
Balance of the Mind and Body

by Cyber Blaze

Chapter 21: 21. Chapter 21: Auntie Em, Auntie Em,

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Chapter 21: Auntie Em, Auntie Em, . . .

When I woke up sometime later, I found myself in a hospital bed. Ugh, how long was I out? I looked around the room and no other pony was in there. I tried to get up, but a sharp pain throbbed in my head. Guess no pony caught me when I black out. I then notice my gi was on a chair over in the corner. I quickly looked under the cover and saw my undergarments were still on me. As I breathed a sigh of relief the door to the room opened. I saw the mane 6 stepped in with smiles on their faces seeing I was awake.

"Morning Blaze. Glad to see you finally awake." Twilight said.

"Morning everypony. How long was I out?" I asked.

"Just the night darling. We took you here after you collapse to make sure you were ok." Rarity said.

"Yea, the only pain I feel right now is on the back of my head. Guess no pony made it in time to catch me."

"Sorry about that. You just surprised us how quickly you went unconscious." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's alright, the pain will go away soon. Mind if we get out of here? I feel like I have not eaten for at least a day." My stomach confirms as it released a loud growl. The girls laughed when they heard it and joined in. I was about to get out of bed when I realize I was just in my undergarments. "Um, mind I ask how I got undressed? I'm pretty sure my clothing still had the weight modifier activated."

"They were, it took me and Rarity just to get that heavy top gi off after we teleported you here. The others took one hoof band off you." Twilight said.

"You were not joking you had released a heavy emotional weight after so many years. That hoof band almost made me fall face first into the floor when I pulled it off ya." Applejack said.

Oh great they saw my underclothes. Wonder if they took a peak. "Um, did anypony decide to remove anything else?" I asked with a blush started to cover my face.

"None of us removed your undergarments. Rainbow was about to, but we stopped her. We respected your reason why humans have to wear clothes." Fluttershy said.

"Thank you girls. Now if you could please leave the room, I will quickly get dressed so I can get out of here. Don't feel like scarfing down hospital food."

They all giggled and left with closing the door. I got out of bed and put my gi back on with no issue as I am used to the weight. I can really have fun with a pony if I toss them one of my hoof bands. Once I was dressed, I left the room and saw my friends were waiting outside. I waved goodbye to the nurses and doctors as I left the hospital. They nodded to me with a smile on their faces.

We made our way to a café for some lunch as it was around noon time. We took a table outside as it was a lovely day. A waiter came and took our drinks and food orders. We soon began to discuss things that happened yesterday.

"We saw you really enjoyed your antics yesterday when you were showing off against that Trixie." Rainbow Dash said.

"Like I said before, I did not like how she was humiliating my friends. So I just did what she was doing to my friends so she got a taste of her own medicine." I said.

"I still hate the fact she had you thrown into jail under false accusations." Twilight said.

"She just never knew how I was doing what I was doing. If you never knew me and you saw an Earth pony doing what I was doing, would you think I somehow performed forbidden magic?"

I could see Twilight was thinking hard on the question. After a few minutes, she said, "I can see how a pony would think that about an Earth pony. Lucky you can't do all your chakra jutsu while in pony form also. That would really scare the ponies that don't really know you."

Yea, having no hands really limit my chakra skills in my pony form. I have been able to use my chakra to be able to hold onto things like the other ponies like they were hands. Hmm, I think I might have found a loophole. Will need to test it out later.

"So what did you do Blaze while in the slammer?" Rainbow asked.

"I did some meditation to learn some more jutsu."

"REALLY! WHAT DID YOU LEARN? CAN YOU SHOW US?" Rainbow shouted with excitement.

"Calm yourself Dash. I can show one move, but you have to guess what the last element I have yet to learn."

"Aw man, I hate taking tests. Any hints?"

"I have learned four of the the five basic elements. The last one will definitely surprise you."

All the girls started to think of what the last one could be. I can guess that Twilight will probably come up with the answer first.

"OH! I KNOW! IT IS LIGHTNING!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Did not see that coming. "Pinkie is correct. The last basic element was lightning. It is one of the most dangerous as you know what lightning can do. This move I am about to show is dangerous so please don't disrupt my concentration."

