
Balance of the Mind and Body

by Cyber Blaze

Chapter 18: 18. Chapter 18: EM,PE

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Chapter 18: Extreme Makeover, Ponyville Edition

We finally made it to the furniture store and entered. I saw they pretty much had one style and came in different colors. We started to look around when a brown Unicorn stallion with black mane came from the back of the store.

"Good Afternoon! Welcome to Furniture 'R' Us. What can I get you happy couple." The store clerk pony said.

"Woah woah woah! We are not a couple. Applejack is a friend helping me pick out furniture for my new place." I quickly said.

"What he said." Applejack added.

"Sorry about that. Normally it is a single pony or a couple that comes into my store. So what furniture are you looking to get?" The store clerk pony said.

"Well pretty much everything seeing it is a brand new house." I said

"Fabulous! I was not aware a new house was being built or I would have stopped by sooner to offer my service to design your home. How many more months before you expect to move in?"

"It should be done by tomorrow. That is why I am shopping for the items to furnish it now."

"That Fast! I must say you must have some fast and strong working ponies to get a house built that quickly and without me hearing about it."

Applejack snicker a little bit knowing how the house was built by me via wood jutsu. "You can say that. By the way, my name is Swift Blaze, but you can call me Blaze. We shall take a look around to see what you have."

"By all means. My name is Home Design and you can call me Homie. Just come and get me if you have any questions."

"We will, thank you Mr. Design." He nodded and headed back into the back room with a slight skip in his walk. Ok, am I the only pony with gaydar and was having it spiked being near him?

Applejack and I walked through and pointed out chairs, tables, couch, appliances, and pretty much everything else that will be needed in a new home. When we got to the bed, I saw they only had them in pony size. I called for Mr. Design to come and answer a question for me. He shows up quickly and says, " So what do you have a question on?"

"Well, do you have beds in a bigger size? I like to sleep in a big bed." I asked.

I could see in his eyes as he looked me over. "I can take a guess why. It will have to be custom made and I can have that done by next week."

"Do you have at least the mattress and sheets to fit it? I can make the frame for it myself If I have to."

"Yes we do have those in stock out back. You really want to move into your house tomorrow then I take it?"

Get your head out of the gutter! I don't swing that way! "It is nothing for what you are thinking of. Just want to live in a place that I can call home since I got here just over a week ago."

"Well welcome to Ponyville. You mind if I ask where you came from?"

"You would not believe me even if I told you. Shall we continue with the rest of the items I am thinking of getting?"

"Right away sir!"

So we spent the next half hour going over all the items and he noted them down on an order pad with his magic. Once all the items were on the pad, Home Design went behind the counter to total the order up.

"Let's see, the grand total, with expedited delivery fee, comes to 5,500 bits." Home Design said.

"How much did you charge for the expedite delivery fee?" I asked.

"That was 2,500 bits for that. I would have to reschedule all my planned deliveries tomorrow if he wants his then."

"That is a might steep for it. How long would a normal delivery take and how much would it cost?" Applejack asked.

"Normal delivery, I would charge 500 bits and the earliest I could deliver it is in a couple weeks." Home Design said.

"How about no delivery and I will pick them up to bring to my place." I said.

"That would take you over a day to do with many loads. I know you are an Earth pony, but no pony is that strong to do it alone. I have a crew of six to make the deliveries for me."

"I have my ways of doing things you won't quite grasp at the moment."

"If you say so, the new total with you picking them up is 3,000 bits."

"That is still rather high, how about we make a deal to take 1,000 off the price. You said you have seen plenty of ponies come and go. I will show you three things I can do that you probably have never seen. If you get speechless, faint, or scream, you will take that amount off. If you don't do any of them, you may charge me another 1,000 bits. Do we have a deal?"

Home Design was thinking it over in his head. I knew he would not pass up a chance to make another 1,000 bits. "Alright, you have a deal. So what are these three things?"

"For the first one, how about seeing an Earth pony fly without magic or mechanical means?"

"It is true, I have not seen that. So let's see if you can do it Blaze?"

