
Balance of the Mind and Body

by Cyber Blaze

Chapter 7: 7. Chapter 7: Hello Ponyville!

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Chapter 7: Hello Ponyville!

We exited the library making our way to City Hall where the ceremony is going to take place inside. As we got closer, I saw several ponies going in through the front entrance. "Ok everypony, Blaze and I will be going in through the back door to get to backstage. We shall see you after the introduction." Princess Celestia said.

"It's ok everypony. I can handle whatever reaction the townsfolk will dish out and stay calm about it. It will just take time for them to get to know me as it did with you seven." I said.

"Ok Blaze. We know you can handle yourself. But please be careful." Twilight said. The others nodded in agreement.

I nodded my head as well and followed the Princess to the back. There were a couple royal guard ponies standing on either side of the back door. They bowed their heads as the Princess went inside. I was about to follow when the guards stopped me and pushed me back a bit.

"Halt! You are now allowed to enter here. Only the Princesses, the mayor, and the new guest may enter. Go back to the front entrance." One of the guards said.

"I happen to be the guest of Equestria. So if you would step aside and let me . . ."

"HA! You can't be the guest! We were told it was a strange and freaky creature. You are a normal earth pony wearing odd clothing." The other guard said.

"Freak!? Did you just call me a FREAK?" I yelled. My left eye started to twitch. "Last chance. Please step aside so I can be introduced to the town."

"Move along or we will have to force you!" They both said.

"Like to see you try."

I back up a little bit and got into a battle stance. They charged at me to tackle me to the ground. I jumped up and backwards to avoid being hit. As I was in the air, I transformed back into a human and landed on my feet. They suddenly stopped in their tracks with scared looks on their faces. I got into another battle stance, this time to deal damage if they charged again. "Well, I thought you were going to force to go to the front entrance. Or are you two pussies now."

"Um, sorry about the confusion sir. Your body as a pony was so realistic, that we couldn't detect it was an illusion spell." One guard said.

"Yea, we really thought you were just another earth pony trying to get a back stage access." The other guard said.

"Next time, ask the Princess that just entered before me if I am with her." I transformed back and entered the building. "Excuse me Celestia, why did you not stop the guards and told them about my pony form?"

"I wanted to see their reaction as well as yours. You are defiantly agile. I might have a task or job for you in the Royal Guard."

"Let's get through this first. I will probably scare these ponies as well when I transform. Plus I don't want to leave my friends here that I just made. We can probably work something out at another time."

"Very well, wait for my signal to come onto the stage." She goes around the backdrop and onto the stage. I hear all the ponies cheering for her. "Hello citizens of Ponyville! Today is a grand day as a new creature has come to our world and would like to be part of the community. He is nothing like we have seen before, but I assure you that he means us no harm. He has actually been in under a spell to change his appearance to that of a pony per his wish so he can get to know the layout of the town and our customs. Please allow me to introduce to you, Swift Blaze!"

That was my cue so I come around the backdrop and onto the stage. I first hear cheering for me until they see me in my pony form. They all were getting confused look on their faces. One pony in the back yelled, "That is no strange creature. That is just an earth pony wearing stupid clothing."

"Really! Then let me show you my true form!" I yelled back. I released my pony form transformation and appeared in my human body. All the ponies gasp of seeing me change. "Princess Celestia did say I was in a pony form to blend with the town until this introduction could happen. First off, I would like to thank the Princess for the nice introduction and for allowing you ponies to allow me to live within your town. I think I should explain some things about me to clear any of the questions that are forming in your minds. Please hold all questions till I get done telling you briefly about me."

Some nodded while other whisper between themselves. "Ok then, the name of my species is human . . ."

"HA! I KNEW THEY EXISTED!" Lyra Heartstrings yelled somewhere in the crowd.

"Anyway, the planet I come from, there is no magic. We are a technological race where we used science to help with everyday living. We walk on two legs and don't have hoofs. The bottom parts of my legs are call feet and at the end of my arms are called hands." I said as I was pointing each out. "These tiny things at the end of my hand are called fingers and they allow us humans to grab things as well as other stuff."

"Now then, I am not your typical human. I have certain abilities that almost not every human has. While you have magic to do some unique things, I have an energy source within me that allow me to do some unique things. One of which allows me to change my form into anything or anyone. You have seen me in my own pony form. Now watch this next move." I look over to the Princess and give her a wink. She nods in approving of this. I did the transformation jutsu and looked exactly like the Princess. The ponies were startled at seeing me making myself look exactly like Princess Celestia. We mirrored each other's movement of different body parts. We then ran circles around each other to the point the citizens lost track of which one is real. I decided to end the charade and released the jutsu.

