in the world!" Jake felt another pain surge throughout his body. He noticed Pinkie Pie standing on his stomach, again, as she appeared out of nowhere. "Oops, sorry," she jumps off and walks back to her friends. "What about you, Jake, where are you from?"

"Well, I'm from a town called Wilkstown, North Carolina, from a world called 'Earth'."

Another thought came to Rarity. Looking at Jake, she says to him, curiously, "Excuse me for asking, Jake, but...what are you, exactly?"

"Me? Well, I'm a human; also, known as 'Homo Sapiens'," Answered Jake, flashing a friendly grin.

"So yer a human, huh. We have a friend named 'Twilight' who traveled to a world filled yer people," Applejack walked over and spoke to Jake for the first time. "She's busy up in Canterlot and she ain't gonna be here 'til tomorrow."

Unbeknownst to them, the door opened and another pony appeared. Nurse Redheart walked into the room, hoping to see if her patient was feeling alright, "Oh, good to see that you're up already. Tell me, how are you feeling today?"

Jake turned his attention to Nurse Redheart and gave her a straight answer, "Not too bad; suffered a lot worse, to be precise."

"Not to worry, the doctor said that you'll make a full recovery in about two weeks," replied Nurse Redheart with good news. Two weeks! For Jake, two weeks wasn't going to cover it.

"T-two weeks! I can't wait two weeks, I got to find my friends. It's possible that they came here, as well! I got to find them and a way to get back home!" He couldn't help but panic since there wouldn't be much time since he and his friends were in the middle of a war between good and evil. "I need to leave now, before something bad happens!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but this is the doctor's orders and it's my job as a nurse to keep you here until you're healed," assured Nurse Redheart as she placed her hooves on Jake's hands, preventing him from leaving his bed.

Letting out a big huff, Jake had no choice but to take drastic measures. "Fine, if that's the way you want it, then I'm just going to have to do this." He places his hands on his lap and says the word "Sanabo!" and then a flash of light began to glow from his hands. After the ligth disappeared, he started getting up out of bed, removing the needles from his arms, shocking many of the ponies around him.

"W-wait, sir, you can't get up out of bed so soon! You need time for your body to heal before you can leave!" Nurse Redheart protested; however, she stopped talking when she watched Jake unwrapped his gauze. All the ponies in room dropped their jaws at what they saw.

"H-how is that possible?" inquired Nurse Redheart

"Golly, Now that's what ah call 'fast healing'." Applejack commented.

"My goodness, and he's as good as new, stated Rarity.

"No way!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Wow!" Pinkie Pie gawked.

Every part of his body was healed. Jake was now ready to leave. Suddenly, Jake looked and saw that he had nothing on but his underwear. He turned to his new friends and said with blank white eyes, "Um, guys, where did you put my clothes?"

"Oh, those rags. I put them under here, darling," A box appeared from under Jake's hospital bed, floating in the air while being surrounded by a purple glow of energy. It drifted and landed on Jake's lap. He started on everything that belonged to him in the box: A white buttoned shirt, a green jacket, blue levi's, a pair of socks, and a pair of leather biker boots. Getting up, he walked out of the hospital room, causing the five of the Mane 6 to follow him while leaving Nurse Redheart mumbling.

Walking out of the hospital, Jake noticed the glares he was receiving from the ponies around him. Many ponies stared at him, sharing whispers with one another. Jake's vision of them was blocked by the cyan pegasus known as Rainbow Dash.

"That was awesome! How did you heal so quick!? Was it because of that glowing light that came from your hands!? Was it some kind of magic!?" Rainbow was so excited,s he almost lost balanced while flying.

Jake just chuckled as he shook his head, saying, "Indeed, Rainbow Dash, it was magic. You see, in my world, I'm what my people would call a 'magic-user', or a 'magician', but not many humans are able to use magic. So only a minority of my people can use magic."

"Huh, ya don't say," Applejack responded in awe.

"So, where are we going?" Asked Jake.

"First, darling, you're going to come with me to my place at the Carousel Boutique so I make you some new clothes," the fashionista remarked. "I can't stand by while you walk around in public wearing some disgusting rags."

"Second, yer going to come with me to Sweet Apple Acres and apologize to my sister, Applebloom, fer almost scaring her ta death," said Applejack with an angry facial expression.

"And third, you coming with us to Sugarcube Corner so that I can throw you A PARTY!" Pinkie Pie jumped up in front of Jake with a wide grin.

Closing his eyes, Jake didn't hear a word they were saying. He thought to himself with these words: Guys, where ever you are, I hope you're safe and if you are in this world, then please come a find me.

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