
Echoes of the Heart

by Rain Winter

Chapter 2: 2. Change of Heart

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Change of Heart

Neither Spike nor Twilight could get the sound of Rainbow Dash's laughter out of their heads. It constantly rang in their ears, and without even realizing it, tears began to fall from their eyes. Both felt a sense of danger, as if the world was going to take a dim view of their new relationship, yet both could feel a sense of pride well up within them as well. Whether the world took a dim view of them or not, they were going to be together forever more, and no one was going to tell them otherwise.

Upon seeing her friends starting to tear up, Rainbow Dash ceased her laughing, not realizing in the slightest that she could have probably hurt them. A sense of guilt and regret began to manifest inside of her, growing to the point that she was feeling on the verge of tears herself. Unaware of the rage and the conflict that was going on within their minds, she said, "I am sorry guys, but you have to admit that it was funny. Applejack and I had made a bet that Spike would eventually fall for you as you did for him. I won the bet."

Now it all made sense to the couple, why she was laughing and why both Rainbow Dash and Applejack had been seemingly distant from them for the last few weeks. Twilight though could not believe what she had just heard, her friends knew about her love for Spike, yet they remained silent about it. "Rainbow, when did you and Applejack find out that I had feelings for Spike?"

Rainbow Dash smiled warmly before she sighed and said, "Well, it was kind of obvious. Rarity was the first to see it, the way that you hung around Spike all of the time, even though he is your assistant. Applejack became aware of the way that you would savor every morsel of food that he would cook for you, almost as if you would never get the chance to again. I noticed how you clung on to every word that he spoke as if it were his last, the way that you would stare at him with the little twinkle in your eyes. Fluttershy was the one who found out the depth of your love for him, yet she knew that you did not want to ruin his chances with Rarity, so you held your feelings inside."

Twilight looked sweet and innocently back up to Spike, who favored her with a caring glance. "I never noticed how much I loved him until a few weeks ago myself. I knew that it was always there, and I so wanted to tell him, but I did not want to mess things up with him and his crush. It was hard to hold back my tongue, but it was not impossible. I am glad now for withholding my feelings, because now I know that we will be together, and I can say this." She paused as she looked deep into his eyes, watching as he slowly leaned in closer to her. "I love you."

Spike beamed proudly as he said, "I love you too." No other word was spoken as he leaned the rest of the way down and connected his lips with her own, completely forgetting that Rainbow Dash was watching the scene unfold. His hands cupped her cheeks while her hoofs went around the back of his head, refusing to let him go.

Rainbow Dash looked away with a few tears in her eyes, knowing that what she held within her heart was nothing more than a fantasy, a dream that could never be fulfilled. Her heart yearned for her special somepony, a love that she had, had for many years, and was ashamed of it. She had always been told that love existed in many forms, even in her case, but she did not want to accept it. All she wanted to do was forget about her love, let it go away, but no matter how hard she tried, it always came back stronger than before.

Twilight giggled lightly when they broke from their kiss, watching as he sat up straight yet again and looked over towards Rainbow Dash, who had her face turned away and tears streaming down her face, something that was very rare indeed to see. Twilight looked over when she saw a worried expression on Spike's face, and she herself started to grow a sympathetic look when she saw the scene before her. "Rainbow, what's wrong?"

Rainbow Dash chanced a glance in their direction, and could not help herself when she did. Both Spike and Twilight looked at her with nothing but love and warmth in their eyes, truly caring as to what was upsetting their best friend. Without even thinking about it, she turned herself around and embraced them both in a hug. "Love is a cruel joke!"

Both Spike and Twilight flashed each other a quizzical look before turning back to Rainbow Dash, who still held them close to her. Spike let his hand slowly stroke her mane, "What's wrong with love Rainbow? I mean, look at Twilight and myself, we are as happy as can be." He continued to stroke her mane while she dried into both of their shoulders, hating herself for every speaking to them about her troubled heart.

She sighed as she broke their hug to wipe the tears from her eyes, "I cannot be with the one that I love, the one that I truly want to be with. M-M-My heart lies w-w-w-with Ap..." Words escaped her as more tears came to her eyes, forming a lump in her throat and not allowing her to speak in any way.

Twilight and Spike glanced with love in their eyes at one another, and together they whispered, "Finally." Both had known about Rainbow Dash's feelings and who she had, had a crush on, and they could both see that the pony she was interested in felt the same way, but both were unable to tell one another how they truly felt.

