
Balance of the Mind and Body

by Cyber Blaze

Chapter 30: 30. Chapter 30: Royal Guard Tournament,Part1

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The next morning, we all woke up and began to do stretches just outside. Shining Armor came strolling up as we were doing hoof stands.

"Blaze, I don't even know how you got everypony to do these stretches you do." Shining Armor said.

"They saw how I was performing in the sparring rings and how I maintained my balance in very awkward positions. I told them how and they followed me in my stretches." I said while in my hoof stand.

"And because of it, I no longer get the privilege to wake them up."

"You did get to wake up Al a few days ago. Did you not enjoy that?" I said with a grin.

Shining Armor had a shiver go down his back. He just started to walk away. "After breakfast, head to the arena. I will see you there." He then teleported away.

Everypony started to laugh and fall over. Either onto their backs or onto their stomach. We headed to the mess hall and grab a light breakfast of fruit. As we ate we began to discuss the possible matches.

"Alright, who do you want to face in round one, fellas?" Star Dust asked.

"I want to go against you Blaze." Al said. "I want an opponent that can handle what I can dish out. Plus want to see all those jutsu and ki moves you know."

"You can take him. Just dealing with one of his elements was tough enough. I hope I can fight my brother. We both know each other moves and want to prove who is better in the arena." Dragon said.

"You know I will kick you flank this time." Cancer said.

"But you haven't yet. You rely too much on speed and that is why I always beat you."

"Knock it off you two before I give you another beat down." Fang said.

"Yes, big sister." Cancer and Dragon said at the same time.

"You must have given them quite a few to scare them straight." Blaze said.

"I had to or they would have destroyed our home several times. Now, the pony I want to face is you, Al. I want to see how skillful you are against a living blade." Fang then shot a blade out of the top of her head and pointed it to him.

"My daggers will be more than enough to defend myself." Al said.

"I don't care who I get paired up against. They will have to deal with my illusions." Colorful Sparks said as he created another one of him sitting next to Lightning Trails.

Lightning Trails sent a jolt into the illusion to make it disappear. "Whoever is going to face me is going to get a shock of their life. But won't die from it." He said.

"Just remember to keep that anger in check." I said. "I don't really care who I face first as you all are worthy opponents and have been a privilege to train with."

The other all awe at what I said. We finished breakfast and made our way to the arena. When we rounded the corner, we saw lots of guards heading through the main entrance to watch us. We then saw Captain Shining Armor wave to us to come to the participant entrance. We headed over and stood at attention.

"Alright, today is the last part of your training. You will be matched up and compete to show what you have learned. This is a single elimination tournament so the winner will advance and face another one of you that also won their match. Follow me to the arena so we can find out who is in the first match." Shining Armor said.

We followed him as we entered and made our way through the hallways. We soon exited and arrived in the arena. I looked around and saw the place was packed. The guards that were not on duty came to see the event. It is my and Shining Armor match all over again. Glad I am now used to fighting in front of a crowd. Wonder if they are expecting me to do the sexy jutsu. We stood in the center and face the royal box where Princess Celestia was at. I did not see Princess Luna though. I must not be fighting first so she can get some sleep after being up all night.

Princess Celestia walked to the front of the box and raised her hoof. The crowd quieted down to listen to the Princess. "Welcome fillies and gentlecorts of the Royal Guard. It's that time again to see how the latest recruit managed to do through all the training you went through. You will be surprised to hear that this is the first group in a long time to have to casualties during the survival training. They actually picked another up to join them. This new recruit's name is Al and is a human." Princess Celestia said.

The crowd of guards in the stands were all whispering to each other. Al bent over and whispered to me, "Wondering what they are talking about?"

"Probably wondering if you are like me and can do some of the same things I have done. I know some don't like me for successfully evading them on my first visit to the castle in my human form. Just watch your back for now until we are Royal Guard ourselves." I said.

"I bet you are all wondering what this human has to offer. So let's get started with him facing Fang, the Zebra pony." Princess Celestia said.