"I shall make this promise to you citizens right now that I won't change into any of you without permission for a harmless prank as you just saw. I don't know how many of you were in the park this morning, but those who were, you saw my friend Rainbow Dash in a race with an unknown pony. Another ability I have is to give me the power of flight without the use of wings." I started to hover above the stage and that caused the ponies yet again to be startled. "I was that pony Rainbow was racing just to see how fast I can go. She really put me to the test. She even did the sonic rainboom to see if I could keep up. But I was able to keep up and pass her at the last moment. I have never seen a creature on my planet go that fast to break the sound barrier. I am glad to have her as a friend and she already made me promise her to a rematch in the future."

The ponies started to chant Rainbow's name. She flew above the crowd to accept the chant and then returns to be with her friends. "Now then, that is the basics about me. Does anypony have a question and please, one at a time. I will answer all if I can."

"How did you arrive here?" asked a pony.

"It hurt a lot as I fell from the sky."

"You just showed us you can fly. Why didn't you when you were falling?"

"I did not know how at the time. All of my abilities I am still learning about what I can and cannot do. Next question."

"Why do you wear clothing all the time?" Another pony asked.

"Well, humans don't have fur all over their body. We have hair on our head for the same reason you stylize your mane. The other reason is because, (cough and fast talk) human males can't hide a certain body part like colts can. NEXT!" A couple mares started to giggle and started to look me over with their eyes. Oh I am going to regret that in the future.

"What is your special talent?" A little filly asked from the back. I think I know who asked that.

"Well I would not call it a talent. It is more of a belief. Let me change back to my pony form so you can see my cutie mark. Again I did not know I had one until I got my pony form." I performed the shadow transformation jutsu to my pony form. I used a hoof to slide the pants down of my gi a bit so the cutie mark can be seen. "As you can see the symbol, it is two rotating pools. One is white while the other is black. They are in perfect balance to each other. The symbol is called the yin and yang symbol. It basically means balance. For me, that is the body and the mind. I trained my body in different martial arts style of fighting to defend those I care for. I trained my mind to be sharp and aware of my surroundings. Everything in the world is in balance. Just a few examples, the sun and moon, chaos and harmony, good and evil, and so on. The universe like everything in balance so if something tips it too far, the devastation will follow. Who else as a question for me?"

"Do you have a special somepony? A mare yelled from the crowd. Saw that one coming soon.

"Special somepony? I don't know the entire lingo here, but if you referring to a girlfriend, then I do not. I have not been in this world for a week so it is too early for me to think about that. I don't know even if I want one right now. So sorry ladies, I am not up for dating right now. I think that is enough questions now. I shall see you all in Ponyville at some point. I am here to who knows when!" I changed back to my human form and started to wave. The ponies applauded and cheered for me. I was starting to walk off the stage when . . .

"Just hold it for a second there Blaze. There is something else the mayor and I would like to give you." Princess Celestia said. She then turns to the crowd to address them. "To help you get started in this fair town, Mayor Mare and I would like to give you this deed to 3 acres of land outside of town for you to build a house on and to your spec when you want to."

I started to tear up for the biggest generosity I have ever received. "Thank you Princess and Mayor for the generous gift, I really do appreciate it." The ponies started to cheer again and I left the stage.

I went outside and waited for the girls to show up. They came running around the building. They were moving very fast that I could not dodge so Pinkie was the first to hit me and tackle me to the ground. "What an amazing gift to receive. I have never seen anypony get that from the Mayor and Princess. You are so lucky." Pinkie said while on top of me.

"Come on Pinkie. Get off of him. I would like to see that deed so I can show ya where the land is at." Applejack said. Pinkie jumps off of me as quickly I was tackled. I got up and gave the deed to Applejack to look at. "Ok partner, follow me and I will show you where your land is at." All of us followed Applejack out of town to a nearby hill. I recognized it as it has been where I have been training each morning. I gave a quick chuckle from this. Princess Celestia must have been spying on me each morning. Going to need to fix that.

"What a lovely piece of land. It was nice of the Princess to give this to you." Rarity said.

"You are not far from my cottage so you can come by whenever you want to, if you don't mind." Fluttershy said.

"Blaze, you are also close to my farm. So if ya need anything, come on over, sugarcube." Applejack said.

"So when are you going to get in contact with an engineer to design and build your house?" Twilight asked.

"Let's not think about that right now for I am starving." I said and then my stomach growled in agreement. All the girls laughed at this.

We headed back into town and made our way to a restaurant. I stayed in my human form seeing the town ponies will need to get used to it. Upon entering the place, the chatter from the ponies already in there suddenly stops as every eye in the establishment looked at me. "Uh, hi. Can I get a booth for me and my friends?" I asked the hostess. She continues to stare at me with a blank look on her face. "Hellooo, anypony home?" I asked as I waved my hand in front of her face to get her out the daze she was in.

