
Pony Rangers: Equestria Legacy

by HeldDuke

Chapter 1: Pony Rangers: Equestria Legacy

Chapter 1: Prologue

It was a rainy night on Canterlot's prision, all was quiet until there started to sound the alarm and between the shadows could see a big pegasus running of other figures.

- Take him before it reaches Everfree Forest!- Said a guard

- You will not escape, Steel Heart! - Cryed another

The Pegasus known as Steel Heart, was orange with brown mane and tail, wearing sunglasses and a scarf on his neck, his Cutie Mark was a dumbbell with a 1000 in it

He managed to evade the guards and entered Everfree where several animals wanted to eat him, but based on the chased kicks. Way for a long time after the danger mocked but each time the forest became more sinister, not even hear the animal sound, just complete and utter silence.

I was so tuned in heaven and his back was not felt to fall in a hole

- Arghhhh! - Falls and gives a good blow

On rising he realizes that he was in an underground cave and front of him were the ruins of a castle, decides to enter curious. The place was full of dust, and to reach the central chamber had a throne made of bones with a figure sitting there.. an Alicorn

- Who dares to invade the chambers of Annihilus? - Said a deep voice and sinister

The Alicorn was black before the demonic winged, demonic red eyes, with its unicorn horn and two demonic head, his mane was black-tipped tail was gray and black with gray stripe also wore a silver gray vest and chest one cutie mark representing a planet in flames.

- Steel Heart, the strongest Pegasus of Cloudsdale -

- And with what right are you on Annihilus domains, Steel? - Said the approaching alicorni.

- I'm running away, I escaped form prision and now Celestia's fuards are searching for me-

- And you thought it would be smart to hide on Castle Annihilus? - Said intimidatingly

- Do not bully me, I've seen bigger dragons, and I'm just passing, until it stops raining, 'said the pegasus while exploring the room

-That is the question, now that you know where I live, I can not let you live-said seriously

- I'm afraid of you- said Steel

-I guess that's something that Annihilus have to fix- said as he put face to face with the pegasus alicorni

Believing that he was doing a favor to the Alicorn, Steel wanted to 'pity' him.

- But I propose something ... -

-On, I like to see the pathetic life forms plead for their lifes- with a smile said Annihilus

- I DON'T REQUEST TO ANYPONY!- Cryed the orange pegasus

Annihilus immediately turned his body into mist and gets into the pegasus making this float in the air and began to whip aggressively against the walls and the floor hurt. In closing, leaving his body and takes its shape while breathing heavily pegasus lying on the floor

-Don't well at Annihilus, it's that clear? - Said the firm demonial alicorn

- U-understood, Now tell me, want to hear my proposal? - Wonder breathing hard

He continues, saying now calmer

- A society- said bluntly Steel

Annihilus raised an eyebrow curious to what was in the Pegasus

- Work together and humble Celestia said smiling wickedly-

Obviously that caught the attention of Annihilus, not everyday a pathetic life forms wnated to make a society with him.

- You say you want to join forces with Annihilus rid of Celestia and Equestria seize? - Said even without giving credit to the situation that occurred

- Yes! - Said enthusiastically

Annihilus meditate a few seconds, he had other plans for Equestria but certainly have a subordinate would help ... for the time being

-Then it's settled ... - Annihilus said extending his leg

- ... Will be a great team - said completing a Brohoof

- I can finally get back at Shining Armor! - Steel says while laughing

- Want revenge of Sparkle's brother?, You'll Need this- Annihilus shines his horn

In front of Steel now there were a dark hammer, the thing that were making it unique was the fact that on the other extreme there was an axe

-Yes, w-what is this? - Asked the fugitive

-This is a weapon made especially to crush the very life, your power will be able to be more powerful than a pony either- said Annihilus proudly

I was about to give it but I removed almost simultaneously

-But everything has a price- said maliciously

- What is the price?, my soul? -

-Not faithless, as if Annihilus interested him little thing like that ... I'll give you this gun if you give to me the elements of harmony, and yes, I need them alive-

-Well, for tomorrow will have them here - and then was told to fulfill its mission

Annihilus returned to his throne with an evil smile

-Heh heh heh, "no more harmony" as in the old days-

Steel left the castle and had stopped raining, went to Ponyville. Along the way he found two pegasi guards and knocked them off their armor and fortunately he achievement to wear it while he were going to the village.

It was morning, he went to the library where he'll capture Twilight and then the other elements.

When the unicorn was distracted reading a bock (as usual), the pegasus knocked the baby dragon andhide him.