Spike sighed as he began to play with Twilight's mane, much to her delight, making her smile and giggle uncontrollably. As he did he looked over at Rainbow Dash and said, "You mean to tell us that you are in love with Applejack. We know, we were just waiting for you to admit it to both us, and yourself. Accepting the truth is the first step to happiness with the one that you love, I learned that lesson pretty fast." A grin spread across his lips as he glanced down at Twilight, who was now blushing while she giggled.

Rainbow Dash looked stunned, she could not even begin to figure out how both Spike and Twilight knew about her love for Applejack. It took so long for Spike to realize that his love truly lied with Twilight, and it took a while for Twilight to realize her love for Spike. With that thought in mind, there was no way that they could have seen the feelings that she had for Applejack, for she did not openly display any, or so she thought. Her voice was a little shaky as she asked, "How, how did you know? Who told you?"

Twilight was the one who responded this time, relaxing deeply as she felt Spike beginning to rub her chest and forelegs. "Like us, you showed signs of affection. I was the first to notice how you would blush almost all of the time when you were really close to Applejack. Over time I watched how you would always try to do things her way when ever you thought that nopony was around. Spike became aware pretty soon of the looks that you would give Applejack, and how you would watch her with great interest. I started to put the pieces together and solved the puzzle, you are in love with Applejack."

Twilight sighed heavily as she felt the tension in her arms and upper chest start to loosen up and allow her to breath more easily. To thank Spike she pulled one of his hands towards her with her hoof and planted a kiss on the backside. He chuckled before he resumed work, starting to work his way lower on her body, making him lean over and look deeply into her purple eyes, seeing all the love in the world wrapped up inside of their beauty. Now he was able to fully massage her lower body and hind legs, making her shudder with the simple feeling of her muscles and bones loosening up. To add to this he planted a kiss on the end of her nose.

Rainbow Dash, unaware of what the two lovers were doing beside her on the couch, began to think about what Twilight had said. I have known for a long time that I was in love with Applejack, but does she know as well? For that matter, does anyone else know, or is it just Twilight and Spike? I know that I must tell her how I feel, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Well, I have the next few days to think strongly about it, until then I guess that I am stuck in here.

Spike, having just recently finished his massage for Twilight, looked outside and saw that the rain was now pouring down harder than he had ever seen. He sighed, acting like he was saddened by the fact that he was not allowed to leave the house for now, earning him a concerned look from Twilight. She asked softly, "What's the matter Spike?" The sincerity of her words was enough to make him want to give up the little joke he was playing, but his will held strong.

A low smile started as he said, "Oh nothing, aside from the fact that I have to be inside for the next three days, with you." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek, letting her know that he was only kidding. His response was a giggle from his one and only love before she pulled him down into a deep and passionate kiss.

Rainbow Dash watched the two in all of their happiness, both able to show their love in one form or another. Neither was afraid to tell the other what they were feeling or how they wanted to spend their time together. Is there more to this love thing, something that I am missing out on. I feel as though Applejack is my whole world, but I am so worried what she will think of me as well as how it will affect our friendship, oh Princess Celestia, what do I do.

When they broke apart from yet another wonderful embrace of their lips, Twilight looked away from Spike and towards Rainbow Dash, seeing her lost in thought for a mere few moments before she herself turned to look at the couple. "Spike, Twilight, how do you know when you have found the one that you want to be with? How do you get over the fear of telling them what you feel, especially when that person is your best friend?"

Twilight diverted her gaze back to Spike, who continued to look at Rainbow Dash with a warm smile upon his lips and wisdom in his eyes. "The fear of telling someone that you love them will never go away, but once you tell them you just learn to ignore it. No matter what happens, that person will always love you, even if it is for the wrong reasons. I loved Rarity for the wrong reasons, thus I ended up getting hurt. With Twilight though..." He began to play with her mane with one hand while the other stroked her cheek.

"With Twilight I found love in her for all of the right reasons. I found that I love her for who she is, who she will become, and how she is to me. She is always there for me when I need her the most, she is the one who has always picked me up and dusted me off after I fell down, the one who told me to never give up. Twilight wants to be a great student to Princess Celestia, but she also want to be a great teacher one day to her, our own children." He paused again and he looked down and flashed Twilight his warm smile.

