
Second Chances

by dmr131313

Chapter 9: 9. Chapter 9

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Note from the author: NO THIS STORY HASN'T DIED YET! It has just took a long intermission, but now it's back into action! Sorry for the long wait I just had so much to do other than these stories, and this story was my 'more serious' story so it takes a bit longer to think up. Anyway I should stop talking now and get on with the story!

Date: Dylan

As the sun rolled into the air, Dylan slowly started to wake up. The first thing he saw was Applejack's bright blonde mane in his face. They were in the same position that they fell asleep in, Dylan smiled after remembering last night.

He slowly got out from underneath Applejack, after he got out he returned the stetson to her. Dylan then proceeded to pack up. Since he was a boy scout back on Earth it wasn't that hard for him to pack up. After he finished he grabbed an apple and started eating it while he waited for Applejack to awake from her slumber.

As Dylan just finished the apple, minutes later, Applejack slowly awoke. She noticed Dylan wasn't underneath her but instead watching her sleep. "Why'd you move?" asked Applejack, walking towards Dylan.

"Somepony had to clean up the picnic," responded Dylan.

"Well we don't have to go so soon. We could stay up her for a few more minutes, where nopony could find us, or hear us," Applejack said quietly with a wink.

"Well what about Astral, and Applebloom, they might be wondering where we are, plus you need to do your apple-bucking."

"That's true," Applejack said with a sigh, she grabbed the wagon and started walking back home, "Come on," she said to Dylan. Dylan proceeded to follow Applejack.

Date: Star Blitz

As Star Blitz slowly woke up he heard the birds singing. He smiled. He saw that the pony he fell asleep with wasn't in bed with him anymore. He got up and went to look for her.

When he went downstairs he saw that she just finished setting breakfast for the three of them, Star Blitz, Angel Bunny, and of course herself. Star Blitz sat down next to Fluttershy and looked at the wonderful breakfast she prepared. "You didn't have to do this Fluttershy," said Star Blitz.

"Oh but I did, you are my guest and I should make your stay comfy," responded Fluttershy.

This comment made Star Blitz lightly blush as Fluttershy sat down and started eating. Star Blitz joining her.

Place: Sweet Apple Acres

As Dylan and Applejack returned home, Dylan's little brother ran up to him in a familiar looking cape. "Dylan where did you go? You didn't come back last night," Astral said.

"I went out, and since when did you care where I went?" asked Dylan.

"I was just curious that's all," he looked over at Applejack and saw what was in the wagon, knowing what happened with Dylan last night.

"So you have joined Crusaders, huh?" said Dylan with a smirk.

Astral looked at the cape for a moment and said, "Oh, yeah I did," he lifted up a side and said, "and it's lined with a special gold silk which I think adds a nice touch." He and his brother shared a laugh.

"For a pony that can't make clothing she can make a good cape," said Dylan.

From the distance they heard, "Come on Astral, we got more Crusadin' to do!"

Judging by the southern accent, it was Applebloom calling for Astral, "Well gotta run, Crusading calls," said Astral right before he ran back to his friends.

Dylan saw Applejack walk out of the barn and go back to her apple-bucking. He walked over to her and said, "Need any help?"

"I could always use some help with Apple-bucking. Have you ever bucked a tree before?" asked Applejack.

"Not really."

"Well how about you try yourself at that tree right there," Dylan looked to his side and saw a tree with empty buckets underneath it. Applejack showed Dylan what to do.

"Like this?" asked Dylan as he bucked the tree he was told to, most of the apples from the tree falling into the bucket.

Applejack was amazed, "You sure you never bucked a tree before?"

"Last time I checked."

"Alright, how about you go on that side of the orchard and I'll work on this side, then we'll meet somewhere in the middle," explained Applejack.

"Alright," replied Dylan before he walked to the other side of the orchard. He started working.

As they finished it started getting dark, Applejack walked up to Dylan, "How about we head over to Sugarcube Corner and get something to eat?"

"Sure, I'll go see if Astral wants to come," Dylan walked away in search of his brother.

When he found him, he was with the other Crusaders at the Crusader Clubhouse. Dylan knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

When the door opened Astral had opened it, "Hey Dylan."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go Sugarcube corner with Applejack and I, get something to eat."

Astral looked back at his friends for a moment then said, "Sure, why not."

Astral followed Dylan back to a waiting Applejack, "Alright, let's go," said Dylan. They started making their way to Sugarcube Corner.

When the three arrived at Sugarcube Corner, Dylan and Astral saw their friends, Andy and Shadow, eating cupcakes at a table with Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and don't forget Twilight.

Applejack, Astral, and Dylan sat with the others. "Looks like the gang is all here," Dylan said to his friends who shared a laugh.

"What is this, a coincidence, or just fate?" said Shadow.

The huge group started chatting among themselves, laughing most of the time due to Pinkie Pie, well being Pinkie Pie.

After a couple of minutes of chatting Shadow noticed a particular looking white mare walk into Sugarcube Corner. This white mare had blue and light blue striped mane and tail, red eyes, a horn, and purple shades.

Dylan, who is sitting next to Shadow, noticed who he was looking at. "You just gonna stare?" asked Dylan.

Shadow looked at Dylan like he just got out a trance. "What are you talking about?"

"Are you serious? I've been to your house, seen the posters, seen the figurines, seen your notebook, you even have it as your computer theme."

"And you point?"

"Go ask her," said Dylan.

"We probably don't have anything in common."

Dylan facehoofed, "What music to you listen to?"


"What do you like about Dubstep?"

"The Bass."

"And your point about having nothing in common?"

"Fine," said Shadow as he got up and walked over to Vinyl Scratch.

Dylan only watched as his friend talked to the best DJ known in Equestria. As Shadow began to walk back Dylan said, "So what did she say?"

Next Chapter: 10. Chapter 10 Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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