
Balance of the Mind and Body

by Cyber Blaze

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 2: That Sucks

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Chapter 2: That Sucks

The clock just changed to midnight, and everything went white. I look around and everywhere I see is all white. "Well, this sucks. Guess the Mayans were correct. I am now stuck in some sort of limbo. Never thought this was how I was going to die. I always imagined a cloud environment with a golden gate to heaven."

"That would be true if you are actually dead."


"Who do you think?"

" . . . God?"


"Wow, I am actually having a conversation with God. So, if I am not dead, then what am I doing here?

"You were one of the few humans who passed the test by not going into a mass panic and get violent."

"Wait! That Mayan calendar thing was a test for humanity to see if they will go violent or not? That is fucked up."

"I realized that almost all humans would go to go violent, but I was hoping for few to stay peaceful."

"Seeing I passed, what do I win?"

"You now have the choice to go to any world you want."

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! Any world? Like, Equestria from My Little Pony?"

"If that is your wish."

I cannot believe it! This is a brony dream come true. All the fan fiction stories I have read recently pop into my head of how they entered and lived in the world. I decided to do something different to be random.

"God, I would like to go to that world. But is it possible for you to grant me some other things?"

"Anything you think of is within my power to grant."

"Cool. I would like 2 abilities from two of my other favorite amines. I would like the powers from the Z fighters from Dragonball Z and being able to perform Ninjutsu from Naruto."

"An easy task so it shall be done. Anything else you would like before I send you to Equestria?"

"Yes please. I would like to stay human and change my clothes to a red gi with black trim and the Japanese symbol on the back for balance. Thank you for allowing me to live on."

"It is done and I had nothing to do with you surviving. Your moral standard is what helped you to survive."

A quick light starts to form around my body and flashes brighter than anything I have ever experienced. I close my eyes to protect them. I suddenly feel a breeze around my body. I open my eyes and I saw that God likes to play jokes. Instead of making me appear on the ground. I am falling to my death. "SSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT TTTTTT!" I start to panic and try to think how I can survive this. Thinking fast I realize there was a lake I was heading towards. "I have to figure out how to do this and fast." I put my hands in front of me and try to get an energy ball to form. Think fast and concentrating, one formed and I get ready to launch it just before I hit the water. 20 feet from the water, I launch the ball, it explodes on the water surface, and I go for a dive position, hoping the lake is very deep. I hit the water and went pretty deep. The hit knocks me out, but one of my backpack safety feature activates and starts to inflate and rotates my body face up. I reach the surface and don't know how long I was lying in the water.

When I came too, I see I am still in the water, in pain, but realize I need to get to land. I do my best to swim to shore. When I get there, I heard some ponies getting closer. I could not make it out who was coming as I was in great pain. I soon black out.

I came to again and see I am another location. The pain was not there anymore. I saw I was lying on a cot in a room with looks like is in a tree. I must be in Twilight's house. I started to hear voices upstairs and tried to determine who was up there. I could easily hear Rainbow Dash talking about I should be locked in chains as I could be dangerous. I laugh quietly and realize my left arm and right leg were in a cast. I don't think chains would be necessary as I can hardly move right now. I listen harder to the voices up stairs.

"Dash, you saw how it is. It was severely injured. The injuries show signs that it fell from a great distance." said Twilight Sparkle.

"I agree with Twi, sugarcube. Besides those casts on him, they will prevent it from going anywhere for a while anyway." Applejack said.

"I still think a chain to from the bed to a leg should be done to protect everyone in case." Rainbow said.

That's your typical Rainbow Dash. Sees strange creatures as a threat. Such loyalty to her friends just to protect them. I look around the room and see my backpack leaning against the wall with my sword next to it. It appears they have not gone into the bag so that is a good thing. A sharp pain from my leg hits me hard and a yell from it quickly.

"I think it is waking up. Let's go check on it." Twilight said.

I quickly close my eyes as I hear the door open upstairs. I listen to the sounds of several hoofs hitting wood as they get closer. I stayed perfectly still acting I was sleeping even though the pain was coming back.

"It appears to still be asleep, sugarcube. But the expression shows on its mug shows it is in pain." Applejack said.

"I will perform the spell again to dull the pain away so it can rest peacefully." Twilight said.

Her horn starts to glow and I feel warmth entering me and the pain subsiding. All of a sudden I hear a hyper voice knowing who it was.

"Twilightwhydidyounottellmean ewponyhascometotown. Mypinkiesencehasbeengoingoff sayingsomethingstrangandnewh ascometotown!" Pinkie Pie said in her hyper state. She then did something I was hoping she was not going to do. She jumps on me causing the pain to come back. It forced me to sit up and knock her off as I hold my chest due to the pain. I look over to the girls for the first time and they look exactly like the TV show. They started to back away from me from that reaction Pinkie caused.

"Pinkie, why did you jump on it when you could see it was injured and asleep?" Twilight said.

"It wasn't asleep silly."

"Why do you think it was not asleep?"

"My pinky sense told me."

Great, can't fool her when I fake sleep. I look and see that the entire mane 6 was there. Rarity hasn't talked probably because she was looking at my clothed to see if it was beautiful or horrid. Fluttershy must have talked while up there, but her voice too quiet.

Twilight steps forward and says, "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Are you able to understand me?"

I nod my head.

"What is your name?"


"Bob?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"You said it backwards." I told her. I got a chuckle out of Applejack. Rainbow acted like she wasn't amused being caught on that joke.