"I found that I wanted to wake up everyday by her side, to see her smiling face, to smell her lovely fragrance, and to play with her soft mane." He sighed as he let his smile fade away into a hard expression of truth. "What I am saying is, don't ever take love for granted. Don't ever think that love is pointless, because next to Friendship, it is the strongest magic around. Friendships can be forged anew, as can love, but true Friendship and true love cannot. True love and Friendship will transcend life times, never ceasing."

Rainbow Dash looked at Spike as it he had suddenly become Princess Celestia herself, though she knew that it could not be true. Though she could not explain why, she could feel and hear the truth in every word that he had spoken, every letter he had uttered. "Spike, I never knew that you were such a young and wise dragon. Where did you learn so much?"

Twilight looked upwards at him, wondering as well where he had learned something as valuable as the power of love. He started to grin before he said, "When I was young I was given a private book by Princess Celestia, and she told me that when the time was right, I was to read it. It was a book written solely by her, and it told all the powers of love, all the forms of it that existed, everything. When I read it not too long ago, I began to truly understand what it meant, what it symbolized, and that was the first day that I began to think about my feelings for Rarity."

As he grew silent, both Twilight and Rainbow Dash seemed to look at him in a new light, almost as if he was the son of Princess Celestia herself, yet both knew that it was not the case. Twilight just found that she loved him all the more for his extensive knowledge of love and all of its many forms that existed. She thanked him by settling closer towards him, sliding up his body slightly so that her head rested on his stomach while his body lowered for her to more comfortable.

Rainbow Dash could not help but take to heart what he had just said, something that she had never done for anypony or dragon before. She began to think about her feelings for Applejack, and the more that they flowed through her mind and heart she began to realize that what she was feeling was true love, that she did not have to be afraid to admit her feelings to the one that she loved the most. Yes it was true that it would seem awkward at first to the rest of Ponyville, but she knew that her friends would understand completely, that they would accept the relationship without complaint.

Rainbow Dash looked at both of her friends, who looked as happy as can be with just the simple joy of being close to the one that they cherished and loved above all else. This made her sigh and say, "Spike, Twilight? When this storm lifts, can you both come with me to tell Applejack how I feel about her, please?"

No word was spoken as both Spike and Twilight looked at their friend with both love and understanding, knowing that she was going to try something new, something that she was truly afraid to do all by her lonesome. They both nodded their heads before they looked at each other and wrapped themselves up in yet another passionate kiss that seemed to last forever.

The group of three talked about very little until evening was at last drawing nigh towards its end, and night becoming within only a tear drop away. With the moon beginning to come out and the sky pitch black due to the blocking of the light, Spike started up a conversation, an odd one, but one that was welcomed all the same. "So, would either of you care to join me in telling what we like the most about the one that we love?"

Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at each other before looking to Spike, nodding their heads and agreeing to let Rainbow Dash go first. She blushed immensely as she said, "Please don't laugh, but the first and main thing that I love the most about Applejack is her sleek and slender body. I mean, she is after all a very strong mare where it counts, she is very fast like me when running, and she doesn't mind getting her hooves or body dirty. She always has the smell of hard work about her, but she is also so very honest all of the time, and she always makes time for those who matter the most in her life."

Twilight started to giggle as she said, "Well, please don't laugh at mine, but the thing that I love most about Spike is the fact that he is the most caring and generous dragon that I have ever met. He has no evil thoughts of his own, he will never turn his back on his friends, especially me, and he is always loyal to those that he holds dear to his heart. I must admit though, when we kiss and he decides to let out a little of his dragon breath, it tingles my lips and mouth, always wanting to make me laugh."

Now both sets of eyes turned to look at Spike, making him take a gulp and think about how he was going to word his confessions of what he really loved the most about his Twilight. An idea suddenly hit him of how to word it exactly just the right way so that it was a beautiful compliment. With a smile he looked down and said, "What I love most about Twilight is her ability to take even the worst of situations and turn it into a win-win solution for everyone. I love to play with her soft mane, the feeling of it running through my claws. The sensation tells me that everything in the world is going to be alright, that no matter what is thrown our way, we can overcome any challenge sent to us."

He could see a few tears beginning to form within Twilight's eyes, yet before they could even fall he brushed them away and leaned down once again to whisper in her ear and say, "I love you Twilight Sparkle, I always will, please don't ever forget that." As he made to pull away she embraced him in a hug, showing that she understood and that she knew exactly what he was saying and that she felt the same way as him.