"Guess I don't have to wait for my match then. I will see you after the match." Al said.

"I will teleport the rest of you to the participant box next to Princess Celestia's box so you can watch the match. Have fun you two." Shining Armor said and then teleported the rest of us out of the ring.


(3rd POV)

In the arena now only stood Fang and Al. They stood 10 feet away from each other. Al took a ready stance to draw out his throwing blades that are in holders wrapped around his upper legs. Fang prepped herself by having her blade already sticking out of her right fore hoof.

"I had a feeling I would be going up against you. Hope you don't mind fighting a mare." Fang said.

"I got over it while in hell. I lost count the number of women I had to kill. Some were skilled fighters." Al said.

"I don't plan to hold back."

"I don't want you to or this will end very quickly."

"Let's see how a human can fight."

"We fight real good." Al said in a southern accent

Fang quickly got confused to what Al said. She shook it off and focused on the match.

The referee walked to the center of the ring and announced the rules. "Here are the rules for the match. You must remain within the space of the arena. A barrier will detect if you try to leave. Any weapon that is in the arena is fair game to use, along with your abilities. The match will end with the following, knocking your opponent out, making them submit, or killing them. Anything else is fair game. Are you both ready?" The referee asked them. They both nodded their heads without taking an eye off the opponent. "BEGIN!" The ref shouted and teleported away.

Al drew fast and sent two daggers at high speed toward Fang. She deflected one and dodged the other. Fang then charged for Al to get within striking distance. She jumped up and began to spin and swing her hoof with the blade. Al drew a blade to block hers. It was about to make contact when the blade disappeared and reappeared on her back right leg as she was still spinning. Al reacted fast and jumped backwards to avoid the hit. He landed several feet away as Fang landed on all her hooves.

"That is a nice trick there. You almost had me." Al said.

"You have some nice moves too. Shall we continue?" Fang said.

Al did not say anything. His response was throwing three daggers this time. Two at the same time with the third following them. Fang moved her blade to deflect them. The two were blocked with no problem. She then spun out of the way to avoid the third. What Fang did next surprised Al. As the third one went by Fang, she grabbed the handle with her mouth as she was still spinning and sent the blade back to Al. He quickly moved as fast as he could to avoid it. The edge of the blade made a tiny cut across his cheek. Not enough to bleed, but it was noticeable that he got hit.

"Now that was un-lady like." Al said.

"I was just returning your property. It is your fault you can't catch." Fang replied.

Al decided to change to a different blade. He reached behind his back and pulled out blades that also can be used as brass knuckles. He slid his fingers into the proper holes and then signaled for Fang to come get some. Fang did not argue as she charged faster this time with the blade on her left fore hoof. She swung it at him and he blocked it. She quickly swapped it to her other fore hoof and swung at him again. Al blocked that one too.

"You are not going to get me again with that move." Al said.

"How about this one?" Fang said. She quickly spun around and did a buck right into his man jewels.

Al felt the hit and flew several feet back. He moaned out in pain as the crowd started to laugh. He coughed and said, "That is a low blow."

"Ref said anything goes. Are you going to quit now or do you want some more pain."

"Not at all, you just surprised me. Now you get to find out why you never kick a man in the groin."

The ground began to shake around Al. Fang saw what was happening and back away to get out of range. Small pebbles began to float around Al in an orbit. They soon were joined by bigger rocks. Al look at what was happening and a big grin showed up on his face.

"I should actually thank you for that kick. Looks like I do have control over gravity around me. Thanks for awaking it. NOW FEEL THE PAIN!" Al said.

Fang prepared her blade to block what could happen next. Al started to send the pebbles out like bullets towards Fang. She was barely able to block some of them as she was pelted by the rest. They did not break her skin, but was the force of a paintball hitting skin. Fang dodges out of their path and made her way to the arena wall and grabbed a metal shield. The pebbles were now pinging off the shield.