I already knew their names, but since I did not want them to think I was a spy, I will play ignorant. "So what are everyone's names seeing we are introducing ourselves?"

Applejack spoke out first, "Howdy partner. Names Applejack. I own an apple farm down the road named Sweet Apple Acres. The best apples on this side of Equestria!"

Rainbow Dash spoke next, "Names Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria and future team member of the Wonderbolts!"

Up next was Rarity, "Hello darling. You may call me Rarity. I must say your clothes are dreadful. Come by my shop when you are better and let me design you something better to suit your style."

Pinkie Pie jumps in close and starts talking, "Hithere. I'mPinkiePie. Sorryforjumpingonyou. Ijustcouldn'twaitforyoutowakeupandmeetyo u! Doyoulikeparties? ILOVEPARTIES! . . ." I quickly put my hand over her mouth to stop her to ramble on.

"Please Pinkie. Can you slow down your talking speed and allow me to answer your questions. My body is already injured. I don't want my head getting a headache from trying to process all you are saying. I shall answer questions once I get to meet everyone."

"Everypony." Twilight corrected.


"You said everyone. The correct way to say is everypony."

I roll my eyes for being corrected when I already knew the correct way to say it.

Twilight restarts the introducing, "Ahem, as I said before, my name is Twilight Sparkle and I run the library above us. I am also the personal student of Princess Celestia."

Last one to go was Fluttershy. She was currently hiding behind Applejack shaking scared and trying not to look at me. Applejack decides to speak for her, "The pony behind me is Fluttershy. She takes care of lots of woodland creatures that come out of the Everfree forest. She also has a tendency to be scared of lots of things."

I decide to try and comfort her by talking calm and smooth, "It's ok Fluttershy, and you do not have to be afraid of me. I know I look strange seeing you probably never seen a creature like me, but I promise you I will never harm you, your friends, or any creature that is under your care."

She pokes her head from behind Applejack and puts on a big smile. "May I ask what species are you, if you don't mind?" She asks softly.

"I would more than happy to. But can we do this a bit more interesting as I too have several questions popping into my head. We can go back and forth asking questions and answering them." I look for Pinkie Pie. "And please only ask one at a time so I can answer them if I can."

Twilight's eyes grew bigger knowing she is getting to get first hand knowledge from an unknown species to her. She quickly runs upstairs to grab the paper, quills, and ink wells not know how many notes she is going to write down. She comes back down in 10 seconds flat and Rainbow Dash was impressed with the speed she showed. She then realizes somepony else should also be here, her mentor Princess Celestia. She quickly yells, "SPIKE!"

I covered my ears hoping I was able to block most of the yell. I then quickly hear something else coming down the stairs. I knew it was but I still couldn't believe I was going to see a dragon in real life, even though he is still considered a baby dragon. The dragon looks at me and asks Twilight, "Um, Twi? What is that thing down here and not chained?"

"Spike! Behave please. Can't you see it is injured? We are about to ask it questions and I would like you to send a letter to the Princess telling her the situation. Also to invite her to hear what it has to say and to get her opinion of the creature."

"Right away Twilight!" Spike quickly writes out the letter, rolls it up, then breathes his magic fire that transports it directly to the Princess.

In the back of my mind, I am overfilled with joy knowing exactly where I am and who I am with. A thought just came to me now that the Princess is on her way. She might read my mind and discover everything! As we are waiting for a reply, I decided to go into a meditative state to put up barriers in my mind that will probably stop an intruder from snooping in my mind. I open my eyes once done and see all of them looking at me with confused looks. "What is everypony looking at?" I ask.

Rarity speaks up, "Well, Twilight and I noticed a strange aura around you when you sat like that and closed your eyes. You mind telling us what that was?"

"Well, seeing we were waiting for another guest to show up, I decided to meditate to try and speed up the healing process of my body."

"You shouldn't be able to do that." Twilight says, "You have multiple bone breaks in each of those cast and it is going to take months for them to heal correctly."

"Oh really?" I then take my good arm and smash it on the cast on the injured one to break it open. Everypony shocks from this and Fluttershy faints. I pull my arm out and show there are no bruises or pain. I repeat the process on the leg that is in a cast and prove it is also healed. This time however, Rarity fainted, but not before moving a couch over to her to catch her.

"How is this possible? The bones were shattered into several pieces and I did not want to put them back incorrectly as there are no books on your species! IT'S UNCANY!"

"Please calm down Twilight as I will answer all your questions when the Princess has arrived. I just wanted to look better for her instead of looking severely injured. Plus the cast were itchy."

Fluttershy wakes up and says, "I'm so sorry! I did not realize they were causing you discomfort."

"It's no problem Fluttershy. You could not have known as I was unconscious. I do appreciate that you have made sure to set the bones into the sockets before wrapping them in a cast."

Fluttershy blushes a little bit from the compliment. Spike suddenly lets out a belch and a scroll appears. Twilight lifts and opens it with her magic to read it. "The Princess says she will be here in a few seconds with her sister Luna as well." Twilight said as she read it. Suddenly, a bright flash appears in the center of the room. Everypony else had prepped themselves for that while I start to see swirly colors in my vision.

In the middle of the room now stood Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, wearing their royal crowns and accessories. Behind them stood six Royal Guards with their weapons drawn and pointed at me. Everypony kneels down before them as I slowly stood up from sitting on the cot in order to also go down to a kneeling position.

"Everypony may rise and that too includes you human." Celestia said.

Next Chapter: 3. Chapter 3: Q & A Time Estimated time remaining: 16 Hours, 29 Minutes
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