I channel my ki and began to hover in the air. Home Design's eyes went wide open. Good, I got his attention. Now for trick number two. "Now I will make glowing orbs appear at the end of my hooves." I channel the energy to make them appear, but make them very weak so they will not explode. I started to juggle with them.

Home Design now has his mouth wide open. "The only thing I can think this is possible is that you are some hornless Unicorn. Am I correct?" He asked.

"Nope, this body is an Earth pony, but it is not my original body. This leads to the final thing to show."

"What do you mean that is not your original body? What are you then?"

I absorb the energy balls back in and flew back to the ground. I then released my shadow transform and returned to my human body. "Say hello to a human!" I said as I appeared out of the puff of smoke.

Home Design started to babble something, then did a girly scream, and fell over and fainted. Applejack started to laugh out loud and said, " Boy Blaze, you sure do have an interesting effect on meeting new ponies."

"I can't help how they react to me. They either do this, attack me, or sometimes ask me lots of questions." I said.

We waited in a set of chairs nearby for Home Design to wake up. It took a good 15 minutes for him to do so. He got back to his hooves and said, "I guess the bill is now 2,000 bits."

"Thank you for holding up to the deal." I dug into the pouch and pulled out the proper amount of coins and placed them on the counter. "I will come by tomorrow to pick them up and I will show you another trick of how I am going to carry everything."

Applejack and I waved goodbye and left the store. Applejack said she had to head back to the farm to see how the new workers are doing with Big Mac in charge. I told her good luck and she left. Guess I should go to Twilight's now to get that weight spell cast on to these clothing. I walked through town and made it to the library. I entered and saw Twilight and Spike were working on something.

"Hi Twilight. Hi Spike. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Hi Blaze. Just cleaning up an experiment that I could not write the results down due to a couple ponies switching my ink with invisible ink." Twilight said.

"I just got rid of my hiccups that Pinkie and Rainbow caused me to get." Spike said.

"Yea, they seem to be in a pranking mood today. Might be because I backfire the one Rainbow did last night." I said.

"That was amazing how you were able to grab that wad and launch that back at her. I would like to get a reading how fast you are able to go." Twilight said.

"That is why I came to see you. It seems that losing that emotional weight has caused me to go faster than I like. I need that weight back if I want to continue my training. I am too light and won't feel the burn from my morning routines. Do you have a spell that can be applied to clothing to make them weigh more?"

"Give me a moment to scan my books. I do recall of a spell." Twilight used her magic and caused the books on her shelves to levitate and get in a line to go past her. After a few minutes, she found the book and released her hold on the ones causing them to fall to the ground.

"Twilight, should you use your magic to put those back where they came from?"

"Sorry about that. It is a bad habit of mine when I am doing research. Spike doesn't mind it though. It is good for him to keep his skills up to keep the place clean and organize."

"But it's also good for you to pick up after yourself so you won't be a burden on him. He might be able to get more things done if he did not have to pick up these books off the ground after these massive book looking."

"You are correct Blaze. Give me a few minutes to get these back where they belong."

"How about I take care of it so I can show you why I need these weights."

"That will be impressive, but do you know how to organize a library?"

"I use to help out in a library during high school. I manage to pick up how the Dewey Decimal System worked and made quick work on returning books to where they belong."

"That would be great. Just let me get a watch so I can time you. It normally takes me 3 minutes to put this many books back. Let me know when you are ready." Twilight said as she grabbed a stopwatch from a drawer and handed it to Spike.

"Just let me stretch for a sec and if you could please stand in the middle so I don't run into you."

I stretched out my arms and legs to get them ready. I gave a nod to Twilight to say I was ready. She and Spike went to the center of the room to stand clear. She said go and I move as fast and safe I wanted to go inside a room. I was a blur in their eyes as I was making a small rotating wind in the room. I was picking up one book at a time and placing it on the shelf I belongs. I was done in just under a minute.

"That was amazing! You got that done in under a minute." Spike said as he held the watch out for everypony to see.

"I was not going at max speed as I did not want to destroy your place." I said.

"I appreciate that. You are right you need this spell so you don't overdo what you are doing." Twilight said.