"Looks like I need to use a bigger caliper now." Al said as he started to send rocks towards Fang.

Fang was still able to block them with the shield, but it was getting dented pretty good. She started to advance towards Al as she hid behind the shield. The speed of the projectiles was starting to slow down as Al never used this power before under his control. Fang took this opportunity to charge Al. She dropped the shield so she can run faster. She jumped and dodge the rocks Al was sending to stop her. She was about to strike when she stopped moving forward. Al has suspended her in the air.

"I take you forgot I had everypony floating in the barracks yesterday. I just wait for you to take the bait and get within range. What are you going to do now seeing you can't move?" Al said with a hand palm facing her.

"This." Fang said. She stuck her right fore hoof out and her blade came out and went through his hand.

Al screamed out in pain. He sent Fang flying backwards towards the arena wall. He grabbed his hand that is now bleeding. Fang collided with the wall and made it crack. She landed on her hooves and was barely standing. She was smiling because happy that she landed a hit on this human.

Purple blood dripped from Al hand. When it hit the ground, it boiled to nothing. He looked at Fang and he was now angry. "YOU BITCH! THIS WAS MY FAVORITE HAND! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!" He shouted.

"How much? I don't think a human hand is worth that much. I don't even want to know where it has been." Fang said as she joked.

The crowd was in a laughter roar now. This only enraged Al more. The ground around him began to break apart as the boulders were now floating. "Laugh about this!" Al shouted as he sent them flying in every direction.

The ones heading for the crowds were stopped by the barrier. Fang was dodging the best she could do, but being slammed into the wall did some damage to her. They were brazing her coat as they went by and left scratches. The area around Al was pretty much destroyed. He was pretty much standing on a pillar in a pit. The big rocks continue to rise up and then flew towards Fang. Suddenly, one of them landed a hit on her back leg. There was a loud snap as she rolled away and hid behind a boulder.

She cried out in pain as she held onto her left rear hoof. "ENOUGH AL! I GIVE! STOP YOUR ATTACK!" Fang shouted out in pain.


The barrage of boulders continued to fly and started to break apart the one Fang was hiding behind. She continued to cry out in pain.

Just then, there was a poof of smoke behind Al. Swift Blaze showed up and put a grapple wood jutsu on Al. "Calm down Al! The match is over! You don't need to kill her. This is not hell! Remember you are in Equestria!" Blaze shouted as he held the jutsu.

"But she stabbed my hand! She has to pay!" Al said as he tried to break free.

"You broke her leg! Chill out and regain your senses. Your hand can be healed. A life cannot be revived. Come back to us!"

Al let out a big roar and then went limp. Blaze waited for a few minutes before releasing him and bringing him to the edge of the pit. The medical staff was already getting Fang onto a stretcher and out of the arena. Blaze knelt down to Al and began to heal his hand to stop it bleeding. Shining Armor showed up and stood next to Blaze.

"Thanks for stepping in like that. I never imagine he would go like that to a small injury. I don't even know if any guard could have stopped him without causing serious injury to him, or death." Shining Armor said.

"Being in hell for a year has really affected his mind. I detected that same energy from the forest to when he got hit in the balls. It was growing pretty well since then. Then it boosted rapidly when his hand got stabbed. I have a feeling his gravity powers are anger controlled and he does not know how to control it yet." Blaze said.

"I don't want to lock him up or kill him if he can't control it."

"I will work with him at my house. The Zen garden in my backyard is set up to calm anyone down. I know what would happen if I lost my cool so I never wanted to go that way again."

"Let's get him back up to the participant box. You can finish healing him up there and make sure he does not go into a rampage when he wakes up."

"Of course. I don't think he will remember much after the stabbing. He did not remember the battle in the old castle when we first found him."

They teleported out of the arena and Unicorn guards went to work getting the arena cleaned up for the next match.

Next Chapter: 31. Chapter 31: Royal Guard Tournament,Part2 Estimated time remaining: 6 Hours, 46 Minutes
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