
Not From Around Here

by bexdaisykelly

Chapter 1: 1. Prologue

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Well I had this plot bunny idea for about a month now? I wanted to ignore it but demands set in, so I decided to write it! Sorry it's a bit short but it's prologue, ya know! It's meant to be short!


Not from around here

By SevenLies1Truth


Jack groaned as he came around. His whole body hurt from head to toe. His eyes scrunched open and he looked at his surroundings. He was in some type of forest and it was quite dark so it must have been night.

He wondered how he had even ended up in a forest but he didn't remember even falling asleep or being knocked out. He had gone to visit Jamie, a month after they had defeated Pitch telling him that he would be back in November.

Jack had only been able to make it a short visit because spring had set in and he really didn't want to run into the spirit of spring who he knew would have probably argued with him, if she had found him hanging around while it was spring.

The last thing he properly remembered was flying to Antarctica and then there he had found himself waking up in a forest. He needed to find out an answer and quick. He was about to run his hands through his hair when he noticed something that was different. He brung them up to his face so he could see more clearly, in front him was two blue hooves. He tried to move his hands and the hooves moved in time with his movement.

Jack's frozen heart began to race, something must have happened to him to cause him to have hooves! He needed to find a pond so he could see his reflection. Getting up onto his feet, Jack began to lose his balance and fell onto the floor, with four legs sprayed out around him.

His eyes widened, what had happened to him! Trying to stand up again, this time on four legs, he wobbled a bit but managed to stand without falling onto the ground. He looked up to the sky to the moon burning brightly.

"You must know something about this?" He asked, hoping that this time, the moon would answer him.

After several minutes of silence, Jack dropped his head. Even after finding out about his past and finding his true family among the guardians, The Man in The Moon still wasn't speaking to him. It hurt Jack a bit that he was on his own again because he couldn't see anyone anywhere.

His emotions were also tied to the elements so he felt upset, gentle snow had begun to fall covering the ground at his hooves or feet, whatever you wanted to call them. He wobbled on his four legs but he began to move slowly but surely through the forest.

He was hoping to find a lake, somewhere at least so he could just see his reflection.

He wobbled for another 10 minutes before he saw water, glinting off into the distance. He began to run, feeling the four legs pound onto the ground. He had got more used to being on four legs so was happy that he wasn't falling over now.

The water was a bright blue and lapped against the shore. As Jack approached, ice and frost began to spread where he was walking and the lake began to freeze over very quickly. Jack leaned his head down to stare at his reflection.

He was not prepared for what he found. Jack Frost, spirit of winter and the guardian of fun had been turned by something or someone into a blue unicorn.


Well it didn't take long write, that's for sure! I don't know how updates will be with this story because I have other stories to update, I might update on thursday after I've done my last exam and maybe update my other story Time Riddles, which is one of my most popular. Anyway please review and tell me what you think!


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