I did the hand signs and then held my hand out while bracing it with the other. I then said, "Lightning Style! Chidori!" My hand suddenly was engulf in white light as small lightning bolts was sparking from it. The sound of a thousand birds was coming from it as it did from the Anime. I then absorb the chakra back in so I did not release the lightning onto any pony.

My friends had surprised faces as they were impressed that I can harness something so dangerous. "Boy howdy, that might have have been useful yesterday morning when Trixie sent that lightning at ya. You could have sent it back to her." Applejack said.

"It would have, but I would have not sent it back to her as my chakra would have amplified it and would have made it lethal. I would have sent it back to the clouds."

"You really do care about not wanting to hurt anypony. Even though that Trixie should have been punished a little more." Rarity said.

"I am surprised to hear that from you Rarity. Yes, I could have caused harm to her with ease. Then the ponies will fear me and of my powers. I rather gain their trust and give them laughter instead of making them fear me."

"I can now see why you acted that way. It was uncouth of me to think like that."

"It is alright."

Our food arrived and ate it down. I had several dishes as I was starving. I think I am getting the appetite of Goku. Meals are going to be expensive when I eat out. We finished the meal and paid for what we ate.

"So what are your plans for the rest of the day Blaze? Fluttershy asked.

"Well, I need to do some shopping in the market as I have no food at home at the moment. Just need to get enough till I go to Canterlot for the training." I said.

"Would you like me to help you with your shopping? You helped me with mine and sounds like you have several things you need to buy."

"I will like that. Thank you Fluttershy."

Fluttershy and I made our way to the market and visit each food cart and stand of several different foods. I created a clone each time I made a purchase so they can take it back to the house right away. I was buying a bushel of almost every veggie I liked and the same with fruit. I bought several of rice as I plan to have it with almost every dinner. Fluttershy offered me some of her eggs and some fish seeing I needed my protein. I thanked her for her generosity. When we came to Applejack's apple cart, she gave me several bushels of apples free of charge for helping her out on the farm and being there when she needed help. I thanked her for them.

Once the shopping was done, I offered Fluttershy to come over for dinner as I will be making my stir fry again. She said she would like that and will bring over the eggs and fish when she does. We parted ways as she went to her cottage and I went to my home. My clones have already put the food away where they could and put the rest in the basement as it was acting like a fridge down there with all that stone. I receive a memory from one of them when they created a walk in fridge out of stone down there as well as a freezer for meat when I do get some from the castle.

I began preparing for the meal as I sharpen my new knife set for the kitchen to my liking. I started to cook the rice and chop the veggies for the stir fry. As I was cutting, there was a knock at the front door. I walked to it and opened it. Fluttershy was there with her saddle bags full.

"Hi Blaze. Hope I am not too early." Fluttershy said.

"Of course not. Come on in and make yourself comfortable. Are those the eggs and fish in the saddle bags?" I asked.

"Yes they are. Hope I brought enough."

"It is more than enough. Thank you again for offering me the fish you have for your animals."

"It is no trouble."

I took Fluttershy's bags and brought them to the kitchen and placed the contents in the fridge where I had room. I went back to work preparing the veggies and now one of the fish also. As I was cutting, I asked Fluttershy, "Would you like something to drink?"

"Some water would be nice." Fluttershy said.

I got a glass out of the cupboard and filled it with water from the sink. I brought it to her where she was sitting in the living room. I went back to cooking and first made the stir fry rice now that I have the eggs. I brought out two skillets to cook the fish in on and the veggies in the other. Once everything was cooked, I plated the food and brought it to the table.

"Dinner is ready." I said.

Fluttershy got up from the living room and joined me at the dining table. "Blaze, this smells delicious as last time. You really do know how to make this dish smell and taste good." Fluttershy said.

"Years of practice on myself. The first several tries resulted in conditions of *clear throat* frequent bathroom visits. I did finally get cooking down and now can make dishes like these that I like."

We ate the rest of the meal in silence as we savour the flavour. I enjoy eating meat again as it is part of who I am. Once everything was down in our stomachs, I gathered the dishes and brought them to the kitchen.

"Please Blaze, you should not have to clean the dishes. Allow me."

"Fluttershy, you are my first guest I had dinner with in my new home. Please enjoy yourself. It won't take long. I do want to show you something once I get done."