Rainbow Dash however looked away and said aloud, "I hope that when I tell Applejack, she will return the same feelings of love that I have for her. I know now not to set my hopes to high, but I am now beginning to listen to my heart, and it is telling me that all is going to be fine, that everything will be alright, that I have nothing to fear." A smile spread across her lips, but it soon faded when the sound of three stomachs started to growl to them.

Twilight shifted on the couch so that Spike was able to get free, and when he did he was sure to lower her slowly back down so that she could face Rainbow Dash and talk about what they wanted as he went to fix them some dinner.

Twilight could not help but look at Rainbow Dash with worry, "I know how you feel Rainbow, but trust me when I say that you are going to be fine. My heart is telling me that you will be with the one that you truly want to be with, just as I am." Her words did nothing to cheer up the cyan Pegasus as she just stared at the floor, wondering how she was going to tell Applejack exactly how she felt.

She began to think about all the things that they had been through, and again she began to think if she was truly ready to let her one love, the pony that she held dear to her, know how she felt. With a sigh, she turned to Twilight and said, "I understand now how hard it was for you to tell Spike how you felt, cause you just don't know how they are going to react to it. I want to challenge it, I want to just go after her, but I am afraid Twilight, I am afraid to be rejected."

Twilight sat up and moved to sit beside Rainbow Dash and began to run a hoof down her back, "It's alright to feel this way Rainbow Dash. I remember when I first started to fall for Spike, I was too scared to tell him, aside from the fact that I didn't even know how to tell him with his crush on Rarity and all."

The two friends just sat in absolute silence for a while, Rainbow Dash allowing the comfort of a friend to help her feel better about what she was going to tell the pony that she held close to her heart. Their silence was broken as the smell of freshly cooked food wafted into the room, searching for their noses. From the kitchen they could hear Spike call, "Food's ready my Princess'!" Both of the girls smiled before they stood and walked into the kitchen.

To say that Spike made a lot of food was an understatement. On the table as a bowl foul of apples, all sliced and coated with water to keep them fresh. Beside that was a bowl full of dandelion pasta, coated with what looked to be like rose petals. Behind the pasta was a plate filled with apple cupcakes, Twilight's favorite, and for Spike there was a small bowl of gems sitting where he normally sat. "Don't just stare at the food girls, take what ever you like."

The three friends sat around the table as they ate their dinner, talking about whatever came to mind while also occasionally telling jokes that would make them all erupt into laughter. During the meal Twilight and Spike sat together, sometimes breaking a conversation so that they could share a quick kiss, all the while he held her hoof within his hand.

As the meal was drawing to a close they all heard the soft sloshing of water before a knock was heard at the front door. Spike immediately got up and shot into the living room where he opened the door and looked at the pony with a slight grin of his face. "I was wondering when you were going to show up. I kind of thought that the tree was a little weak to use as cover."

Standing before Spike was an orange pony with a blonde mane and tail that was tied together at the end. On her head she wore a gallon hat, and in her current state, she was soaking wet from head to hoof, shivering slightly every now and again from how cold she was from the rain. Spike quickly closed the door and grabbed a towel for her, putting it around her body. "If you want, you can grab a bite to eat. We just finished, but there is still plenty there."

She smiled slightly before she said, "Thank ya sugar cube. I sure would appreciate a good, warm meal." The orange earth pony made her way into the kitchen, where she was greeted by the sight of Twilight and Rainbow Dash glancing at her, worry written upon their faces.. "Don't y'all worry nothin' bout me. I'll be fine. I just need some warm food."

Without another word she gathered together what she was going to eat for her meal and took a seat at the table, sitting across from Rainbow Dash. Though she was silent as she ate, she kept stealing glances at Rainbow Dash and blushing when she was not looking at her food. She could not explain why, but she felt her heart start to flutter, even soar at just a glance of her love.

Eager to end the silence that had started to form in their group, Rainbow Dash asked, "So Twilight, you want to tell Applejack about the great news? You know, about you and Spike?" Her voice was slightly shaky, and she had hoped that Applejack was not smart enough to pick up on it.

Twilight blushed as she looked away from the two mares who were now staring at her, Applejack having just recently finished eating. "Well, I-I-I uh, you see, uh." She found it hard to admit that she was now with Spike, afraid of the reaction that she had gotten earlier. "Spike and I are, uh, sort of in a relationship." She smiled, hoping to Celestia that Applejack was not going to start laughing at her like Rainbow Dash had.