"Thanks Twilight. Let's apply the spell to the hoof bands here and to the top of my gi." I placed the bands on the floor and removed the top and placed it next to them. "Let's start with 10 lbs on the bands and 50 lbs on the top gi."

Twilight activated her magic and began to cast the spell onto the articles of clothing. Once the spell was cast. I picked them up and put them on. I do feel a little heavier, but still lighter than where I was.

"How does that feel Blaze?" Twilight asked.

"They do feel heavier, but I don't feel at the weight I was with the emotional weight I use to have. Can you double the weight of them?"

"That is the beauty of this spell. The owner can do it themselves by calling out the name of the clothing and what weight to change it to. No need for a Unicorn to cast the spell again."

"That is awesome! I can increase the weight as I continue my training. Let's try it out. Change all bands weight to 20 lbs each and change top gi to 100 lbs." The clothing started to glow by themselves and I can feel their weight increasing. This is amazing. I now have my own personal weight training system like Goku had on his way to Namek. I actually feel like my normal weight now. Amazing that emotional baggage was so heavy and increased my training thus far.

"So how does that weight feel Blaze?" Twilight asked.

"Like I am back to my normal weight. Let me get my other clothing so you can cast the spell on them too." I quickly summoned my backpack to me and pulled out all the tops of the gi and set them out.

"I will just apply the spell to them and they will still weigh the same as they are now."

"Sounds like a plan. Once done, mind if I use your bathroom and changed my clothes. These are getting a little smelly."

She nodded and once again cast the magic onto these clothing. As she does so I changed to my pony form. Twilight realize what I was going to ask and already started to continue the cast to include the gi and hoof bands on me. Once she was done. I transformed back and picked up the green with black trim gi and made my way to the bathroom. I changed the top part of my gi back to the normal weight before removing it. I changed into the clean gi and had the top change to weigh back to 200 lbs.

I headed back downstairs where Twilight was putting away the book that had this spell. "Thanks again Twilight for helping me with this. It will come in handy."

"Not a problem Blaze. Just be on a lookout for those pranksters as I am sure they will try something on you." Twilight said.

"They already tried, twice."

"What prank did they do?" Spike asked.

I began to tell them about the morning events and how everything they tried backfired on them. Both Spike and Twilight started to laugh and I joined them. Once the laughing was done, I packed the clothing back into the backpack and left and headed to my home.

I arrived to the open frame house with the finish wiring and plumbing. There was a note nailed to the front entrance. I pulled it off and it reads,

Dear Swift Blaze.

Your house has been fully wired and plumbed to the main lines. Enjoy your new house. We shall be by in the morning with the bill.


Sparky and Mario

Well they did a nice job for a rush job. Hope they don't charge too much. I entered the house and made my way to the master bedroom. I set my backpack down and looked around. Guess I should cover these walls. I went outside and saw the expose pit I made earlier was still there. I performed the Earth Jutsu to fill it in. I turned around to face my house to began work on the outer walls. I decided to go with stone walls as they will add a nice look to the house, plus it is free. I performed the Earth Style, Stone Wall Jutsu and stone walls started to come out of the ground on all sided of the house. I reverse it where the outer doors and windows are. Forgot to get glass windows. Maybe there is a jutsu that will allow me to do it. I will scan for it tonight. I walked up to the front door opening and made a nice door come out of the stone and connect to the inner wooden frame. I headed to the back and made another one for back there.

I went into each room and had a wooden walls come out of the wall frame and ceiling frame. Had to do wooden walls as I don't know if they had the same products we have here to cover our walls. I made sure to leave openings for the outlets, switches, windows, and doorways. When I entered the kitchen, this one was going to take longer as I also had to make cabinets. I went with a sliding door design as I did not have the hardware to make the doors swing open. It was kind of Mario to put a makeshift sink stand so everything is already in place. I continued working the jutsu till all the cabinets were in place. The top was a butcher block style as I could not get any stone to come out of a wood surface.