Fluttershy nodded and went into the living room and waited. I got the dishes cleaned up and put away in no time. I entered the living room saw her sitting on one of the cushions.

"What I want to show you is in my backyard. I think you will like it."

I took Fluttershy to the back door and opened it. Her eyes went wide as she saw the Zen garden. The sun was setting and was adding a nice orange tint to the garden. We walked out onto the deck so Fluttershy could get a better look. She looked at everything I created the previous day and had a big smile on her face.

"Blaze, this is beautiful. I never knew you were this creative with your ability." Fluttershy said with a small tear coming from her eye.

"I created this so I had a place I can retreat to if I ever get unbalance again. This is called a Zen garden back on my world. It is designed to restore order and balance to one self."

"Blaze, I am sure you should never have to worry about getting that way again. It was a memory from your past that caused you to act out."

"You are wrong Fluttershy. The memory brought back the pain that I received. I went to the castle to be alone and let my emotional state run out. I did not change into . . . that enraged thing until the Timberwolves showed up. They didn't leave me alone to deal with my state. I never wanted to act like that way ever again."

"I don't blame you for killing those Timberwolves. You were only defending yourself. Like I said before, I was glad you did not get hurt. You should not beat yourself up for what you did."

I moved over to the fire pit and lit it up with a quick fire jutsu. I stared into the fire as Fluttershy came over next to me. "That is just it. I don't hate myself for what I did, I hate myself because I enjoyed it. That part of me is in every human. Anger, rage, and the enjoyment of killing. Yes I killed them to protect myself, but I could have easily killed you all when you showed up."

"But you didn't. You still had the good inside of you and that stopped you from hurting us. Please stop hating yourself Blaze. You are a good human and how you dealt with that Ursa yesterday proves it."

"Thank you Fluttershy. I wanted to show you this because you brought me back to myself that night. I did not know what would have happened if you didn't."

"I was glad my STARE was able to reach the good you. I have never done that to a friend. I did not want you to get hurt anymore nor wanted you to possibly hurt our friends. Promise me that I would never have to do that again."

"I promise. Now let me get some cushions from inside so we can enjoy the fire."

Fluttershy accepted the offer. I went and got the cushions and set them by the fire pit. I sat down indian style on one. Fluttershy went and sat on the other, but sat close enough to me so she could lean against me. I wrapped one arm around her to keep her close. We watched the fire dance away and causing the gems to glimmer.

I did not notice how much time has gone by. I looked to Fluttershy and saw she fell asleep. She had a smile on her face as she slept. I did not want to wake her so we stayed that way the entire night. I used my wood jutsu to keep the fire going. At some point, I too fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was just before dawn as usual. I did not want to wake Fluttershy yet I still wanted to get my morning training in. I created a clone and he went to do the exercise. I restarted the fire and added more wood. Soon the sun was up and Fluttershy started to wake up.

"Morning sleepy head." I said when she looked at me.

Fluttershy let out a tiny scream as she jumped up from the cushion. "I am so sorry Blaze for falling asleep like that. I was so comfortable that I doze off. This never happened before. I shall leave right away." Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy, calm down. I did not mind it. You were sleeping so peacefully that I did not want to disturb you. Let's go inside and I shall make some breakfast."

We headed inside and I began to cook up some scramble eggs and cut up some fresh fruit. Fluttershy went to the living room to wait till breakfast was ready. While she waited, my clone came through the front door. Fluttershy had a confused look on her face.

"Blaze, I thought you were in the kitchen?" Fluttershy asked.

"I am probably still am."


"This morning, before dawn, the original Blaze you were sleeping against made a clone, that's me, and left to do the normal morning exercises."

"Ah, I keep forgetting your shadow clones can act by themselves."

"If you would excuse me, I will need to let me know about something I agreed to this morning."

With that, the clone disappeared and I received his memories. I continued to cook the eggs as I reviewed what my clone did. I dished up the food and brought it to the table. I informed Fluttershy that it was ready and she joined me at the table.

"So what did your clone do while exercising this morning?" Fluttershy asked.

"I shall start when he left the house."

- Early this morning -

(From clone's point of view.)

I left the house and began my jog to Ponyville town square and back. I return to the front yard and worked on my Taijutsu fighting style. As I was doing them for a couple hours. I hear a young voice call my name.