Applejack clopped her hooves against the table before saying, "Well it's about time. I was beginin' to wonder when y'all were goin' to get together." She flashed a smile at Twilight before she pushed herself away from the table and began to walk into the living room, turning to look as Spike walked past her and proceeded to clean off the table, throwing the dirt dishes into the sink. Twilight rose to help him while Rainbow Dash followed Applejack into the living room.

Applejack sat on one side of the couch while Rainbow Dash sat on the other, reading one of her Daring Doo books. Every now and again she would glance above the top of her book to look at Applejack, turning back to her words when ever the orange mare would flash a glance in her direction. The silence that slowly crept between them was almost unbearable, though neither one knew of anything to say at the present.

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash as she read, so peaceful, so contained, yet so energetic and strong. I wonder how she would feel if she knew the truth, if she knew exactly how I felt about her. It has been a mighty heavy burden keepin' this here secret to myself. For the sake of our good friendship though, I have to remain strong.

Their silence was broken when laughter was heard, echoing off the walls and filling both of their ears. Neither one knew who was laughing because of the echo, but as it died down the source was unmistakable. Walking into the living room was Spike and Twilight, a wing draped around his back while an arm was around her neck, his fingers playing with her lavender colored fur. Both were grinning from ear to ear, neither one noticing the look of irritation from their friends.

They took a seat on the carpet before the couch, Twilight lying down with her back pressed against his chest, while he held her hooves within his hands over her stomach. He placed a kiss on her neck before they both looked up at their friends, noticing that they were glaring at them with slight annoyance.

Spike looked away while Twilight just glared back at Rainbow Dash as if she were saying, 'Tell her.' To this Rainbow Dash blushed before she returned her attention to her book while Applejack said, "I am truly happy for y'all and everythin' sugar cube, but could y'all turn down the lovin' for a bit."

Twilight nodded her head before looking back to Spike, who did the same before asking, "So Applejack, how have things been at Sweet Apple Acres?"

Applejack grinned as she said, "I am glad y'all asked sugar cube. Yesterday Big Mac and Apple Bloom went into town to pick up some of them nice tasty treats from Sugar Cube Corner. After a while of not comin' back, Granny Smith and I were getting a little antsy for out treats, so I went into town to look for 'em. When I got to town I found out that those two had eaten our treats before they got back, so they had decided to hide out in town until we had forgotten about them. Big Mac and Apple Bloom were is no much trouble when they got back."

Nopony had noticed that Rainbow Dash had been staring at Applejack the entire time that she had been telling her tale. A blush had started to form on her face, being only a light pink in the beginning, but had slowly deepened as her tale continued. By the end she looked as though she had two cherries on her face.

Applejack, having concluded her tale, yawned and started to spread herself out on the couch, lightly blushing as she brushed her hind legs against Rainbow Dash's. She lowered her book and looked at Applejack, allowing the orange mare to see her cherry red face. Applejack tried to grin as she said, "Sorry about that Rainbow Dash, I was just gettin' a little tired. Did ya want to sleep on the couch sugar cube?"

Rainbow Dash only shook her head before jumping down to the floor, where she found that Twilight had already brought over a pillow and blanket for her. She thanked the lavender alicorn before she pulled the blanket over herself and closed her eyes, setting her book before her. A blanket soon appeared over Applejack, which she took and wrapped herself in before saying goodnight to everyone and falling asleep.

Spike looked down at Twilight and motioned with his head for them to leave the sleeping mares be in peace. She nodded to him before standing up and following him towards the stairs, blowing out the candles with her magic as she did so. Together they ascended the stairs towards their room, not saying a single word as they did so.

Twilight went straight to her bed, jumping up and slowly sliding beneath the sheets. When she was settled she noticed that Spike was standing at the foot of her bed, holding his hands behind his back and staring ever so lovingly at Twilight with a slight hint of pink on his cheeks. "So uh Twilight, I was thinking, now that we are together, maybe we could, uh, share a bed?"

She seemed to smile, a radiance that was seen even in the moonlit room. He could see her raise the sheets up and motion for him to join her. He contained his joy as he slid in next to her, wrapping an arm around her back while she draped a wing over him in return. They leaned in and gave each other a deep and passionate kiss that was broken after a while, where they pressed close to one another and fell asleep, their lover's name upon their lips.

Next Chapter: 3. Waiting Out the Storm Estimated time remaining: 18 Minutes
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