I went to the master bathroom and saw they installed a full shower for my human height and toilet. I just had to cover the walls where the shower was not at and the cabinet for the sink. I chose a nice maple top. I repeated the style for the other bathroom. Once all the walls and ceilings were covered, the last thing was the floor, I went with oak flooring style and cast the jutsu to get them to grow from the nearby wood surfaces.

This pretty much wiped out most of my chakra. I went to my backpack and dug out an MRE to have tonight as I was exhausted from finishing the house. Looking over the house I ate. I realize I need primer and paint to make these walls better. Mental note, get primer and paint for the walls. It is a liquid after all. Once done, I saw the sun was setting and decide to enter meditation to do some more learning.

Inside my mind I went over the list of the things I am going to need to learn for tomorrow. Let's see, sealing jutsu to seal the items I bought into a scroll, what jutsu elements I needed to make glass, and probably another full element style of practicing. I went to work on learning these and realize I will have to do a custom of earth and fire style in order to make the glass. I went through the night in my head with multiples of me.

I snap out of the meditation of when I would normally wake up. Looking around, I saw the sun was starting to peak out. Guess I should get back to my morning exercises. I exited my house and went for a jog to the town square and back. When I got back, I increase the weight of the clothing by 10 lbs and began to do stretches and fighting styles. I did this for 2 hours till my stomach started to growl at me. Man you get hungry quickly. I reset my clothing back to where it once was so I still feel at my normal weight. I headed to Ponyville to get some breakfast at Sugarcube Corner.

I enter the pastry store and got in the line that was there. Mrs. Cake was taking the orders and Mr. Cake was getting the items together that the pony ordered. I could hear Pinkie was humming from the kitchen as she worked. When it was my turn, Mrs. Cake gave me a big smile when she saw me.

"Good Morning Blaze. That recipe you gave has been selling well. We are having a slight issue keeping up with the demand. I wonder if you know any more goodies?" Mrs. Cake said.

"I do, but we can discuss that for when you are not so busy. I would like to order a dozen fresh doughnuts to go." I said.

"Right away dear and it will be on the house."

"You don't have to do that. I don't mind sharing recipes from my world for no charge."

"But we insist. I have never seen ponies so happy when they bite into that chocolate creation you called Devil's Chocolate Drops. We renamed to Blaze's Chocolate Drops in honour for you." Mr. Cake said as he passed me a box with my order.

"I am glad ponies like them. I shall see you later." I said as I exited their establishment.

I head back home to wait for Sparky and Mario to come and see me with their bill. As I approach my home, I saw Sparky and Mario looking over the finished outside of the house. I could see from their faces they were impressed with how quickly I put the exterior up. Mario first saw me coming up the road.

"Morning Swift Blaze. That ability of yours does some fine work in finishing this place up." Mario said.

"You are able to make the walls solid with no cracks and look perfect." Sparky said.

"Why thank you. And thanks for supplying all the covers for the electrical components and have the sinks in place for me so I don't have to ask you to come back later to finish. Would either you care for a doughnut?" I said as I opened the box to them.

They both snag one and scarf it down. "Thank you for the treat. Shall we go inside so we can finish our business." Sparky said.

Mario nodded and also said, "Yea, thanks for the doughnut."

I opened my door and led them inside. Their eyes widen when they saw the finished work I did the night prior. We headed to the kitchen as I had no chairs or any other furniture to offer them to sit on.

"You can really have a nice design to your house now that I see it in a finished state." Mario said.

"It is almost finished. Once we are done here, I am going back into town to get some paint to decorate these walls and then get the furniture I bought yesterday. Do you know where I can get paint at?" I said.

"There is a hardware store next to the furniture store in town. You definitely work fast in getting you place finished." Sparky said. "I just love how you made these cabinets and counter tops. You did it with that jutsu?"

Cool, I can hit both places at once. "Yes I did. So how much do I owe you two for your work?"

"For the plumbing, fixtures, and two finished shower stalls, the total is 3,000 bits." Mario said.

"For the wiring and lighting, my total is only 1,000 bits." Sparky said.