"Morning Swift Blaze!" The young pony voice said.

I turned and see Apple Bloom coming up the road from the farm. Must be going to school.

"Morning Apple Bloom. You heading to school?" I asked.

"Sure am! Miss Cheerilee is going to be teaching us about different cutie marks that ponies get. I told her about you and she would like to sit in and answer questions about yours." Apple Bloom said.

"That will be difficult as I am not a pony and I did not get to know about mine the normal way."

"That is why she wants you to come. The other fillies did not believe I was friends with the human and that a non pony was able to get a cutie mark. You just have to come!"

I have a feeling there will be something else. "Alright, I will come to your school. I will be along shortly. Just need to get cleaned up after my morning exercise."

Apple Bloom was excited that I accepted her request. She quickly left and continued on to school.

- Back to the present -

"And that is when my clone came into the house and had that quick chat with you." I said as I finished telling what my clone did.

"Sounds like you should get going before you are late. I will clean the dishes this time as you have a promise to keep." Fluttershy said.

We quickly finished breakfast and I headed upstairs to shower and change clothes. I went with my black with white trim gi as the only other clean one was full black. Guess I am either doing laundry today or tomorrow. I definitely don't want to be running around in my undergarments. Once I was dressed, I realize my pony form has not been in a shower in a while. Better make sure that form is clean too.

I changed into my pony form, undressed, washed myself over me the best I could, and then got dressed again. I decided to keep the pants off as no pony ever wears pants, except for very fancy functions. Actually most ponies wear nothing at all. I could never go that far. Plus the fact that I needed the enchanted clothing I am wearing in order to move around normally.

I headed downstairs in my pony form and said goodbye to Fluttershy. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I flew off to the school. I remembered where it was from Twilight's tour, plus from the show. I landed out of sight and finished heading to the school on foot. As I made my way to the schoolhouse, I saw all the young ponies were playing outside and chatting among themselves. Apple Bloom was talking to two fillies and seem she was not liking the conversation. Those two must be Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Hear them say their favourite word, "Blank Flank!" Yep, that is them. I think they are going to scream when they see my human form.

The bell rings and I see Miss Cheerilee step outside and calls her class to come inside. They all head inside and I continue my walk to the school. Miss Cheerilee was about to close the door when I caught her attention.

"Good morning Cheerilee." I said.

"Good morning, um . . ." Cheerilee said.

"My name is Swift Blaze. Apple Bloom asked me to come as you were going to talk about cutie marks today."

"Ah yes, Swift Blaze. I was actually expecting to see your human form. Why are you here in this form?"

"I did not want to scare the young fillies and colts first thing."

"I think that was a good idea. Come along so I can start the lesson."

I follow Miss Cheerilee inside and closed the door behind me.

"Alright class. Settle down as we have an important lesson to cover and a special guest to help with it." Miss Cheerilee said to the class.

All the ponies quiet down and I saw Apple Bloom with a big grin on her face, happy that I did come. I saw the other ponies with wondering looks at me. Trying to figure out who I was. Snip and Snails were looking at me and then I saw in their eyes that they recognized me. They kept quiet so they did not get into trouble.

"Allow me to introduce you to Swift Blaze."

"Hello everypony. I am sure some of you recognize me around town. I can go into more about me when Miss Cheerilee finishes her lesson. If that is alright with her of course."

"Please Miss Cheerilee?" Apple Bloom said with the big pony eyes. Oh those eyes that you can never say no to. Glad that is not happening to me this time.

"But of course. Now then class, today we are going to go over cutie marks. Can you all see mine and Swift Blaze's cutie marks?" They all nodded their heads. "Like all ponies, I did not always have mine, my flank was blank." Cheerilee said as she showed them a young picture of her.

Cheerilee continued telling the story of how she had received her and what it symbolized to her. I watched the class as they pay attention. I then saw Diamond Tiara trying to get Apple Bloom's attention. Oh no you don't. I am not going to let you get Apple Bloom in trouble. I quietly released the weight modifier on my clothes. I waited for the right moment. As Diamond Tiara was beginning to pass the note, I move within a half a second and took the blank piece of paper from her and returned back to where I was. Diamond Tiara was confused where the paper went. She went and retrieve another one from her desk and began to pass it.