"Oh! Sorry about that. How many in your group?" She asked.

"There are eight of us and would like a booth please."

"Right away sir. Sorry for staring at you. Just never seen how, unique you are in that form. The waitress will take you to your booth."

"It is no problem. I figured this is going to happen for the first week or two as the town will have to get used to seeing me in my original form."

The waitress got us a big round booth that sat all of us and I was in the middle of everyone. The chatter came back to normal, but I think most were of talking about me.

I ordered a garden salad, no flowers, dressing, and some bread. Need to get some meat soon. Maybe I will ask Fluttershy for some meat tomorrow. The other girls and Spike placed their orders and then all looked at me. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

"Well, we were wondering what next spell you are going to show us?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm. I will have to think what 'jutsu' is what they are actually called that will be useful to me. I will just have to surprise you tomorrow when I come up with one."

"Oh! I love surprises! One time . . ." Pinkie said as she goes into one of her odd stories. We all nodded at different intervals as we listened. ". . . and that is how Equestria was made."

"Anyway, so Rarity, mind if I come over tomorrow morning so you can measure up my human form and make me some more gi style. I will let you pick out the color match up. I just don't want pastels or girly colors, no offense. I will pay for them, once I find a job."

"Oh! Princess Celestia wanted me to give you this and this note about it." Twilight said as she levitated a pouch from her sack with a note attached to it. I grabbed the pouch and it felt a little heavy.

"What's this?"

"Read the note on it, silly." Pinkie said. I pulled the note off and read it quietly.

Hello Bob/Swift Blaze,

If I know my student, Twilight Sparkle, I figure you are getting this now after the ceremony at some restaurant after you mentions needing to get a job to get money. To help you along, I give you this pouch of 7,000 bits to help you pay for any expenses you are going to need to pay till you are able to find a job.

Your Sun Ruler,

Princess Celestia.

P.S. You are pulling to your right a bit in your morning training. You should work on it.

Ha! I knew the Princess was spying on me. Now I will have to pay her back. "Well, this is defiantly a surprise. How much will it cost to make seven gi and fourteen undergarments Rarity?"

"Give me a minute darling." Rarity said as she does calculations in her head. "Normal customer, I would charge 1,000 bits for what you requested. For close friends, you will only have to pay 500."

"And can someone explain me your money system here?"

"Our money is called bits and comes in 3 different increments." Twilight stated. "A copper bit is worth 1, a silver bit is worth 25, a gold bit is worth 100, and a platinum bit is worth 1,000. Why are you asking when you have no money?"

"What do you think the Princess gave me?" I dug into the bag and pulled 6 gold bits and 2 silver bits and handed them to Rarity. "Here is your 500 plus a tip for the work you have done and will be doing."

"Oh my! I could not accept that much of a tip. Having you as a friend is more of a tip I need." She tries to give me back the tip.

"No Rarity, I insist. Plus the fact this won't be the only clothing you will need to make for me. I need a tux for the gala, clothes for when it gets cold, and rain gear for when it rains. So please accept the tip as I will only be going to you for all my clothing I am going to need." She nods and takes the bits back and puts them in her sack.

"Looks like the food is here so let's dig in." They agreed as all the plates were levitated to us by a unicorn waiter. We ate the meal in silence as it was rude to talk with your mouth open. Once done, the waiter came back to collect the plates and left the check. The girls started to fiddle with their sacks to get their money out. "Wait everypony, you all have treated me to several meals already. Allow me to get this one." I said as I snag the check to see the amount and pay with the normal tip.

We left the restaurant and made out way to the town center before we all split to go to our homes. "Ok Blaze, which one of us are you going to ask to stay for the night?" Rainbow asked.

"Who is offering? I have stayed at Fluttershy and Twilight already. I'm sorry Dash, but I can't stand on clouds and I need to concentrate to fly. So the choices are at Rarity's, Applejack's, or Pinkie Pie's place. Who wants to take a strange creature to their home?"

"I think ya should come to the farm. My sis was asking me questions about ya while at the ceremony. Plus I can show ya to the rest of my family." Applejack said.

"Then I am coming home with you then if no pony objects." Nothing from the others. "Nope? Then sold to the orange pony with apples for a cutie mark. Come and claim your prize." The girls started to laugh at this while Applejack starts to blush.

"Come on now. Stop it before I buck you to the next town." Everypony started to slowly stop the laughing, but they still have a big grin on their faces.

"Ok now, let's get going. I shall the rest of you tomorrow." Applejack and I started to head to her farm while everypony else headed to their places.

Next Chapter: 8. Chapter 8: Stubborn Pony Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 17 Minutes
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