
Don't Lose Track

by Make A Sequel To Space Jam

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1: Intro

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This came to me in a dream that came after playing a couple old Nintendo games and listening to some music. So here it is tell me what you think.

"Hey guys look it's orphan boy!" Said a teenager walking in the store with his posse of friends. I sighed.

"Yes what do you want Joey?" I asked.

"Is someone grumpy?" He said walking up to the counter.

"Just buy what ya want and get out." I said trying to ignore him. Hopefully the music from my phone will block him out. It's playing 45 by Shinedown, a favorite of mine. I listen to anything that is rock or metal and sometimes dubstep.

"Awe come on. We came to see our favorite buddy." Said Joey going behind the counter and wrapping my neck and scratching my head with his fist. He let go and went to the front of the counter with his friends. "So how are you parents?" He laughed. My anger pulsed through my body. The world seemed to grow a bit gray when I did except for him. My fist clenched as my adrenaline flowed. I hate that fucking prick. I was so close to punching him but I stopped myself and he's across the counter from me.

"If you're not going to buy anything leave." I said.

"Hey c'mon don't be mean. Whatcha listening to?" Joey asked.

"Shinedown." I replied.

"Pff. You guys here that! Such a faggot. I'm not gonna bye anything. You're such a loser you know that." He said. He got really close to my ear. "You should just kill yourself orphan boy. No one's gonna adopt a loser like you." He and his friends left. I looked at my watch on my wrist. 8pm, my shift is over. I took off the jacket I have to wear and hung it on the rack behind the counter. I grabbed my red Gibson SG from behind the counter and put on my gray hoodie that was beside it. I told my boss that I'm leaving then I flipped my hood on and left the store.

The sun was setting and I looked out and saw my ride waiting for me. A blue car stood outside the store. I opened the back door and climbed in.

"Okay Nathan time to go back to the orphanage." Said the driver.

"Okay Debbie." I said plucking the strings on my guitar. Debbie is the only nice person to me at the orphanage. Even if she is just a driver. A nice middle aged woman. About half an hour later we checked in the orphanage. I entered the room that I used to share with another orphan until he died but that was eleven years ago. I laid on the bed in my small room. All I have is a couple books I've read too many times, my small bed, a bedside table, and a lamp. I turned out the lights and laid in my bed. I made sure to take out my gun I kept in my pillow case. I always keep it loaded just in case and if they ever found it I'd go to jail.

My name is Nathan. I'm seventeen years. I'm 6 feet tall with pale skin. My eyes are hazel colored and my hair is a bit of blonde and brown. I live in an orphanage in Canterlot. I go to Canterlot Highschool. My parents died when I was five years old and almost everyone at school makes fun of me except a few. My life is hell. I hate my life. This has been going on since I was seven years old. However a while ago I was happy. I had a good girlfriend, or so I thought. We dated for a month and a half when she broke up with me claiming to have always hating me. To make it even worse she called me the same name all of the people who make fun of me call me. Orphan boy.

The gun. It's a 45 and I have one bullet for it. One bullet to make it all stop. Suicide. I've considered it so many times. I'm going to do it tomorrow. I got out of bed and placed my gun inside my backpack and zipped it shut then climbed back in bed and went to sleep. I woke up at 7am and got dressed. A pair of jeans and a black shirt. I grabbed my backpack and guitar. I swung my guitar over with the strap holding it to me then I put on my backpack.

Debbie rode me to school and dropped me off. By then it was fifteen minutes before my classes start. I entered the school and went down the left hall to my locker. I reached my locker and threw in my back pack as my friend Brad came. He's a nice guy, definitely a ladies guy. He plays lead guitar in the band I'm in. He was walking alongside Sam and Gane. Gane is star on the football team and also our drummer. Sam is our bassist and he's probably the smartest in the school. I do the vocals and play rhythm guitar.

"Yo what is up Nathan?" Asked Gane going to his locker that's to the right of mine.

"Nothing much." I said shutting my locker keeping my guitar on me.

"Well thanks to me we'll get to practice all day in school. Just us practicing music and no work." Said Sam. "Also I got Vinyl to help us as well."

"Nice dude." Brad said opening his locker and putting his things in. I had always liked Vinyl. She is a good friend and I've always wanted to be more than that to her.

"Yeah well where are we going to practice?" I asked.

"Dude we're going to practice in the recording room remember?" Gane asked. It is sound proof and we'll be out of the way. "Lay off the blunts man." He laughed.

"Ya know he can't say no to them." Brad said. It's true. The whole school day passed quick in my eyes. Soon enough it was three o clock and time to go to work. Except I won't. I grabbed my back pack and guitar and left the school. I went to the back of the school and sat beside the dumpster. I pulled out a blunt from my back pack along with a lighter. I always keep one on me, just in case. I lit it up and placed it in my mouth to suck in some of the smoke. For hours I sat there high after finishing the blunt.

When I started thinking better I looked at my watch. It was five minutes before midnight. I grabbed my stuff and went to the statue in front of the school. I sat down leaning against the mirror and got my guitar and tuned it. I started playing the tune to the song 45 by Shinedown in acoustic because I didn't have an amp on me.

"Send away for a priceless gift. One not subtle, one not on the list. Send away for a perfect world. One not simply, so absurd. In these times of doing what you're told
You keep these feelings, no one knows. What ever happened to the young man's heart. Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell I'm staring down the barrel of a 45, swimming through the ashes of another life. No real reason to accept the way things have changed. Staring down the barrel of a 45. Send a message to the unborn child. Keep your eyes open for a while. In a box high up on the shelf, meant for you, no one else. There's a piece of a puzzle known as life. Wrapped in guilt, sealed up tight. What ever happened to the young man's heart. Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart. Everyone's pointing their fingers, always condemning me. And nobody knows what I believe. I believe. And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45, swimming through the ashes of another life. No real reason to accept the way things have changed. Staring down the barrel of a 45. And I'm staring down the barrel of a 45,and I'm Swimming through the ashes of another life. And there's' no real reason to accept the way things have changed. Staring down the barrel of a 45, 45, 45. Staring down the barrel of a 45." I sang. Near the end I quit playing the guitar, holding the neck in my left hand.

I opened my back pack and pulled out the gun while I was singing and made sure it was loaded. Then I put it to the side of my head with my right hand. As I got finished singing midnight had finally came. Then I pulled the trigger. Everything went black.

That's the intro. I hope you liked it. So please do all that good stuff like reviewing and favorite and following. Next chapter will be out in a week or so. See ya.

Next Chapter: 2. Chapter 2: Welcome Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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