"Diamond Tiara! Are you passing a note?" Cheerilee said.

"No Miss Cheerilee." Diamond Tiara said acting all innocent.

"Care to explain this one I snagged from you earlier.?" I said as I revealed it on my hoof.

"How did you . . ." Diamond Tiara started to say.

"So you were passing notes. See me after class Diamond Tiara." Cheerilee said.

Apple Bloom was happy that she did not get caught in that trap. Cheerilee came up to me and whispered, "Thank you for catching her in the act. I don't know why she likes to pick on the others, especially Apple Bloom."

I whispered back, "Probably because Apple Bloom does not have a cutie mark so Diamond Tiara thinks she is better than her because of it." I revealed the note to her and showed it was blank. "I think she was going to make a joke about Apple Bloom not having her cutie mark."

"Thanks for letting me know. How are you able to determine this from just meeting the children from the first time.?

"Back when I was young, I was the one picked on so I know what to look for."

"Sorry to hear that." Cheerilee turns to the class and said, "I think we should now hear about how Swift Blaze got his cutie mark."

The entire class cheered for it, except for Diamond Tiara as I got her in trouble. Better keep my eye on her. I got up and stood in front of the class. "Well then, I did not get my cutie mark till much later than probably anypony has ever gotten there. The reason why is I am not actually a pony." I released my jutsu and returned to my human body. "I am the human that came to Equestira just over a week ago now."

They all gasp at my human body. The few that didn't just smiled. "Back on my world, no human ever receives these cutie cutie marks."

"Then how do they know what their special talent is?" Twist said.

"We went to school to learn the basics of life like how you are. Then we went to higher education to learn skills that we like to do or to do for a job we wanted to have. Some did not have a choice in what job they wanted if they wanted to survive."

"That sounds awful." A filly said in the back of the classroom.

"It was. I won't go into details about the lifestyle there. Now then how I got my cutie mark, does anypony know a pony name Twilight Sparkle?" Several of them raised their hoof up. "Well I wanted to see your town, but could not go out in my human form. Twilight used her magic to turn me into a pony and that is when I found about my cutie mark. When I changed back, my human form also now displays it." I said as I pointed to it.

"What does that symbol mean?" Silver Spoon asked.

"The symbols is called the yin and yang symbol. What it stands for is the belief I have for balance and that can be anything. From sun and moon, good and evil, harmony and chaos, and right and wrong. Everything needs to be in balance, not just the body and mind, but everything in nature and in space. I hold true to this belief ever since I started my martial arts training as a child."

"You know how to beat up others?" Cheerilee asked.

"I know how to defend myself and others I care for. I never start the conflicts."

"Can you show us some of your moves?" Apple Bloom asked.

Oh this is going to be fun. "It will have to be outside where I have more room to do it in and if Miss Cheerilee is ok with it."

"I would like to see it myself. Alright class, the rest of the lesson will be done outside."

They all cheered and quickly made their way outside. Cheerilee and I followed them up and they all gathered in a half circle. I made for the front and Cheerilee stayed in the back. "Ok, before I can demonstrate some martial art moves, I am going to have to explain some other things I can do. Back on my world, we did not have anything like the magic you have here, humans have no sense of magic. So what I am about to show it's not a magic spell. I am a unique human that has other abilities that look like magic when I do them. They allowed me to change into my pony form whenever I want.

I did the shadow clone jutsu and made another me. They all screamed when they saw the other me. Apple Bloom stayed calm as she had already seen it. This is going to take a while. "Please calm down everypony. This is called a jutsu and uses chakra to activate that resides in my body."

"That is forbidden magic! The Great and Powerful Trixie said so!" Snips said.

"This is not magic, I can't use magic. I use chakra and hand signs to do jutsu." My clone said in a little angry tone.

"You don't need to be mean to the colt. He has only seen magic before so this is all new to him." The original me said.

"But Trixie was the one that had us get locked up in jail because we shown her up." My clone said.

"True, but Princess Celesita did pardon us. Plus we did have fun teaching her a lesson." The original said.

The class was giggling as I was arguing with myself. "Wait, what were we going to do?" My clone said.

"I can't remember, do any of you children know?" The original asked.