- Spike, where are you? - Asqued Twilight interrupting their activity

- I've seen him out - said the guard

-Oh, hello, what is a royal guard doing here? - Twilight asked confused

-For recen... Annihilus returned and they sent the order to protect out -confessed Steel

-Agree, proceed-

Twilight turned to her books and after a while she fell twenty of what just said the pegasus

-Wait, what di ... - but the last thing I felt was a strong blow to the head and then everything went dark

The Pegasus left the library with a sack on his back, bound for the botique of Rarity

He arrived at the door and knocked it, Sweetie Belle opened the door.

-Small-hi, Is your sister?, I need to talk to her-

Surprised, the little filly called her sister and went to play, a few moments later Rarity appears in doorway

- Yes?, How I can help you sir? - Said the dressmaker

-Miss Rarity ... I need you unconscious-

- What did you say? -

Wasting no time, Steel's hit on the head with a book (the same one I use to knock Twilight)

And all had the same story, except with Fluttershy ...

Steel plays aggressively the front door of the Pegasus, it opens and is intimidated by the look of pegasus

-G-good day sir, ma-may i help you? - Said with a mixture of shyness and fear

-Get in the sack, I'm kidnapping you -saying and tired of excuses and lies Steel

-O-ok- says resigned the yellow pegasus

And Steel began gets to hear the voice of that pink pony it out of proportion

- Oh, hi Fluttershy!, where you kidnapped?, Me too!, We're all here, isn't it great?. Oh wait, kidnapping is bad, as bad as broccoli, did you know that rhymes with sesame broccoli?... -

And so it went all the way hoping to get him out of Annihilus suffering, either killing her or with any option conformed

-It's seems that i can trust you- said as he levitated the bag and pulled out the ponies

- I am doing everything I promise, partner - said with an air of grandeur Steel

-I am glad to hear that, because my new partner, this is just the beginning- said with a smile evil

- Equestria will be ours! -

-I promise you, when this is over, do not even recognize it, said with a knowing smile the alicorn demonial

-By the way, I think you won this- Annihilus gives the axe to pegasus

- Great!, Go to practice with my new gun, and I was thinking how to name it-

- Whether, how's your new weapon of destruction? - Annihilus curious question

- Ponysmasher -

-I could not pick a better one than that- said happily

- What will be our first move? - Wonder Steel

-First send one of my warriors to Ponyville, to announce the end of the reign of Celestia and the beginning of mine- said Annihilus. In came a Mantis Shadow size of a bear, with red eyes and very sharp knives

- What kind of creature is that?!- Asked the pegasus surprised

-One of my many warriors, perhaps lack of logic and intelligence, but fight like Spartans Asgardians and proudly said combined-

- What is a Spartan? - Question Pinkie Pie

That was when Annihilus just figured out that Fluttershy and Pinki where still awake.

- Why aren't these two unconscious? - He questioned Steel

-The yellow was not necessary, just ordered. And by the pink one, i hit her five times in the head but she didn't fall, finally had to ask nicely to get in the sack-

-You're a strange pony you know?- Annihilus told to Pinkie

- Hey, my friends say I'm especiall- defended the pink pony

Annihilus just rolled his eyes and made his horn glow enclosing all magical ponies floating fields individually, all red

Fluttershy was that fear was consumed, Annihilus noticed that and was approached

-Calm now pegasus.. Anihilus will not harm any of you.. by now-

- N-not - question with a little less fear Fluttershy

-No ... if I kill you now, the elements of harmony and seek other carriers would spoil all my plans- then

Annihilus turns to see a Steel Heart and then walks to his throne

-Take a moment to rejoice Steel, with them trapped here, who will not face us? - Said as the two sat and laughed wickedly

But a few kilometers away on a mountain, a white mare alicorn with gray mane and tail, with green eyes and a cutie mark shaped planet had lost sight on the horizon as her horn glowed in a green tone.

After a while she returned itself and changed iher expression to a strong one.

-You know what they say ... Annihilus- the alicornio said to herself

- ... "Careful for what you wish for ... - spread her wings and flew through the skies at high speed

- ... Because it can be come true-

Annihilus: Demoniac alicorn that want's to exterminate every life form of the universe, he will be the main enemy of the story

Afterlife: She's Annihilus little sister, but she has the hability to bring life on the planets, she was a demon before, but thanks to Twilight and her friends, she managed to defeat her big brother and lost her demonic side.

Leave your review with your opinion and soon i'll upload the second chapter of this story.

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