I dug into my money pouch and pull the coins out equal to what they asked. They took it and place it in their saddle bags. I thanked them for their rush work and that they did an awesome job. They left accepting the compliment. I ate the rest of the doughnut listening to the nature outside and the wind blowing through the windows. Such nice and peaceful times here. I am really glad I got the chance to live here.

Once done with the meal, I snagged some blank paper I found in a side pocket of my backpack and also my pen. I left to go back into town to get the paint and furniture. I found the store right where Sparky said and entered. Inside was what you would normally see in a hardware store. A blue Earth stallion with yellow mane came up to me.

"Good morning stranger. My name is Mr. Spots and welcome to my store. What can I get you?"

"Hello Mr. Spots. I am Swift Blaze and I need some primer and paint for my new home."

"We have plenty of that how many rooms are you going to be painting?"

"An entire house I had just built."

"Then you are going to be needing lots of paint and supplies."

We went over the amount of primer I am going to need and the colour choices I wanted for each room. I also picked up a dozen brushes and some drop cloths. There was a nice pile of painting supplies sitting in front of the counter. Mr. Spot was adding up the items behind it.

"Ok Swift Blaze, the total of the supplies here is 500 bits. It will be an additional 100 if you want it delivered to your home." Mr. Spot said.

"That won't be needed. I have a way of caring this with a single hand." I reached into my money pouch and placed the coins on the counter.

"So what is this way of carrying these with a single 'hand'?"

I take a piece of paper and my pen and start to draw a sealing circle. I placed it on the pile and applied the chakra to it. The pile covered in smoke. When it cleared, all that was left was the piece of paper with a new symbol in the center.

"That was impressive. I heard of a creature that was not a Unicorn that is able to perform things similar to magic. I take you are this creature."

"Yes I am and my species is called human." I said as I picked up the piece of paper.

"Well it was nice meeting you. Looking forward to do business with you in the future."

I left the store and headed next door to get my furniture. I entered and was greeted by Home Design.

"Good morning Blaze, you here for your things?" Home Design asked.

"Yes I am. Can you show me the items I purchased?" I asked.

"They are in the back in a nice pile. I still don't know how you are going to carry it without a cart. Do you have super strength or something?"

"It is more of a something."

I was led by Home Design to the back and he pointed to a pile with his hoof. "There is everything you purchased. So how are you going to carry it?"

"Like this." I pull out another blank piece of paper and my pen again and drew another sealing circle. I applied the chakra and the pile disappeared in a puff of smoke and the only thing left was that piece of paper. I picked it up and turned to Home Design, who had his mouth wide open again.

"It is a good thing you showed me some of your abilities yesterday, or I would have probably fainted just now. Well you have a nice day and if you need a hand in decorating your place. You know where to find me."

I left and made my way back home. Once there, I went straight to work on painting the house. I released the seal jutsu on the paint supplies and made a dozen clones to get to work. It did not take long to apply the primer, but once I release the clones, I started to get dizzy from the paint fumes. I made my way outside for some fresh air. As I was breathing in the fresh air, I looked toward the EverFree Forest. I suddenly heard across the wind of something shouting a line I thought I would never hear in Equestria. I could barely make what was said but it sounded like, "LLLEERRROOOY JEEEENNNKIINNNSS!" I started to scan to see where the sound came from and at the very edge of my vision distance, I thought I saw an outline of a human flying towards the grounds around 15 miles away. The object was way deep in the EverFree Forrest. Hmm, the paint fumes must be playing mind tricks on me. That many clones breathing in the fumes seems to increase the chances it affecting you later.

I headed back inside and made only a few clones to get started to paint the rooms in colour where the primer has already dried. We went from room to room painting it the colour I decided at the store. Once all the rooms painted. I headed back outside to release the jutsu on the furniture to start to bring it inside. I made more clones and it became a organize chaos as even there were a dozen of me, we all knew where everything went and only took minutes to bring everything in and get it placed. I released the jutsu once the last item was placed and looked over the now finished home. It is amazing when you can design and build your own house. Guess I should see what my friends are up to. My stomach growls. I should also now stock up on some food here.

I left the house and may my way back again to Ponyville.

Next Chapter: 19. Chapter 19: Enter the Griffin Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 35 Minutes
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