"You were going to show some of your fancy martial arts moves." Apple Bloom said.

"That's right, shall we begin me?" The clone said.

"Let's." The original said.

We walked away from the children a little bit for some more room. We both got into a stance. When we moved in for the attack, I stayed slow so they could see all the hits and blocks. I only did this for a few minutes and then stopped in my tracks. I released my clone and turned to the kids.

"Did you enjoy the show?" I asked them.

They cheered and clapped their hooves together.

"Are their other jutsu you can do?" A colt asked.

"There is. If I had to guess the number I have learned so far, I would say at least a hundred and they can be used for different situations. One thing I noticed you did not have here is some playground equipment for when you go on recess. Let this be a gift to you Miss Cheerilee and for your students."

I headed to the school and found an empty spot behind the building. They all followed and stayed behind me. This is going to eat up some chakra. I started to do several hand signs and then shouted, "Multi Element Style! Playground Creation Jutsu!"

The ground began to shake a bit as I was pulling in several elements at once. Wood style came first and made a border of where everything was going to go. It then formed a jungle gym and playground fort. The last was the structure for swings. Earth style came next and created a slide attached to the fort first. The slide part showed up as a polished and smooth stone. I then made very colorful sea-saws. Last I had sand rise up from the ground in the boxed area. The last style was a spinoff of wood. I had vines grow from the swing set and form the seats.

Once it was done. I collapsed to one knee and then quickly got back up and turned around. The kids' faces were showing pure happiness at their new play equipment. "Well, are you just going to stand there and look at it or are you going to go and play?" I asked. It did not even take a second after I said that before the fillies and colts ran to the new play equipment. Cheerilee came up to me as we watched the children having fun.

"That was a very generous gift you gave them. I don't know how I can pay you." Cheerilee said.

"Seeing them happy is all I need. I wanted to show that they do not have to fear me and they can come to me when there is trouble."

"I saw what you did at Applejack's ceremony and that was fun to watch."

"I am going to head off and get some lunch. If you need anything, let me know."

Cheerilee nodded and then headed to watch the children. I left and made my way to the cafe. I found a table outside and pulled up a chair that was leaning by the building. I saw Lyra come out and headed to me. "Good afternoon Blaze. You look exhausted." Lyra said.

"I feel like it. Was asked by Apple Bloom to go to the schoolhouse to talk about my cutie mark and one thing led to another. Soon I was building them a playground behind the school with my jutsu., I said.

"They must be loving it. You really do have a big heart for us ponies."

"They are enjoying it when I left. I just love how peaceful this world is. It is the complete opposite from my world."

"Sorry to hear that your world was so awful. Anyway, what will you be having today?"

"I think I will have the fruit salad and grilled veggies. Also three glasses of water."

"Good choice, I will be back with your water."

Lyra headed inside while I watched the ponies in the town square heading to wherever they had to get to. I saw several Pegasus were moving clouds in. Are they going to make it rain? I quickly look around for Rainbow Dash to see if she was working. I soon found her plugging a hole with a cloud.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" I shouted to her.

She saw me and flew down. "Hi Blaze, what's up?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, you were just up."

Rainbow started to laugh at the joke. "Oh Blaze, you are a riot. You really know how to tickle my funny bone."

"You mean this bone?" I started to tickle the bone's location. Rainbow laughed louder and fell from where she was hovering. I continue to tickle the spot as Rainbow was kicking about on her back.

"Blaze, please stop it. I need to breath." Rainbow said while laughing.

I stopped and allowed her to regain her composure. "Getting back to what I called you, is it going to rain soon?"

"Yea, the weather team scheduled for a thunderstorm for this afternoon. Suppose to be a good one."

Never say that about thunderstorms. They always get worse. "Well, I better get to my home soon." Lyra came out with my drinks. "Lyra, sorry to do this, can you make my order to go? Want to get home before the light show starts."

"Sure thing, I will bring the check as well" Lyra said as she headed back inside.

"Rainbow, I know you Pegasus control the weather. How do the other ponies know what the weather is going to be?" I asked her.

"Each day, the Equestrian Daily post today's weather forecast for each town."

"Where do I get a copy?"

"It get's delivered each morning to every home."

"By who?"

"A grey Pegasus named Ditzy Hooves."

Of course. "Ok, guess I should inform her where my house is so I can also get a copy."

All of a sudden, I hear a faint sound from a pony. "Look out below!"

I looked up and see the pony in discussion coming in hot. I got up and quickly did some hand signs and shouted, "Water Style! Dense Cloud Jutsu!" I started to form a cloud in front of me in the path of Ditzy. I finished just in time as she collided with it. I held onto the cloud as I slid back a bit from the impact. Ditzy looked herself over for damage and realize she landed on a cloud.

"How did this cloud get here?" Ditzy asked.

"I formed it to catch you. You are not injured Ditzy, are you?" I said.

"That is probably one of the comfiest landings I will ever get. Nice job forming the cloud."

"Thank you, why were you flying as high speed to the ground?"

"I had to find you and thank you."

"Thank me for what?"

"For the playground you made at the schoolhouse. My daughter came home during my lunch break and told me everything. She really loves it."

"That's nice. What is your daughter's name?" Like I already don't know.

"Her name is Dinky Hooves, but I call her my little muffin."

Dash was making the expression like she was going to gag. I shot her a stern look and she stopped and flew back to finish getting the storm ready. "You might want to head inside soon as the weather Pegasus are making a good storm from the looks of it. Also, can you put me on the list to get the newspaper in the morning. I was going to be out in this storm if I did not ask Rainbow about what was going on with all the clouds."

"Sorry about that. You will get one in the morning. Where is your home?"

"It is the new one just outside of town with the outer walls made of stone on top of the hill."

"That is a nice house, I didn't recall seeing it there last week."

"That is because I built it a few days ago with my jutsu."

"That's cool. Better finish delivering this mail. Bye Blaze."

"Bye Ditzy." Hmm, guess some if the fanfiction stories are true. Wonder what else should I expect.

Lyra came out with my lunch packaged up and I payed the bill. I started to head home as I saw other ponies were doing the same. Some were even closing the shutters on their windows. Guess it is going to be a nasty one. Better keep an eye and hear for trouble. I made it home as the storm started to rain. I went and sat at the table to eat my lunch while the grilled veggies were still warm. Once the meal was done and the dishes were cleaned, I looked around my house. What shall I do while stuck inside with a storm going on outside. I should do the maintenance on my weapons so they will work if I ever need them.

I faced the wall that the stairs are heading to the second floor. I released the illusion barrier jutsu I had placed when organizing my house. A door revealed itself. I opened it and headed down to the basement. Down there, I used my jutsu to create an opening in a stone block that was in the corner. Inside were all my weapons hanging on stone hooks. I released several ki energy balls to give off light for the room. I went to work on the maintenance for them.

Some time later, I hear my front door burst open. I teleported upstairs to see who the intruder was. Laying on the floor entrance was Ditzy Hooves. I ran to close the door and then to her to check if she is alright. See was breathing, but looked exhausted.

"Ditzy, what were you doing out in this storm?" I asked.

"Storm grew out of weather Peagasus' control by a storm from the EverFree Forest." Ditzy said while breathing heavily.

"You braved the storm to tell me that?"

"No, I came to ask you to help us. No pony has seen a storm like this. I am worried about my little muffin being stuck with the other children in this storm at the schoolhouse."

"I will see what I can do. You stay here and rest. I will be back shortly."

"You going out in that weather!"

"Not at this moment. I am teleporting to the school. Be right back."

I quickly teleported out and arrived at the school. I was met with a branch hitting my face. I quickly moved out of the way and see what is going on. Several of the windows were burst open, letting the rain and wind in. I saw the children and Cheerliee huddle in a corner. I made my over to them while climbing over the debris.

"Everything is going to be alright! Stay close to me and I will get everypony to safety!" I shouted over the wind. I teleported all of us back to my house and appeared in the entryway.

"Dinky!" Ditzy shouted from the sofa in the living room.

"Mommy!" the little filly said as she ran to Ditzy.

"You will be safe here in my house. Cheerilee, there are some towels in the upstairs bathrooms you can get to dry everypony off." I said.

"Thank you for saving us. Where are you going?" Cheerilee asked.

"Back out there to see if I can stop this storm."

"IT'S NOT SAFE! YOU MIGHT GET HURT!" Cheerilee shouted.

"I have to see what I can do. The Pegasus can't stop this so I must try. Stay inside and away from the windows."

Cheerilee nodded and backed away. I reactived the illusion barrier jutsu on the basement door and then summon my samurai sword to me. I teleported out of there so I did not have to open the door. When I arrived outside, I had to hold my ground as the wind was blowing hard. The clouds were pitch black and lit up with every lightning bolt either staying up in the clouds, or stiking towards the ground. Man, these are just as bad as the ones that happen in the south central of the United States. Oh shit. Don't tell me. I began to scan the horizon for the object that I hope was not there. I was hearing the sound from the stories of survivors. Way deep in the EverFree Forest is where I spotted the weather monster, a tornado.

Guessing on the size, it was an EF3 or bigger. I started to make several clones so they can help with rescues and warn the ponies. I knew that will destroy the town if I did not stop it. I am charging into a storm with a metal blade and it has a tornado. This is really going to hurt. I started to fly to the tornado while keeping my blade in it's sheaf to avoid lightning strikes. I dodge each one as it almost striked me.

When I got close enough, I drew the blade and started to channel my chakra into it. Lightning started to strike it, but my chakra was holding it back. I might as well use the lightning if it keeps striking my blade. Each strike was being absorbed into the blade and started to glow pure white. It kept on getting brighter and brighter. I held it to my side, ready to release it at the right moment as the tornado was coming closer.

When I was ready, I shouted at the top of my lungs, "LIGHTNING STYLE! LIGHTNING BLADE SLASH JUTSU!" I swung my blade at an upward angle sending all the lightning energy from the storm with my chakra enhancement at the twister. You could see the slash path as it was pure white. When it made contact with the tornado, they both exploded releasing all their energy.

The tornado disappeared, but the dark storm clouds were still shooting of lightning. I put my blade back in its holder and flew into the clouds. I had to get rid of these clouds and only knew one way that will cause them to disperse. My chakra was almost depleted, but I won't be needing it for this.

I started to power up my ki as I could send it out in a wave to break the clouds up. My ki energy kept on rising higher and higher. I started to emit a red glow around me and it was deflecting the lightning strikes. I was pulling with all my might to get every bit of ki that I had. I was even doing the scream they did on DBZ when they went to the max. The red glow continued to expand out as more ki was gathered. Once I pulled it all, I released my ki shockwave. It went in every direction and was breaking up the clouds.

I did not have any ki left to sustain flight so I began to fall. I was feeling so exhausted, I did my best to do one final jutsu to save myself. I teleported to Twilight's home and crashed into the center table. I was still barely conscious as Twilight ran up to me.

"Blaze what are you, OH MY! You're hurt! Blaze, stay with me! Rainbow go get the Doctor! Rarity, help me get him to the couch!" Twilght shouted.

I heard the door quickly open and close. My eyes were barely open as I felt myself get levitated off the table rubble. I then heard Rarity speak, "What in Clestia was Blaze doing out in that dreadful storm?"

I mumbled out, "Save school . . . children. Stop . . . tornado in . . . EverFree . . . Broke clouds up."

"Hold on Blaze! The Doctor is coming! Stay awake!" Twilight continued to shout. "Rarity, help me get his wet clothes off of him. Well what's left of them."

I was struggling hard to stake awake. My adrenaline was wearing out and I began to feel pain all over my body. I could not feel them tearing my clothes off. All of a sudden, a sharp pain came from my left leg. "OWWWWW! MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!" I shouted on reflex. Twilight and Rarity jumped away when I screamed out in pain.

"Please hold on Blaze. The Doctor will fix you up." Rarity said.

I was holding myself from screaming more out in pain. The front door burst open and Rainbow Dash came in with the Doctor.

"Where is the pony that's hurt?" The Doctor said.

"NOT A FUCKING PONY! THE HUMAN ON THE COUCH IS THE ONE WHO IS HURT!" I shouted as another wave of pain hit me.

"Calm down Blaze. The Doctor did not mean anything about it." Twilight said.

I kept my eyes closed as more pain was coming.

"This will put you nighty night so you won't have to feel the pain." The Doctor said as he injected me with something.

The pain was dying off as I lost consciousness.

Next Chapter: 22. Chapter 22: All Aboard! Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 27 Minutes
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